Smithson turned first to Nile. "There's a lot we're not sure about, though it's inhabited, and yes there's plenty of wilderness. Apparently there's magic...some technology, but dominated by magic. Sounds pretty fishy to me, but even I admit we haven't tried to science magic yet. Which brings me to the second part. Along with having a communication link back to here, the watches will record information about your trip...and I'm not going to list all the functions so you get some pleasant surprises, but it'll hopefully come in handy. Should weather just about anything, too, low power included, since they're made with applied science."
Then he looked over to Jane. "You should hopefully not die, especially since the microbots can keep you an inch from death - and yes, that is tested - but yes, there's an emergency protocol that can get you back here if it doesn't seem likely you can recover. We'll keep the portal back ready so you can come back after the duration - we'll let you know when we've collected enough information. Everything passes through that portal as well: communications, data, and the rest."
After that, he glanced to Chip and managed to keep eyes on him after an obligatory coughing fit. "For a cat, you seem pretty bright. Wouldn't be a bad idea to have you go through one of our test chambers at some point. You'll get a watch too, they'll form to fit any subject. We pretty much had to make them that way since some of you have more drastic changes ahead."
After giving the card players a slightly irritated look for probably not taking him seriously, he returned his attention to the group as a whole. "Anything else?" He also checked his watch.