The Quantum Enigma is a Role Playing adventure in the land of Elements, where the citizens of twelve nations seek to discover the source of a new, alien source of energy that is disturbing the peace of the continent. Read more on the main thread
1. Obey all Forum Rules
No controlling other player's characters unless they give you permission.3. Do not make any major plot twists or changes in your post. If you are not sure what qualifies as "major" or you do want to make a major plot change, you can PM me or
Zaealix and I will give you the yes/no.
4. Put anything unrelated to the game in brackets []. For example:
"[I will be on vacation and will not post for the next 3 days]
My character, Zanzarino, blow up the world!!111 lolool"
5. Be realistic. Do not make your character overpowered in relation to the other player characters.
6. Don't be afraid to ask for a summary if you've fallen behind.
7. Have fun!
Sign up Sheet: (By posting a completed sign up sheet on this thread, you agree to follow all the game rules above)
Element: [You may start with a maximum of 2 elements .]
Description: (Age, appearance, personality, etc.)
Background: (History, family, etc. This can be blank if you desire)
Ability: (Choose
one from the
list of your chosen element(s). You can also choose your own, however make sure it makes sense and is balanced. I will notify you if your ability needs to be changed. You can be creative as well; for example if you are a Light Elemental your ability can be a Pegasus, and you can fly around on a Pegasus. You have to feed it and take care of it, though. It's also mortal, so it can die, y'know).
Item: (Choose any item from Elements the Game, it can be Ice Shield, Short Sword, or Rage Potion. Write a short description of how the item works, if needed).
Anything else: (In case I missed something).
Do not post on the main thread until I or Zaealix specifically give you permission through a PM or post. Simply posting a sign up does not allow you to participate.