Introduction:Science has now arrived at a point where travelling is faster than ever: humanity finally broke the speed of light limit. Regularly, an object which reaches the speed of light wouldn't be able to accelerate anymore (and, if you are from before the 2103, you might want to know that speed of light has been achieved by using electromagnetic motors using artificial magnetic monopoles). However, it has been discovered that the 118th element of the periodic table, now called Speedium, has the ability to cut through the dimensional sheet and enter Region B. Region B is a theoretical space situated under the dimensional sheet of our Region. When something is in Region B, it isn't subdued to Region A's limits anymore, and is allowed to surpass the speed of light, although it still is an object existing in both Region A and B. No way to cut through Region B's dimensional sheet has been found, and the fastest speed achieved has been called Godspeed and, although not precisely measurable, it's supposed to be about the cube of the speed of light.
Reaching this kind of speed got us to more discoveries, including a boundary of the Universe. After finding the first boundary, it was hypothesized that the Universe had a diamond-like form, two pyramids with an Hexagonal base with their bases touching. It was later confirmed by more expeditions when the top and the bottom of the Universe had been seen but proved impossible to reach due to a giant black hole in each side which would simply swallow whatever were to get near it.
In the whiletime, humanity had moved to a Planet near the boundary because of its strategical position, needing to protect only one side from any kind of threat. And this decision was found to be meaningful when other 5 Races situated at the other 5 corners of the Universe where discovered. They all had already reached the same scientifical point humanity had just reached, but none was able to surpass it. For that reason, at first they cooperated to study Region B and, to do so, they created a Workshop to work together and to use as meeting point, because it was much easier to get there instead of going at the corner of Universe to meet. Indeed, it yet has to happen that a Race got to another Race's main Planet. The Workshop became so important that it basically became a Planet by itself, much bigger than the other Race's Planets. People born there have a strong sense of belonging to the Workshop and, although they have a biological Race, they are, legally speaking, a neutral Race found at the center of the Universe.
The turning point happened when a scientist born in the Workshop made a discovery concerning anti-matter and a way to break every Region's dimensional sheet. Little is currently known by the masses and even by politicians, but the only information leaked by the scientist before his death is that the 6 corners of the Universe are needed for this, and this is, perhaps, the reason the scientist didn't want the method to be leaked. More informations were discovered after the scientists death, and a paper the scientist burned was reconstructed finding the following:
North has Life and Death

North-East has Fire and Water

South-East has Entropy and Gravity

South has Light and Darkness

South-West has Earth and Air

North-West has Aether and Time

The control of every Element is needed in order to achieve control over matter.
The Fight:The Universe is at war, and the 6 Races, called North, North-East, South-East, South, South-West and North-West, have just declared war to each other. Each Race has 10 Fleets. The objective is conquering the other Planets by attacking them while they aren't protected. When a Planet is attacked, half of the living Fleets stay with the new Race, the other half goes to the Workshop. When someone gets ahold of all the 6 corners and no one is opposing them, they gain absolute power.
The Game:The game is played in an hexagonal map with sides of 10 Slots (hexagonal-shaped Slots) and 6 protuberances found at the vertices for the Planets.
Each player has 10 Fleets, all starting from their respective Mother Planet. Each Fleet has the following stats:
Units: 1-100
Speed: 1-5
Range: 1-4
Power: 1-5
“Units” represents how many Spaceships the Fleet has. “Speed” represents how many Slots it can move at one time at most and is also used to reduce the damages inflicted by an enemy attack (the effective number of unites destroyed is equal to EnemyPower/Speed always rounded up). “Range” represents how many Slots away it can hit an enemy. “Power” represents how many Units it can destroy per unit when it hits.
Each player has a turn. In a turn, a player can do the following for each of his Fleets:
Move: move by the amount of Slots written in Speed.
Transactions: if you are able to do transactions due to being near another Fleet of yours or at the Workshop (or Black Market), you can do it.
Attack: attack an enemy Fleet in your Range. The Fleet which attacked cannot do anything else in this turn.
Where the W.I.P. is:Actually, I just want help theory-balancing this before I officially post this and some ideas here and there.
Basically, I'd want this to be a realistical-ish RPG. With that I mean that I have never seen a single car transporting all of an house furniture in one go. For example, if you buy goods to improve your Fleets, you can attach some of them, detach others and either sell them or keep them to give them to another Fleet, but if you want to transport them, you'll have to have space for them (we'll just define the capacity of a single Unit and then give each piece a volume or something like that).
Here are other rules I'll write when everything is nice and clear:
-You can separate a Fleet in multiple ones and even unite some. The theory here is that you are commanding single units, and not Fleets, so when you say "I'll move the Fleet in 4-5 to 4-7" you are really just saying "I'll move all of the units in 4-5 to 4-7" and, following this, you can also do "I'll move 50 of the units in 4-5 to 4-7, and I'll also move 50 of the units in 4-5 to 5-5 and attack the Fleet in 5-6". Also, using this, you can even send a single unit to make transactions with other Fleets (you send only one Fleet so that you show the opponent you don't want to attack him, and if he decides to attack your single unit, he'll have wasted a turn.
-Allied Fleets can coexist in the same Slot, but you can't do the same with enemy Fleets. Transactions are possible when two Fleets are in Slots near to each other.
-At the Black Market you can buy and sell illegal matter, like weapons and stuff. However, game-wisely, there's no difference between the Black Market and the Workshop.
I'm deciding whether to give players points for each unit so that they can give them stats they'd want to give them at the start of the game or have standard configurations. I'm sure that, after the start of the game, the only way possible to change stats will be getting at the Workshop and pay a fixed amount to modify the base stats or get at your own Planet and do the same for free. Also, the only way possible to increase stats without decreasing other stats ir to equip Weapons and Boosters. For Power and Speed, 1 point is equal to 4 base points. For Range, 1 point is equal to 5 base points.
I also had in plan to have the Workshop be the last boss of the game it will have a crapload of units (the ones who went to the Workshop after having their bases conquered) and, considering losses due to fighting, it'll most likely be a bigger number compared to the surviving Race and, what's more, the Workshop has every kind of weapon at hand. On the other hand, the surviving Race has teleportation due to the control of the Dimensional Sheets. The Workshop will be controlled by the Game Master (me, ATM).
Assuming I didn't forget anything (which I most likely did), these are the things I need help with:
Total Base Points to assign for each unit;
EITHER Standard Stats OR Cost to modify them at the Workshop;
Objects and respective stats boost and cost to sell and buy at the Workshop;
Capacity per unit and volume for Weapons or other ideas on the matter;
More ideas about the final boss.