Welp, that was my most tense war match ever, thanks a lot itr
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52g 52g 52g 542 542 542 542 542 542 542 542 542 542 52p 52p 52p 52h 52h 5c5 5c5 5c5 5c5 5c5 5c5 5c7 5c7 5c7 5c7 5c7 5c7 7n2 7n2 7n2 7n2 7n2 7n2 8pn
G1 LOSS: I see mark of aether and figure it's either vamptal (good mindgate), devtal (horrible mindgate) or PUgons (no idea how it would go). We were mostly studying each others decks. I see he has steal and some lightnings (I estimate 3~4), no devs, only vampires. We keep in a stalemate for a long time, but bottomdecked AWs made him outrush me.
G2 WIN: A double plague allowed me to kill his first fractal and bought me time to set up. I see he has 4 fractals, another plague kills another of the fractals and I have enough staffs to survive the other ones.
G3 LOSS: A bad quanta start clogged my hand and I had to play stuff early to avoid discards. I play a dragon trying to bait a lightning, but itr notices my cunning plan. Only one plague makes getting rid of the first fractal slower and he drew all his lightnings fairly early. I have AWs and adrenalines in hand, but no staff means gg.
G4 WIN: itr starts applying pressure and I adrena my staffs. Suddenly plague and 4 lightnings hit the board, but he still has some pressure. I have everything for the combo but the staffs. I topdeck the first one and start slowing down his damage, but vamps keep coming. I topdeck a second one and I start seesawing between 8 and 48 HP. I draw a 3rd one and I finally start to move to safety once more with only 2 turns to go.
G5 WIN: I draw the 2 dragons and a good quanta draw, so I can force him to play his fractal early, I also manage 3 adrena'd staffs. His quanta is coming slow so vamps aren't coming too fast. The staffs hold them (no lightnings so far), but no plagues on my side means I can't stop his healing too. Topdeck a plague, he kills one of the staffs, he draws his second fractal, first wave dies and the new vamps are not outhealing my damage, when itr hits 4 HP, he plays a third fractal and finally starts chipping at my health. Second staff dies and the situations get inverted with him at 100 HP and me close to 10. He gets decked out one turn from killing me.
ggs and good luck to