Hrm...Ok...So...Let's see what worldbuilding ideas I can provide...
1. That every elemental society in general value their shard's virtue:

's love freedom and hate constraints,

's are paitent,

's are focus, etc. etc.

's like sacrifice-This I take to mean that they think in terms of 'what would this cost me to get'?

however, has void-So this translates to either 'what will be destroyed' or 'how much closer will this bring us to victory'

would be gratutitous if you did something for them....I think I hit most of the shards that aren't clear-cut as to what they'd be like, as virtues.
2, Since gravity somewhat seems to have been skimmed over in the ability department(Is there supposed to be a certain amount of powers each element is supposed to have?)
Acceleration: This ability can be used to drive the target into a berzerker-like state: striking with increasing power, but at the price of eventually killing the target unless they are restored to their senses.
3. quanta producing pillars and pendulums are objects crafted by all elemental nations, not only the gravity blacksmiths.
4. A bio for Time, since they are blank:
The desert of time-a place with a depressing motto(at least for gravity blacksmiths): Time erodes everything, eventually. Some say that the desert sands once formed a colossal clock. Others say that it will one day be made into an enormous glass sculpture of beauty. Time elementals take puntuality very seriously, and an insult amongst them is to be late, though they are less strict about this towards the other elementals. It is a sign of personal skill and talent to accumulate crafted objects: reversing time improperly can revert an object to the components that comprise it, while fast-forwarding will reduce it to dust, years of neglect occuring within seconds. Time creatures are often very long-lived, and autonomous almost from birth, to help combat the frequent time distortions.
Time people occupations: Timekeeping devicers (clockmakers/repairmen for short.)
5.Said bio comes complete with powers:
Reverse Time: used to turn back the effects of time in an area. The size of the area and the speed at which time is turned varies on both the elemental's skill level, and power (power is maximum level, skill is level of control/restraint). This ability is dependant on the elemental studying time's effects on objects.
Hourglass/Sundials: Used to enhance the effects of time on oneself, the speed varies depending upon the craftmanship of the timekeeping device(maximum level only)
Eternity Staff: Skilled members of the Eternal order fight using this staff that enhances the natural ability to utilize Reverse Time, and enables it in elementals unskilled in the art of manipulating time. Each one has been preserved for thousands of years to ensure the staffs do not revert to the raw materials, even after prolonged usage without being temporally accelerated.