Here's my application thing:
Name: Ferocio Vivis

Description: Male, 14, 6'2" russet brown skin; heavy, muscular build; piercing green eyes; short mohawk hairstyle, stubbly beard; a wide band around the biceps of each arm, encrusted with the insignia of Earth; a flexible, dark green sleeveless shirt branded with the insignia of all elements with the insignia of life in the center; plain, brown pants, torn at the bottom
Background: Born into a royal lineage stretching back almost to the creation of Life, Ferocio's only wish is to life his life to the fullest. Though his relatives attempt to restrain him from being too wild, his inner passion is to be free. Will fight to the death with anything that dares to restrain him, and exudes power over all in his presence. Surprisingly fast, his pastime is roaming the forest with the most powerful beasts of all elements, strengthening himself and becoming the most powerful human he can be. Ferocio often acts before thinking, simply blasting through whatever stands in his way. Due to his physical dominance, Ferocio attracts the attention of many girls, though he has eyes for only one: Princess Gaea of the Earthen Mountains, who he has long been friends with since they met at the edges of their own empires. The two often meet up in small areas of each others' lands to discuss matters in the world, and have the occasional romantic moment.
Ability: Adrenaline Rush (when angry or overly emotional, Ferocio grows to the size of a Steel Golem, and becomes physically almost impossible to overcome, however more emotionally and mentally unstable to the edge of insanity)
Item: Pulverizer (his weapon of choice, crafted by his more reserved uncle to maximize his power potential)
Notable Connections: Emperor Vivor of the Forest of Life (father), Empress Vitalia of the Forest of Life (mother), Prince Terro of the Earthen Mountains (good friend), Princess Gaea of the Earthen Mountains (love interest)
Response: Ferocio happened to be in one of his Adrenaline rages during both of the power surges, so unfortunately, he has not yet found out about the unknown force.
This looks to be SUPER fun. The other characters seem awesome too.