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I feel so dirty using a darkness deck!
Game #1:The first game I felt like we both got off to a decent start - I was hurting for darkness quanta but got an early upped GotP to keep up with his early poison and arsenic. On turn 4 I stole the arsenic which I think sealed the game - he couldn't drop a shield until too late and I finished with 2 GotP and a Nightmare
Game #2:The second game he got off to a rough start with only 1 pillar and 1 pend. Again I dropped an early upped GotP which he countered with a skull shield which I stole. We went on for a while with me playing Ghosts and him playing RoF. He played arsenic late in the game, which I again stole only to have it deflagged the next turn and him drop a 2nd one. The game ended fairly close with me drawing one of my last 2 GotP to win.