Nile grabbed a watch of his own. He'd never owned such a fancy gadget before. Or seen one as advanced as this for that matter. This was way past anything he'd seen, both in Egypt and in his time in America.
As he slipped it on, it beeped and flashed to life. It came up with a menu, and while Nile explored the device, he vaguely heard mentions of a map of the area.
He quickly located it and examined the map.
There appeared to be a large desert in the center of the large island. Desert of Time. Seemed like it could be a nice little reminder of home while he was here studying abroad. Nile smiled slightly to himself.
But he decided that he didn't want to go there immediately. He wouldn't be nearly close to prepared to survive in a desert. He doubted that the facility would supply them with enough rations for him to live out in the desert. Besides, it was expansive enough that he could get lost easily, and getting lost in this virtual reality was not an option.
The uncharted shore looked interesting, if not slightly risky. That could be a fun place to explore after he got his bearings.
To begin, it seemed like the Forest of Life would be a good starting point. Didn't sound particularly threatening or difficult, and there was surely an abundance of food to be found in a forest. Of life.
Upon deciding, Nile walked up closer to the entrance. How much time was left? He checked the timer. It hasn't even been half the time yet.
Nile sighed. Waiting was a hassle.