
Offline LegitTopic starter

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Re: The Quantum Enigma - An Element RP https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=42064.msg524345#msg524345
« Reply #84 on: July 22, 2012, 08:13:33 pm »
There are two aspects of this "Fate" I must examine. The first - stating that no matter what I do, my actions are tied to fate and are destined to be completed. So even if this fate does exist, it would be pointless to try and change it without knowing future events. Maybe I should just cool down and realize I am still in control. Fate may detail my actions but it does not dictate them. In fact, it doesn't really matter either way, I will not yield at this point.

The other thing - what if that Time Elemental was lying aout fate? I don't doubt his power, and I believe he has mastered Precognition, but the information he told me...it could be false. He could be manipulating me in some way. Hmm.

Deep in thought, ignorant to physical fatigue, Velethan raced to the Air Palace. Queen Mya needed his intel as soon as possible.

Two guards greeted him as he approached the bridge to Zephyrus. Realizing his military position, the men allowed him to cross without question. More guards surrounded the entrances to the palace, who checked his identification and allowed him to enter. Velethan ascended the ornate, magnificent stairwell, heading towards the Queen's chambers. As he exited the stairs and rushed down the hallway, he noticed a woman, a Darkness Elemental, patiently seated outside of the Queen's chamber. She was dressed in a short, black dress that displayed her curves. However, her most commanding feature was her eyes - piercing blue eyes in contrast with light skin and dark clothing. Her gorgeous appearance was the second thing on Velethan's mind at this point.

The absence of Air guards in front of the Queen's chamber worried Velethan, and the presence of a foreign Elemental worsened the situation. "Hello, is the Queen inside?" he asked.

"Yes. She is in a private meeting with the Ambassador of Darkness, she specifically requested that no one interrupt." the Darkness Elemental appeared to be examining him, probing his mind as if to discover his motivations.

"Well, this is urgent. How long will this meeting take?" Velethan replied, turning his gaze away and hiding his face.

"It should be concluding soon." the Darkness Elemental stood up. "You're wondering about the lack of guards, aren't you?" Even while facing the opposite direction, Velethan could feel the confidence and strength of her piercing eyes.

Velethan turned to face her once more, staring directly into the soul-draining, icy eyes of the attractive Darkness Elemental. The pair stared at each other for several moments, never once blinking in fear that the other would sense weakness or insecurity, as if they were each a powerful spellcaster attempting to piece together the thoughts of a hostile.

Finally the Darkness Elemental turned away, simply to point down the hall to another room. "I dismissed them. I didn't like the way they were staring at me."

Velethan immediatly noted her tone change - at first she seemed wary and investigative, speaking with coldness and malice as if trying to capture a position of higher ground over an opponent. Now, her mood had shifted, and she spoke with a laid-back, friendly tone. Had she been somehow determining his character this whole time, discerning if he could be trusted.

As she turned her head towards him, she was smiling, and Velethan could only describe her as hauntingly beautiful, like watching the dissection of a dead creature: An awe-inducing experience both unnerving and fasinating. 

He returned to reality and noticed her arm outstreched. "Adrianne. Nice to meet you."

Velethan quickly shook her hand. "Velethan. A pleasure. Now, if I may ask, what gave you the power to dismiss those guards?"

"I'm the sister of Zerath, the Darkness Ambassador." she smiled slyly. "And I love abusing the power my position gives me."

Voices from inside the room projected into the hall as its occupants moved towards the door. Queen Mya and Zerath stepped outside, Zerath remarking on how spending two full days cloaked outside the Chaos Gate, waiting for it to open, was something he never wanted to do again.

Almost forgetting his mission and recalling his duty, Velethan interrupted. "M'lady, we successfully breached the Dimensional Shield and entered Etheria. I have some news to report..."

Offline ZephyrPhantom

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Re: The Quantum Enigma - An Element RP https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=42064.msg524389#msg524389
« Reply #85 on: July 22, 2012, 11:16:16 pm »
[I've gotten heads up about both Drake and thispersonisagenius being AFK for a while - in the meantime, thispersonisagenius has allowed me to control his characters so long as he's not involved in a drastic plot change or as long as he's not killed. That being said, Lyra and co. move forward.]
Spoiler for Lyra's Investigation:

Glaring Light

"AGAIN?!" Ferocio roared as Kuraz stood before him in the factory. "Stop getting in my way, Kuraz!"

"You do realize we're standing on government property, right? If you damage the Graviton Manufacturing Center you're liable to cause a political ruckus."

"I might as well start a ruckus if no one tells me what's going on!"

"If you had listened, Ferocio, we're dealing with an issue that involves elemental magic. You simply can't run away just because you're not famillar with it."

"Silence! It goes far beyond magic because there shouldn't be any reason for the False God, Akebono, to be out on an ordinary 'joyride' on this time of day!"

"Wait." Kuraz narrowed his eyebrows. "Akebono, a False God, was here?"

"Hmph. Yes he was, but I was denied entrance to his castle. Good luck trying to speak to him, Kuraz." Ferocio almost sneered.

"I don't need luck. I have someone's support." Kuraz retorted, as Lyra and Kairos approached them. "I apologize for yelling very loudly. You two probably heard the whole thing, didn't you?"

"No, really. You guys should be rock stars." Lyra deadpanned. Kairos simply nodded. "Well, Kuraz, you got the message, right?"

"Oh, the one on the pigeon? Yeah. And we just happen to have a False God nearby."

"Indeed. Let's go pay him a visit, shall we? I'm sure it'll benefit you, Ferocio Vivis." Ferocio couldn't help but feel there was something off about Lyra's voice. He turned to Kuraz and Kairos, but neither appeared to notice anything significant.

"I see you recognize my lineage, Lyra." He simply replied after a deep breath.

"Indeed I do, Sir." Lyra's voiced betrayed no sign of attraction, which Ferocio found suprising. Instead, it seemed to contain a faint whisper, reminiscent of a lisp of a Darkness elemental. "The House of the Sudren reach far and wide, and we hear many glorious tales of royalty brought back to the Hall of Champions, The House of the Nordics. I must say, it's a pleasure to meet you."

But as soon as he thought he heard a lisp, it was gone. He simply nodded, well aware of the two departments that managed Light's trade economy annd tales of heorics.

"Alright, let's go then! Cornflakes, tally h-" Lyra was cut short by Kuraz facepalming. "Sorry. I just wanted to see how Jenkins feels."

"...You don't want to know more about that blockhead of a former roomate, trust me."

"Shall we go, then?" Kairos sighed. "I don't have much purpose at the moment, but I guess I'll stick with you guys and see what happens."

Spoiler for Get your references straight, Jenkins.:
"Hey, kid! Why are you leaving our House?"

"Come on, man! You can't do this to us! What happened to our brotherhood, our buddy-to-buddy talks!"

"Please, Jenkins... don't leave us."

His mentor, best friend, and... that mage's face glimmered. Jenkins pushed them away.

His mentor had grown lazy and content to sit with the position they held, not advancing their House any further.
His friend had turned his back on him, failing to heed his warnings about his research on the energy dubbed 'Acid'. He now sat in the hospital, wounded by elements not of the standard twelve.
That mage? Hah. He worked for that mage. Or more accurately, he now worked for the Queen of Light as a seemingly insignificant envoy
And him? Seemingly stuck at the bottom of the ladder of destiny.... until now.

Seeing Iredia and the 'Redelgus' Armagio advancing back towards him, he immediately hid his moping with a cheesy smile. The great Jenkins shouldn't be bothered by silly dark and troubled pasts, after all! He was on a mission for the queen!

"So, ready to go and kick some butt?!"

"Sure. Just don't kill yourself, please." Jenkins rolled his eyes. He'd never get himself killed! (Because someone else was always with him, that is.)

"Alright! According to the handy dandy giant map you have here, Lyra and Kuraz probably headed towards the Northern part of Gravity. Isn't that where the famed False God, Akebono lives?"

"Yeah! Good to see you know something, Jenkins. Anyway, why there?"

"Well, the False Gods are masters of magic, right? The absolute exemplars of the elements they embody. It kind of makes sense that they'd experience a lot of that energy."

"Huh. That sounds fairly right. Alright then, I'll head with you. I've also been assigned by Nilson to investigate this crisis and catastrophe."


"...Can't you even get your battle cry straight?"

"Whoops. At least, I've got my jar of dirt."

Spoiler for Revane's Encounter:
"Dimentio Revane!" The Aether Elemental turned his head in suprise, away from the mass of black goop he'd been trying to Fractal. Before him, stood a strange figure in a light grey-teal cloak.

You trespass upon an energy not of your realm! By the order of Fate, I command you to let the Void recede back to it's home realm!"

"Ah. And what gives you any right to threaten me, stranger?" Dimentio snarked. The stranger possessed no weapons, no shields, not even an elemental scroll. His recently 'acquired' Mindgate pendant told him that much. "You possess nothing to fight me with. What will you do?"

"Believe or not, Revane, I do. Sometimes, the threads of a story conceal a monster in an innocent rabbit."

"Hah. You wish. But to me, your rabbit is dead meat!"

Parallel Universe

Split into ten, the copies of a Revane all quickly circled the stranger. 5 began to charge, while the other 5 stayed behind in case of a trick.

The stranger responded with a laugh.

"Do not toy with me, Revane."


With a quick 360 turn and thrust, the figure threw what seemed to be not one, but 7 glowing bolts of energy. The 5 Revane clones simply blocked the harmless energy spears, but as they fell into the ground they erupted into a huge projection of energy spikes impaling the the five clones that recklessly charged.

Attempting a more tact maneuver, Revane had one clone teleport inside the ‘core’ of the spiked prison, engaging the stranger with his repaired sword. In the meantime, the three other clones teleported in besides the stranger, attempting to catch him off guard by slashing from behind.
But the stranger seemed to have anticipated this.


Now holding a wickedly curved scimitar of emerald, the man began to swing wildly around him, as if he did not care for his life. The clones landed many hits, but the stranger seemed to feel no pain nor bleed no blood.
Eventually, the clones tired out and faded.  The stranger tired out as well, as both the prison of spikes and the strange jade blade disappeared from his hand.
“Enough of your power play, stranger. You are a worthy opponent, I suppose.” Dimentio grunted.
“As are you.” The stranger replied. “It is sad that your destiny has led you to become a criminal.”
“I don’t regret it.” He replied. “Glory fades. Infamy doesn’t.”
“I disagree. Glory lasts forever to sung. Infamy lasts forever to be mocked.” The stranger began to fade once more. “My time with you has ended, as predicted. Farewell, and be glad you were not tainted today.”
“Hah. Nothing taints me, not even my ego.” Dimentio smirked…and turned around to find the blob he’d experimented with had dissolved rapidly, as if it had lost the reason to exist.
"There goes my test subject."

[I know Ferocio's dad Vivor commanded Ferox to force a meeting with the Lady Amaterasu and King Helios, but writing this stuff takes a bit of my time. I'll probably get back to them in my next post.]

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Re: The Quantum Enigma - An Element RP https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=42064.msg524412#msg524412
« Reply #86 on: July 23, 2012, 01:08:27 am »
[Hrmm....This could be interesting....]
Iredia: Hrm...Where, where, where could your friends be?
Jenkins: Hrm...Good question, but they can't be far-AH! The rest of the Power Trio!
Iredia:Soon to be Power...Hex? Umm...Redelgus, what do you call a group of six?
Redelgus:I don't know. And I can't say I expected to ever want not to know something until now...
As if things weren't wild enough, I bet that Life and Time elemental is going to get roped into this wild goose chase...Someone's gotta look after this flock of fools, and sadly, I get the impression Jenkins is beginning to rub off on Iredia...
Jenkins: Lyra! Kuraz! Behold, the Power Trio is reunited!!!
Iredia: And who perhaps, are you two?
[Response goes here]
*Water Guild*

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Re: The Quantum Enigma - An Element RP https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=42064.msg524441#msg524441
« Reply #87 on: July 23, 2012, 02:19:06 am »
[Okay, I'm back.  Let's see if I can actually get back...

Also, don't expect me to do anything big right now.  Just trying to understand what everyone else is doing right now...

So, for now, this is just a notification that I'm back, but I'll *try* to modify this post once I get some understanding...]

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Re: The Quantum Enigma - An Element RP https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=42064.msg524670#msg524670
« Reply #88 on: July 23, 2012, 07:56:32 pm »
[If anyone needs a source of conflict, feel free to create portals that spawn null monsters or parts of the singularity. They can take on any shape or form, so be creative. Note: Parts of the singularity will explode upon death, spewing null liquid which will cancel out any living thing it touches (basically, killing, except whatever it touches disappears). The singularity can also spontaneously explode because of its inherent nature.]

"We must notify the other nations immediatly. This inevitable destruction seems false - or maybe I simply can't embrace the idea because it's too terrible - but either way, the fact that energy from an unstable realm is leaking into ours may give us a way to prevent further contamination if we unite." Queen Mya responded to Velethan's explanation.

"Agreed. We must be careful about revealing this to the public because there is already unrest and a chaotic response would not be unexpected." Zerath said. He had forgone his usual apathetic disposition to adopt a more active manner in solving the current problem.

"Alright, I will send my most trusted soldiers to the other nations. Zerath, could you contact the Entropy and Death nations?" Mya asked. Zerath nodded in response.

"It's only a matter of time before the danger gets worse, I fear this null energy will eventually come to reap and destroy our land...and I simply can't imagine everything here will be lost..." The Queen sat down and covered her face with her hands.

"Do not worry, m'lady. I too believe the Aether Elementals are hiding something, or they are misinformed. I am certain we can prevent this disaster." Velethan said truthfully.

"We can discuss this later. There is limited time before another large outbreak. We must contact the other nations so they can prepare themselves." Zerath briskly headed towards the door.

Queen Mya stood once again, this time with confidence. "Yes. With haste." She turned to Velethan. "I'm sending you to the Eastern nations. Our allies Life, Time, and Light. I trust you will complete this mission as swiftly as possible."

_Good, she assigned me to Time...I have another duty to take care of there._ Velethan bowed and exited the room, heading towards the Wyrm stables, without a second glance at the Darkness Elementals.

Two hours later

Completely focused on the mission at hand, Velethan soared through the air on a Wyrm, headed for the Kingdom of Light. He had just passed over the Earthen Mountains, more than halfway there. At this rate the other nations would have a couple days to prepare for another power surge.

Suddenly, he heard an eerie scraping sound, as if a sword was scratching against metal. In horror, he watched a portal appear right ahead of him, a large circle revealing nothing but pitch black. With a woosh, something exited the portal as it closed and disappeared. The creature was another Wyrm, yet it had a completely different form -  It was gray, with red streaks across its entire body. Large, mutant fangs sported from its mouth. And it had multiplied the amount of wings on a normal Wyrm - There were at least ten pairs of wings sprouting from its body, all asymmetrical.

The terrifying creature screamed, causing Velethan to grimace and his Wyrm to shudder in fear. The Null Wyrm approached them, writhing as if in pain and screeching. Velethan quickly threw up his Fog Shield, and a comforting mist surrounded him. The Null Wyrm zoomed through the fog, missing its target confused by the fog. Retaliating, Velethan drew his Eagle's Eye and shot the Wyrm in the back of the head, and it screamed in agony.

Velethan covered his ears and ordered his Wyrm to fly away from their assailant. He couldn't help but wonder...why would the portal spawn directly in front of him, conveiniently allowing a creature to enter their realm that immediatly attacked him? No - it was most likely coincidence, but Velethan had doubts. Too many strange things happening lately to trust a single source. Velethan could only believe what he saw with own eyes.

And of course, this meant more portals would appear around the continent, and depending on the location, things could be worse. Civilians could die, forests could be destroyed...

The strange creature, enraged at its injury, attacked Velethan once more. The fog shield prevented the Null Wyrm from striking his target, but one of its wings grazed Velethan's Wyrm, and its skin began to melt away. Velethan watched in disbelief as a small part of the Wyrm's body simply disappeared. The Aether Elementals were correct; the null substance and living substances cancel out...

Velethan aimed another shot, but was suddenly shaken violently to the side - The tail of the Null Wyrm crashed against his Wyrm as the beast flailed. This time the Wyrm growled in pain as the entire right half of its body slowly faded out of existence. It began to falter and lose altitude. Velethan hastily shot another arrow at the Null Wyrm, hitting a spot on its body.

As creature and rider slowly spiraled down towards solid ground, their assailant continued to strike, and this time the Fog Shield could not prevent a direct hit. "Damn, next time I need a hax shield. I should go ask Zerath for a Duck Mantle." Velethan said.

The Null Wyrm wrapped its entire body around his natural counterpart and bit into its head. Velethan avoided a flapping wing of the Null creature as his mount disintegrated into thin air. He also realized the Null Wyrm disappearing as well.

To avoid the same fate as his Wyrm, Velethan jumped off, barely dodging the wings of the Null Wyrm. With one touch, he would have been dead. Nonexistent. Yet that may have been a better way to die, for now he was falling at terminal velocity towards his doom.

As he approached the ground, he noticed the two creatures had completely disappeared - no trace of either Wyrm remained. Scary. That's what could happen to the entire world soon.

Velethan closed his eyes. Was this my fate? I failed my urgent mission that could very well save millions of people from leaving existence like his Wyrm had. I'm so sorry my Queen...this singularity of null energy was too powerful of a force. He thought of his family, friends, even his recent companions. They would all suffer eventually, watching the world around them disappear into nothingness and then succumbing to the null energy themselves. Everyone, everything was doomed. Perhaps this was the best way to die. Accepting the fate of the world and leaving at peace.

Peace. No more strife. No more stress. No more pain. Nothing more. I can leave all this behind. It's so much easier to exist without living.

Smiling, Velethan prepared to meet his fate.

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Re: The Quantum Enigma - An Element RP https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=42064.msg524676#msg524676
« Reply #89 on: July 23, 2012, 08:19:31 pm »
[Location - ???]
"Too soon, and too powerful. Must I be called into action once more?" It became clear to the other 'players' that this figure didn't even have a concrete identity. For now, let us refer to this elemental as a 'he'.

The cloaked figure sighed as 'he' stared at the massive blob of... 'quantum' in the room. "I am not even a man or woman, whole. My other side risks 'him'self to find the cause, and I am not full sure if that person has actually even begun, yet."

The blob shifted, as if to show 'him' something important. "Yes.... I understand. My Fate was locked until this point (why my horrible fate, anyway?), but now I am Fateless, free to rebel against this disruption in the balance of the universe. But am I still destined  to save the Air elemental?"

A nearby 'wall' suddenly glowed with energy, as the blob etched its response 'YOU ARE ONLY REQUESTED TO DO SO. THAT IS THE IMPORTANTANCE OF WIELDING FATE - TO MAKE YOUR OWN CHOICES.'

"Very well. Since I choose the path of saving all rather than the path of destructive glory, my mind is set. They must all have an opportunity to save the world."  The figure held up what appeared to be a broken pocketwatch, and clicked a button:


As if springing to life, the Pocketwatch's dial began to move frantically backwards. In the background, a familliar Air Elemental was reflected, facing an abomination that used to have been a Wyrm.

"My time is ticking." And with that, the figure was gone. The blob simply rumbled once more.

[Location : Wherever Velethan is.]
By coincidence, he'd landed between the Void Wyrm and the Air Elemental. Or more accurately, between the Void Wyrm and the now refading Normal Wyrm that the Air Elemental laid on.

Before he could speak, a feminine voice he knew all too well spoke in his ear.

As 'payment' for saving this unnecessary 'hero', -----, you must fight the beast meant to kill him. You action is sealed, ----.

"HEY, YOU!" The shout caused the Void Wyrm to recoil and the Elemental to open his eyes.

"What? Who are..." Velethan's voice betrayed shock and awe, even as he tried to appear calm.

"Consider yourself fortunate, since you are not fated to be tainted. Yet." The stranger shifted confidently, as if he'd faced these beasts before. "Run now, and continue to warn others. My time here will be up soon."


"Do not worry about me. Fate does not make my decisions for me. Now, GO!" Seeing as the Air Elemental has left his vicinity, the figure turned to face the Void Wyrm once more. It shuddered, as if knowing its torment was only beginning.

"Come, beast. Tell me how you'd like to face one with a weakness only the destined shall know.

...If only the damn watch would function properly and not save their enemies' lives as well, this would've been easier."


[Alright, for extra fun, I'm opening up control of the stranger for only this battle on one condition - anyone who doesn't side with the stranger sides with the Void Wyrm instead. Here's a profile of the stranger, to give everyone a brief description:]
Spoiler for ???:
Name : ???
Gender : ???
Element : 'Fate' (???)
Bio: ???
Always appearing in a light-grey teal cloak, this mysterious stranger can only be present for the duration his Watch 'Kronos' allows him to, but his ability to manifest his power to adapt to any situation more than makes up for it. His abilities are all based on the various mythology throughout the world known as 'Earth'.

Kronos allows the stranger to jump to certain points near the present that Fate has 'destined' him too - in light of the recent crisis, it's fairly often besides the present. However, it is also a watch meant to function for only himself - if he attempts to use it the alter the fates of others, it will attempt to make that alteration an uphill battle, depending on how drastic it is.

Shamshir is a sword that prevents the stranger from dying - unless he meets one destined to kill him, in which the sword will turn against him. It makes every battle with it a gamble for the stranger, though he's generally aware that as a Fateless he need only fear mighty heroes and villians.

Gae Bulg fires a random amount of harmless energy spears. They're meant to hit the ground and erupt into giant energy spikes - Gae Bulgs fired in the air do nothing unless there's a solid piece of ground for them to stick to floating in midair.

Mjolnir is a large weapon with unknown properties. (Feel free to make them up if you have him use it.)

« Last Edit: July 23, 2012, 09:06:37 pm by Zblader »

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Re: The Quantum Enigma - An Element RP https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=42064.msg524678#msg524678
« Reply #90 on: July 23, 2012, 08:22:04 pm »
[You other people need to hurry up and develop your plots/characters :P]
Location: Earthen mountains
"Sorry to do this" Ren muttered apologetically to Cameron, Glanath already gone to his own nation. "I'm going to have to borrow some money from you. I promise I"ll pay it back later..."

"Don't worry about it" Cameron smiled. He was glad that he could accompany his new friend a while longer. He was definitely not looking forward to reporting back to his own nation.

"Wait, what's that?" Ren pointed into the sky and Cameron could make out something up above. "Is that...an elemental? Quick! Let me borrow Akebono!"

Without even waiting for Cameron's approval, Ren had leapt onto the dragon, and made it take off. Flying higher and higher. He could make out the shape of who was falling, but at this speed, there'd be no way he could catch the falling elemental. "Web!" Libellum let out a string of web that covered around the falling elemental, slowing down his speed greatly. With a well timed dive, Ren directed Akebono to slowly catch the falling elemental. "Velethan?" Without paying attention though, Ren was unprepared for a surprise landing.

"A null wyrm?" Ren asked Velethan once on the ground, "That erased everything it touched? That sounds dangerous. Why didn't you snipe it or shockwave it? I thought I told you that elemental attacks would take care of them."

Velethan bit his lip, still not really trusting Ren. He was half death after all. Velethan tried to change the subject "Our queen Mya has responded to this crisis by sending envoys to the other nations warning them of this trouble and requesting their alliance"

"Only now? What about Penn? And his message?"

"Who? I didn't see a Penn there"

Ren was silent. "Damnit Penn. How could you just die?"

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Re: The Quantum Enigma - An Element RP https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=42064.msg524686#msg524686
« Reply #91 on: July 23, 2012, 08:37:54 pm »
"Man, I never want to almost die again. The state of near-death brings terrible things to your mind. But anyways, I can't thank you enough. I never would have thought that you guys, of all people, would save me." Velethan was cheerful.

Cameron smiled. "Well, you have an important mission. We couldn't let you just die."

Whatever fate is supposed to be, I can feel it resonating here. That strange Time Elemental...he planed this. Somehow.

"Will you help me deliver this message?" Velethan asked his companions. "In the upcoming days, more portals will open. Another energy surge is inevitable. I'll need all the help I can get if we are to find a solution to save the world."

« Last Edit: July 23, 2012, 09:01:43 pm by Legit »

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Re: The Quantum Enigma - An Element RP https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=42064.msg524699#msg524699
« Reply #92 on: July 23, 2012, 08:57:47 pm »
[Galnath already left, you might wanna change that to Cameron]

Location: Earthen Mountains
"More of these null creatures?" Ren though for a while, "That's definitely not good. Any plans?"

Velenath responded, "Well, right now, we should just focus on getting every nation to agree to at least help."

"A good idea" Ren said, "I'm currently on the trail of the aether criminal. If we can manage to capture him, I am sure that Lady Isharugi would be willing to help, despite her words. After that, I intend to go to the land of death and try to convince them of this crisis."

"What are you doing in the Earthen Mountains then?" Velenath asked Ren.

"Er...I need a new weapon. My last conflict with the aether criminal seemed to have broken my sword. I want to see if I can get it reforged here. Earth elementals do have the best weapon making techniques"

"What are you doing here though?" Cameron asked Velenath, " I thought you went back to the kingdom of air"

"Well..." Velenath smiled, "It seems I'm following...my fate."
« Last Edit: July 23, 2012, 09:02:07 pm by furballdn »

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Re: The Quantum Enigma - An Element RP https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=42064.msg524766#msg524766
« Reply #93 on: July 23, 2012, 11:34:04 pm »
[I'm waiting on Lyra's group to reunite with Iredia's gang. Though for future referance-I see Iredia kinda getting caught up in Jenkin's grandstanding/bragging, more because she feels she is awesome, then for much of any belief of Jenkin's abilities. Redelgus can be called upon to burst their bubbles with a healthy dose of reality however, though him being silent unless spoken too works too.]
*Water Guild*

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Re: The Quantum Enigma - An Element RP https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=42064.msg524909#msg524909
« Reply #94 on: July 24, 2012, 06:54:05 am »
[It feels odd not posting heavy walls of text.  I guess it isn't needed as much when you're traveling in a pack...]

Lineage, eh?

Kairos absentmindedly touched the gold pendant through his long coat before coming to his senses and pulling his black gloved hand away to push some hair from his eyes.

He had only been a child when he had been kicked out of the manor.  With his father having died in some small skirmish and his mother having died while giving birth to his unborn sister, nothing was keeping his uncle from forcing him from his home.  He could remember his uncle's voice as he groveled at the doorstop, confused with this turn of events.

You don't belong here anymore Kairos.

It must be true.  Kairos never fit in with whoever he was with.  The other noble children who lived in the gated sanctum of Time's inner cities, the servants that served him temporarily, the members of the small crew he had just left.  Any attempt was in vain.  So he never made the effort to fit in.

So here he was, just trailing a bunch of misshapen elementals.  Their aims were unknown, but Kairos had nowhere to go.  So might as well stick with them for a ride.

"Who are you two?"

Kairos was brought back to reality, which happened to be located in some factory or something.  The party he was tagging along with had apparently stopped and met up with even more strange people.  The more the merrier?

"Ah..."  Kairos looked up, his eyes flitting around for some sort of cue, for someone else to start talking.  Yet it seemed as if the focus was on him.  He didn't really know what to say in a conversation.  No one's really asked him for his input, always commands.

Mustering up some courage to push away his social awkwardness, he tried to look nonchalant.

"I'm Kairos.  Kairos Tempus."

Well, that wasn't bad...  Overhyped, perhaps, but not bad...

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Re: The Quantum Enigma - An Element RP https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=42064.msg524919#msg524919
« Reply #95 on: July 24, 2012, 07:13:14 am »
Eagle: if you want to progress the plot a bit more than I'm posting, control Aidache for a bit until I make a new post. Just try to keep him in character :)

Aidache led the small group to the market area of town, a diagonal street with shops selling various trinkets and tons of booths in varying sizes with food from throughout the land. Almost all of it is free, but if you want something more fancy, I can get it for you. Don't get too crazy, though.

They stopped outside a small clearing just before the market street, between two rows of buildings, with tables and fountains of ice for decorations. We'll meet up somewhere in here when you're done.

Continuing through the booths, they passed all sorts of seafood, plants from around and under the sea, and even creatures from other nations gained by trade, and also mystical potions, brewed from substances of all kinds.
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