Got lucky with deck matchups, MrBlonde decided to not use poison as we had too many decks using poison.
52h 52h 52p 52p 52r 52r 52r 542 542 542 542 542 542 542 542 542 542 542 5oi 5oi 5oi 5ol 5ol 5ol 5ol 5on 5on 5on 5on 5oo 5oo
1st round: bad draw on my end, good draw for him. Only 1 OE for damage coming on 6th turn or so, no more damage coming for quite a bit, he had 3 mercs out by the time OE came and then threw a titan on to dish the damage through my wings/bone wall. Slow defeat for me as he managed to freeze out the dragon that I summon instantly to prevent me from outdamaging.
2nd round: Slow start, not many pillars/pendulums for both of us. Got an early OE out and then he followed with titan. Became a damage race against his titan, he used purify and together with freezes on my dragon but I managed to get both dragons out and fly one OE. He didn't get many mercs either it seems and match ended with me winning with 34hp.
3rd round: Good draw for me, 4 pends in starting hand and then drawing OE the next, got early damage, then pendulum count kept going up, managed to get my two dragons out early to waste his freezes, flew my OE to summon another one in weapon slot. He only had 1 titan out as his mercs die the turn after they are summoned with my two OEs on the field. Game desync'd 2turns away from him dying but we reached agreement as he only had 1 titan on his side while I had 2 OE and 2 frozen dragons that were coming out the following turn. 2-1
Good game.