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Re: The Quantum Enigma - An Element RP https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=42064.msg522876#msg522876
« Reply #12 on: July 17, 2012, 09:28:34 pm »
[ :o Well that's unexpected!]
Iredia: And that's how the thing works! My turn!
Cameron:! Iredia wai-
A wizened time elemental appeared suddenly in front of her, causing her to come to a stop.
Iredia: What's a time elemental doing here?
Time elemental: Investigating an unprovoked attack upon the Time Pyramid by the Gravity Nation.
Iredia:What-We were aiming at uninhabited land! What are you talking about?
Time elemental: So you claim to not know anything?
Iredia: Yea, me and Cameron-
She looked about, but Cameron was about to exit the room, when several other Time elementals appeared around him.
Iredia: Oh...Please tell me this isn't about those theives! *facepalms*
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Re: The Quantum Enigma - An Element RP https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=42064.msg522877#msg522877
« Reply #13 on: July 17, 2012, 09:28:55 pm »
[Hooray for shorter names]

Ren looked around, but nothing seemed too out of the ordinary. What was the odd feeling? And why was his small neighborhood unusually empty? It was often full of chatter, but it felt as if a hush fell over the entire place. What was this? Ren paused for a while to think what the most logical response should be. The capital. Maybe some answers lay there. Ren briskly walked back into his own house, picked up Libellum, his flesh spider on his shoulder, packed some food supplies and scrolls in his bag, and then his father's sword. Ren paused to admire the sword. It was the only thing left by his father, and he had even had the sword appraised when traveling to the desert of time. "Not the work of any weapon crafter I know" the Earth elemental had said, "I can tell by the way it's crafted. Definitely not the work of some professional I can recognize, but the quality? It's good, but not the best quliaty a sword can be. For an amateur to make something like this, it must have taken quite some time and skill". Ren had often contemplated replacing it with a better sword, but the fact that it was his father's made it so that he could never really discard it. Ren stared at the sword for a while before putting it in his sheath and prepared to leave. "Come Libellum", Ren whispered to his flesh spider, "We have a journey". Ren had often gone to the air capital before, but this time, it felt different than before. Filled with wonder and anxiety, he started off towards the capital to find out just what was going on.

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Re: The Quantum Enigma - An Element RP https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=42064.msg522885#msg522885
« Reply #14 on: July 17, 2012, 10:22:11 pm »
[Feel free to use Dimentio Revane in your additions as well. A description of him is in the Character/Location/Event Information Spoiler]
[Another note: To make this RPG a little more interesting, would anyone like to intertwine stories a little bit? If you want to, PM me or whoever you want to do so with. Just an idea, OK if no one wants to.]

Vitalia was beside herself. However, since she loved her only son to the death, she remained calm. "Dear, you can't continue to go roaming around the forest like this."
"Mom, I was just meeting up with Gaea! Nothing bad is going to happen if we do that."
"Fero, don't be so sure. It's really unsafe right now, with these power surges going off all over the place. In fact, your father's at a meeting with the other leaders. They feel that this disturbance is going to start a War, because Time and Gravity seem to be going at it. And to make matters worse, Dimentio Revane might be in the Forest."
"Revane?! Mom, I have to go find him! He could be the one behind all this madness!"
As Ferocio began running through the forest, a calm, intelligent voice spoke: "Greetings, young Life elemental. Are you looking for me?"
Ferocio could not locate the source of the voice. "Who are you? Where are you?"
"You idiot. If you can't SEE me, but you can HEAR me, don't I HAVE to be an Aether elemental? And which Aether elemental are you most familiar with?"
As the scrawny figure came into being, Ferocio growled. "Dimentio Revane. I had a feeling you'd try to stay here. The Forest is the most peaceful place in the world, and everyone here is so nice. But I see what you're doing, and I'm going to end you once and for all!"
As Ferocio activated his Adrenaline and began to charge wildly at Dimentio, Revane suddenly replicated himself. Then, he did it again. And again. And again. All of a sudden, Ferocio was surrounded by 10 Aether elementals, all grinning widely. Then, as suddenly as they had appeared, the duplicate elementals vanished along with the original Dimentio, back into the Void. As he began to return to his original form, Ferocio roared, "This isn't over, you unwanted beast! If I can't get you, then someone will!"
« Last Edit: July 17, 2012, 10:24:24 pm by thispersonisagenius »
My favorite quote: "The depressing thing about tennis is that no matter how good I get, I'll never be as good as a wall."
~Mitch Hedburg (thanks to plastiqe for telling me who's quote it is)

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Re: The Quantum Enigma - An Element RP https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=42064.msg522887#msg522887
« Reply #15 on: July 17, 2012, 10:39:08 pm »
[I actually do wonder about that. How would this progress? Does all of our stories eventually entertwine at the end? Do some of our characters briefly meet each other? Do they team up to stop the new element? Or are they all sort of scattered?]

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Re: The Quantum Enigma - An Element RP https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=42064.msg522888#msg522888
« Reply #16 on: July 17, 2012, 10:43:27 pm »
[I'm guessing they'd converge at one point.]

[Will modify with content]
« Last Edit: July 17, 2012, 11:23:23 pm by Drake_XIV »

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Re: The Quantum Enigma - An Element RP https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=42064.msg522891#msg522891
« Reply #17 on: July 17, 2012, 11:02:09 pm »
[@TPIsaGenius-Question, how fast do you think word travels/how much time is inbetween your posts? I can't help but htink that a few days would need to have passed before the life folk would have heard about the gravity catapult stealing and all that?]
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Re: The Quantum Enigma - An Element RP https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=42064.msg522899#msg522899
« Reply #18 on: July 18, 2012, 12:45:13 am »
[@TPIsaGenius-Question, how fast do you think word travels/how much time is inbetween your posts? I can't help but htink that a few days would need to have passed before the life folk would have heard about the gravity catapult stealing and all that?]
[One could say that Air elementals help share information with the rest of the world. Or, that new recruit that Drake_XIV mentioned was actually an Earth/Gravity spy, since both of those elements distrusted the subtle Time elementals? They CAN change time, so who knows what powerful stuff they can do, right?]
My favorite quote: "The depressing thing about tennis is that no matter how good I get, I'll never be as good as a wall."
~Mitch Hedburg (thanks to plastiqe for telling me who's quote it is)

Offline Zaealix

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Re: The Quantum Enigma - An Element RP https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=42064.msg522901#msg522901
« Reply #19 on: July 18, 2012, 01:08:38 am »
[I seeee...But it looks to me like there's about to be alot of fast frantic negotiations soon, this is a post-war world, I'd figure that no-one doesn't wanna deal with another war...But who knows?]
The time elementals soon diserned the reason for the issue was a thevery by a band of time raiders, one that had proven elusive to catch in previous searches. After a stern reprimand of Cameron, they left, but promised to eventually make reparations for the crimes commited.
Iredia: Well...That's... Very very scary...
Cameron: Yea.
Iredia: Well, this is just great-
Iredia suddenly glowed bright teal and levitated high into the air. She spun so she was facing the Catapult, opened her mouth, and then the Gravity Sphere that acted as a counter weight exploded. Then the glow faded, and Iredia fell back to the ground.
Iredia: :o ?_? Ok, clearly, we need to shelve the catapult idea. Between Time mishaps and....THAT. If we keep this up we're not gonna have a catapult left in the world!
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Re: The Quantum Enigma - An Element RP https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=42064.msg522907#msg522907
« Reply #20 on: July 18, 2012, 01:26:32 am »
I'm tl;dr-ing most of the thread so far as I'm not expecting to have any other character around me soon.

Assume Timeline: <1 hours after end of r5. The blast/energy surge/etc occurred while Bhever slept.


Upon finishing a short nap in his small cottage of half-rock and half-wood, Bhever walked outside. It was a quiet day, as it always was in this part of Frozen North, but the quiet was much less serene than usual. In fact, today it seemed almost eerie, unappealing. Perhaps even sinister.

He raised a hand in the air as if to wave, but no one else was in sight. Instead, he called upon his inner energy and pulled vapor from the air into his hand. and then blasted it towards the ice at his feet.

It felt darker, more intense than usual. The water seemed to move into and out of his arm thickly. Water should not be this way, not if untouched. And Bhever knew that this area was nearly untouched by black magic. Something had definitely occurred.

The nearest area with people was on the foot of the icy mountain, only an hour's hike away. There was a village of about 150 people, including a few good friends from his travels. He decided that if something did indeed occur, it likely occurred in an area of enough size that people in this village had felt it. It was best to depart for the village immediately to gain information.

He grabbed some basic supplies, wrapped them in linen tied around a stick, and set off down the mountain. If he was quick he could make it before the discomfort of hunger set in.

Will do more later :)
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Re: The Quantum Enigma - An Element RP https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=42064.msg522983#msg522983
« Reply #21 on: July 18, 2012, 06:32:54 am »
Alae chuckled as her son stated his decisions. "It's about time you actually went out and saw the world yourself" she finally mused.

"That's what I intend to do mother," Ren concluded. "I've sensed something off ever since this morning, but I haven't seen anything too big happening around the capital, so I have decided I must see it myself"

[Assuming that the secret meeting and the existence of the new element or blast hasn't been publicly acknowledged]

"You know," Alae finally said, "That sword you're carrying. Your father left it to you when he left. He had said that if you were a boy, you were to be given this sword and be a fine man. If you were a girl, he said it would've made a fine gift for your future husband". Alae giggled a bit. "Very well then, Renato, go. Go and see the whole world and experience it yourself. You're a scholar, but a scholar with only notes and books in his head is useless. Become a man after your adventure. Make your mother proud."

"I will" Ren nodded as he hugged his mother.

"Hey!" Penn called to Renato as he walked down the steps. "I haven't seen you around! Where have you been! And oh, I see you're still carrying him around", pointing at Libellum, riding on Ren's shoulder.

"Ah well, I've been busy" Ren replied.

"Still haven't gotten your Owl Eye yet? For someone as smart as you, I would've expected you to have one by now!"

"I've...been busy. Haven't had the time to pass the test for one. I could easily get one if I wanted!" Ren felt himself say. This was a lie. A pretty big lie. Ever since he was little, Ren had never known how to use a bow, and he never once hit the target during practice. In response to this, he trained himself to use a sword, the one his father left him instead of bows.

"Oh, speaking of which, did you read my recent paper?" Ren quickly changed the subject. "I think I've figured out how the spell shockwave actually works. It's not a burst of energy like many air elementals believe, but rather, a compression of air particles. Air isn't just one solid fluid thing you know, it's actually made up of tiny particles."

Penn shook his head but smiled. "You and your silly ideas. This is why you're never taken seriously here in the capital. You may be a genius scholar, but your hypotheses...well, they can be a bit too odd at times"

"Yet, you never have disproved me" Ren smiled at his friend. Indeed, Renato and Penn had been friends ever since they started studying the ancient literature and texts of the air library, where they first met. They were both great scholars, although Ren was considered smarter than Penn by their peers. Perhaps in spite of this, Penn had obtained his Owl Eye at 16, one of the youngest ages ever recorded to pass the harsh exam and get one of those prized bows. "I am going on a journey" Ren finally said. I am going to see the world myself, and to find out why something doesn't feel right."

"Ah. You've felt it too" Penn leaned in closer. "Something is definitely off, but there's no news from the capital. I think I'll stick around and listen for the news."

"That's why I'm going to find out for myself." Ren tugged on his robe and turned to leave.

Penn grabbed his shoulder. "Well hey! You're not leaving on your own are you? Let me accompany you." Seeing Ren's confused face, Penn quickly added "Oh, I know it's your journey, but at least let me walk with you until we reach the borders. Come on, at least for an old friendship's sake?"

"Very well" Ren acknowledged his old friend, and the two headed off together.

« Last Edit: July 18, 2012, 06:56:59 am by furballdn »

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Re: The Quantum Enigma - An Element RP https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=42064.msg523026#msg523026
« Reply #22 on: July 18, 2012, 09:53:55 am »
Astasia glanced at the stars, frowning to herself. She pulled her cloak tighter around her shoulders and shivered. For some reason, she didn't like the cold as much as the other Darkness Elementals. Her grandmother had said it was her Aether blood. In Etheria, the temperature adapted to the Elementals, not the other way round.
Well, she thought to herself, Etheria is not going to help me. I better get used to this cold quick, as there is no way i can travel during the day, what with all these Fire soldiers about. Who knows what they might do with a 16-year-old girl travelling alone.
She studied the stars one last time, then continued to run, her cloak hiding her from any snoozing Fire soldier that happened to wake.
After about an hour, Astasia saw the faint glimmer of the early sunrise. She took a quick gulp from her canteen, and scanned the landscape for a place to sleep. Her eyes caught a cave of some sort, right beside the nearest town.
As she lay on the cool, hard cave floor, she wondered what the Dead Marshes would be like, and what sort of training she would be given.
Anything's better than the Fire Elementals...

[If anyone is near Astasia, feel free to intercept her, and use her in part of your story. No dramatic changes to her plot though, please, without PMing me first.]
Beware the Darkness.

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Re: The Quantum Enigma - An Element RP https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=42064.msg523034#msg523034
« Reply #23 on: July 18, 2012, 11:12:17 am »
Mobius (:water): Mobius is a Frost Monarch, the strongest Elemental capable of Ice Magic alive. He is one of the most potent spellcasters in the world. (lololol reference)

Ferocio continued to thunder through the forest, away from the grand Castle of Life and into the farthest reaches of the Forest of Life. After what seemed to be an Eternity, he reached the very edge of the Life kingdom, a point known as the Hex Center. This small clearing was the largest inter-element connection on the planet, as it joined the Kingdoms of Life, Death, Light, Time, Earth and Gravity. At the very center sat the strangest object in the world: A strange hexagonal object, one side devoted to the qualities of each element. Ferocio waited on the Life edge of the clearing, slightly towards the Light side as he feared the power of the Death elementals. What had led him here, he did not know. Feral intuition? It was here Ferocio waited, waited, for another elemental, SOMETHING to make his life more interesting...

An earth-shattering wail issued from the Death Marsh, and as if on a cue, a horde of undead skeletons and their master, a sinister Grey Nymph, entered the clearing. Ferocio prepared for, literally, the fight of his life.


My favorite quote: "The depressing thing about tennis is that no matter how good I get, I'll never be as good as a wall."
~Mitch Hedburg (thanks to plastiqe for telling me who's quote it is)

