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So, was a fun series of games. First time in war for me and was a pleasure versing you in the first round, Zawadx! Time to breakdown the games in what I experienced.
Game 1 (loss): It was a strong start for me, had early graboids/gargoyles out but no nightmares in my hand. He had the ROL/Hope way before I even got a nightmare, so I wasn't able to control anything that could be done. Damage was negated and I was taken down pretty easily in that game. The score was 0-1.
Game 2 (win): Very different start to what happened in the first round. I had novas, nightmares and everything went well for me. Luckily for me, he had no hope's in his starting hand and throughout the game, giving the easy win to me, making the battle 1-1.
Game 3 (loss): Was a similar circumstance to game 1. I couldn't exactly do a lot since he had the early hope out and I had no control of how much damage I did, because of the scaling hope. He out-damaged me and eventually I did 0 dmg. He took me down this game to make the scores 2-1, his way.
Game 4 (loss): Probably the closest and best game of the match. I enjoyed it the most too. Ok, so I had lots and lots of early damage, had a good pendulum/pillar draw. Unfortunately for me, i had no NOVAS!, so I couldn't evolve my graboids. This slowed me down a lot, allowing him to get his ROL out. In the first few turns, it looked pleasant for me because he had no ROL out in the field. At this point I thought I was winning. He was about 50 hp and out of nowhere, a Psion, ROL, and fractal came out. I started to get worried, thinking I could lose this game now. I was doing damage slowly but surely, eventually getting 2 novas on the boards, allowing me to evolve twice. I thought I had won at this point, until he was on 11 hp. I could take 2 more hits before I was on 0 hp. I had a lightning in my hand and 2 damage on the field (9 hope damage negation, 1 from each elite shrieker). He got that 10th ROL on 9 hp, and then there was 0 creature damage left. I took another hit and I got a nightmare! The best card possible. I used that nightmare and got him down to 7 hp. I also used the lightning which got him down to 2 hp!!! I could only take 1 more hit and it was my turn. All i needed was a nightmare to win, but unfortunately I didn't get it. I got a lyncathrope. I lost the last game. 1-3.
Thanks Zawadx for the games. My upgrade was Sideboard (can remove 3 cards from starting deck). I started with 33 cards, and removed 3 steals, because they were useless to me. Also a big thanks for Physsion for guiding me throughout these games.
Heres the picture of the final game!!!