Land of Air
Characters: Adrianne (
) / Velethan (
) / Eden (
) / Mobius (
) / Fallen Druid (
) / Xopvo (
Players: LegitMobius lightly brushed the sand with his fingertips, examining the texture. "Yes, I can sense the magic used here. It is of the Time Element."
"The portal will open here. I don't know when, though." Velethan said.
Eden threw up his hands. "Well that helps! I won't even question your methods of obtaining the knowledge of this location, but we could be here for days and the portal would not appear!"
Xopvo, fatigued, sat on the ground, yawning.
"And Xopvo must be alert at the time of the portal's opening, otherwise he will not have enough time to cast Statis." Mobius added.
"No problem." Eden replied. He began casting Adrenaline, causing Xopvo to stand and jump around.
"I...feel so free!" Xopvo gleefully pranced around, oblivious to the mixed stares of amusement and condemnation.
Adrianne grabbed Velethan's shoulder and turned him away from the others. "Listen, I feel like they're using us. And the old Time Elemental as well. There's something they're not telling us." she whispered.
"Look, no matter what, they have a chance to prevent our doom. And also...I think it's fate. Fate that brought me to this group with the right information." Velethan replied.
Adrianne stormed away in disgust. "Stop being so ignorant. One thing I've learned about Elementals: they're inherently self-serving. Those that cannot contain their greed will stop at no end to get what they want. Even the generous Life Elementals can fall prey to their desires. Especially those with power." She glared at Eden, who was discussing something with the Fallen Druid.
Velethan raised his voice. "This isn't about personal gripes or what YOU want. This is about saving the entire land. We must do this!"
Mobius tuned in to the conversation, or perhaps he had already been listening and feigning incomprehension. "I promise, we have only one goal here. We would never abuse our powers when the world is at stake. Please do not criticize our actions."
The lithe Darkness Elemental ran her hand through her flowing hair. "I apologize. I...I just want to know why I'm here. I serve no purpose at the moment."
Mobius nodded. "An understandable concern. I will enlighten you."
Before he had a chance to explain, a rift of energy burst through the area, blowing sand into the air and forcing the Elementals to cover their bodies. The immense blast of energy did not prevent them from turning towards the location of the portal, which was still dormant.
"It's not the portal opening? What is the meaning of this?!" Eden growled.
Suddenly, two beings entered the scene. One, a Time Elemental that Velethan grudgingly recognized, and another mysterious, almost ethereal being that was certainly not an Elemental.
Mobius instinctively charged an Ice Bolt and prepared to launch it at the newcomers, while Eden closed his eyes and began casting a spell.
"Stop! Fools! You cannot interfere with Fate!" the Time Elemental raised his staff and nullified the spells being casted.
"I've had enough of this." Velethan snarled, and drew his bow.
The Fallen Druid, noticing the offensive states of his companions, ran at the intruders and attempted to grab one by the neck, but an invisible shield stopped his motion.
Mobius successfully casted an Ice Bolt, raining from the skies, crashing into the unknown protective barrier surrounding the two beings.
Adrianne threw a Vampire Dagger at the Time Elemental, who deflected it and sent it crashing into the ground. Velethan's arrow, too, was affected by magic and disintegrated in midair.
Eden stepped towards the newcomers. "Explain yourselves."
The Time Elemental scoffed. "You are hardly in a position to be ordering us around."
The other being spoke up...
[ZBlader, go!]