"A feint within a feint within a feint.....Seemingly without end." sighed Noah.
"What? Some proverb?" Emma took interest, she restlessly sat on the sand.
"No, it's from some book I read, when I was still human. I don't know it's name anymore." Noah sat down next to Emma. The sky was monotonously gray today, no clouds appeared, nor tide brought something interesting or useful.
Remi came to Noah. "Will play, you and I?"
Noah declined his offer to join him in creating even more malformed sandcastle than before, which made Remi cry.
Muse opened the heavy steel door leading to headquarters. Technicians tried to re-boot scanners, unsurprisingly without result. The jammer was too strong for them.
"Sir, we still didn't overcome the jammer." said apologetically one of the technicians to Grenexus.
Grenexus swallowed, those villains dazzled and deafened this base, entirely paralysing them, if they attack..... "Prepare our defense, lieutenant. This is most likely a planned attack."
"Understood." replied lietutant
"uhgh, uhgh." Muse coughed to draw attention to himself.
"What is it Muse?" sullenly asked Grenexus, he didn't have time to spare.
"The soldier from Industrial Power, who we caught was actually trojan horse. His intention was to be imprisoned here, to jam our systems. Then he escapes in oncoming chaos and anarchy, which he caused, with help of some Raleigh. Currently they are escaping through "Lightning Transport"."
"Why didn't you say earlier?" Grenexus rapped out at him
"I had to repair Hopper (Papillon) while we are here at base and don't worry commander everything is under control, I even sent "Papillon 7.0" to eliminate them."
Hopper re-created with "few improvements" as Papillon 7.0. It's that not murderous as it looks. Also it doesn't have gun as in the picture

darn that's a tight picture, also, I never intender for Temen to be a trojan horse, but this brings some...
interesting plot opportunities into the story...(Temen’s POV)
Glenford stroked his beard, smiling slightly. He turned to face Temen. “Boy… this is an interesting opportunity… you did get captured, yes, and doubtlessly revealed every secret you know to the Genetic Alliance, but thankfully, you knew precious little secrets, and while escaping, you placed a jammer onto their base, giving us a perfect way to counterattack.” Glenford placed his hand on Temen’s arm. “Are you with me?” he asked.
Temen nodded, smiling impishly. “Anything to get back at those Geneticist
Glenford laughed, before taking out a transmitter and saying “Hey boys, we have an opening, how would you like to squish the Genetic Alliance personnel who were blockading us down by the Missouri tip?” deafening cries of approval could be heard through the transmitter.
(Grenexus’s POV)
Grenexus ran, cursing to himself.
crap! just as Muse had predicted, the Industrial Alliance had decided to counterattack while they were weak. He yelled at the soldiers manning the bullet plants at the walls. “Make sure you have the right fertilizer! You want incendiary, not normal!” Finally, he reached his spot. He pulled out a pot containing a special plant variety he had breed himself. “Time to give those
turds some payback.” Placing the plant in the weapon niche, he activated the plant by dumping some blue liquid on the plant. The plant unfurled, revealing a red flower resembling a head with “wings” of white petals coming out from either side and a plumage of red petals coming out the back, making the plant resemble a large spindly red bird. Grenexus smiled. “Time to show our Industrialist friends why I called you the Phoenix plant.”
here is the yugioh card i got the idea from.