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Poison bolt creatureless deck against what we expected to be a creature control heavy Entropy opponent. Well, we were dead wrong there as I was up against an Entropy/Earth with Graboids.
Game 1 I cautiously played 2 fire pillars and sure enough saw them earthquaked away. On the plus side Rasta had a strange draw and didn't manage any pillars. I got some poison on him early and an Arsenic came out midway through the match so I knew all I had to do was hang on at that point. Played pillars 1 or 2 at a time, just enough to have the fire quanta to blow up Graboids when they were evolved.
Game 2 Rasta went first and got an early Discord, which I Deflagged.. but then he played another and I was in trouble. Managed to get Arsenic out with scrambled death quanta and took a chance playing all 4 fire pillars, which were subsequently earthquaked. Eventually I took out the 2nd Discord and he had a burried Shrieker + unevolved Graboid, while my poison was finally starting to ramp up. I barely squeaked out a win by using a 3 damage Fire Bolt to kill him at the end.