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Re: Virtual Reality (RP) https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=61169.msg1223406#msg1223406
« Reply #144 on: February 12, 2016, 03:49:57 pm »
Izabelle glanced over at Claiborne, though she said nothing. She studied the map, trying to figure out a good place to settle before actually entering the VR. She nodded at Sky's comment about the Forest of Life, since that's what she'd been looking at just moments ago. "Good amount of concealment."
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Re: Virtual Reality (RP) https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=61169.msg1223407#msg1223407
« Reply #145 on: February 12, 2016, 04:20:55 pm »
"Concealment? Well, that's an interesting goal going there, I'd've thought the kingdom of Darkness or Chaos Triad would have been better for that. But I'm sure you have your own personal thoughts on the matter. In any case, if you two want to be with me to find a semblance of civilisation there, i'd love to group up."
The madness is in each of us. Close your eyes, sing, and open your webbed wings to the silent winds.
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Offline Silver EmeraldTopic starter

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Re: Virtual Reality (RP) https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=61169.msg1223426#msg1223426
« Reply #146 on: February 12, 2016, 07:04:26 pm »
A loud 'click' came from the door as the timer ended. Smithson nodded as it opened outward. "Good luck."

A distortion in the air, shifting through a spectrum of tinges, was surrounded by seven white pillars, each of which were topped with a gemstone. Between these stones were also beams shifting through the same rainbow.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The experience going through was...difficult to give words. Jaye jogged into the rift; nerves lit with an overload of sensations as the world flashed in the same coloration. Then darkness, followed by numbness, and a time impossible to specify went by. After what could have been moments or minutes, the void was followed by dropping face-first into a garden, though barely felt for the numbness which was just beginning to fade.

Struggling for a moment, Jaye - or, at this point, Aurora - shakily rose to her new paws, standing and looking around as her body started functioning again. Shivering a bit at the feeling of a slight breeze in her fur and tails, and nervous to be someone and someplace new in general, she slowly approached the nearest cover - a large covered shrine, surrounded by twelve monuments. However, the shrine itself currently contained nothing but an empty seat...almost a throne. Waiting and glancing back for the others, the kitsune quietly watched from a marble pillar, facing the garden in which she'd landed.

[Feel free to change or arrive however you'd like. Just don't run off anywhere yet.]
The point isn't that the glass is half full or half empty. The point is that it's refillable!

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Re: Virtual Reality (RP) https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=61169.msg1223428#msg1223428
« Reply #147 on: February 12, 2016, 07:21:17 pm »
As soon as the door clicked open, a man (Sky was it?) sprinted at the portal, seemingly not even stopping to see what it was.  He went through without a trace left in the real world.

Joey casually spun around and saw what Sky probably didn't get to:  the prismatic awe of the portal.  He stepped into it with Chip on his heels.  In an instant, he was standing in unfamiliar territory and he had silver wings in place of arms.  He looked down and saw Chip flexing his altogether-new wings.

Spoiler for Inner thoughts three:  I really have to pee:
Pretty cool, eh?  Let's give flying a shot.

Joey launched himself up and flew.  He wasn't exactly sure how he was doing, but he was airborne. Perhaps he'd expected it to be more difficult.  He flew to the top of a nearby pillar and landed.

He peered down and saw a small (from this angle) white creature.  He assumed it was Jaye; it looked quite like a fox.
« Last Edit: February 12, 2016, 08:01:38 pm by Timdood3 »

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Re: Virtual Reality (RP) https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=61169.msg1223429#msg1223429
« Reply #148 on: February 12, 2016, 07:36:45 pm »
Chip spreads his wings out fully, the sunlight causing his glossy silver feathers to seem like they're shining.

Spoiler for Inner Thoughts:
Guess that's the only thing left to do.

Chip begins to flap his wings, sending a small cloud of dust astray to either side of him. He generates enough lift to temporarily take his paws off the ground, but he panics and sets back down again. "Damnit.", he thinks to himself. Yet again, he begins to flap his wings, this time with a bit more success, and he begins to fly. He quickly navigates to Joey's side, and rests his paws down on solid ground again, folding his wings up against his sides.

Spoiler for Inner Thoughts:
That was.. interesting. I like it.
« Last Edit: February 12, 2016, 07:53:05 pm by MeowMeowCat »

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Re: Virtual Reality (RP) https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=61169.msg1223430#msg1223430
« Reply #149 on: February 12, 2016, 07:39:56 pm »
Joey smirked at his companion, thinking of all the possibilities they had now that they possessed the power of flight.

Spoiler for How nice:
And that was only the test. Wait until we really fly.  For now, let's wait for the others to arrive in this new world.

Offline Silver EmeraldTopic starter

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Re: Virtual Reality (RP) https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=61169.msg1223431#msg1223431
« Reply #150 on: February 12, 2016, 07:42:43 pm »
[Humanoid kitsune, not feral, in case of confusion. Also, Link, consider it done; just know that we don't necessarily exit in the same order we enter.]

Aurora glanced up; Joey and Chip seemed to be some of the first others to arrive through...whatever weird time dilation happened appeared to have granted them relatively speedy passage to this realm. Squinting up towards the pillar, she waved and called, "How's freedom suiting you?" The sound of her own voice didn't startle her quite as much as she'd anticipated...sure, it was strange, but speaking with a part-muzzle seemed to come naturally and her sound was as clear and calm as she'd imagined in writing. While awaiting a reply, she took a deep breath, looking to sort out and start to deal with the new - just to find that instinct could hold her hand (er, forepaw) most of the way...there was even a sense of power coursing through the world around her, offering a tempting prize to try to tap...but just out of reach.
« Last Edit: February 12, 2016, 07:50:52 pm by Silver Emerald »
The point isn't that the glass is half full or half empty. The point is that it's refillable!

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Re: Virtual Reality (RP) https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=61169.msg1223433#msg1223433
« Reply #151 on: February 12, 2016, 07:54:07 pm »
The other side was bizarre. The four that went through simply... vanished into the thin slit that defied reason and reality.

It was quite uncertain, since information did not pass through easily the other way, though James had no doubts that they could return, if necessary.

Deciding to take a leap of faith and follow his partner, he strode in, closing his eyes. He did not want to recreate what happened in the Jaunt, by Stephen King, if possible.

Even with his eyes closed, his sensory organs were set on fire. It was strange, of crushed and stretched, of walking in a cool hallway on hot coals, and he knew that if his eyes had been open he would have seen a kaleidoscope of flashing lights, probably more than enough to give an epileptic a seizure.

When the sensations stopped and weak sunlight was felt on his back, he opened his eyes, tentatively.

He was further from the ground. To be more precise, he was taller. His hands, while retaining human dexterity, now had sharp claws that could certainly cut or slash most living organisms. His black and dark green scales prevented the sunlight from fully warming him, and when he stretched to his full height and exhaled, a small fogging of the air was present.

The area around him was rather interesting; it was a mixture of black and brown rock and the yellow-orange sands that were closely linked with Time.

Moving quickly so that the next occupant would not "phase" into him, he stepped forward and stretched all his muscles to ascertain the control he had over the body. It was a little clumsy, but that was to be expected. As he moved, a sensation of pulling occurred in his back, and the long tail that trailed behind curled around a leg. Experimenting, the tail seemed to respond by desire and not by conscious thought, much like wiggling ears or shifting eyebrows.

He spotted a humanoid fox, and up on a pillar of stone, close by, a winged cat and a feathered human stood.

"Rather interesting, isn't it?" he called out to the three of them.

His partner was nowhere to be found, though. James wondered where she was.
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Offline Timdood3

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Re: Virtual Reality (RP) https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=61169.msg1223434#msg1223434
« Reply #152 on: February 12, 2016, 07:59:01 pm »
Two beings called up to him, so he shouted down responses to both, "Pretty well, if I may say so myself," to the Kitsune and "Yes, yes it is," to the....lizard?  Joey thought he could make out scaloes, but it was a long way down to see.

What wasn't suiting him quite as well was his face.  It changed shape, and it felt wrong.  His nose was bigger, his chin smaller, his eyes more pointed.  He was sure he'd get used to it, but it was odd.  What was odder still was that he was already liking the more drastic changes of his torso:  The feathers covering his arms back and chest.  He felt as if his legs didn't match the rest of his body, but it wasn't so much uncomfortable as it was temporarily offsetting.

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Re: Virtual Reality (RP) https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=61169.msg1223436#msg1223436
« Reply #153 on: February 12, 2016, 08:09:22 pm »
Spoiler for OOC:
You all should read The Jaunt by Stephen King. It's good.
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Re: Virtual Reality (RP) https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=61169.msg1223440#msg1223440
« Reply #154 on: February 12, 2016, 08:58:48 pm »
Renae followed into the portal next, steps behind James without giving her own name in turn, as he seemed to be in a bit of a hurry to get moving. Entering the portal was...strange. Painful even. However, Renae managed to not scream out or holler as the blinding lights, the sensation of speed, and the way her body felt like it was tearing apart. Eventually, everything went dark.

A few moments later she opened her eyes to a plot of dirt on the ground and groaned. She brushed off some of the dirt from her face and...wait, not it wasn't her face. There was a snout there that wasn't before. Look down. Hands covered in black fur. Swishing black and white tail. Bust...augmented. She was Mivlya, the character from a thousand roleplays and stories she had written. She was an anthropomorphic skunk. Her cold exterior shattered for a moment as she squealed with joy. "It worked! I'm Mivlya, I'm Mivlya!" Standing up, she began to hop up and down with glee, until her eyes landed on the lizard man, kitsune, and pair of flyers. Her cheeks turned red with blush under her black fur as she tried to re-adopt her more serious demeanor. "I, ah, see all of you made it here fine too."
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Re: Virtual Reality (RP) https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=61169.msg1223441#msg1223441
« Reply #155 on: February 12, 2016, 09:03:48 pm »
Jane, which seemed to have fallen behind for a short while, quickly snatched up a watch and put it on. The pink and black that came with it turning on swirled violently, and stopped suddenly shortly after. It was only until she ran into the portal did she begin to feel a change to her form. She closed her eyes and let it happen, almost squealing with excitement before swallowing it again. She didn't want to let the feeling take her away for long. Opening her eyes again, she found herself out in an open space, and, oh my goodness, color! Color everywhere! Content to no longer seeing a boring white room or walls, she breathed. This was magnificent!

She felt something heavy behind her. Looking back, she noticed a long... What was that? A tail?! She couldn't believe this was actually happening! Looking around, she noticed Joey and his cat. Wings? Rather interesting. She called out, hoping they'd recognize her.
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