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Close games, Kevkev. You're indeed a tough opponent.
Game 1: Kev got an early Arsenic and Recluse going, while spamming me with Poison counters. I manage to keep up some Phase Shield chaining, while TUing his Recluses. Then came Skull Shield. Fun times ensued as my creature army slowly turned into Skeletons. The turn before I won, I had TWO Phase Dragons get converted. Two. That's roughly a 0.70% chance right there
Thanks to the awesomeness of TU and Phase Shields, I still managed to win.
Game 2: Same opening for Kevkev. On the other hand, I didn't even manage to draw a single Phase Shield. Great. Skull Shield popped out way earlier this time, but I got lucky with my TU antics and my creatures were mostly spared from Skeleton transfiguration while I slowly whittled down his HP.
EDIT: Epic 800th post :>