
Offline Annele

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Re: The Quantum Enigma - An Element RP (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #156 on: August 01, 2012, 10:52:15 am »
Location : Forca - Gravity Capital - Entrance to the Spire
Characters in this group : Astasia :darkness | Henku :entropy | Jenkins  :light  | Iredia :gravity :underworld | Redelgus :gravity
Others : Lyra :light
Players Involved : Annele | Zblader | Zaealix

"Good grief." Jenkins snapped. "I'm trying to make an actual negotiation here!"

"Really, Jenkins? For all I know, you're probably just trying to tell a story again." Iredia smiled.

"Iredia." Jenkins sighed, realizing that trying to reject his own feelings had backfired, dropped his cover. "This is Henku, King of the Chaos Triad of Entropy. I was actually serious when I said I was on a mission for Queen Amaterasu. Do you have any idea what kind of political impression we may be making....?"

"Oh..." Iredia paused for a second. Jenkins turned nervously back to Henku, expecting the worst. "If you'll excuse that interruption, sir..."

"I admire your efforts, but alas, I am no longer the leader of the Chaos Triad. I am but a powerful warrior searching for lost love." Henku said.

"Oh." Jenkins was disheartened by this turn of events. "You still have power there, don't you?"

"I suppose", Henku mused, "though why are you so interested in my services?"

Astasia was frustrated at her lack in this conversation. She supposed it was natural Jenkins was falling at Henku's feet rather than hers, but a little acknowledgement might have nice. He was Light though...
Of course, she kept this all hidden in her typical blank stare, practiced by all Darkness Elementals.

[What about my telepathic message? Didn't you read that part?]

[No sorry. I started writing before you posted (then went off to do other things before posting) and when it came up saying you'd posted, you only included your character in the description at the top of your post, so I posted anyway. We could just say that as soon as my post finishes is when you send that message. It kinda confused me.]
Beware the Darkness.

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Re: The Quantum Enigma - An Element RP (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #157 on: August 01, 2012, 10:58:03 am »


[No sorry. I started writing before you posted (then went off to do other things before posting) and when it came up saying you'd posted, you only included your character in the description at the top of your post, so I posted anyway. We could just say that as soon as my post finishes is when you send that message. It kinda confused me.]
[Okay, and we're good. Just waiting for Zbladie to add in the message.]
M o n s t e r s
A n d
M e n

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Re: The Quantum Enigma - An Element RP (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #158 on: August 01, 2012, 11:47:09 am »
Location : Forca - Gravity Capital - Entrance to the Spire
Characters in this group : Astasia :darkness | Henku  :entropy| Jenkins    :light | Iredia  :gravity :underworld| Redelgus  :gravity | Psyphoenix  :entropy :rainbow
Others : Lyra
Players Involved : Annele | Zblader | Zaealix
Iredia looked about, surprised at the telepathic message. She whispered to Redelgus, then walked to the door, turned void, and poked her head through it.
Iredia: listen, dood, telepathy isn't mind control, and who do you think you are that we should jump to obey some random stranger?
« Last Edit: August 01, 2012, 11:49:46 am by Zaealix »
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Re: The Quantum Enigma - An Element RP (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #159 on: August 01, 2012, 11:51:03 am »


[No sorry. I started writing before you posted (then went off to do other things before posting) and when it came up saying you'd posted, you only included your character in the description at the top of your post, so I posted anyway. We could just say that as soon as my post finishes is when you send that message. It kinda confused me.]
[Okay, and we're good. Just waiting for Zbladie to add in the message.]
[I'm still confused by your post for several reasons:

1) How are you able to travel to the Realm of Fate? Your elemental doesn't possess Fate quanta unlike Legit's or mine's. (And by extension, what gave you any natural right to wield Void? Neither of the two energies belong to the normal ETG world, and you didn't any previous indication that you knew about Void beforehand to 'model' your sphere after it.)
2) If you do have Fate Quanta, how'd you even get in the Platform of Fate in the first place, and how'd you teleport to Gravity all of a sudden, especially when we don't know if your 'Fateless' ability would allow you to do that?
3) When did forced telepathy/mindreading become one of your abilities? For reference, Lyra is definitely more than 1.5 feet away (probably 2-3 ft at least) from Psyphoenix given she's on a balcony that's already some distance away from Jenkins.
4) How were you able to listen to Lyra and Shaden's whole conversation when it technically is happening in 'two' minds?

I know this is a fantasy RP, but the jump in between things feels a bit abrupt. I'd like a little clarification before I post.]
Spoiler for For Reference::
Location: Platform of Fate - Space
Players: Arum
Characters: Psyphoenix  :entropy:rainbow

When Psyphoenix woke, he listened. Silence rang, clear as a bell. He dissipated his rock shield, stood up, and looked around. He still was on the strange Platform of Fate, where the Fateleader and Kronos had conversed. Changing his density, he sank through the floor, back down to terra firma. This time, he was in a strange place, all pink and purple and full of random things. In the distance, he saw a castle. Giving himself wings, he flew towards the spire, seeing mutations and abominations below him, changing the landscape from peace to chaos. He reached the spire, and perched atop it, giving himself Stone Form. Withing seconds, his skin had changed to stone, and he was immobile. He listened. There were voices faint on the breeze. Sounding suspiciously like an incantation, he undid his stone form, and gave himself the appearance of an abomination. He crawled down the spire, towards the voice, and then suddenly a blinding flash of blue light illuminated the landscape. It had massive power, and it sucked Psyphoenix into it's center....

When Psyphoenix revived, he was in a large basin, in a small crater. This time, he spied another castle, more like a fortress. This time, wary of the incantation that brought him here, he slowly crept closer.

"Good grief!" yelled an elemental. Psyphoenix crept a little closer.

"I'm trying to make an actual negotiation here!"

"Really, Jenkins? For all I know, you're probably just trying to tell a story again."

Hmm. The elemental that screamed must be Jenkins.

"Iredia." Jenkins let out a heavy sigh. "This is Henku, King of the Chaos Triad of Entropy. I was actually serious when I said I was on a mission for Queen Amaterasu. Do you have any idea what kind of political impression we may be making....?"

"Oh." Iredia said.

Very quietly, Psyphoenix heard a small voice. He tuned his mind to be able to use telepathy.

"Damnit Lyra, the negotiation's going to backfire at this rate! We need to go fix it, now!"


"Why?! I understand Jenkins is actually being serious for once, but there's no way in the Underworld that that buffoon is going to fix the situation! We're much better at negotiation. I even have proof, while that guy has nothing!"

"I'm... not so sure about that, Shaden. There's something different about Jenkins, something that would make Queen Amaterasu assign a Royal Seal and an Adventurer's title to him despite looking like a complete idiot. Let's not overreact, yet..."

"I still dis- what the? HEY, Lyra!"

Hmm. Another elemental? With a second telepathic or bonded elemental?

Then he heard Lyra whisper, "Sorry, Shaden. But I'm not stepping in until I see whether Jenkins is really a hero or just as incompetent as he appears to be."

Psyphoenix smiled. He waited outside the door, turning into a gargoyle-like form, sending a telepathic message to the group.

"I'm waiting. Open the door."

Location : Time Desert - Unknown
Characters involved : Psyphoenix  :entropy:rainbow
Players Involved : Arum
[Standstill, so I'm gonna write a bit.]

As Psyphoenix trudged through the sand, he was lost in his mind, continuing to search for memories. They were like quicksilver, darting among the edges of his consciousness. He hardly noticed when the scenery changed from bright baking sun to black oppressing sand all around him. Only when he looked up, did he notice he was stuck. Psyphoenix heated his energy sphere into melting even glass. He placed his head down again, and continued to trudge until the bright sunlight struck his face. Psyphoenix was tired, so he changed the density of his sphere to he sank a mile into the sand, then created an air bubble around him while he closed his eyes and slept, peacefully.
[Waiting for someone to travel to time desert, and notice the hill of sand with a crumbling glass tunnel in it. Have fun.]
Name: Psyphoenix
Element: Entropy
Description: A person who somehow confused time, changing it around his body. He is ageless, having lived for millennia. Parts of him are decomposed, steadily turning to dust, and yet, somehow, the time flux continues to make his skin"regenerate".
Background: Having been a permanent victim of the Blade of Discord, he has no memory except for the ones he has created himself.
Ability: The power to control each and everything that passes through an invisible sphere, only 1 1/2 feet at it's widest. Can also sometimes expand his sphere, but other players can control his dome if they are in it when he expands it. Also, his sphere is in a different reality, so if they die in the dome, they are transported to the different reality, but if they are simply hurt, and pull the hurt part out, it will be as if nothing had happened.
Item: A shard from the Blade of Discord, strapped to his hand, creating a knifelike punch.
Anything else: The character is based off Scarlet Witch, The Phoenix, The Living Mummy, and Psylocke from X-Men. XD
Also to clarify, he can be hurt and killed, the "regeneration" only affects the Time Flux.

Location: Time Desert - Unknown
Characters in this group: Psypheonix :entropy / :rainbow
Others: None
Players involved: Arum

The shockwaves bounced off the small energy sphere surrounding Psypheonix. The shield recoiled ever so slightly, but seemed to hold strong. Sensing his energy sphere was from the void, or at least near impervious to it, the pegasi flew overhead, dissipating in the distance, while Psyphoenix lowered his head, continuing to trudge forever in search of memories.

[Nice twist Zblader, and another one for the colliding dimensions. An energy that resists void? I'd like to see someone continue this since I love it already.]
« Last Edit: August 01, 2012, 11:48:51 pm by Zblader »

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Re: The Quantum Enigma - An Element RP (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #160 on: August 01, 2012, 04:00:44 pm »
No, I can't. There is just no way I can feel comfortable working off of what you've posted. I've hinted at this but I guess not strongly enough.

Replace Bhever with an NPC (no you can't use him). I will reintroduce him elsewhere when it makes sense to use him and when I'm not being forced into an awkward plot and unneeded timeskipping.
Fine. Go off where you want to. I'll follow you quickly. If that doesn't make you budge, I'll go with my threat.
My 3 game-modification principles:
1. If it ain't broke, don't wreck it.
2. Simple fixes for simple problems.
3. Remember to fill in the holes.

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Re: The Quantum Enigma - An Element RP (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #161 on: August 01, 2012, 05:26:06 pm »
No, I can't. There is just no way I can feel comfortable working off of what you've posted. I've hinted at this but I guess not strongly enough.

Replace Bhever with an NPC (no you can't use him). I will reintroduce him elsewhere when it makes sense to use him and when I'm not being forced into an awkward plot and unneeded timeskipping.
Fine. Go off where you want to. I'll follow you quickly. If that doesn't make you budge, I'll go with my threat.

[No, he's saying to remove him from your plot and proceed without him.  If anything, he doesn't want to be involved with your plot for the time being.]

[ZBlader, I'm currently lost as to where the party involving Kuraz and Kairos is involved.  As previously mentioned, Kairos has no intent on taking initiative in this leg of the arc]

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Re: The Quantum Enigma - An Element RP (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #162 on: August 01, 2012, 05:42:17 pm »
[ZBlader, I'm currently lost as to where the party involving Kuraz and Kairos is involved.  As previously mentioned, Kairos has no intent on taking initiative in this leg of the arc]
[I think Kuraz and Kairos got something to eat, just as Kuraz said in the last post. Based on how things have worked, I'm guessing Jenkins met Henku and Astasia after Kuraz and Kairos went to eat - after this encounter's over, we're likely to be moving on to a different region.

However, Arum's posted something that seems to conflict with his abilities (specifically, what elements he's supposedly allowed to wield and his 'range' of 1.5 feet.) and the situation in general (you can't just teleport to the Fate Realm, teleporting to Gravity immediately afterwards and reading two minds at once is also stretching the 'modify self' ability IMHO.)

Disregarding that move, I'm currently waiting on Annele to have Henku respond to Jenkins. In the meantime, more Kuraz and Kairos filler.]

Location : Forca - Gravity Capital - Gravy Kingdom (Restaurant)
Characters in this group : Kairos ( :time ) | Kuraz ( :light )
Others :
Players Involved : Zblader | Drake_XIV

"So, what do you want?" Kuraz looked around the restaurant, spotting the most popular dishes listed on a board nearby. He then looked at Kairos, who appeared hungry.

'Guess some good training can empty your stomach.' He thought inwardly.

[Feel free to make up some unusual dish here, Drake. I'm not sure what else I can do with Kuraz/Kairos for now, but at least they'll stay involved as long as I can move them. ^^;]

Offline Annele

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Re: The Quantum Enigma - An Element RP (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #163 on: August 01, 2012, 07:30:30 pm »
[Sorry Zblader, I misread your post. I have edited my last one to incorporate it.]
Beware the Darkness.

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Re: The Quantum Enigma - An Element RP (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #164 on: August 01, 2012, 07:58:04 pm »
[No problem.]

Location : Forca - Gravity Capital - Entrance to the Spire
Characters in this group : Astasia :darkness | Henku :entropy | Jenkins  :light  | Iredia :gravity :underworld | Redelgus :gravity
Others : Lyra :light
Players Involved : Annele | Zblader | Zaealix

"I see. So you have sensed the 'Void', and all it entrails. I suppose it would be wise to move this discussion somewhere private, so Iredia and I can tell you about the nature of the new randomness you've sensed."

"You forgot someone." Jenkins turned around to see Lyra walking up to him. "Took you about time to wise up, Jenkins." She politely nodded at Iredia and the Darkness elemental, suppressing an ugre from Shaden to greet a fellow elemental. 'Shaden, I can't have you reveal yourself like this!'

'I suppose, but it's been forever since I've seen anything in Darkness. You'll need me anyway when we get somewhere 'private'.'

"It should be saved for when we get there, then!" Lyra quickly snapped, almost yelling it out loud. "Greetings, Henku and Astasia. I am Lyra, one of the Adventurers sent to also investigate the energy source from the Kingdom of Light. Like Jenkins, I also have evidence that will tell you more about the nature of this plan."

"Psst, Lyra!" Jenkins whispered. "What about Kuraz?"

"He said he and Kairos went to get something to eat. Seems like he wants to know more about the kid. Wait a sec-" realizing that she could speed up the task, Lyra called Ferocio over, hoping that the Life Prince would be cooperative in aiding them.

[Insert Henku/Astasia's reaction to Ferocio and whatever Annele/Drake/Zaealix want him to say here. Can't forget about him after all. ;) ]

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Re: The Quantum Enigma - An Element RP (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #165 on: August 02, 2012, 01:23:02 am »
[No, he's saying to remove him from your plot and proceed without him.  If anything, he doesn't want to be involved with your plot for the time being.]


I do not want involved with your character right now. At all. I want to pretend that this plot spiral never happened.

Just do what you want and leave me and my character out of it.
« Last Edit: August 02, 2012, 01:28:15 am by ddevans96 »
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Re: The Quantum Enigma - An Element RP (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #166 on: August 02, 2012, 03:06:56 am »
My 3 game-modification principles:
1. If it ain't broke, don't wreck it.
2. Simple fixes for simple problems.
3. Remember to fill in the holes.

Offline Annele

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  • Annele is a Ghost, obsessed with their Elemental pursuits.Annele is a Ghost, obsessed with their Elemental pursuits.Annele is a Ghost, obsessed with their Elemental pursuits.Annele is a Ghost, obsessed with their Elemental pursuits.Annele is a Ghost, obsessed with their Elemental pursuits.Annele is a Ghost, obsessed with their Elemental pursuits.
  • i should really update my profile
  • Awards: Slice of Elements 12th Birthday CakeSlice of Elements 11th Birthday CakeSlice of Elements 6th Birthday CakeSlice of Elements 5th Birthday CakeC-C-C Combomaker 3# WinnerSlice of Elements 4th Birthday CakeSlice of Elements 3rd Birthday Cake
Re: The Quantum Enigma - An Element RP (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #167 on: August 02, 2012, 04:47:38 am »
Location : Forca - Gravity Capital - Entrance to the Spire
Characters in this group : Astasia :darkness | Henku :entropy | Jenkins  :light  | Iredia :gravity :underworld | Redelgus :gravity
Others : Lyra :light
Players Involved : Annele | Zblader | Zaealix

"I see. So you have sensed the 'Void', and all it entrails. I suppose it would be wise to move this discussion somewhere private, so Iredia and I can tell you about the nature of the new randomness you've sensed."

"You forgot someone." Jenkins turned around to see Lyra walking up to him. "Took you about time to wise up, Jenkins." She politely nodded at Iredia and the Darkness elemental, suppressing an ugre from Shaden to greet a fellow elemental. 'Shaden, I can't have you reveal yourself like this!'

'I suppose, but it's been forever since I've seen anything in Darkness. You'll need me anyway when we get somewhere 'private'.'

"It should be saved for when we get there, then!" Lyra quickly snapped, almost yelling it out loud. "Greetings, Henku and Astasia. I am Lyra, one of the Adventurers sent to also investigate the energy source from the Kingdom of Light. Like Jenkins, I also have evidence that will tell you more about the nature of this plan."

"Psst, Lyra!" Jenkins whispered. "What about Kuraz?"

"He said he and Kairos went to get something to eat. Seems like he wants to know more about the kid. Wait a sec-" realizing that she could speed up the task, Lyra called Ferocio over, hoping that the Life Prince would be cooperative in aiding them.

Astasia's mouth almost fell open when she noticed Ferocio, though she quickly suppressed it, and let her sullen stare take over again.

Henku remained indifferent at Ferocio's appearance, one got used to meeting many people, when one was a leader, and it seemed the trend continued even after one is overthrown.

[Remember - Astasia is a 16yo girl. Nothing more needs to become of it, unless it is so wished.
If you want me to post more I can. I just though I'd leave Ferocio's dialoge to someone who knows him better.

Also, do you want me to do a write-up of Henku?]
« Last Edit: August 02, 2012, 05:42:03 am by Annele »
Beware the Darkness.

