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Re: (Entropy) Nyma 2 - (Life) Willng3 0 https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=14731.msg187133#msg187133
« Reply #12 on: October 28, 2010, 08:08:12 pm »
The irony is, if the two entropy decks (or two life decks) had been switched, life probably would have won.

(Flying staves vs. this?  Easy win, staves are cheap, and animate weapon isn't off element.)
(Life's Discord vs. dissipation shield?  We win again!)
Agree with your first analysis but the second one is grievously wrong. Dissipation shield obviously blocks discord, so after getting 3  :entropy there would be no scramble. Antimatters = dead cards. And your froggies would not survive lightning + pandemonium spam.
That deck would win one way or another.
Oh?  I forgot, dissipation shield /does/ block discord, that's my bad.

