Iredia made quite an entrance at Gravition Station 3F, where she had been stationed prior to this adventure, by gently floating out of the sky like an air elemental, shocking many of her gravity kin. Or at least, that's what she would have done if the Amargio hadn't yoinked her back to earth via his gravity pull.
Void Form! (yes, there's a gray color, sorry if you can't see it!)
She fell into the Amargio, and phased through him. He then released it, and stepped to the side, for her to return to normal.
Amargio: They'll be stunned, but probably will think we just ran into an Aether on the way or something. If you go parading around your new abilities, others will recklessly reach for it, which could cause trouble.
Iredia: How bad could it be?
Amargio: I do not know, but those void tricks of yours...They aren't natural. All this time, and the Gravity elementals left the realm of the sky to others. I think that's rather telling, don't you agree?
Iredia: I guess *pouts*
Amargio: So child-like...Granted, you weren't much better when we left, but you could at least try to be dignified.

whatev-wait, since when do you share your opinions?
Amargio: I'm now off-duty. We're back home, and my mission is complete. However, I'll admit this is perhaps a once in a life-time oppertunity to see Nilson flip his lid.
Iredia: Nilson?
Amargio: I believe you know him as your superior.

I like the way you think!
Iredia came in to report to Superior Nilson, along with the Amargio.
Superior Nilson: Iredia! I'm surprised to see you back so soon. I take it you're now back at full capacity.
Iredia: Yes Sir!
Nilson: What happened to you anyway? Your file doesn't suggest that you dabbled into off-mark spells (I see no reason in-game shorthand cannot be used in-character. If anything, just think of it as military jargon instead of slang.) so why did you start blasting spells everywhere?
Iredia: I had a quanta overload sir. I wasn't bleeding off my quanta properly. ( Quanta cap in game, know how going over just is a waste? That's more or less what I imagine it's like for these guys.)
Nilson: Oh for Gravity's Sake! Iredia, if you wanted a vacation that badly, just say so!
Iredia: *Ahem*! Sir, I wasn't finished. I wasn't bleeding my quanta off, because I was using it to suppress something...With your permission, I'd like to demonstrate something possibly related to the issues those other elementals were investigating.
Nilson: This sounds like the part where I say yes, and then you do something that ends with me shaking my head in dissapointment. Just do it.
LLUN YITVARGIredia then jumped, and slowly came to a stop 15 feet off the floor.
Amargio was there, with a bag of popcorn (creatures gotta eat!) and would forever remember that Nilson's jaw literally hit the floor in shock. After the initial surprise, Nilson walked under Iredia, and around the spot where she was hovering.

can you come down?
Iredia:Yes sir.
GravitizeIredia gracefully decended to the ground. Nilson stopped pacing to pick his jaw from off the ground a second time.
Amargio:It's a long story, but Iredia here seems to have accuired some sort of power known as 'Void Energy', as the stranger described it.
Nilson: Wait, a stranger? Explain this Redelgus.
Redelgus(the Amargio) explained the full tale, from their initial encounter with Jenkins, to the journey to the Forest of Life, the Dragon battle during which Iredia transformed, and the subsequent meeting with the unknown elemental, and then their return to home.
Nilson:Hrm...This isn't to go beyond any of us. If the wrong people hear about this, the chain reaction could make those crazy Entropies cry with joy. You are to go along with Jenkins, for now, and more importantly, you are to do everything necessary to prevent this catastrophe before it occurs. Do you understand me?
Iredia: Sir, Yes Sir.
Nilson: Offically, you will be on vacation...Which in other words, means that if you get in trouble with the other nations, you're on your own. I will not go to any effort to even reconize you. Are we clear on this?
Iredia: Yes Sir.
Nilson: Actually, I was talking to Redelgus. Old friend, I would like to ask you to accompany Iredia, and aid her in this task.
If Redelgus was surprised, he didn't show it.
Redelgus: Consider it done.
Nilson: Go then, and good Luck!
The two left, and met back up with Jenkins outside the station...