Warmasters have made the decision to rule this game

3 - 1

While we don't doubt Team Entropy's claims whatsoever, there is simply not enough evidence provided to rule out AI misplay from deuce's side leading to aaron's win.
Even with absolutely perfect play from aaron's end, the evidence shows that +3 damage and Paradox ability from the golem would
not necessarily have been enough to beat deuce in the live game.
The third SoW in the deck had to be drawn within a two turn window for aaron to win the game.
- if it was drawn on turn 4, aaron would have had three in hand with his SoI, giving his golem Lobotomize and no answer to the early Recluse, resulting in a huge damage advantage for deuce.
- if it was drawn on turn 7, the +4 attack per turn would have left deuce with 2HP on turn 8, which is when deuce would have reached lethal damage with Psions, even with a Paradox golem on the field.
If there was indisputable evidence in either player's screenshot that perfect play from the AI would have won the game for aaron, this match would have been voided.
However, since Entropy has not provided any screenshot of their side, and we do not have any evidence of the way deuce's AI played, we have decided to rule game 4 in Aether's favour.
On the topic of how to handle these situations in the future, mrpaper, JCJ and rob have summed up my thoughts on the matter completely. deuce treating the game-in-question as if it would be voided and continuing the rest of the match sounds perfectly reasonable to me - it makes it easier on the participants, allowing them to get the rest done, instead of making them reschedule a new time.
However, as JCJ said, this situation would have been made much easier by deuce requesting a screenshot of aaron's win at the time. If he was unable to provide it, the game would have been ruled as deuce's win, as per the screenshot rule referenced in my previous post.
mathman and I will write up an official ruling for this, in order to make these situations easier to handle in the future. Thank you to everyone for your patience and co-operation, and sorry to Entropy for the change in the match result. Newer players, please take this as a lesson to screenshot every win against the AI.