[Well...Let's go more in depth? Representative Democracy-That's more or less the system of X people get 1 person to represent their interests in government right? So that means instead of a simple 'King' or 'Queen' we have a council of X members...How many members as well as how many people they represent can be found simply enough.
Election process-IDK? I kinda wanna say it's a vote based election like in america...But a nice twist I like is the idea of 'nobility representatives', basically, there are 'noble houses' as it were, and each house has a seat in the council or whatever it's called. It might tie into your character as well-Aquaris seems to me like someone who doesn't let go of past grudges or family feuds, so I could see him being related to one of these houses, possibly a villianious one considering the whole 'nymph heritage' thing he's got going.
As for strong vs. struggling...I figured that if nothing else, each element has it's own native weapon and shield(s) as imports/exports, and they also have whatever trade their power lends itself to as well. So,

has merchants/travel, cause they can fly and get around quickly...

has alchemy, what with using Nymph Tears to create nymphs as needed, as well as cryogenics...I think

is pretty prosperous, their power is versatile and interacts with many elements, allowing for more than a few synergic combinations, and unique processes that require a water elemental.
That said, this is just me brainstorming here, it doesn't have to be cannonical
