(Temen’s POV)
I held my pulse cannon across my chest and looked over the side of a rock. I had “acquired” the pulse cannon in a rigged game of poker a few days ago, of course, my opponent didn’t know it was rigged but that was his problem. In the distance I saw Akikaze, I frowned. I’d like to take him out myself, but orders were orders. Motioning to the rest of my team to come closer, I kept my gun aimed at the camp. My com unit crackled to life, buzzing before letting through the voice of one of my subordinates. It was Nieala, the bomb carrier, she was a machinist- her brain had been integrated with a computer chip at birth, and she also had a prosthetic arm she had added herself- it was dark bray and had a line along the side of transparent material that let some of the light energy escape when she used it as a blaster.
“Temen, where do we drop the R-bomb?”
“In the infirmary, it’s in the middle of the camp so the blast can radiate outward. I believe the bomb is quite powerful, but it never hurts no be careful.”
I heard her murmured assent, and then the com link clicked off. I began sneaking across the camp, using the various buildings as cover- Nieala was the bomb carrier, but for safety purposes I was the only one with the code. We could be affected by the bombs as well- during the apocalypse, the retrovirus had been indiscriminate in whose genes it meddled with, although the Geneticists did their best to ignore that, and the R-Bomb would affect our genes as well, although not nearly as bad as the Geneticists’- in Geneticist countries genetic modification was the norm, and I heard that in some cases, Geneticist children got them as birthday or Winter Celebration presents.
“Bomb set.” Nieala’s voice came through the com link.
“Good, Get out as fast as possible and shoot as many Geneticists as possible, some might escape the bomb radius and we want to decrease that number.”
(Wu-Tufu’s POV)
I listened to “Muse” and his friend talk. The Cyber Lotus had fitted each robot in the city with sound transmitters so could know what was going on at all times. I was quite disturbed at his notion of taking over Shin-Tain. It was our city, as well as our friend. The Geneticists may not realize it, but Shin-Tain has a personality, and we will do whatever we need to keep it safe. It was a good thing I had spiked his piña colada. I removed a glowing blue crystal from a concealed pouch beneath my cloak and inserted it into my transmitter. I tapped out a message in Morse Code to all Cyber Lotus branches near me.
Genetiscists trying to control Eden [break]
Could be taken as act of war [break]
Should be [break]
Izaya- I feel our encounter in the desert is beginning to feel like a normal war story in everything except backdrop, so BRING OUT THE SCIENCE!!!!!!!