It seems the game isn't dead just yet. I'll try to clean up loose ends and we'll see who is still here.
It has been a while since I have wandered here. The Twelve Realms have fallen silent, and I have become busy with other things.
But the stones have roared. They demand a new epic, and a girl has been drawn to their roars.
Let Special Powers begin.... once again.
And welcome to Special Powers! Each new game starts off as a new 'Epic'. Players join, take actions, and eventually battle each other and monsters based on the events.
-The battle will go on with each post as a turn. Players are free to ally up with and perform up to 3 actions in one post (eg : 1. Ally with Player X 2. Attack Player Y w/pie 3. Jump on a train), but if attacking another player the other player has to have a chance to defend (No instakills)
-You can only have 1 power to start. Choose wisely. You may also start with 1 item. You can have 3 items max.
-If you feel you're falling behind, don't hesitate to
ask for a summary. Me and the other players will gladly fill you in.
-If a player dies, they can't post for 3 turn posts. After 3 turn posts from other players they may revive and continue fighting.
-Whoever manages to kill all opposing players wins.
Note that this is just the initial "Victory Condition" - if you develop the story differently other Victory Conditions may appear.-Alliances can only have 3 players max.
-- NOTE: You can make unofficial alliances without using an alliance point, but this means that if you use AoE attacks like Rain of Fire you have a chance of hurting your "allies".
-Players can join midgame but must follow the above rules.
-You are allowed to talk midgame and make comments like *facepalm* as long as you seperate the actions and the comments with:
-If you post an action, wait until someone else takes an action in order to act again.
You can't godmod - this means no altering things on such a grand scale like blowing up the world or travelling back in time to cause an epic paradox that can't be negated. Think of this as a "RPG" of sorts where everyone's eternally battling against each other - it's best to start somewhere decent and gain powers over time. For example ninjamaster's suit of armor is okay since someone could blow it up with a bomb or something.
Breaking Rules results in RNG penalties whenever I trigger an event.
From time to time I will create events or drop items that may cause some kind of effect or can be used by the players. Use your imagination when this happens!
When joining, state your power and starting item on your first post.
Current Players
Zblader (I'm *technically* in this one. The GM me and the PC me are two different entities.)

Starting Power : Deadly Wings - Red wings that enable me to fly. Can shoot sharp feather missles.
Starting Item : Ragnorok - A sword whose essence is buried by the magic of the earth itself. Can be summoned from the ground.

Starting Power : Air - She has perfect control over air. This has caused her to develop two personalities, Eva (Cold), and Ria (Hot).
Starting Item : None

Starting Power: Ice magic. I can arrange ice crystals from the water around me (vapor in the air, etc.) into unstable objects, such as throwing knives, that explode into local collections of ice spikes spread at all directions when the arrangement is disturbed by things such as physical contact. So I can make an axe whose head doesn't really keeps falling off and sticking to the opponent as a clumps of spiky ice. Also note that these clumps deal damage upon contact, are hard to get off, burrow into the skin, add noticeable weight, and slow down the opponent by being cold spikes in your muscles and joints. I can also store gratuitous amounts of water,, which I gain through contact with the water source, in my body. I can use the water I store for Ice magic.
Starting Item: My sketchbook, with an obsidian cover, can be held in front of my face as a shield or swung around wildly as a blunt weapon. Oh, and I can draw in it.

Starting Power - Divine Forge: I gain one
random supernatural amulet aligned with an element. Everyone can tell which amulet I gain, but no one except me knows yet the effect of each one.
Starting Item - Pack of Caltrops: A simple pack that contains 10 caltrops to start. Each of these caltrops is made of 3
small metal rods, combined together by a supernatural force.

Ability: Slow down or speed up time inside a cloud with me at the center. (The time pace gradually changes at the edges)
Item: Dagger of adaptation- Whatever is most dominant in its environment is the type of minor affect it has, like it can temporarily blind someone if I reflect sunlight at close range, or cause frostbite from a stab in cold weather.

Powah: I can summons lemons. But not just any lemons. Combustible lemons! (
) And explosive lemons, and acidic lemons. But only one at a time.
Combustible lemons: Suddenly burst into flame upon contact with anything.
Explosive lemons: It's like an explode-on-contact hand grenade, with a lemony fresh scent.
Acidic lemons: It releases a big splash of boiling acid. On this scale (, it would measure about a 0. (For you un-mathy people, that's like skin burning, bone dissolving, rock obliterating acid of death. Perfect for melting through walls, armor, and enemy minions of any sort.)Item: Lemon launcher. It can take any sort of lemon and launch it much farther than I could throw it, at the rate of a regular machine gun. Or really
really far, but one at a time. And it's made of pure unobtainum, which cannot be touched by any sort of power. Just flesh. Bad for hitting people, though, it doesn't carry much force.

Turn into a Half-dragon at will. This gives me claws,
scales and wings.
Gray Staff: Imbued with both the power of
Darkness and
Light, it can also be used to just whack people, causing certain effects if i also call forth either
power or it, or

Power: Summoner, I can summon any creature from elements, but more powerful creatures have longer summon times, I.E: Takes one action to summon a Forest Spirit or Rustler, two actions to summon a Frog or Cockatrice and three turns to summon any type of dragon. Also, the amount of summons I can have out at one time cannot exceed three in power level, I.E: I can have out one lvl three monster (dragon) or one lvl two monster and one lvl one monster or three lvl one monsters.
Item: Feathered headband, a hand with feathers of different types of birds woven into it, it was enchanted and dyed by my grandfather to let me speak with and understand animals, (naturally, just because I'm able to understand and talk to them doesn't mean they won't attack me.)
My character's ability is to create portals.
1: it takes 1 turn to create a pair of portals
2: I need to visualize the locations to create the portal(included in the one turn)
3: The portals must have the same orientation - i.e. portal facing North to North-facing portal
4: The edges of the portals are 2D, thus will split anything that is pushed into the edge of the portal.
5: Things can go through portals both ways
6: Portals are always round, and slowly shrink, but slowly enough so as not to cut anything by their own force
7: The space connected by portals is completely connected, so EVERYTHING, including light, goes through portals.
His item is a 'Marauder's Map' of sorts. It takes one turn to check it, but it shows everything, down to each blade of grass, and can zoom, pan, etc. It also cannot be read by anyone except my character or taken from him, as long as he's alive - when he's dead, it's up for reading and taking, but when he respawns, then the map teleports to him.