As some know, I've attempted to start up a Forum based RolePlaying system, but that was was brought down by 'bugs,' maligned posting styles, and inactivity.
Essentially, it was a two tiered system. The first and most prominent would be in the realm of Reality | Shift, a fantastical 3DMMORPG that is still in its early forms of testing. Participants would control their avatar to walk through rolling blue plains and archaic ruins, hunting quests and 'bugs' alike. This will be the main part of the RP and also the biggest frustration, particularly when it comes to interactions and inactivity.
The second would be of Offline Mode, where participants would also control a character, the same character to whom the R|S character is
"registered" under, in a more casual way. This is not intended to be a prominent feature early on, but more of a backstory building tool for those who would like to expand on that. And, as most of us know, it shows how our delusions and reality tend to seep into the other.
That being said, aside from those who were part of the original playthrough, before it fell to shambles, anyone have any interest in joining? This is just to see if I should prioritize bringing it back to life in the very near future.
I'll post more details regarding the nature of the system when I can. Until then, could past participants not release any links containing any content regarding the past session?