Iredia shook her head in envy. Few things Gravity couldn't break, and Jenkin's ego seemed to be one of them. The Amargio looked at Iredia, and then pointed at Jenkins, then itself, then at Iredia.

Yea...This is not gonna be easy, but maybe-
Jenkins found a massive dragon.

Where do you find these things!?!
Jenkins: No matter, I got dis with my-
*WHAM!*Jenkins got slammed by the dragon's tail, and would have been sent flying if the Amargio hadn't brought him back to earth via Gravity pull.
The dragon then looked at Iredia, and suddenly lunged for her, attempting to eat her. Iredia barly dodged, but was panting, she was feeling drained, and a bit ill again. The Pegasus suddenly spun around, and charged Iredia at a full gallop, despite Jenkin's protests, but too little too late!
Iredia suddenly roared in pain, and then her body bgan to morph and change, darkening and somehow, 'twisting' and shifting...Until she stopped yelling, turned to the Pegasus, and let it run right through her, as if she was air. The Amargio was frozen in horror, but not for long.
Amargio: RUN! EVERYONE RUN!!!!
Jenkins: What in the world!?!
Iredia: Sooon...hehehehe, soooooooon...All will be nothing!
She grabbed the Titan at her side, and 'warped' it into a black, twisted version of it's former self, and raced after her former companions. The Pegasus and Dragon took off, but the Amargio knew he would not be so lucky. it focused it's gravity pull on Iredia, pulling her to itself. Iredia was instantly pulled to the Amargio, and held there.

Amargio:They must leave, he still has his mission. I cannot leave, and thus I will do as all amargio do.
Iredia sighed, and looked at her hands.
Now, it seemed all to clear. Back when the first pulse hit, a tiny bit of void energy was stuck inside Iredia. She accidentally used it in practicing with her titan, and then, she stopped 'bleeding' off her quanta properly to use it to suppress the void. That was why she overloaded and broke the catapult. After that, it was just a matter of time before the void inside broke loose...
Iredia had found the void intoxicating, but she wasn't completly a void elemental just yet...