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G1: 2 pill 1 pend draw, no wings in hand. He had a 1 pend draw, tho disco trolled. Got wings as 11th card and played immediately; from then it was a matter of topdecking wings when needed and damage ftw.
G2.1: 1 tower 1 pill draw for me, great draw for him. He started killing me with early disco troll and damage. 1 turn before he wins, we DC, and on his side he wins while on my side disco gives me exact quanta for wings. Replay time.
G2.2: Perfect draw with two wings, 4 quanta and 1 phoenix. To put the cherry on the cake he doesn't get disco till his 15th card. I love ya, RNG.
G3: 2 pill draw, but with wings. I played a pill, he EQed, then I played the other. Going was slow with disco troll, but on turn 8 or so I finally got enough quanta to deflag disco. His remaining 3 discos were in last 5 cards. RNG, marry me pl0x? (Funnily enough my AI on his side let it get to the last card; those 31 cards came to good use).
ggs rippy, perfect way to start off War

Best of luck in the future, and with your exams as well.