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My initial worry was dealing with ANY type of CC Fire would have (Rain of Fire, Fire Bolt (ew if you did a Fire Stall), and Rage Potion), so I stuck with upped dragons and Gargoyles to ensure that they would be semi-resistant to damage and CC effects, but it appears that you just went straight out for the offensive.
Round 1: lava had a near-perfect draw of over 5 pillars/pendulums, and I had 3. I spent some of my
quanta on the Gargoyle's Harden ability, but I should have realized sooner that he wasn't packing any CC or even Immolation - I ended up using Basilisk Blood on his Phoenixes near the end of the battle, only for two Crimson Dragons to fly in and incinerate everything.
-Insert one desync here and awkward accusations of forced desyncs O_o-
Round 2: lava had barely any quanta generation aside from one pillar at the beginning, but I only had 2 pillars and a hand filled with too many creatures and Basilisk's Bloods. I managed to freeze two Phoenixes and a dragon as they came out, but I couldn't get enough creatures on the field as I was starved of Darkness quanta the entire way (not enough pillars until later). If I had drawn my weapon the last turn, I would have barely survived, but even then, my lack of quanta generation was my downfall in such a somewhat expensive deck.
Great games lava. Hope that you'll remember to post this topic next time in your match-up against someone else. ^^; (I hate fighting fire decks, bleh)