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These games were basically whether I could get Lobo and Dims quick enough to stop Oa. 3 out of 5 times I could.
Game 1 (LOSS) - I saw the gravy mark and knew it was Titans, either with catapults or ODs. I played a MP, he played and flew a Titan. Managed a small Fractal (Dims were clogging my hand) to have 5 MPs on the field but by this point he had played OD on his first Titan and flown another. We disconnected and the AI played a thunderstorm, which pretty much killed me at that point.
Game 2 (WIN) - After one turn we disconnected, so we decided to restart. This time I had a Lobo in the starting hand. He got a Titan out and played OD on it before I got my Lobotomizer. I lobo-ed and put up dims as soon as that was done. He played a Titan without flying it, which promptly got Deflag-ed. He played a GP on his titan and then we disconnected somewhere after that, but I had enough MPs out and all his Titans had been lobo-ed so I won and he lost vs AI.
Game 3 (WIN) - I started with a not so great hand and Oa got all quanta. I got a Lobo in a couple of turns and it was over fro there. I kept my defense up and got a Fractal out in the end to win.
Game 4 (LOSS) - Decent starting hand including Lobo for me. He got an early Titan with OD which got lobo-ed as soon as I could. The next one he played without flying so it punched through my Dims, because I had no Deflag at this point. He GP-ed his Titan and my Dims ran out. Would have got him next turn if he didn't get me first.
Game 5 (WIN) - The closest game by far. Terrible starting hand for me; only one pend and no lobo. I had to discard a Dim but had 3 more, just no quanta to play them. His quanta wasn't great but was slightly better. I top decked a Lobo just I had the quanta to use it. Lobo-ed his Titan and put Dims up. He played a Titan without flying, I Deflag-ed. He played another, I Deflag-ed again. He plays a third which I have no answer for. I have plenty Dims but he keeps hitting with that Titan whilst I have 2 MPs but no quanta to play a Fractal. He GPs his Titan, meaning he's out damaging me. I whittle down his Titan, he whittles down me. Enough quanta for Fractal and then bam, thunderstrom. I somehow have luck and top deck a MP which I then fractal. I'm at 14 HP and can have the win next turn. He flies his one Titan but can only play OD on it, leaving me to win with 4 HP left.
Thanks for the games Oa, and good luck in the rest of war.