(Grenexus’s POV)
I adjusted my thrust, slowing my glider down. From my height I could see the entirety of Akikaze’s camp spread out in front of me. I could see the medical (and genetic rearrangement bay), the armory, the supply tent, the armory, and the group of invading Industrialist forces. Just as I had expected. I had decided to come here to check on Akikaze- I want to believe that he’s a better person now, but with the info I had begun to dig up on him, it was becoming increasingly obvious that he used to be, and maybe still is, a veritable psychopath. There was also the matter of the invaders. Akikaze may have been a psychopath, but I’m not going to let a strategically invaluable encampment fall into Industrialist hands. I flicked a switch on my right side handle, launching a set of missiles from my glider, aiming for the (as yet unidentified) invaders.
Wait… did I change the missiles back to their normal, non-obscene tonnage?Massive explosions followed.
(Wu-Tufu’s POV)
For the situation I’m in, I’m surprisingly calm. It could be that I’m simply not fully comprehending the trouble I’m in, but I like to think that the preternatural calm is due to the fact that I’m currently in a massive Mecha, one of our city’s famous (some say
in¬-famous) cold Mechs. I barreled through another erratically closing door. I had recently received the “OK” signal from higher up members of the Cyber Lotus to kill Muse & co., something I was greatly relieved to have, as now I could act with impunity against them. The city rumbled beneath me as I rammed through the door leading to where I had tracked Muse and his associates to be. I brandished my arm-mounted cannon to find…...?
OOC: sorry for leaving you guys hanging for...
two months... I have no excuse, other than the fact that I'm a lazy narcissistic bastard

anyways, although I'll still be slow, I'd like to say that I don't plan to abandon this RP anytime soon, so we can keep at it, hopefully.