Ferox and his minions raced towards the Light Kingdom, seeking an answer of their own for the energy that had raced throughout the land. His creatures had told him of the strange black and clear blobs that were like no energy ever seen.
Just as expected, he was stopped by a large group of Crusaders, who had probably realized his presence as he approached the Kingdom of Light.
"HALT!" A Crusader shouted. "We know who you are, Ferox, but until someone gives us orders otherwise we were instructed by the local magistrate to let no one pass!"
"That explains why no one could get in between the border." Ferox grumbled. "I guess I'll have to charge, through, won't I?"
"Ferox, I really don't think-"
"My apologies, Crusader, but I have orders from the King of

to force a meeting if I cannot get one myself! Charge, creatu-"
"Stay your hand, Ferox!" A huge gust of wind made his Rustlers and Frogs tremble in fear, while his Dragons looked to the sky with wide eyes.
Morning Sun
Holding a sword made of pure light, a female winged Knight dropped from the sky, landing gracefully in front of the Crusaders. Turning to them, her voice betrayed a fiery anger.
"Do you really hold your loyalty so tightly that you must follow the orders of a selfish and corrupt patrician?" she snapped at the head Crusader.
"N-n-no, Milady," The Crusader replied nervously, attempting to regain his composure. "We tried to convince Minister Kount to let his orders, but you know the House of the Crossed Blade is..."
"...I'm sorry, I shouldn't speak so harshly."
"Pardon, Milady?"
"N-n-nothing! You're all doing your jobs as ordered, but I need you all to stand aside like I asked before, please."
"Understood." The Crusader looked at the large group of men he commanded. "Men, stand aside and let the two pass!"
All moved but one.
"What are you doing? The Knight ordered us to move aside!" The Crusader barked.
"Only if she doth reveal her face, the beautiful carnation of which we see no trace." The subordinate 'Crusader' 's armor began to decompose into sand, revealing himself to be dressed in the garb of an Envoy of

, aged and wizened beyond the years of his prime. He held what appeared to be an old metal staff.
"This is no
time for jokes, you
quintessential idiot." Ferox interrupted angrily, pushing himself up to the Envoy with seemingly total disregard for his frail state.
"Peace!" The Knight took off her helmet, revealing long and lush red hair. As she looked up once more, one could easily recognize the graceful and yet youthful face of Divine Glory, her blazing red eyes betraying her irritation. "So now, can you please stop playing around?"
"Thank you for your trust. It does not go unbound, for I must... ahh, screw this. I'm not good at long pranks." Throwing away his cloak to reveal a set of rusted armor, the aged Envoy quickly cast a spell.
Temporal Placement
Almost instantly, the Envoy's body began to deage at what most Time Elementals would consider a violent and dangerous pace. His old body turned into a thin but muscular frame, and his white beard shortened into a short blond clump. Teal energy crackled at his palms, while his aged white eyes took on a youthful shine like that of his restored armor that bore an obvious resemblance to the uniform of the Crusader that had admonished him, only more glorious.
To finish the transformation, the old metal staff twisted and turned into a three-pronged spear, with what appeared to be a shining wreath of blue flame encircling around it. As if it has been already touched by

, the staff immediately conducted the teal energy sparking from the Envoy hands, turning the flame from a deep blue to a light teal.
It was clear that Lionheart had wanted to make a grand entrance.
"Ah...." The Crusader facepalmed. Was Destiny messing with him? It was rare luck for one False God to show up in the same place, much less two that had shown their anger at him in addition to the one that bore the label of 'The Exemplar' in The House of the Crusaders - and yet, said 'Exemplar' decided to mess with him instead.
"It's not your fault." Divine Glory reassured him in a soft voice. She turned to Lionheart, who seemed to have realized the bad timing of his prank. "You really shouldn't deceive those that train under your former House!"
"Ahah, it is alright. They must learn that not every situation will be as it seems, just as how no conquest can last forever." Lionheart replied. "I apologize, Ferox, for the deception. Are you trying to meet with the King and Queen of Light?"
"Yes. You saw the whole conversation." Ferox snarked.
"Indeed I did." Lionheart gave Ferox a hearty backslap. "Do not be so down, friend. Even in the face of a new enemy, the glory of war will not falter."
"It had better not, or everyone that isn't at our level could end up as dead meat." Divine Glory interjected. "Let's head to the Castle. We shall discuss things further there."