hm...okay, we'll roll with that

I see something out of the corner of my eye, and it distracts me. My hand fumble and I drop the caltrops in mid-air, rolling off to the side. As I pick myself up, I realize a freaking huge creature barreled right into the caltrops. It shrieks in rage, and lifts I head. I presume he's using his sense of smell to figure out where the caltrops came from. Soon he looks right at me.
I place my hands together firmly and obtain another amulet. Without looking I place it in my pocket, and pull out the Crimson Amulet from earlier. This could actually come in handy. I throw it quickly at the grotesque creature, aiming for it's eyes, but es his head and it hits one giant wing instead. His feathers go up in flames.
1) Call upon my Divine Forge.
2) Throw Crimson Amlet at Chimera.
-1 Crimson Amulet, -2 Caltrops
+1 TBD Amulet
"Sir, do you want a radar?"
"No need to bother. He's probably still in the forest, picking apples..." Amalie glares at her superior, and he relents. "Fine. Before you throw a joystick at me, if possible."
Amalie hits a few different buttons, and the screen turns into a large radar, with one red dot moving down, and a very large blue dot in the top right. Kryos raises his eyebrows.
"It seems there's a very large entity in the same general area as...the testee...and it's only moving slightly. Perhaps he is avoiding it."
"If he gets crushed to pieces, it will save us -" Kryos starts, but Amalie cuts him off. "Now would be a very good time to toss the joystick at you, sir."
Kryos chuckles, but keeps his distance. Knowing Amalie she probably put fire in there somehow.