[I swear, this is the last time I make another sub-plot. After this I plan to consolidate the various characters and groups by having them unite, and then the story will get more exciting.
And yes, this game is probably too complicated but I think it's fun that way. Once all the characters meet up it will be much simpler.]
A warded cave hidden in the Forest of Life
Characters: Adrianne (
) / Eden (
) / Mobius (
) / Fallen Druid (
Players: LegitIt appears Velethan has not wasted any time in fulfilling his duties. The nations of Life and Light have already prepared an army of spellcasters to combat the next surge of null energy. The other nations have been warned as well - Zerath retained contact with Entropy and Death for such situations, and they are informed; Queen Mya sent an envoy to the Water Nation, while the soldier of Fire traveling with Velethan spread the word within their alliance. So all nations are accounted for, except Time, but Velethan is on his way there now, I assume.The inhabitants of the secluded cave were the elite - a selective trio of three spellcasters highly regarded as the greatest in their craft. The one that had summoned the small group, Eden, had postulated a possible method to generate a mind within the Singularity, effectively allowing it to interpret its surroundings. Depending on the undiscovered abilities of the Singularity and given a choice with consciousness, it may have a method of reversing the destruction of itself, thereby preventing both realms from being destroyed. Yet this merely a hypothesis based on assumption because the nature of the Singularity was unknown at this point. However, Eden's argument was that an attempt must be made, or they would waste precious time approaching the irreversible combination of the opposite realms.
Mobius, the famous Frost Monarch who opted to become a hermit after the war, had exited solitude to combat this threat. The third member - a Fallen Druid that had originated from inside the Chaos Gate - had bypassed his peers in mutation knowledge and gained access to an Improved method of Mutation that did not kill its target outright or render its target a hideous Abomination.
Adrianne was present as in escape route, suggested by Zerath for Eden's plan that required the abilities of another Elemental.
The Fallen Druid had an unsettling appearance, as if his own body had been slowly altered by countless mutation experiments. The result was a deformed shell of a former Elemental. Adrianne did not doubt his mutation powers, though.
"I much like it here, in the Land of Lifeeeeee" the Druid hissed. "But I am here for one reason only, explain the plan, Edennnnnn..."
"Alright. First, we enter a portal, t-" Eden was almost immediatly cut off.
"Impossible. Portals exist for roughly 2.7 seconds in this realm, and there is no way to predict the location of one at any given time. Therefore there is a probability of almost exactly zero of us entering a port-" Mobius, who had previously interrupted Eden, was stopped by the Life Elemental.
"Let me finish. As I was saying, within the unstable realm, we find a strand of the Singularity, which you, Mobius, will Freeze. Then the Fallen Druid here will mutate th-"
"Eden, you misinterpret the actual chance that the Singularity possesses certain qualities allowing spells of our Elemental nature to affect it. What you are saying is terribly inaccurate." Mobius' logic-dominated mind was impenetrable.
"You are one of the most powerful magicians on the continent yet you act like a young student!" Eden was clearly agitated by Mobius.
Suddenly the Fallen Druid cackled loudly, startling the group and silencing them. "You foolsssss!" the Entropy Elemental seemed to enjoying the tense atmosphere. "The insane, mad scientists of my nation are more mature than you. What you forget is that no matter your intelligence or your magical prowess, you are still Elemetalssssss..."
Adrianne's thoughts mirrored those of the Fallen Druid. The ironic fact that the deformed, crazy experimenter possessed the more realistic disposition. She was slighly amused at the unprofessional antics presented by the elite spellcasters, yet it was also interesting and educational. She observed that the more intelligent an individual was, the increase in necessity for that individual to prove that he or she was right and others were wrong. These Elementals were condescending as if their unmatchable power and ability made them so much superior to their peers that they could control or dictate the lives of others.
Eden made a hasty apology. "I apologize for my outburst, I am very stressed at the moment due to the presence of this null energy, plus Ferox has run off somewhere, causing unrest in the forest..."
Mobius remained silent, accepting the rebuke.
"Continuing on, Mr. Fallen Druid will mutate the section of the Singularity. We hope that it adopts some qualities of an Elemental or a creature. If it does, I can then use Empathetic Bond to gain information on the Singularity. If it does not, we may have to improvise."
Mobius spoke up again. "Well, while your plan does present many opportunities for failure, in theory, it could work."
"And what is my role in this?" Adrianne asked.
"Ah yes. You will be the one to rescue us from inside the other realm and bring us back into this realm after we have interacted with the Singularity." Eden answered.
"And...how exactly do I do that?"
"Well, you're going to create another portal to bring us out. But more on that later. I need the help of a Time Elemental for that." the Life Elemental replied.
"If you need a Time Elemental, why do you need me? It seems like there's something you're not revealing." Adrianne suspected she was being used for this. Did Zerath know as well? No, she trusted her brother with her life. But in the presence of the greatest magicians, she was the odd one out. She must be here for another purpose...
Eden sighed. "Listen, if you don't want to help save the world, we can easily recruit another."
Adrianne did not reply.