Magma Mountains 
Eldrick had seemed to understand the basic situation that he was told from... Joey? He couldn't quite remember the name... They were all told in such quick succession, he was unsure if he would remember them all straight away. It doesn't matter too much, he could figure that out later.
Upon closer inspection, there seemed to be a diverse group. Eldrick had seen a dragon, but was wondering if it was a pet or something. This question had remained unanswered, and it had seemed rude to ask at the time. As with the cat. That thing's name seemed to be easy enough to remember, at least, with it just being "Cat".
The name that seemed to be the most important to remember was Aurora, a Fox-person-thing who, until now, had been tinkering with a watch. Notably the same model as the one Eldrick himself had when he woke up. While he did toy with it a bit to see it's extents, there wasn't much to note. And with the lack of available time, he had decided that following the group had been the better option.
Now, however, Aurora had turned to Eldrick, asking for his name. The words used would have sounded incredibly defensive, if the person saying them didn't look completely clueless and innocent...
"My name is Eldrick Tareal, I arrived here through a portal. I suppose something similar happened to you...?" his voice slightly trailed off, hoping that Aurora wouldn't hear the last part. It probably sounded stupid, and the answer was probably obvious so he would just observe the upcoming events and see if anything on the matter arose.
"So umm, what were you doing to the watches?" He asked, a part of it was simply to break the glass and engage in some sort of small talk, however he
was curious on what she had found out about the watches. If anything...