Land of Air
Characters: Adrianne (
) / Velethan (
) / Eden (
) / Mobius (
) / Fallen Druid (
) / Xopvo (
) / ??? (Fate) / 'Fate' / ??? (
Players: Legit / ZbladerEden stared quizzically at Mobius. "what's all this about alliances?"
Mobius sighed. "I explained how the success rate of your plan was extremely low, so I made additional precautions to protect my nation. You can't possibly put all your faith into this course of action."
"I guess you're right. But..." Eden pointed at the two intruders. "Who are they?"
The Time Elemental spoke up. "That is not relevant now. All you need to know is that we control the Fate of this realm."
"I agree to join your alliance. However, I wish to complete the duties assigned to me by Eden within the portal first." Mobius said. "As for the second thing - my friend here can explain."
Eden gave the Frost Monarch a cold stare, but decided to speak anyways. "We plan to enter the portal, mutate a strand of the Singularity to contain traits of an Elemental, and then communicate with the Elemental-infused null being. Our safety net is the possibility that the mutated strand will spread to either cancel out the entire Singularity or manifest consciousness which will allow it to think of possible solutions to avoid the cancellation of both realms, fueled by the inherent desire of self-preservation."
"Because I have been restricted to this realm, I have not studied the nature of the Singularity. Normally I could not allow you to proceed, but Fate itself seems to have other plans." the Time Elemental replied.
The other being began casting a spell. "Mobius, I shall contact you when you return to this plane. Good luck."
Mobius nodded. The two servants of Fate disappeared in a flash of light, leaving the Elementals in awe and confusion.
"I hate those guys." Velethan murmured.
"An interesting development indeeeeeeeed." The Fallen Druid cackled.
Xopvo suddenly prepared his Sundials. "The portal! Behold! It is opening!" Filled with adrenaline, he quickly casted Statis around the area, utilizing the power of his magical Sundials.
"This is it! You know what to do!" Eden screamed.
Velethan and Adrianne watched from a distance as the portal emerged from the sand, making no noticeable noise or change in the surroundings.
As null energy flooded into their realm, Mobius fired an incessant stream of Ice magic, preventing it from spreading. Eden was the first to act, finding an opening in the portal and jumping inside, completely leaving the plane of existence. The Fallen Druid soon followed.
Mobius continued casting spells as he approached the portal. "Xopvo! Change of plans! The null energy is endless! You're going to have to close the portal!" he yelled.
"What? How will you escape?" Xopvo responded as his Sundials created a Statis effect around the portal.
"We'll find a way. Don't worry." Mobius unleashed a final Ice Bolt into the portal, pushing the null energy within the confinements of the unstable realm. "Close it!"
Without a second though, Xopvo grabbed two Sundials and snapped them in half, causing the portal to subside and retract.
As Xopvo destroyed the rest of his precious Sundials, Mobius barely had time to enter the portal. He disappeared just as the connection between planes blinked out of existance.
The three remaining Elementals stood in silence. The nearby waves were the only audible sound left. The only remnants of the others were the footprints left in the sand, soon gone with the soothing breeze of the Land of Air. Gone, just like their owners, who had entered another realm entirely.
[Now my characters can meet up with another group. PM me or post if you want to combine parties. Hopefully the game will be easier to follow when there's less separated groups doing random stuff.]