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The Path of a Saint https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=44504.msg1013085#msg1013085
« on: November 04, 2012, 11:35:48 pm »
by Arthanasios



 In the world of Elements, there is a forgotten continent known as Jierunham. Like the rest of the world, simple humans and powerful Elementals and creatures of every element live together. But their coexistence is not always peaceful. Evil lurks deep within the hearts of the people, ruthless Elementals rule cities with the iron fist of tyranny and deamons are the secret advisors of corrupted kings.
However, in these dark times there is a light of hope. A few people believe they have to fight against the evilness of this world, not just with violence but mostly with goodness and kindness. They are servants of merciful deities and fighters of justice. They are people dedicated in becoming... Saints!

Purpose of the Game

The purpose of the game is to make your character a saint through a path of altruism and exalted deeds but also full of dangers and pain. Since the path to perfection is endless, this game never really ends. The more powerful your character becomes, the more difficult the challenges will be.

What is a Saint?

In the land of Jierunham, a Saint is a usually heroic and often ascetic figure who views the world as a strugle between two "elements" which don't belong to the 12 known ones. These elements are "Good" and "Evil" and, due to the suffering caused to the world due to evilness, they are dedicated in the service of goodness.
 These Saints may belong to one of the twelve core elements or not, they may worship the False Gods of Light or not, they may have the powers of a mere human or those of a fierce Elemental, but they always walk the road of altruism. For a Saint, every living person is his/her beloved brother or sister and everyone has the same rights with everyone else; a belief for which a Saint can gladly offer even his/her own life in order to accomplish.

Yes, but why a Saint?

In my most honest opinion, a game must not offer just plain fun, but it must act as high-quality education and entertainment. Since I am really dissapointed by the amount of uneccessary violence, selfishness and death most games include, I have decided to create an rpg which has altruism as its core aspect. Furthermore, saints were alwayws heroic holy figures who put the greater good above thier live, wealth and safety, so they are a perfect example of alrtuism and well-fitted protagonists of this role-playing game.

What is an Elemental?

* In the land of Jierunham, Elemental is used through 3 different meanings:

1st) It may reffer to any creature with the ability to manipulate quanta in order to perform different kind of feats. According to this meaning, everyone from the most humbe spellcaster to the most powerful entity can be considered an Elemental.

2nd) Creatures made entirely from an element. For example, Photons are considered Light Elementals because they are made completely of light, while Ice Dragons are considered Water Elementals because they are made completely of ice.

3rd) It is used to describe a powerful being with strange appearance who commands creatures-servants of certain elements, casts spells based on these elements and wields magical objects that are related with these elements. This is the most widely-used meaning of an elemental and many of those beings command entire cities in the land of Jierunham.

What is a Game Master?

Game Master (or GM) is the person who runs this game. He/she creates the story, controlls the player's enemies and the NPCs (non-player characters) and acts as a judge in general. I am likely going to be the game master.

Creating Your Saint

 Though you Saint may become as powerful as the strongest of Elementals one day, he/she unfortunately starts as a simple human with just a few miraculous powers.
Your Saint has 12 different stats, a class, an Order (optional), equipment and flavour (background, motivations, appearance etc.).


Below are listed the 12 stats each character has; wisdom, dexterity, stealth, deathless, defense, diplomachy, attack, athletics, health, perception, speed and swim,
as well as their basic uses. However, keep in mind they can serve in much more things than they describe below, especially to determine the outcome of unique actions
taken by the players which are not explained in the rules.

Spoiler for Hidden:
{1} :aether Wisdom (Aether)

Spoiler for Hidden:
Wisdom is the skill to determine what is the right thing to do. Moreover, it shows the affinity of a person to summon miraculous powers.
Wisdom affects the following:

* Number of total Aether quanta you have.
* Number of abilities you can activate each day.
* While negotiating with Aether Elementals, you can use your Wisdom instead of Diplomachy.
* Thaumaturgist's basic stat; Thaumaturgist's combat abilities/non-combat abilities/rituals are determined by Wisdom.

{2} :air Dexterity (Air)

Spoiler for Hidden:
Dexterity describes the agility of your hands as well as your skill at ranged combat.
Dexterity affects the following:

* Number of total Air quanta you have.
* Number of squares you can attack normally with ranged weapons.
* While negotiating with Air Elementals, you can use your Dexterity instead of Diplomachy.
* Messenger's basic stat; Messenger's combat abilities/non-combat abilities/rituals are determined by Dexterity.

{3} :darkness Stealth (Darkness)

Spoiler for Hidden:
Stealth helps you in staying out of someone's notice.
Stealth affects the following:

* Number of total Darkness quanta you have.
* How well you can hide, move silently or undetected. If your Stealth stat is equal or higher than observer's Perception, you become invisible for the observer.
* While negotiating with Darkness Elementals, you can use your Stealth instead of Diplomachy.
* Thief's basic stat; Thief's combat abilities/non-combat abilities/rituals are determined by Stealth.

{4} :death Deathless (Death)

Spoiler for Hidden:
Deathless is a complex skill which helps you in staying alive while unconsious and dealing with the world of the spirits.
Deathless affects the following:

* Number of total Death quanta you have.
* Amount of damage you have to take in order to die when uncounsious.
* While negotiating with Death Elementals, you can use your Deathless skill instead of Diplomachy.
* Exorchist's basic stat; Exorchist's combat abilities/non-combat abilities/rituals are determined by Deathless.

{5} :earth Defense (Earth)

Spoiler for Hidden:
Defense describes how well you can protect yourself against both weapons and natural hazards.
Defense affects the following:

* Number of total Earth quanta you have.
* Amount of damage negated per attack you get; in other words, damage reduction (DR).
* While negotiating with Earth Elementals, you can use your Defense instead of Diplomachy.
* Hermit's basic stat; Hermit's combat abilities/non-combat abilities/rituals are determined by Defense.

{6} :entropy Diplomachy (Entropy)

Spoiler for Hidden:
Diplomachy can include every type of negotiation, from praise to intimidation.
Diplomachy affects the following:

* Number of total Entropy quanta you have.
* How well you can negotiate with your friends and your foes.
* While negotiating with Entropy Elementals, your Diplomachy is considered doubled.
* Confessor's basic stat; Confessor's combat abilities/non-combat abilities/rituals are determined by Diplomachy.

{7} :fire Attack (Fire)

Spoiler for Hidden:
Attack helps you dealing damage in the heat of combat and dealing with the heat in general.
Attack affects the following:

* Number of total Fire quanta you have.
* The damage you inflict with each of your attacks is equal to your Attack x2.
* While negotiating with Fire Elementals, you can use your Attack instead of Diplomachy.
* Justiciar's basic stat; Justiciar's combat abilities/non-combat abilities/rituals are determined by Attack.

{8} :gravity Athletics (Gravity)

Spoiler for Hidden:
Athletics shows your skill in physical exercise and endurance in general.
Athletics affects the following:

* Number of total Gravity quanta you have.
* How many squares you can jump or climb per turn. These squares must not exceed your Athletics divided by 2.
* While negotiating with Gravity Elementals, you can use your Athletics instead of Diplomachy.
* Guardian's basic stat; Guardian's combat abilities/non-combat abilities/rituals are determined by Athletics.
* Falling damage is reduced by 1 for every Athletics point you have.

{9} :life Health (Life)

Spoiler for Hidden:
Health helps you staying alive as well as your skill at helping others staying alive too.
Health affects the following:

* Number of total Life quanta you have.
* The total number of your hit points (HP) is equal to your Health x5.
* While negotiating with Life Elementals, you can use your Health instead of Diplomachy.
* Herbalist's basic stat; Herbalist's combat abilities/non-combat abilities/rituals are determined by Health.

{10} :light Perception (Light)

Spoiler for Hidden:
Perception shows how keen your senses are.
Perception affects the following:

* Number of total Light quanta you have.
* How well you see/hear/detect hidden things. Countered by Stealth.
* While negotiating with Light Elementals, you can use your Perceprion instead of Diplomachy.
* Crusader's basic stat; Crusader's combat abilities/non-combat abilities/rituals are determined by Perception.
* How many squares you can instantly detect the position of hidden/invisible opponents. These squares must not exceed your Perception divided by 2.

{11} :time Speed (Time)

Spoiler for Hidden:
How fast you can move in space (or even on time) is determined by Speed.
Speed affects the following:

* Number of total Time quanta you have.
* You can move/walk per turn a number of sqaures equal to your Speed.
* While negotiating with Time Elementals, you can use your Speed instead of Diplomachy.
* Prophet's basic stat; Prophet's combat abilities/non-combat abilities/rituals are determined by Speed.
* How many sqaures you can see in the world map. These squares can't exceed your Speed divided by 2.

{12} :water Swim (Water)

Spoiler for Hidden:
Swim is your ability to move into liquid substances and to deal with liquids in general.
Swim affects the following:

* Number of total Water quanta you have.
* How many squares are you able of swimming per turn. These squares must not exceed your Swim divided by 2.
* While negotiating with Water Elementals, you can use your Swim instead of Diplomachy.
* Ritualist's basic stat; Ritualist's combat abilities/non-combat abilities/rituals are determined by Swim.
* You can hold your breath underwater as many turns as the value of your Swim stat.


Every class starts by having 3 points of every stat (except their core-stat, which starts with 5 points). Furthermore, each class ability has a quanta cost, a certain level of a skill in order to be available and its type (combat ability, non-combat ability, ritual).
 Abilities are either personal or ranged; personal means they affect you and only you, while ranged means they affect another target, either ally or enemy or even more than a single creature. The target(s) or a ranged ability must be within as many squares as the Stat of the corresponding ability, no matter if the ability is combat, non-combat or ritual (though there can be exceptions). For example, if a Saint has 5 Wisdom he can use Aether-based abilities up to 5 squares away, if he has 3 Air he can use Air-based abilities up to 3 squares away etc.
 Each class has access to abilities of another class, but it requires a much higher score of that class' core skill in order to use it. For example, Electrocution can be used with only 10 Wisdom if you are Thaumaturgist, but if you are a Messenger or a Thief or another class you need 15 Wisdom to use it.
 All rituals need a Holy Cross in order to be performed.
 The 12 Classes are:

Spoiler for Hidden:
{1} :aether Thaumaturgist (Aether)
"Let us work our miracles and reinforce the faith of our people!"

Spoiler for Hidden:
Thaumaturgists are people who perform miracles through their faith and wisdom. Though their powers are mostly empowered by aether, they can perform amazing miracles of every kind if powerful enough.
 A Thaumaturgist avoids to perform any miracle just for the entertainment of an audience or to get attention from a group of people. He/she has to be modest and any miracles are either performed to help those in need or to reinforce the faith of people towards goodness and kindness.
 Typical Thaumaturgist's quests:
- Feed a group of hungry people by miraculously creating food.
- Aid a slave to escape her master.
- Convience an army of Immortals not to attack a human city.

* Thaumaturgists start with 5 points of Wisdom instead of 3.

Combat Abilities

* Lightning
(costs 1 Aether, available if Wisdom is 5 or more [10 or more if class isn't Thaumaturgist], ranged combat ability):
Deals 5 spell damage to a target. Spell damage bypasses damage reduction.
* Electrocution
(costs 2 Aether, available if Wisdom is 10 or more [15 or more if class isn't Thaumaturgist], ranged combat ability):
Target creature can't use its combat abilities for 1 turn.
* Quintessence
(costs 3 Aether, available if Wisdom is 15 or more [20 or more if class isn't Thaumaturgist], personal combat ability):
You are untargetable for 1 turn.

Non-combat abilities & Rituals

* Silence
(Ritual, preperation = 5 minutes, duration = 10 minutes, available if Wisdom is 5 or more [10 or more if class isn't Thaumaturgist])
When you activate this ritual, you negate any sounds within a number of sqaures equal to your Wisdom, centered on you.
* Teleportation
(Ritual, preperation = 10 minutes, duration = instant, available if Wisdom is 10 or more [15 or more if class isn't Thaumaturgist])
By activating this ritual, you are instantly teleported within a location which is well-known to you and have visited before.
That location must not be more than 1 mile away, otherwise the ritual fails.
* Wondermaking
(Ritual, preperation = varies, duration = varies, available if Wisdom is 15 or more [20 or more if class isn't Thaumaturgist])
You can create small wonders or large miracles via this ritual, like creating small quantities of food and water or conjuring a very bright light from the sky.
Your Wisdom stat (and your Game Master) will determine if something is possible or not.

{2} :air Messenger (Air)
"I bring news from our bishop..."

Spoiler for Hidden:
Messengers serve various bishops, churches and Orders by delivering important information. They are deeply trusted by the people they serve and manytimes their mission is vital.
 In order to succeed to their duty, Messengers try to avoid any dangers they encounter on their way and, if forced to fight, they prefer using ranged weapons to avoid being mortally wounded. However, if the need arises, they will gladly risk their lives for the greater good.
 Typical Messenger's quests:
- Deliver an important letter from the bishop of town A to the bishop of town B.
- Protect a small settlement against an aerial attack of minor vampires.
- Win an archery competition and donate the money you won this way to the poor.

* Messengers start with 5 points of Dexterity instead of 3.

Combat Abilities

* Thunderstorm
(costs 1 Air, available if Dexterity is 5 or more [10 or more if class isn't Messenger], ranged combat ability):
Deals 1 spell damage to all opponents at range and removes Stealth or Invisibility from targets. Spell damage bypass damage reduction.
* Shockwave
(costs 2 Air, available if Dexterity is 10 or more [15 or more if class isn't Messenger], ranged combat ability):
Deals 4 spell damage to target or 8 damage to frozen target. Spell damage bypass damage reduction.
* Sniper
(costs 3 Air, available if Dexterity is 15 or more [20 or more if class isn't Messenger]. personal combat ability):
The next ranged attack of yours bypasses the target's damage reduction.

Non-combat abilities & Rituals

* Short Flight
(Ritual, preperation = 5 minutes, duration = 1 turn, available if Dexterity is 5 or more [10 or more if class isn't Messenger])
When you decide to activate this ritual, you can fly up to your Speed for 1 turn. After moving as many sqaures as your Speed stat, the ritual stops to function and you fall if not on ground.
* Animate Weapon
(Ritual, preperation = 30 minutes, duration = 12 hours, available if Dexterity is 10 or more [15 or more if class isn't Messenger])
You conjure a flying weapon which can aid you at combat. You must own the type of that flying weapon and you must be able to use it (in case of exotic weapon). That weapon must remain within a number of squares equal to your Dexterity from you, otherwise it becomes normal again and it falls. You can use your flying weapon to attack instead of the weapon your are currently holding, however this always counts/works as a ranged attack, even if the flying weapon is a melee one.
* Control Weather
(Ritual, preperation = varies, duration = varies, available if Dexterity is 15 or more [20 or more if class isn't Messenger])
You can control the weather within a certain area for a certain time via this ritual.
Your Dexterity stat (and your Game Master) will determine if something is possible or not.

{3} :darkness Thief (Darkness)
"Having wealth while your brother dies from hunger is the true theft in this world!"

Spoiler for Hidden:
Who says that any Thief must be an evil person? Thieves who try to become Saints try to use their skills and stealth in order to fight the lack of justice in the world and to aid those in need. According to such a Thief, stealing from a corrupted rich person to feed the poor is a good deed. Furthermore, the hypocrisity and the unfairness of the society is the true crime here.
 Because of their views, Thieves have usually problems with the authorities, as well as with fellow Saints who think stealing is a crime no matter what.
 Typical Thief's quests:
- Help an innocent prisoner escape the dungeons of an evil tyrant.
- Sabotage the siege equipment of a bloodthirsty army.
- Steal the gold of a corrupted king and share it all to the poor.

* Thieves start with 5 points of Stealth instead of 3.

Combat Abilities

* Cloak
(costs 1 Darkness, available if Stealth is 5 or more [10 or more if class isn't Thief], ranged combat ability):
You and your allies in ranged are hidden in a shadow cloak for 1 turn, making them invisible.
* Lifegain
(costs 2 Darkness, available if Stealth is 10 or more [15 or more if class isn't Thief], personal combat ability):
You heal up to the amount of damage you do with your next attack.
* Steal
(costs 3 darkness, available if Stealth is 15 or more [20 or more if class isn't Thief], ranged combat ability):
You remove an item, like a weapon or a shield, from target and you put it into your equipment.

Non-combat abilities & Rituals

* Bluff
(Non-combat ability, available if Stealth is 5 or more [10 or more if class isn't Thief])
You can use Bluff to tell lies, to mislead or to conceal some truth to another person. You Stealth stat opposed to target's Perception stat shows if the bluff is successful or not. However, since you are trying to become a saint, you mustn't abuse this skill and use it only for the greater good, otherwise the Game Master may apply penalties to you.
* Fix/Sabotage
(Non-combat ability, available if Stealth is 10 or more [15 or more if class isn't Thief])
You have learnt a few tricks about mechanics and tools. You can open locks and manipulate other complex inventions. Your Stealth stat (and your Game Master) determines what you can fix or sabotage and what can't. Once more, abusing this skill may result to penalties.
* Invisibility
(Ritual, preperation = 5 minutes, duration = 10 minutes, available if Stealth is 15 or more [20 or more if class isn't Thief])
When you activate this ritual, you become invisible, though people can still hear you.

{4} :death Exorchist (Death)
"Go away, you evil spirit!"

Spoiler for Hidden:
Exorchist are clergymen who are skilled in dealing with the world of spirits. Their primary duty is to help possessed people by forcing the evil spirits to set them free, even fighting these spirits directly if the need arises.
 Though highly respected by the clergy, Exorchist are somewhat feared by the common people due to their dark nature and their great powers that can deal with both life and death.
 Typical Exorchist's quests:
- Free a child from an evil spirit.
- Help a ghost to pass to the afterlife and rest in peace.
- Send a group of undead back into their graves.

* Exorchists start with 5 points of Deathless instead of 3.

Combat Abilities

* Hypnosis
(costs 1 Death, available if Deathless is 5 or more [10 or more if class isn't Exorchist], ranged combat ability):
Put 1 hypnotic counter to target. Target takes 1 hypnotic damage per turn (cumulative). Hypnotic damage bypass damage reduction.
* Empower
(costs 2 Death, available if Deathless is 10 or more [15 or more if class isn't Exorchist], personal combat ability):
Select target opponent. When this opponent is defeated (falls unconsious), you gain +1 Attack & +1 Defend for the rest of the encounter.
* Raise
(costs 3 Death, available if Deathless is 15 or more [20 or more if class isn't Exorchist], ranged combat ability):
Select target undead. If this undead is destroyed, its freed spirit fights on your side for the rest of the encounter.

Non-combat abilities & Rituals

* Exorchism
(Ritual, preperation = varies, duration = instant, available if Deathless is 5 or more [10 or more if class isn't Exorchist])
You try to set a person free from an evil spirit who has possessed him/her. Your Deathless stat (and your Game Master), along with other stats (especially Diplomachy) will determine the proccess as well as the outcome of the exorchism.
* Speak with the Dead
(Ritual, preperation = 15 minutes, duration = 1 minute, available if Deathless is 10 or more [15 or more if class isn't Exorchist])
You can speak with a spirit of a person who has passed away. You must be adjactent to that person's dead body in order to activate this ritual. That person may give you valuable information, though this may be determined by your Deathless and/or Diplomachy stats.
* Ressurection
(Ritual, preperation = 24 hours, duration = instant, available if Deathless is 15 or more [20 or more if class isn't Exorchist])
You can bring back in life a person who has passed away. your Deathless stat (and your Game Master) determines if this ritual will be successful or not.

{5} :earth Hermit (Earth)
"Everything I need to survive lies in the wilderness."

Spoiler for Hidden:
Hermit is the most ascetic of the Saints. He/she believes that everything needed to survive is openly given in the wilderness, where Hermits live in poorly-made huts and tents, as well as caves.
 Their ability to withstand hunger and thirst as well as other forms of punishment make them one of the most respective kind of Saint and a potential ally who is able to help those in need.
 Typical Hermit's quests:
- Calm down a pack of Antlions that harass the crops of the farmers.
- Aid a group of miners who have been trapped into the mines after a collapse.
- Help a lost child in the wilderness to return home.

* Hermits start with 5 points of Defense instead of 3.

Combat Abilities

* Toughness
(costs 1 Earth, available if Defense is 5 or more [10 or more if class isn't Hermit], ranged combat ability):
Increase target's damage reduction by 3 for 1 turn.
* Stoneskin
(costs 2 Earth, available if Defense is 10 or more [15 or more if class isn't Hermit], personal combat ability):
Increase your total hit points by an amount equal to your Earth quanta. You are healed by an equal amount. After the end of encounter, yout total hit points returns to normal.
* Pertify
(costs 3 Earth, available if Defense is 15 or more [20 or more if class isn't Hermit], ranged combat ability):
Target is delayed for 6 turns, but he/she gains 20 hit points.

Non-combat abilities & Rituals

* Endurance
(Non-combat ability, available if Defense is 5 or more [10 or more if class isn't Hermit])
You are more tough than normal people. You can survive through thirst, hunger, cold or other dangers of the wilderness twice as much as a normal person. Furthermore, you know where to find food and shetler into the wilderness. Your Defense stat determines how good you are at this.
* Mining
(non-combat ability, available if Defense is 10 or more [15 or more if class isn't Hermit])
You know how to dig and mine stuff. You can find your way within caves and survive withour air twice than a normal person.
Once again, your Defense stat determines how good you are at this.
* Earthquake
(Ritual, preperation = varies, duration = varies, available if Defense is 15 or more [20 or more if class isn't Hermit])
You can crate a small crack or a great earthquake via this ritual, however it must be used for the greater good.
Your Defense stat (and your Game Master) will determine if something is possible or not.

{6} :entropy Confessor (Entropy)
"Let us talk my child..."

Spoiler for Hidden:
Confessor's main duty is hearing the confession of the believers and giving them advice. Furthermore, he acts as the negotiator or even the inquisitor of the church.
 With Entropy aiding him/her, a Confessor is able to communicate well and co-operate with almost any person. However, a few Saints may dislike Confessor's public life, since they would like to see a more ascetic behaviour from a Saint.
 Typical Confessor's quests:
- Help a believer to atone for his/her sins and to correct any wrongs he/she has done in the past.
- Convience a small settlement to follow the path of goodness and altruism.
- Negotiate with a powerful Elemental about releasing a fellow imprisoned Saint.

* Confessors start with 5 points of Diplomachy instead of 3.

Combat Abilities

* Random Blessing
(costs 1 Entropy, available if Diplomachy is 5 or more [10 or more if class isn't Confessor], personal combat ability):
You gain either +2 Attack & +0 Defense, +1 Attack & +1 Defense or +0 Attack & +2 Defense for 1 turn.
* Random Bolt
(costs 2 Entropy, available if Diplomachy is 10 or more [15 or more if class isn't Confessor], ranged combat ability):
A random offensive effect takes place on target. This effect may be Lightning, Electrocution, Hypnosis, Shockwave, Firebolt, Guard, Rewind or Icebolt.
* Anti-strike
(costs 3 Entropy, available if Diplomachy is 15 or more [20 or more if class isn't Confessor], ranged combat ability):
Target opponent's next attack against you bypasses your damage reduction but heals you instead of damaging you.

Non-combat abilities & Rituals

* Luck
(Non-combat ability, available if Diplomachy is 5 or more [10 or more if class isn't Confessor])
You tend to be twice as lucky as normal people are. Things which are determined purely by luck can favor you.
Your Diplomachy stat (and your Game Master) determines how lucky you are.
* Tell The Truth
(Ritual, preperation = 15 minutes, duration = 1 minute, available if Diplomachy is 10 or more [15 or more if class isn't Confessor])
This ritual forces a targeted person to tell the truth when activated. That person must remain within a number of sqaures equal to your Wisdom, centered on you, for the duration of the ritual. You Diplomachy stat (and your Game Master), along with other stats, determines the success of this ritual.
* Divine Instinct
(Non-combat ability, available if Diplomachy is 15 or more [20 or more if class isn't Confessor])
You have an instinct that lets you understand what is hidden behind the stage better than most people.
Your Defense stat (and your Game Master) determines in which situations this ability applies.

{7} :fire Justiciar (Fire)
"The work of evil has to be punished!"

Spoiler for Hidden:
The most hot-headed of the Saints, Justiciar pirsuits evildoing whenever this is possible and as soon as possible. They serve as the striking force of a church and they are feared among criminals and evil beings.
 A Justiciar is empowered by the element of Fire, buffing his/her attack and feeding his/her righteous anger, making him/her a potential combatant. 
 Typical Justiciar's quests:
- Burn a temple dedicated to the Dark False Gods to the ground.
- Destroy a demonic artifact.
- Capture an evil-doer.

* Justiciars start with 5 points of Attack instead of 3.

Combat Abilities

* Firebolt
(costs 1 Fire, available if Attack is 5 or more [10 or more if class isn't Justiciar], ranged combat ability):
Deal spell damage to target equal to your Fire quanta. All your remaining Fire quanta are consumed. Spell damage bypass damage reduction.
* Enrage
(costs 2 Fire, available if Attack is 10 or more [15 or more if class isn't Justiciar], personal combat ability):
Gain +1 Attack for this encounter.
* Destroyer
(costs 3 Fire, available if Attack is 15 or more [20 or more if class isn't Justiciar], ranged combat ability):
Destroy an item, like a weapon or a shield, from target creature.

Non-combat abilities & Rituals

* Campfire
(Non-combat ability, available if Attack is 5 or more [10 or more if class isn't Justiciar])
You have knowledge in how to make fire even without the proper resources or in difficult circumstances.
Your Attack stat determines how good you are at it.
* Pyrotechnics
(Non-combat ability, available if Attack is 10 or more [15 or more if class isn't Justiciar])
You have the ability to create explosive (but non-lethal) powder. Furthermore, you can make an Unstable Gas by paying 1/2 of its cost and spending a week doing so. 
* Banishment
(Ritual, preperation = 12 hours, duration = instant, available if Attack is 15 or more [20 or more if class isn't Justiciar])
When activate this ritual, you banish an evil creature or entity back to where it came from. Target must be within a number of squares equal to your Attack. Your Attack stat (and you Game Master), as well as the type and power of the targeted entity, determines if the ritual is successful or not.

{8} :gravity Guardian (Gravity)
"It is my duty to protect the weak."

Spoiler for Hidden:
Guardians are the ones who protect everyone else. They value other people's safety above theirs and they won't hesistate to use their own athletic bodies as human shields to protect those who have a weaker physique.
 Guardians are widely adored because of their self-sacrifice and they are valued as high-quality protectors within the society.
 Typical Guardian's quests:
- Defend a helpless woman from a group of bandits.
- Serve a bishop by becoming his bodyguard.
- Win an athletic event and use the gained gold for charity.

* Guardians start with 5 points of Athletics instead of 3.

Combat Abilities

* Defensive Pull
(costs 1 Gravity, available if Athletics is 5 or more [10 or more if class isn't Guardian], personal combat ability):
For 1 turn, any opponents who target allies adjactent to you, they target you instead.
* Guard
(costs 2 Gravity, available if Athletics is 10 or more [15 or more if class isn't Guardian], ranged combat ability):
Delay target creature for 1 turn and attack it if adjactent to you. Attack must be melee.
* Momentum
(costs 3 Gravity, available if Athletics is 15 or more [20 or more if class isn't Guardian], ranged combat ability):
Choose a target opponent. Your attacks against him ignore damage reduction until the end of the encounter. All remaining Gravity quanta are consumed.

Non-combat abilities & Rituals

* Durability
You can remain awake twice as much as a normal person and you aren't easily tired in general. Furthermore, you know how to work as a city guard or execute a similar profession. The more Athlete stat you have, the better your Durability is.
* Blacksmithing
(Non-combat ability, available if Athletics is 10 or more [15 or more if class isn't Guardian])
You know the art of blacksmithing. Furthermore, you can create a mundane weapon or shield by paying 1/2 of its cost and spending a day doing so.
* Protect Area/Person/Item
(Ritual, preperation = 15 minutes, duration = 24 hours, available if Athletics is 15 or more [20 or more if class isn't Guardian])
A strong ritual which prevents evil entities and creatures to enter/target/touch the protected area/person/item.
The power of this ritual is determined by your Ahtletics (and your Game Master).

{9} :life Herbalist (Life)
"If a brother of mine needs to be healed, I am available."

Spoiler for Hidden:
Herbalist is the doctor-class of the Saints. No one can match his/her ability to heal those in need and because of this they are rarely left without any patients at all. After all, in this rotten and fallen world, hurting yourself or falling ill is something very common.
 Moreover, Herbalists have a natural affinity which helps them to handle animals better than most people and finding precious herbs in the forests.
 Typical Herbalist's quests:
- Cure an ill person.
- Handle an enraged Cockatrice that preys on the livestock of farmers.
- Create an amount of healing potions requested by a church.

* Herbalists start with 5 points of Health instead of 3.

Combat Abilities

* Empathy
(costs 1 Life, available if Health is 5 or more [10 or more if class isn't Herbalist], personal combat ability):
Heal yourself by 1 hit point for every ally participating in this encounter.
* Adrenaline
(costs 2 Life, available if Health is 10 or more [15 or more if class isn't Herbalist], ranged combat ability):
Target ally within range attacks 1 extra time this turn.
* Heal
(costs 3 Life, available if Health is 15 or more [20 or more if class isn't Herbalist], ranged combat ability):
Restore up to 15 hit points of target creature.

Non-combat abilities & Rituals

* Animal Handler
(Non-combat ability, available if Health is 5 or more [10 or more if class isn't Herbalist])
You have the ability to calm down animals, especially those who belong to the element of Life. You may make the animal flee or follow you or whatever. Your Health (and your Game Master) determines the effect of this non-combat ability.
* Healing Herbs
(Non-combat ability, available if Health is 10 or more [15 or more if class isn't Herbalist])
You know where to find healing herbs in the wilderness. Furthermore, you can create a Healing Potion by paying 1/2 of its cost and spending a day doing so. You can also create an Improved Healing Potion by paying 1/2 of its cost and spending a day doing so, but you must have gathered the appropriate healing herbs.
* Holy Bond
(Ritual, preperation = 15 minutes, duration = 12 hours, available if Health is 15 or more [20 or more if class isn't Herbalist])
When you activate this ritual, a holy bond binds you and one ally of yours. Whenever that ally takes damage, you take half of his/her damage instead. Ally doesn't has to be present for the ritual to function, but if he moves more than 1 mile away of you or falls uncounsious, the ritual stops functioning.

{10} :light Crusader (Light)
"By the power of Holy Light, we shall destroy the undead forces!"

Spoiler for Hidden:
Crusaders are the champions of the clergy. Due to their ability to manipulate the element of Light, which is the element that has the tightest connection with goodness and alrtuism, they are highly praised within the church.
 Crusaders are capable of many different things, but their greatest ability is to effectively hunt the pure evil servants of Death and Darkness.
 Typical Crusader's quests:
- Eliminate every undead creature in a catacomb.
- Discover a hidden artifact.
- Defeat a Black Dragon.

* Crusaders start with 5 points of Perception instead of 3.

Combat Abilities

* Blessing
(costs 1 Light, available if Perception is 5 or more [10 or more if class isn't Crusader], personal combat ability):
Gain +1 Attack & +1 Defense for 1 turn.
* Holy Light
(costs 2 Light, available if Perception is 10 or more [15 or more if class isn't Crusader], ranged combat ability):
Restore up to 5 hit points of target creature, or deal 5 spell damage if that creature belong to Death or Darkness. Spell damage bypass damage reduction.
* Endow
(costs 3 Light, available if Perception is 15 or more [20 or more if class isn't Crusader], ranged combat ability):
Create a copy of target creature's weapon into your hand until the end of the encounter. The copy is considered a holy weapon.

Non-combat abilities & Rituals

* Map view
(Non-combat ability, available if Perception is 5 or more [10 or more if class isn't Crusader])
You can use your Perception instead of your Speed to determine how many squares away you can see in the world map. These squares can't exceed your Perception divided by 2.
* Bless Area/Person/Item
(Ritual, preperation = 12 hours, duration = instant, available if Perception is 10 or more [15 or more if class isn't Crusader])
When activating this ritual, target area/person/item is blessed and every negative effect caused by evil magical sources is removed. Furthermore, you can use this in order to turn an unholy weapon into a mundane one or a mundane one into a holy one.
* Miracle
(Ritual, preperation = 1 hour, duration = instant, available if Perception is 15 or more [20 or more if class isn't Crusader])
When activating this ritual, a single target within range is healed back to maximum hit points minus 1. However, you need at least 15 Light quanta to activate this ritual and all your remaining Light quanta are consumed.

{11} :time Prophet (Time)
"I have foreseen this..."

Spoiler for Hidden:
Very few are considered as blessed as a Prophet is. Having visions of the future is a true sing that the God(s) are with him/her.
Prophets are usually not very skilled combatants and they use their high Speed to stay away of trouble, though they can still be able to aid their allies and hinder their foes.
 Typical Prophet's quests:
- Prevent a bad thing that you have foreseen from happening.
- Warn evildoers about the consequences of their sins.
- Deliver a message that must be sent as soon as possible.

* Prophets start with 5 points of Speed instead of 3.

Combat Abilities

* Rewind
(costs 1 Time, available if Speed is 5 or more [10 or more if class isn't Prophet], ranged combat ability):
Delay target creature for 1 turn and remove any positive and negative temporary effects from that target. Some temporary effect's types are freeze, delay and buffs.
* Peace
(costs 2 Time, available if Speed is 10 or more [15 or more if class isn't Prophet], personal combat ability):
You can't target any of your opponents and you can't be targeted by them. Lasts 1 turn.
* Precognition
(costs 3 Time, available if Speed is 15 or more [20 or more if class isn't Prophet], ranged combat ability):
All the stats of target creature are revealed to you until the end of the encounter.

Non-combat abilities & Rituals

* Future Vision
(Ritual, preperation = 30 minutes, duration = instant, available if Speed is 5 or more [10 or more if class isn't Prophet])
You have a vision of something that is going to happen in the future.
Your Speed (and you Game Master) will determine the type and/or importance of your vision.
* Haste
(Ritual, preperation = 5 minutes, duration = 1 turn, available if Speed is 10 or more [15 or more if class isn't Prophet])
When you activate this ritual, target creature within range can take another turn right after his/her current turn ends.
* Stop Time
(Ritual, preperation = 1 hour, duration = 2 turn, available if Speed is 15 or more [20 or more if class isn't Prophet])
Upon activation, this ritual stops time for 2 turns, allowing you to act for 2 turns undisturbed.

{12} :water Ritualist (Water)
"Our rituals stregthen us against evil."

Spoiler for Hidden:
Every Saint class can perform rituals. However, no one can match a Ritualist to his/her skill in performing rituals of great variety and strength, even using those who belong to other Saint classes classes with ease! Furthermore, they are excellent swimmers and can withstand cold weather better than other people.
 Because of Ritualist's skills, churches always keep their Ritualists busy with work to do.
 Typical Ritualist's quests:
- Perform a ritual requested from a church.
- Save a person who is going to drown.
- Put out a fire from a building.

* Ritualists start with 5 points of Swim instead of 3.

Combat Abilities

* Purify
(costs 1 Water, available if Swim is 5 or more [10 or more if class isn't Ritualist], personal combat ability):
Put 1 purification counter to yourself. You heal 1 damage per turn (cumulative).
* Ice Bolt
(costs 2 Water, available if Swim is 10 or more [15 or more if class isn't Ritualist], ... combat ability):
Deal spell damage to target equal to half of your water quanta (rounded up) and freeze target for 1 turn. All remaining Water quanta are consumed.
* Freeze
(costs 3 Water, available if Swim is 15 or more [20 or more if class isn't Ritualist], ... combat ability):
Freeze target creature for 2 turns.

Non-combat abilities & Rituals

* Waterwalk-Waterbreathing
(Ritual, preperation = 5 minutes, duration = 10 minutes, available if Swim is 5 or more [10 or more if class isn't Ritualist])
Upon activation, you choose to either be able to walk on water for 10 minutes or be able to breath underwater normally for 10 minutes.
* Alhcemy-Holy Water
(Ritual, preperation = 1 day, duration = instant, available if Swim is 10 or more [15 or more if class isn't Ritualist])
You either create a Holy Water item by paying the 1/2 of its cost or making a Healing Potion or Unstable Gas by paying its full cost. In both cases, you have to spend 1 day doing so.
* Ritual Mastery
(Non-combat ability, available if Swim is 15 or more [20 or more if class isn't Ritualist])
You treat rituals from other classes like being a member of that class. That means you need 5 less of each ritual's core stat in order to use it.

Evil Classes
There are evil counterparts of the Saint classes, which have similar yet opposite abilities of the Saint ones. These classes, which are NOT available to players, but only serve Game Master like NPCs and llike player's enemies, are the following:
Spoiler for Hidden:
:aether Sorcerer (Aether)
One of the most tainted people, Sorcerers use lightning do deal damage and can also perform other nasty tricks in order to reach their goal.
 :air Executioner (Air)
Executioners are merciless people who love torturing their victims and executing people via binding them on a pillar and throwing arrows towards them. Evil monarchs find them very useful.
 :darkness Assassin (Darkness)
A stealthy figure who kills anyone if paid well enough for the job. Loves using poison and striking from the shadows.
 :death Necromancer (Death)
Necromancers are twisted people who love animating the dead bodies of those who have passed away and build an army of undead.
 :earth Bandit (Earth)
A criminal who has no remorse for stealing, killing etc.
 :entropy Blashphemer (Entropy)
Blasphemers serve as the mouth of demonic entities. They conceal the truth and try to corrupt everyone with any way possible.
 :fire Berzerker (Fire)
A bloodthirsty warrior whose savagery is legendary.
 :gravity Sadist (Gravity)
No one loves taking and inflicting pain more than a Sadist...
 :life Pagan (Life)
In the beginning, Pagans look like harmless idolatrous persons... until they start performing their daily human sacrifice to please their Dark Gods!
 :light Tyrant (Light)
A knight who serves evil, Tyrant is a merciless and dangerous foe. This class has not the political status of its name, not always at least.
 :time Cultist (Time)
Maybe the most fanatical worshiper of deamons after the Blasphemer, a Cultist is a fast and slippery opponent.
 :water Witch (Water)
Witch's power lies in her dark rituals she daily performs, though she is a fair combatant too.


Orders are religious organizations (churches) that keep believers united under a cetrain dogma or purpose. A Saint may begin as a member of such an organization or not. Either way, there is not any direct advantage/disadvantage, though role-playing and story can be greatly enhanced by Orders. However, there is one exception in this rule; Crusaders. Crusaders are actually forced to start a game by following a certain Order and they can only abandon their Order if they are going to join a different Order instead.
There are several Orders, however the most important ones are the following:
Spoiler for Hidden:
* Order of Divine Glory
People who worship Divine Glory above all other False Gods belong to this Order. Its members are mostly Justiciars and this Order is well known for organizing crusades against areas where hosts of death and darkness creatures lurk in the dark. The Order's favored weapon is the Morning Star and Morning Glory. However, such an exotic weapon is very difficult to be found, so a holy Short Sword or a holy Long Sword is usually used instead.

* Order of Miracle
Info coming soon...

* Order of Ferox
People who worship Ferox above all other False Gods belong to this Order. Its members are mostly Herbalists and this Order is well known for organizing teams of healers who mostly help victims of war or other disasters. The Order's favored weapon is the Herbalist's Staff (which is a holy Druidic Staff). However, such an exotic weapon is very difficult to be found, so a holy Short Sword or a holy Long Sword is usually used instead.

* Order of Lionheart
People who worship Lionheart above all other False Gods belong to this Order. Its members are mostly Prophets and this Order is has foreseen many things, both good and bad, that have yet to be fullfilled. The Order's favored weapon is Eternity. However, such an exotic weapon is very difficult to be found, so a holy Short Sword or a holy Long Sword is usually used instead.

* Order of Morte
People who worship Morte above all other False Gods belong to this Order. Mostly Exorchists follow this Order and they are known for their fights against evil spirits. However, this is also the most feared of the Orders due to the dark aspect of False God Morte, who is viewed as a god of Death. The Order's favored weapon is the Hypnotic Dagger (which is a holy Arsenic). However, such an exotic weapon is very difficult to be found, so a holy Dagger or a holy Dirk is usually used instead.

* Order of Dark Matter
Info coming soon...

* Order of Mercy
Info coming soon...

* Order of Light
The first of the three largest Orders, the Order of Light worships the Element of Light above all. Its core belief is that Light represents goodness, kindness, altruism and justice better than any other Element. Furthermore, Light is the archenemy of Death and Darkness, which are considered the evil ones. Though Crusaders are the top members of this Order, you can find any Saint class within its ranks, except for Thieves and Exorchists, which are forbidden to join this Order due to their core element. There is no favored weapon withing the Order of Light.

* Order of Life
The second of the three largest Orders, the Order of Life worships the Element of Life above all. Its core belief is that Life represents goodness, kindness, altruism and justice better than any other Element, even better than Light, and view Life as the archenemy of Death and Darkness, which are considered the evil elements of the universe. Though Herbalists are the top members of this Order, you can find any Saint class within its ranks, except for Thieves and Exorchists, which are forbidden to join this Order due to their core element. There is no favored weapon withing the Order of Life.

* Order of The One True God
Though it started small and weak, today the Order of The One True God has risen and challenges in power the oldest, most powerful and most well-established Orders, like the Orders of Light and Life. Their followers believe in a greater Saint God who has created the whole world without suffering, but people and Elementals alike fell due to their sins. Because of thier monotheistic views, members of this Order often quarrel with members of other Orders (except for the Orders of Mercy and Angels), sometime even accusing them for idolarty, since they worship Elements and False Gods instead of the One True God. On the other hand, the accused Orders respond that the Order of The One True God is the foolish one for believing in a God they can't see. However, despite their quarrels, the Orders always put their differences aside to fight united against evil.  There is no favored weapon withing the Order of The One True God.

* Order of Angels
Info coming soon...


At the beginning of the game, each Saint starts with 60 Electrum (:electrum ) that can be spent into mundane items/weapons/shields.
These mundane weapons and shields are considered holy. Only holy equipment can be used by Saints.
However, an unholy or a mundane weapon can be turned into a holy one by a Bless Area/Person/Item ritual.

Spoiler for Hidden:
*Mundane Weapons:

Dagger  (Buy=24, Sell=16, +2 Attack or +3 if user is Thief or Exorchist)
Dirk  (Buy=1524, Sell=1156, +4 Attack or +5 if user is Thief or Exorchist)
Short Sword (Buy=55, Sell=37, +3 Attack)
Long Sword (Buy=1555, Sell=1157, +6 Attack)
Hammer (Buy=56, Sell=38, +3 Attack or +4 if user is Hermit or Guardian)
Gavel (Buy=1556, Sell=1158, +6 Attack or +7 if user is Hermit or Guardian)
Short Bow (Buy=56, Sell=38, +3 Attack or +4 if user is Messenger)
Long Bow (Buy=1556, Sell=1158, +6 Attack or +7 if user is Messenger)

*Mundane Shields:

Shield (Buy=25, Sell=17, +1 Defence)
Town Shield (Buy=1525, Sell=1161, +2 Defence)

*Mundane Items:

Healing Potion (Buy=12, Sell=8, restores 5 hit points)
Improved Healing Potion (Buy=512, Sell=328, restores 20 hit points)
Holy Cross (Buy=6, Sell=4, a symbol of faith that every saint should carry)
Unstable Gas (Buy=56, Sell=38, a ranged weapon which can be used only once and deals 5 spell damage to target and 3 spell damage to every adjactent creature)
Holy Water (Buy=56, Sell=38, a ranged weapon which can be used only once and deals 7 spell damage to target death or darkness creature and 5 spell damage to every adjactent death or darkness creature)

*Exotic/Elemental Weapons:
Info coming soon... (or should I keep them hidden?)

*Exotic/Elemental Shields:
Info coming soon... (or should I keep them hidden?)

Adding Flavour

 How old/young, tall/short, fat/slim your character is? What is the color of his/her hair/eyes/skin? What clothes does he/she wears? Any relatives? All this info is useful in making your Saint more alive. So, put details, more details and even more details! It is also highly recommended to discuss with your Game Master about your characters background and/or motivations.

Interacting With The World

Saints describe their action in a post of theirs (or through a PM to their GM), which must make sense according to the situation the Game Master describes. For example, the phrase "I go and talk to the guard in the corner of the tavern." is a serious action, but the phrase "I throw a nuclear bomb and destroy the whole Jierunham." is not!

World Map

In world map, you can move one square per 8 hours. Unexplored map squares are black, while explored squares or squares within view become revealed.
Example world map:
Spoiler for Hidden:

City Map

In a city map, you usually just select the area of importance you wish to visit (like the Temple, or the Castle, or the Tavern) and you go there after a certain amount of time. However, sometimes a map is used in large complicated cities, where you can move 1 square horizontally or vertically per minute.

Dungeon Map

Dungeon are areas where you usually have a mission to do. They are often complicated, with rooms and corridors of every short. Dungeons are the areas where combat encounters usually occur. Movement of the dungeon map is mostly based on your Speed. You can move horizontally or vertically a number of sqaures equal to your Speed stat and you must spend a move action to do so (in dungeon maps, each square is 5x5 feet).
Example dungeon map:
Spoiler for Hidden:


You have to camp at least once every 24 hours. Camping last at least for 8 hours; during that time, you sleep, eat and/or pray. You regain all your quanta,
all your hit points, every positive or negative temporary effect is removed and you can use your abilities again (it is considered a new day for your character).


Spoiler for Hidden:
Combat is one of the most complicated aspects of this game. It is played in turns where both the players and their opponents take actions.
When it is your turn, you can do one of the following:
a) 1 move and 1 melee attack
b) 2 moves
c) 1 melee attack and 1 move
d) 1 ranged attack
c) activate an ability
e) use an item

 The basic movement; you can move horizontally or vertically a number of sqaures equal to your Speed, if walking, 1/2 your Swim, if swimming, and 1/2 your Athletics, if climbing or jumping.
Melee Attack:
You attack with your melee weapon an adjactent target (adjactent is everyone in the 8 squares that are next to your square) and deal damage to the target.
Damage dealt = (your Attack x2 + your weapon bonus + other buffs) - (target's Defense +target's shield bonus + other buffs)
Ranged Attack:
 You attack with a ranged weapon a target who mustn't be away from you more than a number of squares equal to your Dexterity stat. Damage is calculated above.
Activate an ability:
 This can be either a combat ability or even a non-combat ability or ritual, if it makes sense with the current situation. Remeber the range of non-personal abilities in squares is equal to the ability's core Stat.

*Here we describe certain common effects in combat:
Delay = can do only 1 move or 1 melee attack
Freeze = can't act at all
poison counter / hypnotic counter = counters which deal damage each turn

Below are posted the rules of the most common hazards:
* Drowning:
You can hold your breath underwater for a number of turns equal to your Swim (or Swim x2 if you are a Ritualist). After that time, you take 5 damage per turn untill you reach the surface.
* Thirst:
You can survive a number of days without water equal to your Defense (or Defense x2 if you are a Hermit). After that time, you take 10 thirst damage per day and that damage can't be healed. When you find and drink water, that damage is removed.
* Hunger:
You can survive a number of days without food equal to your Defense x3 (or Defense x6 if you are a Hermit). After that time, you take 10 hunger damage per day and that damage can't be healed. When you find and eat food, that damage is removed.
* Falling:
In case you fall off a pit trap or a cliff, you are going to take 1 falling damage per square of your fall minus your Athletics stat (square = 5 feet).

If you hit points (hit points = Health x5) reach zero, then you fall unconsious but you are not dead yet. You must still take an amount of damage equal to your Deathless stat in order to be slain. After 8 hours by the time you have fell unconsious, if you are still alive, you wake up and you can act normally, like you made Camping (see above). Saints, like you, use holy weapons which can't kill any living being, except for some very wicked ones who are evil by their own nature (eg. undead), who can be slain normally. Any living being who falls in zero hit points by an ability or a weapon used by a Saint falls unconsious and it can't be further damaged.


 The main goal of the game is to make as many good deeds as possible. By making a number of good deeds, varying from defeatig opponents to making donations and any form of charity, and from accomplishing certain quests to helping random people, your Game Master may give you a Stat Point, which you can spend to permanently increase any stat of yours by 1. Your Game Master is the one who judge when you are going to get that extra Stat Point, but you are the one who choose when and where to spend any Stat Points you have.

{That's all for now. More info is going to come soon. If you have any questions, just ask them in this thread or via PMing.} ;)
« Last Edit: November 06, 2012, 09:26:46 am by ARTHANASIOS »
Brawl #1 team :time, Brawl #2 team :fire, Brawl #3 team Silver Ferns, Brawl #4,7,8 Brawlmaster
War #8 team :life, War #10,11,12 team :light, Brawl #6 team FROGS :life

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Re: The Path of a Saint https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=44504.msg1013102#msg1013102
« Reply #1 on: November 05, 2012, 01:21:29 am »

It seems very well balanced, well done ARTH.

Here is my contribution, it also helps people to understand the rules.

Spoiler for Hidden:
Class:(+2 stat to element of choice)

EffectStat = Quanta
HP:(:life stat x5)3
Extra HP (?):(:death stat = additional damage you can take before dying when unconsious)3
MP (?):(:aether stat = number of abilities per day)3
Move:(:time stat = number of squares per turn)3
Swin:(:water stat = number of squares you can swin per turn/2, number of turn you can hold your breath)3
Attack:(:fire stat x3 = damage inflicted)3
Natural Armor (?):(:earth stat = damage reduction)3
Negotiation:(:entropy stat = how well you can negotiate with every elemental)3
Aetlhetics:(:gravity stat = number of squares you can climb or jump per turn/2, falling damage -1)3
Range:(:air stat = number of squares for ranged attacks)3
Stealth:(:darkness stat = if :darkness>:light you become invisible to the observer)3
Perception:(:light stat = number of squares you can detect hidden objects/2)3

Spell nameCostType (combat, non-combat)RangeEffect
Lightning1 :aetherCombatRangedDeals 5 spell damage to a target. Spell damage bypasses damage reduction.

Equippament NameQuantityTypeEffect
Healing potion5Mundane consumableRestores 5 hit points


Spoiler for Hidden:
Code: [Select]
[tr][td]Class:[/td][td](+2 stat to element of choice)[/td][/tr]

[tr][td][/td][td]Effect[/td][td]Stat = Quanta[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]HP:[/td][td](:life stat x5)[/td][td]3[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Extra HP (?):[/td][td](:death stat = additional damage you can take before dying when unconsious)[/td][td]3[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]MP (?):[/td][td](:aether stat = number of abilities per day)[/td][td]3[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Move:[/td][td](:time stat = number of squares per turn)[/td][td]3[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Swin:[/td][td](:water stat = number of squares you can swin per turn/2, number of turn you can hold your breath)[/td][td]3[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Attack:[/td][td](:fire stat x3 = damage inflicted)[/td][td]3[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Natural Armor (?):[/td][td](:earth stat = damage reduction)[/td][td]3[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Negotiation:[/td][td](:entropy stat = how well you can negotiate with every elemental)[/td][td]3[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Aetlhetics:[/td][td](:gravity stat = number of squares you can climb or jump per turn/2, falling damage -1)[/td][td]3[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Range:[/td][td](:air stat = number of squares for ranged attacks)[/td][td]3[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Stealth:[/td][td](:darkness stat = if :darkness>:light you become invisible to the observer)[/td][td]3[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Perception:[/td][td](:light stat = number of squares you can detect hidden objects/2)[/td][td]3[/td][/tr]

[tr][td]Spell name[/td][td]Cost[/td][td]Type (combat, non-combat)[/td][td]Range[/td][td]Effect[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Lightning[/td][td]1 :aether[/td][td]Combat[/td][td]Ranged[/td][td]Deals 5 spell damage to a target. Spell damage bypasses damage reduction.[/td][/tr]

[tr][td]Equippament Name[/td][td]Quantity[/td][td]Type[/td][td]Effect[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Healing potion[/td][td]5[/td][td]Mundane consumable[/td][td]Restores 5 hit points[/td][/tr][/table][/td][/tr][/table]
« Last Edit: November 05, 2012, 01:23:55 am by nensuru »

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  • ARTHANASIOS brings all the vitality and activity of a Life Nymph.ARTHANASIOS brings all the vitality and activity of a Life Nymph.ARTHANASIOS brings all the vitality and activity of a Life Nymph.ARTHANASIOS brings all the vitality and activity of a Life Nymph.ARTHANASIOS brings all the vitality and activity of a Life Nymph.ARTHANASIOS brings all the vitality and activity of a Life Nymph.ARTHANASIOS brings all the vitality and activity of a Life Nymph.ARTHANASIOS brings all the vitality and activity of a Life Nymph.ARTHANASIOS brings all the vitality and activity of a Life Nymph.ARTHANASIOS brings all the vitality and activity of a Life Nymph.
  • Cockatrices ftw!
  • Awards: Slice of Elements 10th Birthday CakeCard Design Competition - Doomsday Device(TM)Weekly Tournament WinnerBrawl #2 Winner - Team FireSlice of Elements 4th Birthday CakeElemental Warrior Competition Winner
Re: The Path of a Saint https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=44504.msg1013244#msg1013244
« Reply #2 on: November 05, 2012, 07:36:37 am »
^ + rep for this feedback, Nensuru! :D
I have still some things to add, like a few example maps & pics, more info about the Saint classes as well as the evil classes, how falling damage works, how many days/turns you can survive without food/water/oxygen, a few more items and, finally, description of the Orders. For now, I have though about FG-related orders (the Order of Divine Glory, the Order of Miracle, the Order of Ferox, the Order of Lionheart, the Order of Morte) and not FG-related ones (the Order of Mercy, the Order of Light, the Order of Life, the Order of The One True God, the Order of Angels). 

EDIT: Locked, due to lack of participants... :(
« Last Edit: February 06, 2013, 08:58:15 am by ARTHANASIOS »
Brawl #1 team :time, Brawl #2 team :fire, Brawl #3 team Silver Ferns, Brawl #4,7,8 Brawlmaster
War #8 team :life, War #10,11,12 team :light, Brawl #6 team FROGS :life

