No Man's Land to the Kingdom of Light 
hurt, holding on to whatever it was. Regardless, determination or arrogance, James did not know which, kept him holding on. He could feel it, a frantic pulse of worry, though his natural body was strangely calm. Buzzing raced through his veins, setting them alight in crashing waves of pain.
And now he was angry. Whatever this thing was, it obviously meant him harm. He began to crush it, digging his claws into it, into the squirming mess that thought it could try him, try to hide in him.
With a start, he realized that he wasn't in the stone circle. His eyes were still closed, his actual arms at his side, the one in his chest a manifestation of imagination. It was still producing results. Keeping his eyes closed, he squeezed a final time.
It exploded. It shattered. A million million things happened. The buzzing vanished in a split second, the feeling of the world around him grew so large and so detailed he had to look away, for lack of better term.
Opening his eyes, he noted he had reappeared in front of the skunk, Mivlya. But there was something wrong. She didn't react. She wasn't moving, breathing. A couple steps forward caught her in the middle of a blink.
The planet had stood still.
Taking a few steps back, James exhaled. He felt around, for traces of movement. None. He felt for his other heart. It was gone, no pulses or lack of one. It was a sudden shift in perception, the strange feeling of vertigo one gets when they realize something is inherently wrong, missing.
The ambiance around had also stilled, stilted.
It happened again, a shift in perception. Reaching out, he tugged on the strings that connected him to this place. Another start when he realized the world hadn't stood still, it had just moved slowly, impossibly slowly, clouds on calm summer day.
A desire expressed itself, the one to slow himself down to match the pace of the world occurred to him. And just like with his tail, his body made it happen.
Blue light filled the sky as a thunderbolt headed straight towards James, appearing from far over the horizon. It was interesting, noting the racing and splitting of electric light as it headed towards him, sealed his fate.
It slowly sped up, and it reached him. A power coursing through his body, to make contact with the ground. Feeling each nerve fire as the spitting lance speared him was utterly terrifying.
And James returned with the lightning and the thunder.