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5um 5um 5um 5um 5um 5up 5up 5up 5uq 5uq 5ut 5ut 61o 61o 61o 61o 61o 61o 622 622 622 622 63a 63a 63a 63a 63a 63a 7td 808 81q 8pt
Pure insanity from Team Death here; I totally didn't see this deck coming o:
Game 1I see a Fire mark and suppose that it's a Death rush with Phoenixes and Deflags for support. But then comes an Aether Pillar and I go "waitwhat?" O_o
I had a good quanta start, but my first Devourer came nervously late. Luckily, Marv only had 1 Aether Pillar out for a while, so their Fractix didn't manage to go off. I Fractalled my Devourer, reached semi-lockdown (drained all his

quanta), and eventually followed it up with a Fractal of Vampires just in the nick of time. Marv did cast Plague once, but I was in control by that time.
Game 2Marv goes after my Aether quanta with Pillar destruction in an attempt to slow down my first Fractal. Ultimately, the Fractal of Devourers pre-empted the Fractal of Minor Phoenixes, and I achieved lockdown. It was as good as won for me when I got in a Fractal of Vampires.
GG, Marv. Compliments to the deckbuilders at Team Death for making something so unexpected