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Other Topics => Off-Topic Discussions => Role-Playing => Topic started by: $$$man on March 26, 2011, 06:27:58 pm

Title: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: $$$man on March 26, 2011, 06:27:58 pm
Story - It's 9640 after Zanzarino, The Elements world is dying.
It started about 8200 after Zanzarino.Voids how they name them apppeared  across all empires. The Voids were
small places where wasn't any magic ( And as you know every living thing needs magic or it will die.)

Many elders warned people, but people just ignored them. After centuries the Voids grew and grew.
In 9200 A.Z Voids consumed half of the world. Many great mages, scientist and heroes tried to stop Void ,
but it was too late. Now in the year 9640 A.Z 92 % of the citiziens creatures and plants are dead. Only
refuge they have are the Entropic Islands. The only hope they have is a dimensional gate moved from a Etheria
to the Chaos Gate,they must travel into a another world and leave the dying world behind.
Character Name:
Race: (If first player chooses  :light race angels you must be angel too if you are  :light) Must be humanoid
Abilities (0-4, MAX skills you can learn is 8):

Rules :

Things which need my reply
Sell and Buy
If you for example loot something weak or moderate - rusty sword, some coins (Combat,Looting, Quest, Sell and Buy) it doesn't need my reply
It's your story not mine.

OOC and InC: use OOC (out of character) InC (In Character)

Etiquette: No 2 sentence posts ( Except OOC) I don't care if there are gramatical errors,
just write so that everyone can understand

You must read all new posts since your last post before posting, this is to avoid characters doing things that do not fit with the story, such as ignoring events and other players. EXCEPT NEW PLAYERS AFTER STARTING THE GAME, BUT NEW PLAYER MUST ASK ME IF THEY WANT TO PLAY.

If you want Want something (Random fight) just write it in the OOC.

Any questions and suggestions?

Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: Nepycros on March 26, 2011, 06:41:11 pm
Race: Shade
Element: Darkness
Appearance: Dark. No ethnicity. Just dark. 5' 6". Skinny.
Age: 37 (young)
Background: I sleep... alot... and I'm somewhat a philosopher. I have scholarships, I don't like stereotypes, and I have a few good assassination skills. When the Void started taking over, I managed to emulate their behavior... to no avail. They saw right through me, so I ran away, but at least I got to examine their habits.
Belongings: Memento, a blade that attaches to my wrist. It's basically the Darkness symbol. :darkness <-- Put that on your wrist, and you've got a sweet-ass weapon. General traveling attire, all black. I carry a meter-long pole in a pouch on my back, and I'll reveal how it works later on.
Abilities: Tainting (means I can take someone's weapon and turn it into my weapon, changing its shape. It's how I made Memento)
Cloaking (invisibility)
Emulation (merging into the shadow of a person, and following their every move. You're completely hidden, and over time, you can eventually learn how they work, and why)
Title: Re: Void/Exile RPG by Thalas.
Post by: Thalas on March 26, 2011, 06:47:06 pm
MAP of Linegard

(http://imageplay.net/img/m7Gbd167833/map2.png) (http://imageplay.net/)

Story will be in Element's world (Linegard)
We are battling against Void.
Dimensional Gate can be used just traveling in the Element's World (Linegard)
There 6 Important Artifacts -   :time Jewel of Time  :aether
                                                :fire Liquid Fire  :water
                                                :earth Dragon's Roar  :air
                                                :darkness Mercury Light  :light
                                                :entropy Aesir/Burai  :gravity
                                                :death Staff of Extalis :life

Each artifact has got special powers
First Faction which gets these artifacts obtains unbelievable power and wins the war.
some information about magic


Magic the life energy. It's all around, you just need to use it.
There two kinds of magic energy : from this world the lower magic and from a mendax the higher magic

Higher Magic : Mendax
First I introduce you to Mendax. Mendax is illusory (yet existing) realm. This Mendax runs through all worlds and creates
them. Mendax is consists of magic blocks. These blocks which have possible and impossible shapes, continually
unpredictably move, shift, erase and compose themselves. You can open Blocks and drain mana from them or
or destroy them which causes mana explosion in the real world (fire explosion, 0 Kelvin temperature, air vacuum
or insane air pressure, black hole etc.) or even construct worlds

How do I open these blocks ?
The manakinesis( Most common way, trade opening block for some your energy.)
words or rituals can open the blocks which give magician new powers.  But firstly you must learn them
or discover them (really dangerous)

To put it simply Mendax is like candyshop, mana like candy
if you are smart you can take the sweetest candy (incredible power) and if you are agile you can even stole the candy
without even paying.
but if you are dumb you might take the sourest candy (die)

Lower Magic
Do know how worlds were born ? Mendax blocks exploded and some magic leaked from Mendax and
created world on the surface of the Mendax. So the rocks, water, air, lava, time etc, are just materialized
mana. And magicians can transform and use this magic
So how it works:
Magicians absorb mana from the enviroment, so you can sometimes see dead plants in a place where
magic was used. Then they gather it in some part of their bodies, the hands are perfect, but legs
and even nose or ears can be used too. Gathered magic can be combined with different magic
(for example: Fire and Earth) and form incredibly strong spells.
And then release the Mana      *BOOM*
(Or do something totally different)

examples of magic
No one from where this power came from maybe from god maybe from devil, who knows. But something is certain,
it's deadly. Exorcist use own lifetime and vitality to summon demigods, demons and many other spiritual
creatures which they defeated and enslaved. These beings are mindless once enslaved.

How it Works?
Exorcist defeats the Unicorn (example) and kills it. Then he transfers his own life time to the killed creature.
Possesed creatures can be then transfromed into small vanadium statues

Soul Echo
People who possess this skill can "generate" a Sound Waves. These waves can deafen or
vibrate air which changes Sound Waves into Pressure Waves or neutralize Neural system.

How it works?
Soul Echo magician is actually swordsman. He uses his magic imbued weapon to slash the the Mendax blocks.
From the cut in the Mendax block rapidly leaks mana and produces mana waves for a small amount of time


:darkness Nepycros :darkness    Shade
Tainting  (stealing and transforming weapon)
Cloaking (invisibility)
Emulation (becames someones shadow)
:underworld Maulon  :underworld    Voidian
Void Ray
Void Magic

:life Murdravox  :life    Human
Poison stab
:aether Kryesh  :aether   Immortal
Space warp (Adds or deletes space to move people around)
Immaterial/Materialization (Takes time to use)
Summon Aetherling (Summons a weak creature from a dimensional crack)
:time Xerxes :time  Wizard
Reverse time
Can Slow down time
Mutates into something
:entropy Vene :entropy Human
Fuego   Creates fire
Ïllusio    Creates illusion
Fortuna Creates random helpful thing
:light Hunter :light    angel
Wing Shield wings can protect from powerful attacks
Flight can fly
:light Lyra :light    angel
Fusion Jack Fuses her weapon or spells with other elements
Reflect Diamond Reflects any spell
Possess King Calls alternate persona  :darknessShaden :darkness to possess her
:gravity Thalos :gravity    Armagio
Shield wall Creates huge defensive barrier
Guard Command He gains huge defence bonus
Charge Command Shoots ball of energy to the target ally which gains attack
equal to the Thalos defence, Thalos defence is negated during ally having the energy shoot
:gravity Argon :gravity   Armagio
Graviton Slam slams opponent for heavy damage. (Effective against lot of enemies)
Titanic Demolition destroys an enemy's main weapon.
Graviton Bronze increases Argon's potential damage.
:darkness Lexuar :darkness
Cloaking (invisibility)
Emulation (becomes someones shadow)
Agility (dodges more)
Focus (becomes totally focused on the target increasing his chance of succes but stops paying attention to the surroundings)

Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: $$$man on March 26, 2011, 06:47:19 pm
Character Name: Xander
Race: Assassin (Gargoyle)
Element: :earth
Appearance: Tall 6 ft'' 7. Completely black but you wouldn't know because of the robe he wears. Which hides his head as well as the rest of his body.
Age: 24
Background: None. Gargoyles can live up to 10k+ yrs, so the 24 yrs, that have passed were extremely uneventful
Belongings: His robe. 2 daggers. Throwing knives, and vials of poison.
Flight: Able to fly.
Charisma: Able to bargain easily, make friends easier, and rob people easiest :)
Adaption: Insane adaptability. If he is forced to fight with something other than his own weapons, he will be an expert at it.
Blend: Can dissapeer without a trace and can NOT be detected when in "Blend" state
Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: ztormtrooper on March 26, 2011, 07:02:30 pm
Right im gonna make a character

Character Name: Sagittarius Caeli
Race: Elf
Element: :air
Appearance: Elf-like pointy ears, light skin, dragonhide torso and cloth pants. green cap, 5 foot 6 inches
Age: 21
Background: From a town burned town. Sagittarius has come to avenge his mother, Maria and Father Jack from the Evil Orokusaki( kudos if you get the reference). Turned from a cute, nice child into a brutal killer filled with the fire of revenge in his eyes. Silent but his eyes and spirit tell much more then words could ever do.
Belongings: Steel bow, steel arrows,
Abilities: Fire arrow(basic an arrow head on fire being shot damage over time,) Multiarrow( shoot 3 arrows at a time)
Elf Agility(50% chance to dodge attacks, can be discussed)

Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: Wardead on March 26, 2011, 07:07:30 pm
Character Name: Xerxes VII

Race: Wizard 

Element:  :time

Appearance: Standing at 8 feet, this tall man wears a blue-golden robe, has a long beard and carries the 'Book of Majick' with him. (NOTE: The Book's name is not a typo or a spelling mistake)

Age: 421

Background: After realizing the evil growing around the mana of the world, he fled for refuge in a distant land called the Entropic Islands. He took shelter there, and soon after, the Voids invaded the world. He learned some of the Entropic's ways, before they got corrupted too. Slowing down time and protected by an enchanted spell, he fell into a deep sleep inside a human-sized cocoon for 42 years at a ghost town in an Entropic Island. And he is also a Legerdemain.

Belongings: Staff of Eternity (Eternity.)
An Hourglass (Draws a random card from your sleeve. The card can produce either creature or spell. No Permanents though.)
Book of Majick
The Cape of Randomness (If a weapon or metal touches the cape, the person of ownership of the weapon or metal will have a random effect upon him/her).

Abilities (0-4, MAX skills you can learn is 8 ): Can Slow down time
Reverse time
Has the ability to mutate

Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: Thalas on March 26, 2011, 07:20:56 pm
. . . So what are we doing?
We'll travel from the elements world to another unknown world named Linegard
We'll travel through the dimensional gate, first of I need to know who will play this game

Race: Shade
Element: Darkness
Appearance: Dark. No ethnicity. Just dark. Please could you say how tall are you at least
Age: (average lifespans? I can't pick an age without a life span) choose your life span I suggest 150 years
Background: I sleep... alot... and I'm somewhat a philosopher. I have scholarships, I don't like stereotypes, and I have a few good assassination skills.
Belongings: Memento, a blade that attaches to my wrist. It's basically the Darkness symbol. :darkness <-- Put that on your wrist, and you've got a sweet-ass weapon.
Abilities: Tainting (means I can take someone's weapon and turn it into my weapon, changing its shape)
Cloaking (invisibility)
2 more to come.
staff of eternity
An Hourglass Some information?
Book of Majick
Elf Agility(50% chance to dodge attacks, can be discussed) Okay approved I you will doge more than others, but do you have got originality? LEGOLAS???
Element: :darkness + :earth (if that's allowed, otherwise just the first) Please change your element to  :earth no duos
Abilities: Not sure what to put here. Could you please clarify? Type here if you have any special abilities for example
magic or natural abilities like harden
Character Name: Vene Dirus

Race: Human

Element :  :entropy

Appearance: Although Vene is 5 and half feet tall, because of his old age and stooping back he is now only 4 feet tall.
Vene is thick-set weighs about 100 kilograms. He wears azure shirt, brown robe with golden Sky Island ornaments
and black shoes. First thing you notice is a Vene's long gray hair which is crawling on his stooping back.
He has got sarcastic face and malevolent smile. Ordinary magician.

Age: 598 years

Background: Vene is great scientist and genius. He was one of the who tried to stop Void. Currently he is leader
of the explorers. Something from his past -  born in the Sky Island became teacher in the entropy islands.
He was a great adventurer. Rumors say that he was friend with Necromant Gerald the grandchild of the Zanzarino.

Belongings: Lingua scrolls (Fuego, Illusio, Fortuna) and wooden staff nothing special just a piece of wood.

Lingua Magic
Uses words to manipulate with blocks and mana(must have got the Scrolls). Must say the words.
Fuego - creates a small bright fire
Illusio - Generates illusion which affects only one person ( use on itself - disguise or someone else - deceive )
Fortuna - Creates random thing which helps Vene
Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: ztormtrooper on March 26, 2011, 07:51:12 pm

Elf Agility(50% chance to dodge attacks, can be discussed) Okay approved I you will doge more than others, but do you have got originality? LEGOLAS???

my name is now Sagittarius Caeli( it sounds better then Aera Magnum)
Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: Thalas on March 26, 2011, 08:01:04 pm
Does anybody want to be a bad character?
Now we need only 1 or 2 ( I hope it'll woman) players to start but more the better, although max is 12 players 

If lot of people start playing I might hire another game master from USA because of the Time zones.
Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: Nepycros on March 26, 2011, 08:03:00 pm
By bad, you mean part of Void?
Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: Thalas on March 26, 2011, 08:11:12 pm
By bad, you mean part of Void?
I'm not decided yet but bad character would be murderer who needs to kill and feed on the mana of the dead
Brainwashed guy who leads group of the elite assassin under the control of the Blood council (Entropy empire leaders)
Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: ztormtrooper on March 26, 2011, 08:21:48 pm
By bad, you mean part of Void?
I'm not decided yet but bad character would be murderer who needs to kill and feed on the mana of the dead
Brainwashed guy who leads group of the elite assassin under the control of the Blood council (Entropy empire leaders)
actually according to saggitarius's background he turned into a brutal killer so it'll fit  for at least part of it.
Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: Wardead on March 26, 2011, 08:34:24 pm
By bad, you mean part of Void?
I'm not decided yet but bad character would be murderer who needs to kill and feed on the mana of the dead
Brainwashed guy who leads group of the elite assassin under the control of the Blood council (Entropy empire leaders)
I can create a character like that, but am I allowed to run 2 characters at once?
Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: Thalas on March 26, 2011, 08:58:08 pm
By bad, you mean part of Void?
I'm not decided yet but bad character would be murderer who needs to kill and feed on the mana of the dead
Brainwashed guy who leads group of the elite assassin under the control of the Blood council (Entropy empire leaders)
I can create a character like that, but am I allowed to run 2 characters at once?
well if you manage running two characters at once.
But I probably give it to someone with 1 character and who fits to be a villain
Now I'm going to sleep. I just wait for more players then I decide
better to sleep on it
Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: ZephyrPhantom on March 26, 2011, 09:03:37 pm
I'm considering entering, but how long will this game last?

Character Name: Lyra
Gender : Female
Race: Angel
Element:  :light
Appearance: Short blonde hair, light skin,  6' 0"
Age: 26
Background: Hailing as a prodigy from the Light Academy of Sanctum Solaris, Lyra specializes in swordplay and usage of other elements, something rare in her kind. She has decided to try to stop the Void with help from a strange spirit that possesed her when she was young and nearly resulted in her exile from :light.
Aesir -  A sword engraved with many magical runes connected to Mendax, and is very light. The runes start of "blocked" at first but as Lyra interacts with certain Mendax the runes will "unlock" giving her different abilities.
Fusion Jack - Can fuse other elemental properties within her spells. By default this just enhances her sword with a random nearby element.
Reflect Diamond - Reflects any spells directed at Lyra onto another target.
Possess King - Calls alternate persona Shaden to possess her.
Shaden is Male and :darkness. (Will develop more.)
Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: Wardead on March 26, 2011, 09:20:47 pm
well if you manage running two characters at once.
But I probably give it to someone with 1 character and who fits to be a villain
Now I'm going to sleep. I just wait for more players then I decide
better to sleep on it
Well, I'm just going to create a villain character for the lulz, I'll delete the post if you want.

Character Name: Rege Gyros Villitias (RGV)

Race: Golem (Later fused with robotics and Lava)

Element:   :gravity /  :fire /  :earth (Since, it's a villain, I want it to control 3 Elements :P)

Appearance: 17 ft tall, and weghing over 800 kgs. He was originally a golem, which was much shorter and lighter. Shiny silver skin, and has metallic claws and teeth.

Age: 42

Background: He was born in the Ti'kuai tribe of Golems, then got captured by his own corrupted dad and handed over to scientists who were creating powerful beings at that time. After a 53-day long surgery, they finally managed to replace his organs with robotics, enhancing his growth along with his intelligence. after couple of months, he was chilled to Absolute Zero, then scientists poured upon him, molten lava. His skin became a shiny-metallic substance, and his body was stronger than ever now. He was now, RVG.

Belongings: Nothing.


Firebolt: Can shoot Firebolts from his hands

Enhancer: Makes him 5 times larger and stronger, with heavier armor.

Chimeric Force: Makes 10 types of Random creatures, then fuses with them. Will fuse with more creatures if there are more around.

x11Y72G2 Emergency Call: Calls all Void creatures within 1-mile radius to assist him.

Note: x11Y72G2 Emergency Call + Chimeric Force + Enhancer = ...
Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: ShiningSword on March 26, 2011, 10:01:41 pm
I would like to join if it is possible.
Name: Thalos
Race: Armagio
Element:  :gravity
Appearance: 10 feet tall. He wears a huge armor with ornamental wings(useless) in its back.
Age: 60(young, life span is of 200 years)
Background: He fought in many wars with the forces of gravity. When the void started spreading and the casualties destroyed the army he left the land of gravity and traveled to the Entropic Islands.
Belongings: His armor.
Abilities: He fights using his steel gloves(which come with the armor).
Shield wall: all allies(and thalos) gain a defence bonus based in the number of allies(it would be a bonus to blocking and damage reduction).
Comrades guard: he gains huge defence bonus, all attacks are redirected to him(if you could make that huge bonus HUGE, it would be better)
Charge command: a random allie gets all of its damage reduction and block chance transfered to its damage and hit chance(cant be used on himself, the allie has blocking and armor at 0 until the end of the effect)

Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: Five In One on March 27, 2011, 04:18:07 am
Does anybody want to be a bad character?
Now we need only 1 or 2 ( I hope it'll woman) players to start but more the better, although max is 12 players 

If lot of people start playing I might hire another game master from USA because of the Time zones.
If you'd like, I could be a villain for this. I've always been in tune with my more... evil side...

I'll probably go and post my character sometime within the next 24 hours, since I actually need to get some sleep (it's midnight over here).
Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: Thalas on March 27, 2011, 05:43:44 am
Appearance: 5ft 3, with a wing span of exactly double 'her' height. Due to the magic of her creator, she is made of a substance similar to light, making her almost invisible. She is light blue and covered in a rusty silver-ish metal, and wears nothing.
just a minor change - smaller wings

Cloak: Hunter may diffuse her body to protect allies from sight for a short period of time (similar to the ingame permanent, Cloak).
Wing Shield: Hunter's wings can protect from any attack. Any attack? I don't want absolute defense let say that wings are made from super hard Iridium.
Flight: Hunter may use her wings to fly at high speeds.
I'm considering entering, but how long will this game last? Well I don't really know. First we travel to the Linegard then learn some more magic and adventuring and then final battle with  :entropy and  :light kingdom  
Aesir -  A sword engraved with many magical runes connected to Mendax, and is very light. The runes start of "blocked" at first but as Lyra interacts with certain Mendax the runes will "unlock" giving her different abilities. I like it
Fusion Jack - Can fuse other elemental properties within her spells. By default this just enhances her sword with a random nearby element.
Reflect Diamond - Reflects any spells directed at Lyra onto another target. Well if this spell can't be used nonstop against direct damage, I give you bonus reflects any non-direct damage spell nonstop
Possess King - Calls alternate persona Shaden to possess her.   I can't wait  ;D
Shaden is Male and :darkness. (Will develop more.)
Character Name: Rege Gyros Villitias (RGV) sorry but your character it's just too supreme and transformer like
modest amount of cash(i dont know how much is the currency worth).Your cash is useless in the Linegard world since they have got different currency
Shield wall: all allies(and thalos) gain a defence bonus based in the number of allies(it would be a bonus to blocking and damage reduction). Please tell more about this ability or rework it (maybe spell reflection)
Comrades guard: he gains huge defence bonus, all attacks are redirected to him(if you could make that huge bonus HUGE, it would be better) It will be huge bonus but no redirecting, but you can still guard your allies
Charge command: a random allie gets all of its damage reduction and block chance transfered to its damage and hit chance(cant be used on himself, the allie has blocking and armor at 0 until the end of the effect) Okay, Just a small detail you must shoot allie with a ball of your defence.
Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: KingOfArmagio on March 27, 2011, 08:10:02 am
Race: Armagio
Name: Argon
Apperance: 12 feet tall. Bulkier than most other Armagios.
Element: :gravity
Age: 48 (as mentioned, average Armagio lifespan is 200 years.)
Background: Mysterious. One of the most feared Armagios in the world for his strength.
Belongings: Armour, Bronze Axe, Titan.
Abilities: battles with his Axe.
Graviton Slam: slams a random opponent for heavy damage.
Titanic Demolition: destroys an enemy's main weapon.
Graviton Bronze: increases Argon's potential damage.
Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: Blazing Moonwalker on March 27, 2011, 01:09:53 pm
Wing Shield: Hunter's wings can protect from any attack. Any attack? I don't want absolute defense let say that wings are made from super hard Iridium.
If you want.

I had her like that because her defence was the only thing she had going for her. She'll probably get killed off pretty early then.

Get rid of her diffusion protection too. That's useless without her potential invincibility.

Edited previous post with the changes.
Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: Nepycros on March 27, 2011, 02:40:14 pm
Race: Armagio
Name: Argon
Apperance: 12 feet tall. Bulkier than most other Armagios.
Element: :gravity
Age: 48 (as mentioned, average Aramgio lifespan is 200 years.)
Background: Mysterious. One of the most feared Armagios in the world for his strength.
Belongings: Armour, Bronze Axe, Titan.
Abilities: battles with his Axe.
Graviton Slam: slams a random opponent for heavy damage.
Titanic Demolition: destroys an enemy's main weapon.
Graviton Bronze: increases Argon's potential damage.
Oh geez. No godmodding please. Godmodding = you pumping yourself up with too much power. It's narcissistic, and makes the game boring.
Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: ShiningSword on March 27, 2011, 03:30:12 pm
Race: Armagio
Name: Argon
Apperance: 12 feet tall. Bulkier than most other Armagios.
Element: :gravity
Age: 48 (as mentioned, average Aramgio lifespan is 200 years.)
Background: Mysterious. One of the most feared Armagios in the world for his strength.
Belongings: Armour, Bronze Axe, Titan.
Abilities: battles with his Axe.
Graviton Slam: slams a random opponent for heavy damage.
Titanic Demolition: destroys an enemy's main weapon.
Graviton Bronze: increases Argon's potential damage.
Oh geez. No godmodding please. Godmodding = you pumping yourself up with too much power. It's narcissistic, and makes the game boring.
I wouldnt worry about him.
His abilities will most likely have high miss rate(big and clumsy axe fighter against smaller warriors with normal sized weapons) and he will most likely have lower ability to dodge(as it is big and slow) or block(an axe isnt the most defencive weapon out there) that the more balanced chars and less endurance than the defence oriented chars.

Graviton slam has aiming issues(as he could easily smash a harmless creature while the powerful enemy is undamaged, a big amount of creatures, or a good summoner enemy would make this skill useless).

Titanic demolition destroys weapons(and is a waste of time and energy if you have a backup, or fight with something that isnt actually a weapon and isnt used like one, or at least thats how i interpretate it).

Graviton bronze is the only one that gets to worry me as a powerful thing to fight against(a good self buff is good, but it wont be as big as say, my comrade guard or my charge command, as those come with hefty penaltys that can endanger my life in combat).

But thats just my opinion. Thalas has to say whats balanced and what isnt.
Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: Thalas on March 27, 2011, 04:27:48 pm
I wouldnt worry about him.
His abilities will most likely have high miss rate(big and clumsy axe fighter against smaller warriors with normal sized weapons) and he will most likely have lower ability to dodge(as it is big and slow) or block(an axe isnt the most defencive weapon out there) that the more balanced chars and less endurance than the defence oriented chars.

Graviton slam has aiming issues(as he could easily smash a harmless creature while the powerful enemy is undamaged, a big amount of creatures, or a good summoner enemy would make this skill useless).

Titanic demolition destroys weapons(and is a waste of time and energy if you have a backup, or fight with something that isnt actually a weapon and isnt used like one, or at least thats how i interpretate it).

Graviton bronze is the only one that gets to worry me as a powerful thing to fight against(a good self buff is good, but it wont be as big as say, my comrade guard or my charge command, as those come with hefty penaltys that can endanger my life in combat).

But thats just my opinion. Thalas has to say whats balanced and what isnt.
Yeah don't worry about it even if character is unbalanced I can balance him in the game

I had her like that because her defence was the only thing she had going for her. She'll probably get killed off pretty early then.

Get rid of her diffusion protection too. That's useless without her potential invincibility.

Edited previous post with the changes.
Don't be so offended. It's not so bad you have got absolute defence against small and medium creatures and hard defence against big creatures. Only ones who can penetrate your wings are the best magicians and some really powerful people.
Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: Five In One on March 27, 2011, 04:35:55 pm
Here's my villainous character, if needed. I can always make a hero if it's not.

Character Name: Lexuar

Race: Shade (similar to Nepycros)

Element: :darkness

Appearance: Midnight black, with gleaming, blood-red eyes. 6 ft tall, and in decent physical shape. Male.

Age: Unknown, but is rumored to have created the Void all those years ago... Appears to be around 100 (around 60 in human years).

Background: Lexuar was a Crusader during the Third Great War, serving the King of Warivia for many years with his unique dagger fighting style. However, his philosophy didn't mingle well with the rest of the kingdom, and eventually he was banished under mysterious circumstances. After travelling for many years, he discovered a way to infuse a unique type of mana into his dagger, transforming it into the now-legendary Nosferatu Blade (described below). Every decade or so since, he has used his unique training methods, natural abilities, and assassination skills to perform a small massacre, the price needed to keep him alive for a while longer. He has created a formidable secret society in the past few centuries, but his morality is questionable and his mind is often scattered in jumbled thoughts. When there is need, he can focus on accomplishing a single goal, with the price of being effectively unaware of the rest of the world.The Nosferatu Blade: A magic weapon that allows the user to siphon off a portion of the victim's life energy if stabbed into the heart. Very difficult to use, and in some cases may take decades to master. Appearance is that of a Vampire Dagger, but slightly larger and has mystical runes etched into it. The blade itself reflects no light whatsoever.

Chain Cloak: A black cloak that gives some resistance to a few different types of attacks (mainly arrows and a few types of blades), yet is light and makes little sound when moving. Inscribed with a few mystic runes of lesser power than his weapon. Doesn't completely protect him, as he's vunerable when making an attack, but his natural agility often makes up for it.

The Void Society: More of an asset, really. Promised with immunity to the Void itself, its members spread chaos throughout the world and even help the Void to grow, willingly or otherwise. Although it has strength in numbers, its members are often scattered too thinly, and are mostly incompetent or work poorly with their comrades. The Void Society often provides Lexuar with the materials he requests, though it usually takes a long time to do so.

Others: Lexuar occasionally has one or two other utility items to aid him in a battle, but he cannot carry too many objects or objects that are too heavy, as it would slow him down and lessen his effectiveness in combat. He only brings other items if he finds it absolutely necessary to do so.Cloaking: All Shades have some sort of cloaking, usually aided by an item of some sort. Lexuar's form of cloaking gives him near invisibility, with the aid of his Chain Cloak, but its effectiveness is reduced dramatically when in combat or other strenuous situations. Great for ambushes.

Emulation: All Shades also have some sort of shadow manipulation, and can often merge into the shadows. For Lexuar, he can travel great distances in a short amount of time in the form of an amorphous shadow, as long as there is a dark enough shadow to travel through. The darker the shadow, the faster he can go. In his shadow form, he can also split himself to track others by their shadows, but it has consequences once he turns back into his physical form (for instance, he's missing a leg or arm when he turns back, but can regain it if all his shadows become one again). He can only transform himself and his belongings into shadows, but some Shades can turn other people into shadows as well.

Agility: Lexuar uses his quick reflexes to occasionally dodge incoming attacks he's aware of (in most cases, this only applies to the person he's trying to kill). As a downside to this, he often has trouble pushing people when he has the chance, and can be easily pushed around himself if the opportunity is present.

Focus: Lexuar focuses on one specific goal (such as killing a specific enemy, stealing an item, etc.), giving him a better chance of accomplishing that goal. However, it comes with the downside of being completely unaware of surroundings irrelevant to the accomplishment of that goal, and it is almost impossible to multi-task when focusing.
I'm open to comments on suggestions on him (in case he's too powerful for a villain).
Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: Thalas on March 27, 2011, 06:38:21 pm
I decided

We will launch this game tomorrow 28th March at 15:00 GMT

There will be one villain - FiveInOne

Check your abilites, I changed them a little. If you have got any objections say it now.

:darkness Nepycros :darkness    Shade
Tainting  (stealing and transforming weapon)
Cloaking (invisibility)
Emulation (becames someones shadow)
:earth Xander :earth   Gargoyle
Flight: Able to fly.
Charisma: Able to bargain easily, make friends easier, and rob people easiest :)
Adaption: Insane adaptability. If he is forced to fight with something other than his own weapons, he will be an expert at it.
Blend: Can dissapeer without a trace and can NOT be detected when in "Blend" state

:air Sagittarius :air    Elf
Fire Arrow (sets own arrow on fire)
Multiarrow Multiples own arow
Elf Agility (dodges more)
:time Xerxes :time  Wizard
Reverse time
Can Slow down time
Has got ability to mutate himself or someone else (slower than mutating himself)
:entropy Vene :entropy Human
Fuego   Creates fire
Ïllusio    Creates illusion
Fortuna Creates random helpful thing
:light Hunter :light    angel
Wing Shield wings can protect from powerful attacks
Flight can fly
:light Lyra :light    angel
Fusion Jack Fuses her weapon or spells with other elements
Reflect Diamond Reflects any spell
Possess King Calls alternate persona  :darknessShaden :darkness to possess her
:gravity Thalos :gravity    Armagio
Shield wall Creates huge defensive barrier
Guard Command He gains huge defence bonus
Charge Command Shoots ball of energy to the target ally which gains attack
equal to the Thalos defence, Thalos defence is negated during ally having the energy shoot
:gravity Argon :gravity   Armagio
Graviton Slam slams opponent for heavy damage. (Effective against lot of enemies)
Titanic Demolition destroys an enemy's main weapon.
Graviton Bronze increases Argon's potential damage.
:darkness Lexuar :darkness
Cloaking (invisibility)
Emulation (becomes someones shadow)
Agility (dodges more)
Focus (becomes totally focused on the target increasing his chance of succes but stops paying attention to the surroundings)
The Nosferatu Blade: A magic weapon that allows the user to siphon off a portion of the victim's life energy if stabbed into the heart. Very difficult to use, and in some cases may take decades to master. Appearance is that of a Vampire Dagger, but slightly larger and has mystical runes etched into it. The blade itself reflects no light whatsoever.
I think normal sharp blade is good enough

Chain Cloak: A black cloak that gives some resistance to a few different types of attacks (mainly arrows and a few types of blades), yet is light and makes little sound when moving. Inscribed with a few mystic runes of lesser power than his weapon. Doesn't completely protect him, as he's vunerable when making an attack, but his natural agility often makes up for it.
I would change it to - resistance to arrows and backstab
The Void Society: More of an asset, really. Promised with immunity to the Void itself, its members spread chaos throughout the world and even help the Void to grow, willingly or otherwise. Although it has strength in numbers, its members are often scattered too thinly, and are mostly incompetent or work poorly with their comrades. The Void Society often provides Lexuar with the materials he requests, though it usually takes a long time to do so.
Great idea. You can dial number 100 09 or write this number on a mirror to comunicate with Void Society.
Lexuar was a Crusader during the Third Great War, serving the King of Warivia
We are actually traveling to Linegard (where lies warivia) from here
(http://imageplay.net/img/m7Gbd165051/map2.png) (http://imageplay.net/)
Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: Wardead on March 27, 2011, 06:46:15 pm
Where are we in the map? Like which land?
Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: Nepycros on March 27, 2011, 06:47:37 pm
Where are we in the map? Like which land?
We've been evacuated to Entropy.
Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: ZephyrPhantom on March 27, 2011, 06:49:57 pm
Okay, making Shaden's chara right now so I don't have to worry about it later.

Character Name: Shaden
Gender : Male
Race: Fallen Angel (Spirit)
Element:  :darkness
Appearance: Dark hair, pale skin,  6' 0"
Age: 27
Background: Shaden was an unfortunate Angel who had attempted to unify Light and Darkness by becoming a Fallen Angel. While accepted with open arms by Darkness, he was hunted down and killed by a group of Light zealots, but Lyra trapped his spirit before it could consumed by Death.  He remains bitter but hopeful that he can unite the elements to create a Prismatic Spell that will negate or allow control over the void.
Burai -  Similar to Aesir, it is a sword engraved with many magical runes connected to Mendax, and is very light. However Burai's runes were corrupted by Void and as a result now will "Unlock" in response to interaction with the Void.

It's physical state of being was reduced to a small gem, but it's magical state stil exists. As a result, Shaden/Lyra can turn Aesir into Burai and vice versa with the gem.
Null Jack - Negates any elemental properties of the target. By default enhances Burai with Void, making it more effective against elemental enemies and able to absorb weaker Void attacks to some degree.
Focus Diamond - Causes all spells to be directed at a certain target for a while.
Possess Queen - Calls alternate persona Lyra  :light to possess him.
Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: Thalas on March 27, 2011, 06:53:10 pm
Where are we in the map? Like which land?
Were in the  :entropy islands and we will travel through the dimensional gate to the linegard

Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: Blazing Moonwalker on March 27, 2011, 06:57:16 pm
I didn't make this explicitly clear before, but it should be noted that as an artificial creation, Hunter can't use any form of magic.
Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: Nepycros on March 27, 2011, 06:58:03 pm
Yes. How long will it take to get through the portal, how do we fight Void, and do we reclaim our old home?
Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: ShiningSword on March 27, 2011, 07:04:50 pm
While i would have liked to keep the armagio like aspect of comrade guard(protecting the teammates), i guess having one suicide attack is enough even for me(and that combo between my abilitys is good).
Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: Thalas on March 27, 2011, 07:09:17 pm
Yes. How long will it take to get through the portal, how do we fight Void, and do we reclaim our old home?
Wouldn't it be boring if I said you everything?
Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: Blazing Moonwalker on March 27, 2011, 07:12:14 pm
Yes. How long will it take to get through the portal, how do we fight Void, and do we reclaim our old home?
Wouldn't it be boring if I said you everything?
I agree here. It's up to us to write this story. :) Thalas gave us a basic plan, and that should be enough to work from.
Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: Nepycros on March 27, 2011, 07:18:37 pm
Now that I have time to explain, I'll go through the full stage of Memento, Memento Spear, Memento Scythe V1, Memento Scythe V2, and Memento Slash.

Stage 1: Memento
During this stage, the wrist-blade Memento (a five-pronged blade that is basically the :darkness symbol) appears on my wrist. It can be hidden inside my own body, or brought out at will.

Stage 2: Memento Spear
At this point, the meter long rod I carry in a pouch comes into play. Hitting a small button causes the rod to extend to twice its length. This is done because the inside of the rod is hollow, and is a compartment for a slightly thinner second rod, that extends out of the first, then expands to match width of the upper half. This creates a 2 meter staff. By attaching Memento to the top, I can create a mid-range spear.

Stage 3: Memento Scythe V1
By causing Memento to fold symmetrically, then rotate 90 degrees, I create a 3-pronged scythe. More maneuverability, but slightly less lethality and range.

Stage 4: Memento Scythe V2
The lower half of my staff contracts, and slides into the upper half. Then, the entire staff divides vertically (if the scythe is held perpendicular to the ground), along the middle, creating 2 halves. The contracted portions of the scythe are also split in half through this process. The contracted parts then rotate, and expand, causing both halves to become wholes. Both wholes are 1 meter long. Since Memento was divided in half already, both ends split, making Dual Wield Scythes.

Stage 5: Memento Slash
By connecting the bases of both halves of the scythes, I create a whirlwind weapon that, when rotated at high speed, has the greatest lethality. I can also throw my Slash out, and the way it rotates cuts through anything. I can then cause it to curve and fly back towards me, since tainted materials are part of me, meaning my weapon has long-range capabilities as well.

The stages at which I transform my weapon must start at 1 and go in order, to 5. I must call out Memento, attach it to the staff, then follow the sequence up to the point I want. Each transformation stage takes about 3 seconds, due to enormous practice and timing.
Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: Thalas on March 27, 2011, 07:25:05 pm
Stage 4: Memento Scythe V2
The lower half of my staff contracts, and slides into the upper half. Then, the entire staff divides vertically (if the scythe is held perpendicular to the ground), along the middle, creating 2 halves. The contracted portions of the scythe are also split in half through this process. The contracted parts then rotate, and expand, causing both halves to become wholes. Both wholes are 1 meter long. Since Memento was divided in half already, both ends split, making Dual Wield Scythes.
Could you please draw its shape (even MS paint is good). My english isn't so good so I can't imagine them
Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: Nepycros on March 27, 2011, 07:35:43 pm
Stage 4: Memento Scythe V2
The lower half of my staff contracts, and slides into the upper half. Then, the entire staff divides vertically (if the scythe is held perpendicular to the ground), along the middle, creating 2 halves. The contracted portions of the scythe are also split in half through this process. The contracted parts then rotate, and expand, causing both halves to become wholes. Both wholes are 1 meter long. Since Memento was divided in half already, both ends split, making Dual Wield Scythes.
Could you please draw its shape (even MS paint is good). My english isn't so good so I can't imagine them
TT_TT I'm a terrible artist.


Rotate so the middle point of the 5 points is facing to the left. Now, cut off the lower half. Attach the remaining parts to a vertical pole. That is scythe V1. Now, cut the length of the pole (originally 2 meters) in half, and create a second copy of the image. That is Scythe V2, where I wield 2 miniature scythes.
Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: Wardead on March 27, 2011, 07:37:46 pm
Thalas, can you add the ability to mutate other creatures for Xerxes?
Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: Thalas on March 27, 2011, 07:49:21 pm
Thalas, can you add the ability to mutate other creatures for Xerxes?
okely dokely do!
Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: Blazing Moonwalker on March 27, 2011, 08:18:51 pm
It's not so bad you have got absolute defence against small and medium creatures and hard defence against big creatures.
Just read this, and that's fine.

Your understanding is a bit off though. Hunter's defence is far from absolute, as her wings are small (only 2 feet each, as they were originally too big), and an attack anywhere else is fatal.
Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: Thalas on March 27, 2011, 08:28:30 pm
It's not so bad you have got absolute defence against small and medium creatures and hard defence against big creatures.
Just read this, and that's fine.

Your understanding is a bit off though. Hunter's defence is far from absolute, as her wings are small (only 2 feet each, as they were originally too big), and an attack anywhere else is fatal.
Okay I think it would be best for us. Wings can be long as body
Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: $$$man on March 27, 2011, 08:34:56 pm
Updated my first post.
Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: Five In One on March 27, 2011, 09:17:55 pm
The Nosferatu Blade: A magic weapon that allows the user to siphon off a portion of the victim's life energy if stabbed into the heart. Very difficult to use, and in some cases may take decades to master. Appearance is that of a Vampire Dagger, but slightly larger and has mystical runes etched into it. The blade itself reflects no light whatsoever.
I think normal sharp blade is good enough
I know, but I think it fits well with my guy and I thought it would eventually tie into the story somehow (I have something planned out as we speak...). Plus, it ties into Lexuar's backstory and the rumors of how he created the void, even though he's only middle-aged. Besides, evil guys always have the coolest weapons.

Chain Cloak: A black cloak that gives some resistance to a few different types of attacks (mainly arrows and a few types of blades), yet is light and makes little sound when moving. Inscribed with a few mystic runes of lesser power than his weapon. Doesn't completely protect him, as he's vunerable when making an attack, but his natural agility often makes up for it.
I would change it to - resistance to arrows and backstab
Fair enough.

The Void Society: More of an asset, really. Promised with immunity to the Void itself, its members spread chaos throughout the world and even help the Void to grow, willingly or otherwise. Although it has strength in numbers, its members are often scattered too thinly, and are mostly incompetent or work poorly with their comrades. The Void Society often provides Lexuar with the materials he requests, though it usually takes a long time to do so.
Great idea. You can dial number 100 09 or write this number on a mirror to comunicate with Void Society.
I didn't even think of this, but that's an amazing idea. Thanks for the help!

Lexuar was a Crusader during the Third Great War, serving the King of Warivia
We are actually traveling to Linegard (where lies warivia) from here
(http://imageplay.net/img/m7Gbd165051/map2.png) (http://imageplay.net/)
Perhaps Lexuar wasn't born in the World of Elements...

By the way, seeing as I'm the only villain in this game at the moment, what are my responsibilities as far as storyline, combat, quests, etc. go?
Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: Blazing Moonwalker on March 27, 2011, 09:21:03 pm
The last character brief got a little messy, and probably unchecked for changes, so I'll delete it a post again. Make sure your happy with all the changes before we start.

Character Name: Hunter

Race: Android Angel

Element: :light

Appearance: 5ft 3, weighs 16kgs with a wing span of double her height. Due to the magic of her creator, she is made of a substance similar to light, making her almost invisible. She is light blue and covered in a rusty silver-ish scrap metal, and wears nothing.

Age: 3

Background: The world was falling apart, and life was running out. Among the dying was a young woman, a scientist of the light. With little fighting capabilities, she was forced to watch the horror unfold upon her planet, and she knew she must do something. Using forbidden magic, she managed to remove her own brain, and give it to one of the androids created to help protect the lab.

3 years on, Hunter works to help bring the last citizens to safety.

Hunter, as an android, is genderless, but due to the method of it's creation, believes it is a woman, and is referred to as such by others.


Wing Shield: Hunter's wings can protect from weak-medium attacks.
Flight: Hunter may use her wings to fly.

Can fly out of reach of enemies without flight and no form of ranged attack.
Her large, strong wings, and fast reactions make her one of the world's best defenders.

Has a fragile body container, so if damaged, will lose her form and die.
Has no ability to use magic
Can't fight with weapons, so her wings double as her only attack AND defence.
Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: Five In One on March 28, 2011, 02:22:08 am
Just so you know, I'm not going to be online for a few hours after the game starts. Everyone else can use this time to form connections with each other's characters (if any) and get some general things sorted out.
Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: KingOfArmagio on March 28, 2011, 05:02:00 am
Race: Armagio
Name: Argon
Apperance: 12 feet tall. Bulkier than most other Armagios.
Element: :gravity
Age: 48 (as mentioned, average Aramgio lifespan is 200 years.)
Background: Mysterious. One of the most feared Armagios in the world for his strength.
Belongings: Armour, Bronze Axe, Titan.
Abilities: battles with his Axe.
Graviton Slam: slams a random opponent for heavy damage.
Titanic Demolition: destroys an enemy's main weapon.
Graviton Bronze: increases Argon's potential damage.
Oh geez. No godmodding please. Godmodding = you pumping yourself up with too much power. It's narcissistic, and makes the game boring.
I wouldnt worry about him.
His abilities will most likely have high miss rate(big and clumsy axe fighter against smaller warriors with normal sized weapons) and he will most likely have lower ability to dodge(as it is big and slow) or block(an axe isnt the most defencive weapon out there) that the more balanced chars and less endurance than the defence oriented chars.

Graviton slam has aiming issues(as he could easily smash a harmless creature while the powerful enemy is undamaged, a big amount of creatures, or a good summoner enemy would make this skill useless).

Titanic demolition destroys weapons(and is a waste of time and energy if you have a backup, or fight with something that isnt actually a weapon and isnt used like one, or at least thats how i interpretate it).

Graviton bronze is the only one that gets to worry me as a powerful thing to fight against(a good self buff is good, but it wont be as big as say, my comrade guard or my charge command, as those come with hefty penaltys that can endanger my life in combat).

But thats just my opinion. Thalas has to say whats balanced and what isnt.
Correct. Graviton Slam should have a fairly high miss rate. Argon's attacks overall should deal a lot of damage, but they have about 30%-40% chance to miss each. Graviton Bronze pumps up Argon's damage, but it consumes a turn, as I believe RPGs are played in turns? Axe could be used as a slight blocking tool. Titanic Demolition is in my opinion OK. Decreases the opponent's damage, but can only be used once a battle. Armagios are generally strong but slow and clumsy.
Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: Thalas on March 28, 2011, 05:08:02 am
I know, but I think it fits well with my guy and I thought it would eventually tie into the story somehow (I have something planned out as we speak...). Plus, it ties into Lexuar's backstory and the rumors of how he created the void, even though he's only middle-aged. Besides, evil guys always have the coolest weapons.
Okay you can have got the that blade just just don't overpower it

By the way, seeing as I'm the only villain in this game at the moment, what are my responsibilities as far as storyline, combat, quests, etc. go?
Do some evil things and play as any normal player. I think it's useless saying you what you should do and don't. More details later.

Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: KingOfArmagio on March 28, 2011, 05:08:41 am
Can I introduce a villain? This is what I had in mind:

Name: Maulon
Race: Voidian
Element: Void
Background: Unknown. Was born from Void soon after it took over the Frozen North.
Belongings: None.
Abilities: Uses Void Magic.
Void Ray: damages the opponent and may freeze them.
Void Drain: damages the opponent and restores a little health to Maulon.
Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: Nepycros on March 28, 2011, 11:49:40 am
It wasn't the abilities I was worried about. It was the fact that he's calling himself the strongest Armagio. That's just plain narcissistic.
Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: Thalas on March 28, 2011, 12:14:05 pm
                                                                                        Chapter I

Sarcastic magician
"How many, Khal?" Asked Vene walking through the street.
"Nine thieves today My Lord, after reducing daily food ration it's worse day by day." Said Khal the Entropic island alderman.
"At least magicians said that Portal will be ready in 10 days" mentioned Vene with small hope in voice
"Yes, Yes. Did I said that Town Council agreed on leaders of the divisions.
1st Division leader Vene vice-leader Ornad
2nd Division leader John vice-leader Saukla
3rd Division leader Horn vice-leader Asmalda
4th Division leader Argon vice-leader Xander
5th Division leader Maria vice-leader Pu-ching
6th Division leader Moras vice-leader Hunter
7th Division leader Ushika vice-leader Vhale"
Unfortunately for Khal, Vene wasn't even listening. He was observing gigantic Zeppelins sailing in a wind. 500 years ago Entropic Island were just rocks with small population, but now in the present thanks to the Aetheric and Graviton Scientist you could see levitating houses, flying ships, dimensional rampart or quantum power stations. However it was overpopulated and famers just couldn't cultivate so much grain
Vene and Khal reached Vanadium square. Nine people were staring with hatred in their eyes at Vene, their executioner. They were tied to the bonfires one by one. These thieves stole food, even stealing slice of bread meant death 
Vene uttered "By the name of the King, God and People I now declare you banished from this word, tiedan sinun kohtalosi, paitsi etta ne ovat netua oman kuoleman. Killing wasn't Vene favorite work. When he first executed people he had terrible nightmares full of hatred and blood, but he get used to it.
"Fuego" bonfires exploded in the pillars of fire, fear swarmed in the minds of the condemned.
"Go to hell Dirus Vene" Shouted burning woman.

Rest of  the day was peaceful. Vene returned to his chamber
10 days later

Sky was full of a black clouds, predicting bad luck. Every man, woman and child was divided into one of the seven division. Each division count about 3 000 thousand people arranged in a long lines walking towards the dimensional gate.
They were carrying their most important things for example money, cards, rare plates, gems, instruments. Vene even heard that one guy was carrying window. Most of were poor.
Dimensional gate was transported to the crossroads of a bridges connecting Entropic Islands and was tall 50 meters wide 20 meters. The door-way of the gate was made from iron and decorated with infinite number of edges, geometric shapes, lines and crystals. The most fascinating thing of the Dimesnional Gate was the portal. It was a big spiral of full of colors and shifting images. Images of people, mountains, snowing, demons, exotic animals, foreign lands, normal man would be insane even after hour of watching the portal.
Vene was dressed in his usual azure shirt and brown jacket. He will be the first one to enter.
"Are you ready Vene" Asked Nepycros, his friend and companion
"I am. I always wanted to go to a another world" replied smiling Vene
Vene slowly aproached the portal. He felt small tension coming from the gate.
Everyone was watching him. Then Vene quickly jumped into the Portal. Only some spark appeared behind him.

It was very strange feeling he felt, almost like diving into mana. Time doesn't mattered. Like hypnosis. Like floating in a mid air.
Colors were swirling around him and infinte voices sounded in his ears. Moment later Vene glanced at dissappearing Elements world.
All of sudden the swirling light shifting images and voices faded away, only darkness remained. Death Silence
White lightning flashed through. And Another there and there. Another one. After short while the darkness was replaced with lightning. One almost hit Vene . Another one. Vene was avoiding the lightnings in directions.
Suddenly white lightning hit him in the chest. Pain was pounding into his head, lightnings were flashing around
Vene fainted.

Light sisters
"Come" Yelled Lyra.
Hunter's wing attacked Lyra but she missed hitting only ground, with a second wing she guarded herself
Lyra slashed in mid air, bursting of turqoise mana.
"That must be the famous Fusion Jack, you can't win without using aether magic" scoffed Hunter
Hunter shoot forth her wing clashing with Aesir. Lyras sword Aesir passed through the wing. Hunter didn't predict this thing, damn aether magic. Hunter fortunately swung her wing and fly up dodging Lyra's attack.
"Interesting I thought these wings are only weapon" Shouted Lyra
From Aesir started blowing light breeze. Lyra slashed with her sword creating strong wind. Hunter was knocked off by the strong wind falling headlong to the ground. Lyra was exhausted swaping her between elements, but Hunter too. Lyra took run towards to falling Hunter with intent slashing her. Hunter quickly swung with her wings creating dust cloud. however she crashed on the ground.
"I think it's enough training for today." said Lyra, continuation of this fight could lead to severe injuries.

Lyra and Hunter decided to train in the mountains for 4 days, but now was time to leave. They started walking to the town. The road was dusty and rough, despite of that Lyra and Hunter walked speedily. Hunter and Lyra where good friends from the moment the met in the entropic islands, although they were like Ying and Yang.
"I heard that you became vice-leader is that true?" Asked Lyra, she hoped that she will be the vice-leader.
"Yes, but that doesn't matter. Look, I can see town."

4 days later
The day of Gate

Moras was muscular and sturdy guy, wearing black vest, brown troussers and mysterious purple boots. He wasn't great leader, but at least he wasn't pesimistic and gloomy like Leader Maria. Vene and his division already passed (Nepycros too) . Last people of the 2nd Division entered the portal. Everyone waits for 3rd Division to enter. 
Ancient one and Boxer
"Barkeeper, give me another beer" clamoured Thalos in a musty tavern
"Thalos if you buy another beer you won't have money to buy food." disputed Argon.
"Don't spoil the fun." Bawled Thalos like Devil possesed him
 Okay, but don't blame me for wasting all your money: said Argon.

After hour....
"never come back without money." Shouted Barkeeper throwing out Thalos.
"yesh shir, I du." said drunken Thalos and scuttled away

Next Morning....
"Please, give me some money" begged Thalos. Thalos as most beggar put linen cloth on the ground and started begging.
It was a sunny and warm day, the one that is rare. Lot of carts with different goods passed around. There was just one problem. People just ignored him. Even one penny was in this world important.
However One strange looking man came to him and said "Here you go, 5 Siluans."
"Sir, but that's !?! Are you sane ?! I can't take it !!?" muttered shocked Thalos
"Just take it, I have lot of money." Said stranger
Thalos quickly took 5 Siluans and went to the Market.

9 days later
The day of Gate

Thalos was in the 2nd Division. Was slowly walking to the Portal.
"Who made this gate, must have been gods or demigods." Thalos tought.
Bridge which he was walking on was made from stone and cobblestones. The gate was slowly getting near when Thalos noticed someone. It was the stranger wearing golden-blue robe and some weird book, he looked like a missionary.
"Hey, it's me." Thalos shouted.
Stranger turned backand glanced at Thalos " You're the beggar I gave my money, it seems that we are in the same division what coincidence, good luck to you"
They were close to Gate just about 50 meters. It was incredible view at the portal from near.
Now just 20 Meters
10 Meters
"What's your name stranger?" shouted Thalos
"Xerxes" Answered stranger.
Thalos and Xerxes entered Portal at same time.
Side by side they were traveling to another world. They were floating in a mid air and surrounding light was so bright that they even couldn't see. Thousand images appeared, Their speed increased. Images started melting and speed increased again. Now they were traveling at unbelievable speed through floating images.
Finally they arrived, they arrived in meadow. But they were alone where was 1st and 2nd Division?
New Team
Argon and Xander were watching each other. Observing every movement every blink of eye
Argon with a fake heroism in voice said " Good day, I'm Argon. Town council appointed me as the leader of the 4th Division"
"Hello, I'm Xander your highest, highest Majesty" Said arrogantly Xander sitting in wooden chair Rude answer indeed
"Hahahahaaaha. I think you and I will get well along." Argon replied "Oh I almost forgot, the reason why called you here is because Town Council Appointed you as my vice."
"Oh, what an honor sir." mumbled surprised Xander
"Come after two days here, to my appartment we will discuss the strategy"  interposed Argon
"Yes, sir. " Responded Xander closing doors of Argon's office.
Argon's appartment was small, but it was decorated with lot Graviton murals and Entropic furniture. Xander stopped at the colored carpet. It was magnificent carpet, representing great battle between Sky Island and Shore of the Air. Wyrms were flying through the air, fireflies were attacking wymrs shamefully from back, while down on the ground were battling Sky Islanders against Firefolks.
"Can I help you?" asked maid.
No, I'm leaving. Good bye." replied Xander and leaved the house.

"Did you get the vice-leader position." whispered Sagittarius from the alley
"Yeah, he was gave me the job without hesitation. This will be a easy task to accomplish." said Xander full of pleasure
"Didn't I said you, that pulling strings is best."  Sagittarius joined Xander

8 days later
The day of Gate

Xander, Sagittarius and Argon were fascinated by the Dimensional Gate. It was so big and the images and gigantic spiral.
Vene already entered the gate now it was their turn to enter.
"Men and Women don't be scared." Argon assured 4th Division. He was a great orator.
standing before the gate what will Argon Sagittarius and Xander do?
What's their plan?
Lone Shadow
"Hello, it's me Gremio. I need as many musician I can get and 2 mana bombs, I am preparing fireworks It's gonna be grandiose." The Lexuar said holding telephone in his hand
"Searching for musicians. 2 musicians found........... What's your plan Lex? Don't do anything ridiculous, this job is already completed, this isn't game for satisfying your boredom."Gremio said and followed by curses.
"Don't worry Gremio, I have everything precisely planned out"
"Didn't you told me the exact thing in Linegard"
"That was something different"
"Besides that, expect delivery in 20 days"
"Bye " Lexuar finished the call.

Lexuar was sitting on surprisingly conformtable easychair. He quickly glanced at the big pendulum clock showing quarter past four.
"26 days until the day of Gate, What I'm going to do before that, maybe some more killing." talking himself Lexuar licked his lip.
Lexuar was examing room. Bookshelves made from ebon were everywhere he looked, packed with enormous quantity of books.
In the center of room was beautiful shining table facing black door. Only unusual thing in this room was only blood soaked carpet and dead man. The man was old about 50, wearing traditional red dress and from closer look at his malformed face you could recognise that he had a Death Marshes (asiatic) origins.

"Honey, I'm home." called his wife from a front door
Lexuar licked his lips again
BONUS : musician is codename
Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: KingOfArmagio on March 28, 2011, 09:09:18 pm
It wasn't the abilities I was worried about. It was the fact that he's calling himself the strongest Armagio. That's just plain narcissistic.
I didn't call him the strongest Armagio. I just said he was feared for his strength.
Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: Nepycros on March 28, 2011, 09:14:31 pm
D'oh, I wanted to be a late arrival. -_- 'Twould've been fun.
Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: Thalas on March 29, 2011, 12:39:46 pm
You can now write, I want to see your writing skills and your actions, to be honest I don't even know Xander's Sagittaurius plan. It's all up to you. Lone Shadow will be about Lexuar and I write it in the evening.
Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: KingOfArmagio on March 29, 2011, 09:30:14 pm
PS: I'm controlling two characters, if possible. Argon and Maulon.

Dead To The World:

Maulon trudged through the sandy desert. Unlike most others, he could withstand the Void. He was born from it, after all. In fact, he was sure it only made him stronger. He had to reach the Pyramid to find the Jewel Of Time. He had to find the Jewel Of Time to unleash the more important Eternal Gem. He had to use the Eternal Gem to stop the Void from ever vanishing. And that was just what he was going to do. With every minute the Void existed, the Solar Light would fade the tiniest bit. It was almost gone entirely. Light would almost be vanquished.
"Soon," Maulon thought. "It will be dead to the world.

Reasonably short chapter.
Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: Nepycros on March 29, 2011, 09:34:14 pm
It's not fun, losing your home to a race of beings that seem to exist to exterminate the signature power of the universe's own energy. Aside from that, losing your friends and family isn't the best thing ever, either. I'd figured I would get by. My plan was to simply find a Void member, merge into his shadow, and wait. Easy! I got through it for about 2 months... before they found me. I was sure I'd be screwed, but someone named Vene showed up. He managed to get them off my back. When I'd heard that they were evacuating the planet, I was skeptical, but even a loose hope beats hiding in a world of vast emptiness...
Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: Wardead on March 29, 2011, 11:19:14 pm
Um...what is the 1st and 2nd division?
Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: ShiningSword on March 29, 2011, 11:35:29 pm
Those demigods have to work on their targeting skills, i thought, as i saw we where alone, but i quickly decided that was to be considered later, and i said:

''As we are all by ourselves, i might as well tell you my name. Im Thalos, i was in the gravity army before the void started spreading. But i will tell you about that later''.

''Right now we need food, water and a place to sleep''.
''I will set camp and get a fire to cook'', i say, while taking off the wings of my armor and placing them as the start of a tent, ''you explore around and get some food''.

''Avoid contacts with any locals you find, we dont know what could live in this place''.

OOC:im looking for materials for a fire and shelter. The wings are like the ones in the art of the armagio, so they could make a tent, at least for a human or something of similar size. Add more pieces of wood, and they could work for me as well.
To wardead: the people was divided into divisions to organize the travel through the gate.
Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: ZephyrPhantom on March 30, 2011, 12:08:26 am
It's good to know that Hunter has become the vice-leader. "Dying" against the Void makes for some considerable expierence right there.

It's late, and I'm just sitting outside the small cafe that I've been to many times. This could be my last time, and if I die fighting the Void at least Shaden and I will remember this memory of sitting at the cafe, just sipping a bit of one of Luminark's homemade brands.

"Well," Shaden remarks, "So we get a much better chance at trying to stop the Void I guess."

"And you're just being nervous and trying to stir up conversation" I retort. "We've went over this the 100th time already."

"True." He smirks. "Think I'll ever get a body back?"

"Over my dead body, I bet." We both resumse just staring out at the city's expanse. I picked a brand at random from Luminark today - seems he noticed me being nervous and slipped me a good one.

We leave tommorow. What to expect that has changed? Not much... I hope.
Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: ztormtrooper on March 30, 2011, 01:10:32 am
Sagittarius walks outside and watches the sunset and sighs.

He whispered to himself "I wonder how my mother and father are doing in heaven. I wonder how my village is doing...
What am I doing...Why am I thinking of the past...But revenge is sweet..."

He sees the red and orange horizon which reminds of his old village. The blood that was splattered across that villages dirt and houses. The fire that spread throughout his domain. He hungers for revenge in fact Sagittarius needs it.

He then whispers to himself "Volo ulciscar. Pugnabo omnibus Dryadales. Primum domo indiget cibo sententia.
Volo quam mane." translation: I will have my revenge. I will fight for all the elves. First I need a home and food though.
How I want morning.

He looks at the orange and red sunset once again. A picture of the village fire is put over the horizon and Sagittarius puts his head down. He goes to the nearest pub and sits down at a stool.
Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: Five In One on March 30, 2011, 02:49:08 am
After his meal, Lexuar started towards a small cave, far, far away from the town. He was arguing with himself whether the man or the woman tasted better to him. One was sweeter, but the other had more meat to him. It was a convoluted argument, with only fragments being spoken, and each sentence cutting off the next.

He travelled for quite some time before he reached his destination. He could have gotten there sooner, shifting through the shadows at an incredible speed, but it had been a long time since he had fought an interesting battle--far too long, for someone like him. To his disappointment, there was no excitement. What a wasted walk.

But he smiled, and the first coherent thought in a while popped into his head: Gremio's musicians better play well. I'm still pretty hungry.

14 days later

"You're early."

Lexuar's voice seemed disappointed. He had expected a blunder, a mistake, something to use as an excuse to inflict the pain he loved to give to others: his personal gift.

"I know," Gremio said, unafraid by perhaps the most menacing figure on the entire continent, "but don't think this was rushed. This musician I knew had actually started making these instruments beforehand, and when he knew who was placing an order, he coughed 'em right up. The other guy, well... lets just say he needed some... incentive..."

"But you do have the instruments?" Lexuar droned, yet leaning forward with new interest. "How exactly do we know if their music is... in-tune?"

"We've got people makin' sure they were assembled right. They're right downstairs."

"Hmmmmm..." Lexuar paused, deep in thought. This was a dangerous state for him. Once, a man coughed when he was thinking. People said he could fit in a wineglass with what was left of him. Luckily for Gremio, this thought was a short one. "Very well. We'll begin in seven days, a few days before the Gate opens. You are dismissed."

"Very well. Good night, my lord." With that, Gremio began to leave.

"Oh, and one more thing." Lexuar beckoned to his trusted advisor, who turned back towards him, eager to please at this late hour.

"Bring me the waiter. I'm hungry."
Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: KingOfArmagio on March 30, 2011, 06:19:09 am
The Voidians:

"Hurry up, you idiots! The enemies aren't going to fight themselves!" Argon shouted at the Armagios of the 4th Division.
"Too.. tired..." moaned one.
"I DON'T MOTHERF***ING CARE YOU SON OF A B****! HURRY UP OR I'LL THROW YOU INTO THE VOID!" (You may have noticed by now that Argon is one of those short-tempered, arrogant Armagios)
This got the Armagios up and running. Voidians seemed to be clambering out of the Void Portal faster than an Adrenalined, Accelerated Charger.  Argon stopped and stared out at them.
Two Armagios climbed up the hill carrying a large Catapult, larger than both of them put together. One Armagio jumped in and the other stood behind the Catapult and jumped on a lever. The first Armagio flew into a crowd of Voidians and flattened a couple, and then immediately started swinging its Titan around.
"NEXT!" screamed Argon.
Another Armagio climbed in and was launched to assist the first.
By now, the Voidian assault was beginning to decrease. One Voidian threw a spear up at Argon, but he caught it and threw it back. The spear pierced the Voidian's heart. If it had one.
"I don't think these things have hearts. Unless... he thought.
Argon jumped down the cliff and tore the armour off a Voidian.
"Good. Just what I hoped," he thought with a smirk.
The Voidian's shell gone, it had begun pouring out Void Incense, one of the strange chemicals that made up Void.
"Hmph. This may be easier than I thought."
Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: Thalas on March 30, 2011, 01:00:56 pm
OOC: Oh what a lovely chaos.
I have strong suspicion that someone doesn't read the chapter but that doesn't matter
I really didn't wanted someone to control 2 characters, but whatever
We really need to create goal

Summary: Nepycros - He was hiding in the shadow of the voidian, but Vene found the voidian and killed him. However Vene discovered Nepycros, he defeated and imprisoned him. After that Vene proposed to Nepycros that he will be released from prison but on one condition Nepycros becomes his assistant.

What the hell meant this?

"Did you get the vice-leader position." whispered Sagittarius from the alley
"Yeah, he was gave me the job without hesitation. This will be a easy task to accomplish." said Xander full of pleasure
"Didn't I said you, that pulling strings is best."  Sagittarius joined Xander
Sagittaurius and Xander had a secret contract- Xander tells location of the evil orousaki and Sagittaurius kills or threatens Town Council Members to appoint Xander as the Vice-leader of some Division (Xander's intentions are still not revealed)

What the hell happened at the dimensional Gate I'm so confused.

People including our characters were divided into 7 division to organize the travel through the gate.
1st Division Vene and Nepycros
2nd Division Thalos Xerxes
3rd Division
4th Division Argon, Xander
5th Division
6th Division Hunter
7th Division

1st 2nd 3rd Division passed through the gate, however 4th division was attacked by the voidians.( battle batween them still continues)

But what about Lyra, Lexuar Sagittaurius and Maulon

Lyra wanted to stop the Void so she stayed in the elements world
Lexuar is complicated person, but he stayed in elements world because he is a Void Agent helping void consume the world
Sagittaurius stayed in elements world because he still wants to avenge his parents and village. He travels to the sky Island with intent killing Evil Orokusaki.
Maulon stayed in the elements world because he is voidian. (voidians consume the worlds, but they appear only when 90% percent of world was consumed by the Void)
Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: Five In One on March 30, 2011, 07:05:28 pm
OOC: A goal would be good. I'll see if I can impede it from there. Perhaps someone knows some information in Linegard...?

I like the summary. It clears up some of the confusion that comes naturally from having around 10 characters writing fragments of a story.

Eventually, some characters will have to interact. Perhaps the best way to solve issues that might occur would be to PM the people controling characters you wish to use in a segment, and reach a concensus. That way, you won't have one person, say, kill someone that somebody else wanted to interrogate. This wouldn't work for villain-hero interactions, though, but I'll find a way to get out of it, even if it means losing an inportant battle.

I'll continue Lexuar's monologue later, until it reaches the present. Currently, it's 10 days before the Gate for him, but the results of his actions can be seen now...
Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: ZephyrPhantom on March 30, 2011, 08:39:17 pm
Lyra wanted to stop the Void so she stayed in the elements world
Actually Lyra is back on the Entropy island at the moment. She'll be leaving shortly though back to Elements World.
Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: KingOfArmagio on March 30, 2011, 09:14:06 pm
OOC: And during all of this, Maulon is stuck on the Sands Of Time, heading for the Pyramid to unleash the Jewel Of Time, and then the Eternal Gem.
Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: ztormtrooper on March 30, 2011, 09:15:04 pm
OOC: since Sagittarius is on a revenge mission I'll tell the beginning of his tale now

InC: Sagittarius steps foot on the sky bridge. The bridge to home as he calls it. He hopes the Void didn't destroy Orokusaki as Sagittarius remembered Orokusaki was A Void Shinobi. Void Shinobis control shadows so nothing can be trusted. Sagittarius's pupils turned into flames.
     He took each step carefully for the bridge is ancient and the voidian forces block the Ancient Sky Orb's power. He saw some sort of purple shadow. Ahh he knew Those were Orokusaki's  Guard. You could tell what rank shadows are by color. Black are foot soldiers,gray  are advanced foot soldiers, then white and black is guard and purple is Orokusaki's Guard. If there are Orokusaki's guard then the Void must be strong.
    Sagittarius pushes forward and takes some weird blade from his quiver. It was a shadow blade the only thing that can destroy a shadow. He took another out of his quiver. He runs as fast as shadows and slices those shadows. All shadows in the area are alerted and surround Sagittarius.

Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: Wardead on March 31, 2011, 01:13:47 am
After an eventless night on the first day since we walked through the gate, Xerxes had recieved a vision. It was dawn, and the pale yellow sunshine was almost reaching the horizon.

"Wake Up", Xerxes said.

"Huh..uh?", Thalos mutters, groggingly.

"I had a vision last night. There is a war going on somewhere. This is not right, the mana of this world is slowly being corrupted. We must stop this...war...or something"

"Uh...hu....H..How do you..you..know? C..Can you predict the future or something..ng?"

"I only had a vision before once. It was when I sensed the Void was coming. So I took shelter....Which didn't work out that well."

"Oh, so...you ready to go for it?" Thalos said, excitement showing in his face.

"Of course....After breakfast. Lets go hunting first, eat breakfast, then we set off"

"Sounds good...You know where it is?"

"Nope. Makes the quest even more interesting, eh?
Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: ZephyrPhantom on March 31, 2011, 01:55:32 am
"So...last day here." Shaden and I are walking towards the portal again.  As solo operatives we've faced the Void multiple times already and know and wield some of their tricks.

Burai can currently call on a minor Void famillar since we've been around Void long enough. Interestingly the Void creatures we create have allegiance to no one but the summoner (us), just like any other creature. I guess they're similar in some ways to us... if they weren't trying to take over the world.

Aesir is able to generate Sparks and Photons when needed. I guess they're not as durable as the Void Familliar but they pack more of a punch.

I'm planning to meet up with the 1st division that is currently lauching an assault on the Void parts of Darkness's realm. Shaden hopes to recover a few artifacts from there and I heard that an old rival of mine named Nepycros was trying to sneak around the Void but got forced into the 1st Division by a lieutenant.  Hopefully if we meet again we'll cross a blade or two before Shaden and I head towards Oen Castle.

I'm nearing the portal. The guardians salute me and step aside, their armor glowing dimly in the light of the dome encasing the the portal.

"Good luck, solo."

"Thanks. I'll need it."

I step into the portal, and feel the rush of teleportation take over.
Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: Nepycros on March 31, 2011, 02:03:47 am
I turned to Vene. "When do we go through? Not that I'm nostalgic, but this place holds plenty of bad memories."
"Soon," he replied, "But after a few more divisions get through."
I sighed. If the Void were to attack right now, with our backs to them, we'd be completely and thoroughly annihilated by them.
I pondered simply leaving my post, and sneaking through the entrance while the coast was clear, but Vene would be close behind, and repercussions wouldn't be fun. So I stood there, waiting... pondering...
"How many Dark elementals are going through?" I finally inquired.
"Huh?" came the reply from my "employer."
"I mean... how many of my kind do you plan on letting through? Obviously, people think we're evil, almost on the same par as those things, so what happens to us? Do we get a shake of the head and a written apology? Are we to remain here, where we'll be swallowed up by eternal emptiness?"
It pained me... but Vene was silent for a moment.
Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: Five In One on March 31, 2011, 02:15:11 am
"I've been thinking, Gremio. About you."

Gremio paused, frozen with fear. Things never go well when Lexuar has been thinking about you. Especially when you know things haven't been going well for you all week.

First was the matter of the musicians. One of their "instruments" went off during testing, taking out a large section of the Void Society's main headquarters and almost blowing their 200-year cover. It was planned. One of the musicians fled the scene, taking a few objects with him. The other committed suicide.

Next was the assassination attempt. Somehow, under Gremio's guard, an assassin, an armagio at that, managed to infiltrate the Society's ranks and assassinate Lexuar himself. By the time Gremio found out, he burst into his lord's chamber to protect him, only to find the day-old carcass of what used to be a living creature and an immeasurably displeased Lexuar.

Finally, there were the rumors. About Lexuar. About him. The members in the lower ranks questioned whether or not Lexuar was actually sane, the way he treated his comrades, and how Gremio was involved. After all, his family had been aiding Lexuar for over 8 generations, and whenever Lexuar seemed to be "hungry", one of the men Gremio hated the most always seemed to disappear. With all these accusations flying left and right, his men often ignored his orders, and instead played cards or loafed around. It was insulting.

And because of this, Gremio was worried. For the first time in a long time, he was worried about what Lexuar would say next.

Because it was about him.

"Ahem---Yes, Lord Lexuar?" It was taking all of Gremio's energy to keep his knees from shaking.

And then, Lexuar smiled. It was a disturbing sight. He knew what was coming next would not be good.

"You are, perhaps, my only friend."

Gremio was bewildered. He could not believe what he was hearing. Friend? He didn't even think Lexuar knew that word.

"Yes... my friend. You see, Gremio, you're one in a million. You get things done. You know what to do. And most impressive of all, you aren't afraid of me one... single... bit. You even call me Lex sometimes! And for that, I salute you." Sitting on his chair, he watched pleasure creep upon Gremio's face. He was relieved.

"Thank you, Lex. I didn't expect---"

"BUT!" Lexuar interjected, leaning forward on his throne, pausing for emphasis. "You need to make sure things remain under control. There have been too many incidents I had to take care of this week that should have been easily handled by you." He leaned back. "Normally, I would be harsher, but today I'm pleased about our accomplishments, and besides, as I said, you are my friend. I need to make sure you're okay. I wouldn't want my eight-generation investment to go down the drain, now would I?"

Gremio shook his head.

"No, but you knew that already. Now. Tomorrow we shall begin setting up for the final phase of our scheme. Get some rest. The Gate opens in three days. You'll need it."

Gremio left the room. He wasn't sure which was more frightening: Lexuar's anger, or his kindness.
Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: KingOfArmagio on March 31, 2011, 06:04:18 am
The Jewel Of Time:

Maulon glanced up.
"Good. Almost gone," he thought. "I'm sure as hell glad. Legend says that the Jewel Of Time can only be received after the Solar Light's not guarding it."
He could walk no more, though. He fell to the sand in exhaustion and sighed.
"If I ever get to the Pyramid," he thought. He looked around. "Where is the Pyramid anyway? I should be there by now."
He shrugged and walked on. About a metre. That's when he was knocked back by an invisible force.
"What the...?"
Just then, the golden Pyramid shimmered into view in front of him.
"So... I am here. It is true. The Pyramid is faded. Clever. But not clever enough," he thought, and walked down the first set of stairs. He ended up in a room full of treasures, from Electrum Hourglasses to Sundials. In the centre of the room was two of the most valuable prizes in the world. One was a golden statue of a Devonian Dragon. The other was a shining Topaz, the size of a Silurian Dragon's egg.
"The Jewel Of Time," thought Maulon, gaping.
Just then, unbeknownst to the awestruck Voidian, the most unexplainable thing happened.
The statue had blinked.
Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: ztormtrooper on March 31, 2011, 12:58:18 pm
     When we last left our hero he was surrounded by shadows armed with only 2 shadow butter knives. He now sees two shadows shapeshift into his mother and father.
     Sagittarius says "Mom?Dad?"
     Sagittarius's shadow mom and dad stab and kill every shadow they can. Sagittarius joins in on the carnage.
      His mom says "Son me and daddy'll protect you from the back you get Orokusaki"
      Sagittarius agrees and runs like lightning into the village. Deserted like always. The fires of the buildings raged for over 20 years. He sees a shadow and gets his dagger ready. A man who looks like a martial artist with a mask rushes and smashes Sagittarius. Sagittarius is on the ground and looks helpless.
Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: Thalas on March 31, 2011, 01:04:58 pm
The Jewel Of Time:

Maulon glanced up.
"Good. Almost gone," he thought. "I'm sure as hell glad. Legend says that the Jewel Of Time can only be received after the Solar Light's not guarding it."
He could walk no more, though. He fell to the sand in exhaustion and sighed.
"If I ever get to the Pyramid," he thought. He looked around. "Where is the Pyramid anyway? I should be there by now."
He shrugged and walked on. About a metre. That's when he was knocked back by an invisible force.
"What the...?"
Just then, the golden Pyramid shimmered into view in front of him.
"So... I am here. It is true. The Pyramid is faded. Clever. But not clever enough," he thought, and walked down the first set of stairs. He ended up in a room full of treasures, from Electrum Hourglasses to Sundials. In the centre of the room was two of the most valuable prizes in the world. One was a golden statue of a Devonian Dragon. The other was a shining Topaz, the size of a Silurian Dragon's egg.
"The Jewel Of Time," thought Maulon, gaping.
Just then, unbeknownst to the awestruck Voidian, the most unexplainable thing happened.
The statue had blinked.

Maulon couldn't believe his eyes. Golden Devonian dragon was looking at him without a single movement or sound just dead silence. Maulon looked in dragon's opened eye, it was chiseled from ever-black obsidian and in it hypnotic spiral grooves. Dragon slowly streched his old golden scales.
"Is this some kind of trap?" Maulon thought. "or is my mind playing with me"
Devonian dragon opened mouth, his teeth were made from brilliant diamonds and his tongue from ivory.
"Welcome stranger, I'm Peluda guardian of the Jewel of Time, what's your name and what, who or when brings you here?" Echoed from dragon chops, altough his lips or tongue weren't moving.
"My name is Maulon, I came here to rescue the Jewel of Time, before Void devours like everything it devours." this was a dangerous hazard, pretending to be Time Wizard in order to steal the Jewel.
"Don't worry Maulon, Jewel is Eternal and thanks to Jewel so is Pyramid. " Sounded echo.
"But I heard that Void found solution to destroy this Pyramid! Void is itself in the walls of this Pyramid " Maulon wanted disconcert dragon. Even tough Void wanted to devour Entropy, Chaos was powerful weapon when used.
Golden dragon looked very anxious about this issue and more anxious about giving Jewel to some Wizard. He quickly moved towards the obsidian mirror. Few of his scales rustled. He watched obsidian mirror with incredible obsession. And then glanced short view at Maulon.
"I saw it whole Pyramid was swallowed by the Void, however I can't give Jewel just like this you must answer my riddle. Are you ready?" Echo of fear sounded.
"Yes, I am." Maulon bit his lip, another obstacle
Listen carefully. The one who made me doesn't want me, the one who bought doesn't need me, the one who uses me doesn't even know it. What am I? If you answer wrong I'll kill you." 

For Lyra and Lexuar I really don't want to interfere to your characters (Lexuar - I'm just waiting for the musicians)   (Lyra- Somewhat confused)
Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: Thalas on March 31, 2011, 02:38:40 pm
After an eventless night on the first day since we walked through the gate, Xerxes had recieved a vision. It was dawn, and the pale yellow sunshine was almost reaching the horizon.

"Wake Up", Xerxes said.

"Huh..uh?", Thalos mutters, groggingly.

"I had a vision last night. There is a war going on somewhere. This is not right, the mana of this world is slowly being corrupted. We must stop this...war...or something"

"Uh...hu....H..How do you..you..know? C..Can you predict the future or something..ng?"

"I only had a vision before once. It was when I sensed the Void was coming. So I took shelter....Which didn't work out that well."

"Oh, so...you ready to go for it?" Thalos said, excitement showing in his face.

"Of course....After breakfast. Lets go hunting first, eat breakfast, then we set off"

"Sounds good...You know where it is?"

"Nope. Makes the quest even more interesting, eh?
Hunting in the woods turned out well. Xerxes didn't catch anything but Thalos was luckier, he caught 2 hares.
Then they lit a fire in dry grass and a few twigs and roasted hares with some herbs they found in the meadow and salt, that Xerxes was carrying in one of his 20 pockets.

"Delicious hares." praised Thalos Xerxes's cooking skills

"The food doesn't trouble as much as water we have got only water for 5 days. We couldn't find any water in this meadow"  Xerxes said

After breakfast they packed their provisional camp. After a while wandering through the meadows and woods they found first sign of civilization - road. Xerxes noticed that road was rutted by the wheels of cart just yesterday.

"There must be village near." Said Xerxes his presumption to Thalos.
"These tracks are from cart, it was heavy do you see how deep they are?"

The road wound through the valley, and was lined by the cypress and yew-trees. Thalos could see small rill running from the hills and crossing road, Xerxes refilled their flasks. Now they had water for 9 days. It was about afternoon, it was partly cloudy and sun was shinning on the deep forest revealing all his mysteries.
most of the animals here were unusual hares which climbed on the trees. Xerxes named them Tree Climbers.
Thalos and Xerxes were quite tired when they saw small village at the foot of the mountain.

"hallelujah." Thalos celebrated founding people in another world

"Don't be so thrilled, they are totally different people from different world. We might be even killed let's explore village first from distance" Xerxes discouraged Thalos.
Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: ShiningSword on March 31, 2011, 03:42:04 pm
A few hours later:
''We have been watching this village for while now'', i said,''i dont think they are an evil army or anything, just a bunch of farmers. They dont even seem to have a milicia to defend themselves''

''So'', i continued, ''can we go find out where we are and maybe get a bed as well? Sleeping in the forest isnt very nice.''
''I guess they wont hurt us'', Xerxes answered.

We entered the village.
The farmers looked at us with curiosity, amazed. Many where afraid, and didnt dare to get close, then an old man said: ''Im anathaes, leader of this village. Welcome, Thalos and Xerxes, we were expecting you.''
''You must have a few doubts now, please, follow me, i will explain you.''
Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: ZephyrPhantom on March 31, 2011, 09:26:01 pm
(BTW Thalas sorry I'm confusing you - Lyra and Shaden are currently heading towards the Kingdom of Darkness to get a magical artifact.)

I stepped through the portal - to find myself standing near a dark shade figure that I knew very well.

"Nepycros!" I smiled. "Long time no see. Have you enjoyed your new position?"

"I think I wish I was back in the shadow of a Voidling instead." He grumbles in response.

"Hmmm, I see." I turn to the strange figure. "And you are?"

"My name is Vene. I'm currently leading an operation to get helpless Darkness Elementals out of the Darkness Kingdom's Void areas. Why are you here?"

"Well, we are here to get a magical artifact from the Darkness castle of Oen. I was hoping to find Nepycros as well." I turned to him again. "Care for a quick match?"

"Sorry, I'm not in the mood. Maybe later when both of us are back at the Entropy Islands?"

"Okay then." I turn away and head northeast. Oen Castle is fortunatley not too corrupted with Void, so I should be fine.

OOC - I might be inactive for a few days, but I will catch up on Lyra's story when I return.
Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: ztormtrooper on March 31, 2011, 11:12:47 pm
"Orokusaki you *******. You murdered my friends and even your family!" Sagittarius yelled.
"Ahh my son. Came back for blood. You will only receive your blood," Orokusaki stated.
"You ravaged my life you *******. I'm gonna ******' kill ya! Sagittarius yelled as he rushed to Orokusaki stabbing him.
"You have much to learn. So much a sword can't kill me!" Orokusaki yelled as he pushed back Sagittarius back.
"You monster! Don't you know you that you killed your mom and dad and my mom and dad. Even my baby brother died from you. You son of a ... How could you even do this!" Sagittarius said as he is now sobbing. He recovers and rushes to where his home was. He picked up a sword from the kitchen counter.
" A sword, better then two daggers" Sagittarius thought as he remembered the day his dad gave him his first sword. He can't daydream will a murderer is trying to kill him.
"pariunt inferni vi Iovis ais in captivitatem og Inferno!" (translation spawn of hell by the power of Jupiter i declare you a prisoner of Hell) Sagittarius yelled. Sagittarius though being an Elf believed in the Roman gods and his kingdom found Jupiter the most important. Orokusaki found  Sagittarius and struck him down. Orokusaki took out a katana and tried to chop Sagittarius's head clean off. Sagittarius resisted and he locked in combat with Orokusaki. Orokusaki tried to cut Sagittarius's legs off but failed. Orokusaki called a few shadows but were destroyed by Sagittarius's mom and dad. Sagittarius cut Orokusaki's legs off but Orokusaki slashed Sagittarius's torso. The Souls trapped by Orokusaki were freed it took a while to go from the soul world to the elements world.
      there were many hugs and kissess but Sagittarius is on the verge of death and all are sobbing. It starts to rain.
Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: $$$man on March 31, 2011, 11:49:06 pm
I feel like a douche for this, but I have to drop. Sorry.
Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: Thalas on April 01, 2011, 05:10:26 am
I feel like a douche for this, but I have to drop. Sorry.
That's, totally okay I am busy so I don't have so much time on all characters. I write today how you died
Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: Wardead on April 01, 2011, 05:28:35 am
After getting almost a whole tour of the town, we were invited to visit Anathaes's private shack for a meeting.

"There have been strange stuff happening here" Said the old man.

"How can we be of service?" Thalos said, hoping to see some action after some uneventful days.

"Well, there have been some mysterious deaths happening in the outskirts. Would you people mind scouting?"

"Absolutely Not", Thalos said.

"But...We need some supplies" Xerxes inturrupted.

"Deal. You will start off tomorrow. Report to us anything unusual"

"Glad to oblige" Xerxes said. "May I have a private moment with Thalos?"

"Sure", Anathaes's said, as he was leaving the room.

"So....you sure about going on the scouting mission?" Xerxes asked?

"Of course!"

"I thought so. But I think we should keep our eyes open. Always better to look both ways than only one"

"What does that mean?"

"I'll let you figure it out. Sleep throught it." Xerxes left the room and had a brief conversation with Anathaes before he showed the two their private bunkers.

"G'night. And don't let the bed bugs bite. Literally." Anathaes said, hiding a smirk.

Thalos and Xerxes couldn't sleep the whole night...
Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: Thalas on April 01, 2011, 12:03:40 pm
"Orokusaki you *******. You murdered my friends and even your family!" Sagittarius yelled.
"Ahh my son. Came back for blood. You will only receive your blood," Orokusaki stated.
"You ravaged my life you *******. I'm gonna ******' kill ya! Sagittarius yelled as he rushed to Orokusaki stabbing him.
"You have much to learn. So much a sword can't kill me!" Orokusaki yelled as he pushed back Sagittarius back.
"You monster! Don't you know you that you killed your mom and dad and my mom and dad. Even my baby brother died from you. You son of a ... How could you even do this!" Sagittarius said as he is now sobbing. He recovers and rushes to where his home was. He picked up a sword from the kitchen counter. The Blade of the Sky.
"pariunt inferni vi Iovis ais in captivitatem og Inferno!" (translation spawn of hell by the power of Jupiter i declare you a prisoner of Hell) Sagittarius yelled.
Orokusaki dodged everything. Sagittarius used the final option. He used the Beam of Jupiter which drained Sagittarius's life and killed Orokusaki. The void was gone and so was Sagittarius. Everyone was revived and the town was replenished. The sky shores and island were restored. Sagittarius's little brother was alive and his mom and dad were actual people now. It started to rain the Gods are sad. What will happen next? Will our group of heroes be short one man? Will the Sky shores be safe any longer?
must say that was worst (not your writing skills) story I read. Like some comics.

When did Sagittarius learn this skill?
Who revived the people?

Rework (it no Jupiter attacks, no reviving until you explain it)
Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: Thalas on April 01, 2011, 12:31:39 pm
(BTW Thalas sorry I'm confusing you - Lyra and Shaden are currently heading towards the Kingdom of Darkness to get a magical artifact.)

I stepped through the portal - to find myself standing near a dark shade figure that I knew very well.

"Nepycros!" I smiled. "Long time no see. Have you enjoyed your new position?"

"I think I wish I was back in the shadow of a Voidling instead." He grumbles in response.

"Hmmm, I see." I turn to the strange figure. "And you are?"

"My name is Vene. I'm currently leading an operation to get helpless Darkness Elementals out of the Darkness Kingdom's Void areas. Why are you here?"

"Well, we are here to get a magical artifact from the Darkness castle of Oen. I was hoping to find Nepycros as well." I turned to him again. "Care for a quick match?"

"Sorry, I'm not in the mood. Maybe later when both of us are back at the Entropy Islands?"

"Okay then." I turn away and head northeast. Oen Castle is fortunatley not too corrupted with Void, so I should be fine.

OOC - I might be inactive for a few days, but I will catch up on Lyra's story when I return.

I think you totally misunderstood me, but everything is so complicated I just edit the story

It will be in Element's world (Linegard)
Dimensional Gate can be used just traveling in the Element's World (Linegard)
There 6 Important Artifacts -   :time Jewel of Time  :aether
                                                :fire Liquid Fire  :water
                                                :earth Dragon's Roar  :air
                                                :darkness Mercury Light  :light
                                                :entropy Aesir/Burai  :gravity
                                                :death Staff of Extalis :life

Each artifact has got special powers
First Faction which gets these artifacts obtains unbelievable power and wins the war.
Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: ztormtrooper on April 01, 2011, 01:14:08 pm
"Orokusaki you *******. You murdered my friends and even your family!" Sagittarius yelled.
"Ahh my son. Came back for blood. You will only receive your blood," Orokusaki stated.
"You ravaged my life you *******. I'm gonna ******' kill ya! Sagittarius yelled as he rushed to Orokusaki stabbing him.
"You have much to learn. So much a sword can't kill me!" Orokusaki yelled as he pushed back Sagittarius back.
"You monster! Don't you know you that you killed your mom and dad and my mom and dad. Even my baby brother died from you. You son of a ... How could you even do this!" Sagittarius said as he is now sobbing. He recovers and rushes to where his home was. He picked up a sword from the kitchen counter. The Blade of the Sky.
"pariunt inferni vi Iovis ais in captivitatem og Inferno!" (translation spawn of hell by the power of Jupiter i declare you a prisoner of Hell) Sagittarius yelled.
Orokusaki dodged everything. Sagittarius used the final option. He used the Beam of Jupiter which drained Sagittarius's life and killed Orokusaki. The void was gone and so was Sagittarius. Everyone was revived and the town was replenished. The sky shores and island were restored. Sagittarius's little brother was alive and his mom and dad were actual people now. It started to rain the Gods are sad. What will happen next? Will our group of heroes be short one man? Will the Sky shores be safe any longer?
must say that was worst (not your writing skills) story I read. Like some comics.

When did Sagittarius learn this skill?
Who revived the people?

Rework (it no Jupiter attacks, no reviving until you explain it)
OOC:The Shadow Shinobi imprison all the souls killed into there soul. All the souls empower them. The souls are like in a prison and killing the prison master(Orokusaki) frees them. Well the Blade of the Sky is a weapon people in the village learn to use in case a huge undefeatable(or almost) monster ravages the town. One man will use it and die and the villain and plenty of people around will die.(enough explanation?)
Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: Thalas on April 01, 2011, 01:31:48 pm
(BTW Thalas sorry I'm confusing you - Lyra and Shaden are currently heading towards the Kingdom of Darkness to get a magical artifact.)

I stepped through the portal - to find myself standing near a dark shade figure that I knew very well.

"Nepycros!" I smiled. "Long time no see. Have you enjoyed your new position?"

"I think I wish I was back in the shadow of a Voidling instead." He grumbles in response.

"Hmmm, I see." I turn to the strange figure. "And you are?"

"My name is Vene. I'm currently leading an operation to get helpless Darkness Elementals out of the Darkness Kingdom's Void areas. Why are you here?"

"Well, we are here to get a magical artifact from the Darkness castle of Oen. I was hoping to find Nepycros as well." I turned to him again. "Care for a quick match?"

"Sorry, I'm not in the mood. Maybe later when both of us are back at the Entropy Islands?"

"Okay then." I turn away and head northeast. Oen Castle is fortunatley not too corrupted with Void, so I should be fine.
"Wait! " Shouted Vene. " I'm heading to Oen Castle too. Altough my Division stays here helping Elementals."

"I have nothing against that, but if you go old man Nepycros must go too."  Said Lyra

"Don't call me old man, or I show you what old man can do."

"So old man can Nepycros come too?"

"You..!.! Okay, I think it will be safer in group, Nepycros can come too."

Vene then summoned his Vice and gave him orders. They packed food and more important things, pick horses (Vene and Lyra choosed brown horses, Nepycros obviously black). After that Lyra Vene and Nepycros set out.

"Why would Leader leave his division and make it so vulnerable, just because he wants visit Oen Castle?" Asked Lyra.

"I want to ask for their help." Said Vene galloping on his horse

"He is lying. Do you hear his voice." Whispered Shaden to Lyra "Yes, typical liar" replied Lyra to Shaden 

"Don't lie to me magician, I know your tricks, What's your real intention?" Said Lyra

"It seems that my lying skills are worsening." confessed Vene "I want to find Mercury's light. I heard that Lord of Oen Castle posseses it."

"Master you lied even to me?" Said surprised Nepycros.

"I didn't lied to you I just didn't say the truth. However why do you travel to the Oen Castle, don't tell me for the same purpose."

"You hit the jackpot. It seems that we will be rivals."
Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: Thalas on April 01, 2011, 01:32:58 pm
"Orokusaki you *******. You murdered my friends and even your family!" Sagittarius yelled.
"Ahh my son. Came back for blood. You will only receive your blood," Orokusaki stated.
"You ravaged my life you *******. I'm gonna ******' kill ya! Sagittarius yelled as he rushed to Orokusaki stabbing him.
"You have much to learn. So much a sword can't kill me!" Orokusaki yelled as he pushed back Sagittarius back.
"You monster! Don't you know you that you killed your mom and dad and my mom and dad. Even my baby brother died from you. You son of a ... How could you even do this!" Sagittarius said as he is now sobbing. He recovers and rushes to where his home was. He picked up a sword from the kitchen counter. The Blade of the Sky.
"pariunt inferni vi Iovis ais in captivitatem og Inferno!" (translation spawn of hell by the power of Jupiter i declare you a prisoner of Hell) Sagittarius yelled.
Orokusaki dodged everything. Sagittarius used the final option. He used the Beam of Jupiter which drained Sagittarius's life and killed Orokusaki. The void was gone and so was Sagittarius. Everyone was revived and the town was replenished. The sky shores and island were restored. Sagittarius's little brother was alive and his mom and dad were actual people now. It started to rain the Gods are sad. What will happen next? Will our group of heroes be short one man? Will the Sky shores be safe any longer?
must say that was worst (not your writing skills) story I read. Like some comics.

When did Sagittarius learn this skill?
Who revived the people?

Rework (it no Jupiter attacks, no reviving until you explain it)
OOC:The Shadow Shinobi imprison all the souls killed into there soul. All the souls empower them. The souls are like in a prison and killing the prison master(Orokusaki) frees them. Well the Blade of the Sky is a weapon people in the village learn to use in case a huge undefeatable(or almost) monster ravages the town. One man will use it and die and the villain and plenty of people around will die.(enough explanation?)
It's too heroic, and when did he get the Blade of the Sky.
Just change it that Sagittarius killed Orousaki and now is on the verge of death
Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: ztormtrooper on April 01, 2011, 01:38:02 pm
"Orokusaki you *******. You murdered my friends and even your family!" Sagittarius yelled.
"Ahh my son. Came back for blood. You will only receive your blood," Orokusaki stated.
"You ravaged my life you *******. I'm gonna ******' kill ya! Sagittarius yelled as he rushed to Orokusaki stabbing him.
"You have much to learn. So much a sword can't kill me!" Orokusaki yelled as he pushed back Sagittarius back.
"You monster! Don't you know you that you killed your mom and dad and my mom and dad. Even my baby brother died from you. You son of a ... How could you even do this!" Sagittarius said as he is now sobbing. He recovers and rushes to where his home was. He picked up a sword from the kitchen counter. The Blade of the Sky.
"pariunt inferni vi Iovis ais in captivitatem og Inferno!" (translation spawn of hell by the power of Jupiter i declare you a prisoner of Hell) Sagittarius yelled.
Orokusaki dodged everything. Sagittarius used the final option. He used the Beam of Jupiter which drained Sagittarius's life and killed Orokusaki. The void was gone and so was Sagittarius. Everyone was revived and the town was replenished. The sky shores and island were restored. Sagittarius's little brother was alive and his mom and dad were actual people now. It started to rain the Gods are sad. What will happen next? Will our group of heroes be short one man? Will the Sky shores be safe any longer?
must say that was worst (not your writing skills) story I read. Like some comics.

When did Sagittarius learn this skill?
Who revived the people?

Rework (it no Jupiter attacks, no reviving until you explain it)
OOC:The Shadow Shinobi imprison all the souls killed into there soul. All the souls empower them. The souls are like in a prison and killing the prison master(Orokusaki) frees them. Well the Blade of the Sky is a weapon people in the village learn to use in case a huge undefeatable(or almost) monster ravages the town. One man will use it and die and the villain and plenty of people around will die.(enough explanation?)
It's too heroic, and when did he get the Blade of the Sky.
Just change it that Sagittarius killed Orousaki and now is on the verge of death
rightio changing
Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: ShiningSword on April 01, 2011, 02:30:18 pm
After getting almost a whole tour of the town, we were invited to visit Anathaes's private shack for a meeting.

"There have been strange stuff happening here" Said the old man.

"How can we be of service?" Thalos said, hoping to see some action after some uneventful days.

"Well, there have been some mysterious deaths happening in the outskirts. Would you people mind scouting?"

"Absolutely Not", Thalos said.

"But...We need some supplies" Xerxes inturrupted.

"Deal. You will start off tomorrow. Report to us anything unusual"

"Glad to oblige" Xerxes said. "May I have a private moment with Thalos?"

"Sure", Anathaes's said, as he was leaving the room.

"So....you sure about going on the scouting mission?" Xerxes asked?

"Of course!"

"I thought so. But I think we should keep our eyes open. Always better to look both ways than only one"

"What does that mean?"

"I'll let you figure it out. Sleep throught it." Xerxes left the room and had a brief conversation with Anathaes before he showed the two their private bunkers.

"G'night. And don't let the bed bugs bite. Literally." Anathaes said, hiding a smirk.

Thalos and Xerxes couldn't sleep the whole night...
I was actually making the next chapter be about how he knew our names before we introduced us.
Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: Wardead on April 01, 2011, 11:10:28 pm
Sorry  :(

Want me to delete it?
Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: ShiningSword on April 02, 2011, 12:42:05 am
Sorry  :(

Want me to delete it?
I will just write what comes before that:

''So how do you know our names?'', Thalos asked as they walked through the town.
''Im a prophet. I can, to some degree, predict the future. I saw that you were coming, and that Xerxes has information about a great evil thats coming upon this world.''
''I can also feel this evil, and i feel that you are the only ones who can prevent it from destroying this world.''
''However, to prove yourself to this people and gain their support, you will need to show them what you got.''
So what can we do for you?, Thalos said.

OoC: here is where your chapter comes along, wardead.
Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: KingOfArmagio on April 02, 2011, 02:46:05 am
The Dragon's Tooth:

Maulon hesitated. He hated riddles.
"Um... Me?"
"Good. I haven't had to kill someone in years."
The Dragon leaped off the podium and landed on the exact spot on where Maulon was a few seconds ago. It snapped its sharp jaws together and flailed its claws in all directions, occasionally scratching Maulon. It could not foresee Maulon snatching the falling Jewel Of Time and sprinting out the door.
Maulon never returned.
Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: Five In One on April 02, 2011, 02:54:29 am
"Where have you been?!? I've been trying to contact you for hours!!!" Lexuar was furious. Then again, this was how he normally acted, ruling through fear. He was good at it too.

Gremio didn't show the slightest bit of fear. "Sorry Lex, but I thought you might want to see this." He then turned around, calling back at the doorway. "Bring him in."

Two guards shoved a beaten, ragged human into Lexuar's private chamber, who quickly fell to the ground.

"Ah! So the little solo mission that you didn't have my permission to go on worked. Well done." Lexuar's mood lifted, ever so slightly. "Are you sure this is the same musician that escaped?"

At this, the human looked up, with fire in his eyes. "Oh, I've been here you nasty little low down--" He then proceeded to call Lexuar by every foul and obscene name that he could think of. Lexuar was unchanged.

"Well, now! We can't have one of our musicians talk with that vocabulary. I'll dispose of him myself. Prepare him afterwards."

"Oh, there you go with that musician stuff again. I don't play music, and I've told your guards that ever since I was captured. What does music have to do with anything, anyways?"

Lexuar motioned Gremio and the guards to leave. They did. He stood up from his throne, and towering over the so-called musician, he began to pace around the room.

"You have a lot to learn about this organization, young man. Musicians are people with order. Precision. Talent. A single wrong note can ruin a melody, and most people can pick up on that sort of thing. A musician never wants his mistakes to be known, and practices to perfection. Some people have the unique talents of a musician and never even realize it." At this, Lexuar stopped pacing. "You are one of those people."

Lexuar snickered.

"Well, you were."

Gremio heard a distinct hurk and a thud following afterwards. He entered the chamber, calm and even a little happy. There was the body, lying on the ground, almost unharmed, even, besides a small pool of blood around him. It was, though, a dead body.

"Prepare him. Then hold the funeral in a few days." One guard hauled the body away, the other quickly cleaned the blood away until there was almost no trace of the deed committed tonight. Only Gremio remained.

"I assume you have another surprize for me, Gremio?"

"You read my mind, Lex! Lemme show you."

Gremio led Lexuar out of his chamber, through many hallways and down many flights of steps, until they had reached the place he was looking for. The morgue.

In the morgue, on an autopsy table, the second musician was strapped to the bed. He was much older than the first, and besides his lower torso being completely obliterated, he looked almost like he was peaceful. Next to him was an almost insectlike shaman, and a hooded figure to his other side, most likely a mage of some sort. Around them were dozens of disciples, each holding a single candle in their hands.

Lexuar looked at the situation, and said only one word as he understood what was going on. "Begin."

At this, the shaman began chanting in some ancient language: "Ah, la, mo hinei sa gooma chiece, ee, gumu shiegra..." As he spoke, one by one the candles of the desciples began to burn purple flames, instead of red ones. The shaman's voice grew louder, and louder: "Mi ogi sahna, hijei mokuri ei, niomi lan ikei o gumu si..."

As all this was happening, the mage was performing a different ritual in a very different manner, drawing circles and symbols into the ground and burning strange inscences. The shadows seemed to meld and mix with one another at this, and even seemed to have minds of their own.

As the last candle turned into its demonic hue, the shaman finished with the words "oncala mortici, iff ancala VITALICI!"

Suddenly, each of the purple flames detached themselves from their candles, and rushed into the musician's mouth in a frenzy. At the same time, the mage completed his ritual, and the dancing shadows manifested themselves, racing to replace the lower half of the body. Little by little, it was repairing him, and the rest of the musician's body was experiencing some convulsions.

As the last flames trickled in, and the body was repaired, the once-dead gasped for breath; for life. He was terrified, and the first sight when he opened his eyes was Lexuar, staring him directly in his face.

"My, my, what a foolish little man. Don't you know that dying will do you no good when you're in my domain?"

The man was panting, unable to stop. He could not reply.

"I thought so. Now, if you want to live---or rather, if you don't want to be tortured until I decide to kill you off---and trust me, I won't---you'll do as I say. Is that clear?"

He managed to nod his head, ever so slightly.

"Good. I'll see you tomorrow. You didn't want to miss your original assignment, now did you?"

Lexuar made his exit. Gremio followed.

"Anything else?"

"We found another musucian. One of our own, incidentally. He should pose no threat."


"Hey, Lex? Can we go over the plan one more time? You know I don't got the greatest memory."

Lexuar sighed. "Very well. Here's how it's going to work..."

OOC: At this point, Lexuar explains the plan, the day before the Gate. The next post is the execution of that plan, so Thalas can take over that if he wants.

Feel free to give me feedback about what you like, dislike, possible changes, suggestions, etc. through PM, if you want.

EDIT: Replaced "Newsish" with "foolish" due to April Fool's Day. Nothing big.
Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: KingOfArmagio on April 02, 2011, 03:43:01 am
OOC: Thalas, this is what happened at the gate.

1st, 2nd and 3rd Division made it through, but then a wave of Voidians attacked the remaining 4 Divisions.

The Voidian wave was defeated, and 4th Division went over to destroy the Void Portal, while the other 3 made it through.

Argon and 4th Division continue to fight the Voidians.

Maulon, on the other hand, now having received the Jewel Of Time, is heading for the Frozen North, where the Voidians' main base in the Elements World is located.
Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: Thalas on April 02, 2011, 06:28:23 am
OOC: Thalas, this is what happened at the gate.
OOC : You don't have tell me that I know it, I just want explain everything to players.

1st, 2nd and 3rd Division made it through, but then a wave of Voidians attacked the remaining 4 Divisions.

The Voidian wave was defeated, and 4th Division went over to destroy the Void Portal, while the other 3 made it through.

Argon and 4th Division continue to fight the Voidians.
OOC : just few notes : What is Void Portal?
                          Dimensional Gate can transport People to any place in the Element's world (Linegard)
                          All 4th 5th and 6th Division are battling against Voidians.
um, kin i playz?
Sorry, no. Maybe when battle at the Dimensional gate ends.

The Dragon's Tooth:

Maulon hesitated. He hated riddles.
"Um... Me?"
"Good. I haven't had to kill someone in years."
The Dragon leaped off the podium and landed on the exact spot on where Maulon was a few seconds ago. It snapped its sharp jaws together and flailed its claws in all directions, occasionally scratching Maulon. It could not foresee Maulon snatching the falling Jewel Of Time and sprinting out the door.
Maulon never returned.

Maulon was sprinting through Eternal Pyramid like maniac, maniac running for his life.
"You can't escape from me" Screamed horrifying echo.
Maulon shivered, he realized that in this pyramid he can't escape from dragon, who knows every corner. Hieroglyphs on tall walls seemed to be watching him. Was this some kind of surveillance magic?
"I capture you and then rip of your skin" this time it was much nearer.
Maulon stopped, he must fight if he ever wants to see glorious Void again. Deadly winds swept around him. He could feel the dragon's antagonism.
At the end of the hall fluttered golden wing, Maulon prepared his Void ray. Peluda (dragon) reached for Maulon's head, however Maulon was ready, he unleashed white snake shape like beam pulsing with obsidian light, piercing Peluda's hand. Peluda intensely roared in pain, as if ten thousand spine impaled him. Maulon turned away from him and by leaps and bounds ran to the exit of the pyramid, holding Jewel of Time in his hands.
Maulon leaved Eternal Pyramid just before Void consumed it
"I'll find you." Shouted dragon.

At the Gate

Voidian legions slowly but steadily advanced to Dimensional gate. 7th Division crumbled under the surprise attack of voidians, only 6th 5th and 4th Division remained.

Argon with his Division was fighting Voidian flying antlions (Void uses lot of corrupted creatures). However his vice Xander mysteriously disappeared. 4th Division was doing well against Antlions, though Antlions killed many warriors, archers and magicians. The sky was sparkling with cascades of arrows; lightnings and firebolts and more magic tricks. Argon was cursing Xander, while slamming into enemy's troops. Many antlions tried to sting him, but most of them failed because of his hard armor. However some of them succeced.  Argon used his Graviton Bronze and charged into voidians. Unfortunately antlion poison started affecting his body. His vision was blurried and he slowly losed ability to measure time. He must withdraw or he colapses surrounded by the enemies. Argon fighted back towards his division

Suddenly some Voidian stood in his way. Argon slashed the Voidian with his axe, however Voidian just reflected it, this wasn't normal Voidian. He was wielding silver trident and golden helmet.
Voidian jabbed Argon, this time piercing his armor. Trident cut through his left arm, spurting blood. Argon hit out with his Titan voidian, dashing away his helmet and stunning voidian. Argon used this chance to escape. He break through voidians with all his remaining stamina. He was blind and totally disoriented because of the antlion poison.
Fortunately he made it to his Division.
"DOCTOR!!! Doctor! somebody call doctor" Shouted one of Argon's soldiers.

Hunter and Traitor

"Void, Void....... kishishi shi kishishi.... Glorious Void...... kishishi shi..........." screeched Xander in his lunatic delirium.
Xander totally devote himself to Void. Every Void's desire is his desire, every Void's fear is his fear. It was infinite and finite inebriety.
He was flying on one of the corrupted wyrms, terrorizing 6th Division from sky. (little strange for flyman to be flying on another creature, but for Xander it was no problem, because he was so devoted that he couldn't think racionaly)

"Fly down, we need more sacrifices" commanded Xander to wyrm. Wyrm perfectly followed his orders.

Xander descended into the heart of war turmoil. Voidians were fightning against 6th Division on the North East and pushed soldiers closer and closer to the dimension gate. And moreover that now Xander crushed soldiers like they were made from paper.

"MORE, MORE!! .......kishishi shi......MO----- " Large wing flash through and sliced Xander's wyrm.
Corrupted wyrm roared in pain, trying to unravel wing, which hurt his leg. Unfortunately wyrm could not keep balance and fell to the ground dotted with bushes and so his master Xander.

"Who clouded your mind with death and nothingness Vice-leader, answer me." inquired Hunter.

"You couldn't understand our music!" said Xander rising from ground.

"What are talking about? have you lost your mind?"

"See that's what I'm talking about.  ......Kishishi shi......"

"Answer me again. Who clouded your mind?"

"Enough of chit chat! ........Kishisshi.....  I'll cut your bosom and give it to my Cerberoses to eat."

Xander threw his daggers towards Hunter. She deflected daggers with her right wing and threw her hard feathers from left wing, however Xander was skilled in throwing daggers and in catching daggers or dagger like weapons too.(this suggestion to new abillity, if you don't want then this alternative scenario = She deflected daggers with her right wing). Hunter ran to the Xander guarding itself with wings, she looked like a unstoppable tank. Xander took out his daggers from leather sheats. He bounced off the ground towards the Hunter. To the surprise of onlookers, and even a Hunter herself he stopped her with his daggers. Hunter's left wing tried to slash concentrated Xander, unfortunately it cut only his right cheek. Xander soared with his wing to the sky and Hunter followed him. In the sky Xander had adventage he could throw his daggers and Hunter couldn't attack with her wings because she would fall.

Xander and Hunter were flying, parrying, dodging when Hunter started feeling dizzy, Xander noticed it.

"Do you like my poison?" Shouted Xander.

"You fiend!" Hunter said

Hunter quickly flew towards the Xander , she knew that She must kill him as fast as she can.

........................15 minutes later

"Vice leader Hunter what happened to you." asked schocked leader of 6th division Moras.
"I killed the pest." said Hunter covered by blood, before she fainted.
Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: Blazing Moonwalker on April 02, 2011, 11:01:27 pm
Moras POV:

Moras caught Hunter before she hit the ground. She was surprisingly light, considering her size. The sight of blood on an ally was usually alarming, but he didn't worry, knowing that Hunter couldn't bleed. He took her to a safe place to rest, and kept watch over her.

Moras really worried about Hunter. She would regularly disappear without warning, often in the dead of night. Where did she go? What was she doing that was important enough to leave the team a fighter down, and risk her own life? Even more worrying, was the fact that not even Lyra knew. The two were like sisters, yet Hunter wouldn't even tell her.

Suddenly, a pair of sharp wings rose up infront of him, narrowly missing his neck, and Hunter once again soared into the skies. It was dark already, so he must have been sitting there in thought a while.

Hunter POV:

In her struggle with Xander she had lost her target, and had no time to waste finding him again. What was his name again? Vene? Well his name didn't matter, but she distrusted the man, and didn't like the fact that Lyra had gone off alone to meet him. Lyra was after the artifact, but she knew Vene would want it himself. Would Vene be willing to kill for it?

Nearing the castle, Hunter finally caught up with them. She decided to stay back and watch, but was close enough to jump in if her sister needed back up.
Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: ShiningSword on April 03, 2011, 12:05:04 am
OoC: Thalas, can you get me some company(seriously, im all by myself like if they didnt exist), im a little alone down here, you know, exploring the new world when everyone is out there fighting the void(i mean, what was this gate for if you arent going to cross it).

At next day:
''So here is the place?'', said thalos when looking at the dark forest that was just ahead of them.

''Yes'', answered the old men. ''Every single scout we have sent in there has dissapeared.''

''Your partner must stay here with us, in case the beast decides to attack us again.''

''Ok'', thalos said.''I can take care of it myself.''

Then he started walking into the forest, alert to the presence of whatever was hiding there.
He saw a shadow moving through the woods, then a beast came out and attacked him from behind.
The beast, looked like an otyugh, but much bigger and certainly older. It said:
''This are my hunting grounds, stranger, everything and everybody that lives here is mine to devour. You have no right to hunt in my grounds.''

They fought for a while, with the otyugh trying to bite thalos arms while thalos tried to hit the otyugh's face.
However, the risk of getting serious injury was great, so they mainly kept fainting and dodging, trying to find an opening on the other's guard, but there was no such opening. They both took a step back and looked at eachother.

''Why do you attack the villagers?, there must be plenty of preys in this woods for you'', said thalos.

''Ha, ha, ha. So thats what they told you, ah.'', the otyugh answered. ''They are the ones destroying my forest and killing my preys, and now they want you to kill me''.

''They werent like that before, we used to live in peace. I have felt an evil influence corrupting them, as well as corrupting many other creatures that are out there.''

''The void? is that even possible?''Said thalos, shocked.

''I have to go back to the village, fast, my friend is in there.''

''You seem to know something about this'', said the otyugh.''I will go with you.''

OoC: Thalas, can you get me some company(seriously, im all by myself like if they didnt exist), im a little alone down here, you know, exploring the new world when everyone is out there fighting the void(i mean, what was this gate for if you arent going to cross it).
Now, we will finally have a battle. i have to admit i delayed it by changing the ''expected'' way the otyugh part was supposed to end (hero killing monster and saving village, classic stuff), but it is funnier this way.
Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: KingOfArmagio on April 03, 2011, 03:21:26 am
Voidian jabbed Maulon, this time piercing his armor.
Um... what? Maulon isn't there. Anyway...


Maulon trudged up the huge, daunting mountain. Near the top, there was a lair guarded by a group of angry, corrupted, Ice Dragons. He gazed out at the rest of the Elements world.
"Hmph." he thought. "Like those stupid Armagios stand a chance.
As an elite Voidian, he had supreme sight, and could see the unmistakable glint of an elite Voidian's helmet lying on the ground. But what was it doing there?
He also noticed a Voidian a few feet away from it heading to pick it up, wielding a silver trident.
"Zarian," thought Maulon. Zarian was another one of the most feared Voidians, with skills rivaling Maulon. Zarian was, of course, Maulon's worst rival.
There. The gate. I have to warn the Emperor. Most of them probably escaped.
Maulon continued his task, looking around for any sign of the Dragons. That was when he saw one. But it wasn't an Ice Dragon. It was the golden Devonian Dragon. It was swooping right at him from the dark sky. It slammed into the snow as Maulon dodged.
"I thought I'd find you here," it said.
"Petula, wasn't it?"
"No. That is my title, you idiot. My name is Dargill."
"Okay, then Dargill. Let's make a deal. You leave me alone, and I leave you alone."
"That's not why I'm chasing you. Hand over the Jewel Of Time."
"Oh, this?" Maulon said, pulling out the precious stone.
"Yes, that. What else?" spat Dargill.
"Well, then... catch me if you can!" said Maulon, running off.
"I'm getting really sick of this," said Dargill.

The Forest Of Linegard:

"Quick!" yelled a healed Argon. "We need to reach the gate before it closes!"
The light of the Dimensional Gate was fading and it was getting smaller.
"We just might make it!" he yelled.
Argon leaped through the gate, followed by the rest of 4th Division, except someone was missing.
"Hey! Where's Xander?" asked Argon.
The rest of 4th Division shrugged.
"Well, he'll find his way," said Argon.
Argon looked around.
"Where are we?" he asked.
4th Division looked around as well. 'Dunno' was the general consensus.
Argon and 4th Division searched through what they guessed were extremely tall trees.
"Looks like a forest," someone said from the crowd.
"Come on," said Argon. "We have to meet up with the other Divisions,"
Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: Thalas on April 03, 2011, 07:07:09 am
Voidian jabbed Maulon, this time piercing his armor.
Um... what? Maulon isn't there. Anyway...
I'm really sorry, I fixed that.

Your characters
(http://imageplay.net/img/m7Gbd167836/map1.png) (http://imageplay.net/)
Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: Thalas on April 03, 2011, 08:56:30 am
At next day:
''So here is the place?'', said thalos when looking at the dark forest that was just ahead of them.

''Yes'', answered the old men. ''Every single scout we have sent in there has dissapeared.''

''Your partner must stay here with us, in case the beast decides to attack us again.''

''Ok'', thalos said.''I can take care of it myself.''

Then he started walking into the forest, alert to the presence of whatever was hiding there.
He saw a shadow moving through the woods, then a beast came out and attacked him from behind.
The beast, looked like an otyugh, but much bigger and certainly older. It said:
''This are my hunting grounds, stranger, everything and everybody that lives here is mine to devour. You have no right to hunt in my grounds.''

They fought for a while, with the otyugh trying to bite thalos arms while thalos tried to hit the otyugh's face.
However, the risk of getting serious injury was great, so they mainly kept fainting and dodging, trying to find an opening on the other's guard, but there was no such opening. They both took a step back and looked at eachother.

''Why do you attack the villagers?, there must be plenty of preys in this woods for you'', said thalos.

''Ha, ha, ha. So thats what they told you, ah.'', the otyugh answered. ''They are the ones destroying my forest and killing my preys, and now they want you to kill me''.

''They werent like that before, we used to live in peace. I have felt an evil influence corrupting them, as well as corrupting many other creatures that are out there.''

''The void? is that even possible?''Said thalos, shocked.

''I have to go back to the village, fast, my friend is in there.''

''You seem to know something about this'', said the otyugh.''I will go with you.''
Otyugh and Thalos ran to the village as fast as they could. Who knows what these corrupted villagers do with Xerxes. They ran through the deep forest, sweat just poured out of them and they frankly gobbled the air.
Xander saw village, some farmers went towards them. Farmers were holding strange pitchforks, poles devilishly twisted. Every weapon had at least 20 sharp edges. They looked completely different from villagers Thalos met.

" I'll hold them back, you'll go save your friend." Said otyugh.

"Thanks." replied Thalos

Otyugh done what he promised very well. He devoured Void villagers one by one (little paradoxical isn't it?), parried all of their weapons and protected Thalos. Thalos lipped through the enemy lines, heading to the town hall, where he said goodbye to the old man. Ominous fog filled the air, Thalos threw open the doors of town hall. The view horrified him. Corrupted villagers were eating raw flesh from Xerxes which was still alive. Thalos created shield wall around Xerxes, throwing away villagers.

"So you've came, but it's too late now. He dies, his bleeding is too severe." Laughed old man.

"But you die sooner." Shouted Argon

"Let's play. Illusio Inane." muttered old man, another magic

Walls of town hall started melting and Thalos couldn't distinguish between floor and ceiling. Change of villagers was more terrifying. They teeth transformed into sharp fangs, ears have been extended to twice its length and pointed, eyes flared with blood and fur grew all over body. THEY WERE ACTUALLY LYCANTHROPES, HIDED BY ILLUSION!!!!

OOC: Don't worry Xerxes doesn't die

Maulon trudged up the huge, daunting mountain. Near the top, there was a lair guarded by a group of angry, corrupted, Ice Dragons. He gazed out at the rest of the Elements world.
"Hmph." he thought. "Like those stupid Armagios stand a chance.
As an elite Voidian, he had supreme sight, and could see the unmistakable glint of an elite Voidian's helmet lying on the ground. But what was it doing there?
He also noticed a Voidian a few feet away from it heading to pick it up, wielding a silver trident.
"Zarian," thought Maulon. Zarian was another one of the most feared Voidians, with skills rivaling Maulon. Zarian was, of course, Maulon's worst rival.
There. The gate. I have to warn the Emperor. Most of them probably escaped.
Maulon continued his task, looking around for any sign of the Dragons. That was when he saw one. But it wasn't an Ice Dragon. It was the golden Devonian Dragon. It was swooping right at him from the dark sky. It slammed into the snow as Maulon dodged.
"I thought I'd find you here," it said.
"Petula, wasn't it?"
"No. That is my title, you idiot. My name is Dargill."
"Okay, then Dargill. Let's make a deal. You leave me alone, and I leave you alone."
"That's not why I'm chasing you. Hand over the Jewel Of Time."
"Oh, this?" Maulon said, pulling out the precious stone.
"Yes, that. What else?" spat Dargill.
"Well, then... catch me if you can!" said Maulon, running off.
"I'm getting really sick of this," said Dargill.
Dargill chased Maluon through craggy mountain. Even though Dargill was 11 times faster than his prey, however Maulon could hide in overhangs and rock crevices. But Maulon can't run forever.

"That's it!" poped up idea in Maulon's mind

Maulon speeded up his pace. He dodged all Dargill's attacks, dragon was angrier with each failed attack.
Snow was more and more colder, the place was near. Spiky rocks inclose cave from which blowed icy wind and something spiritless. Dargill increased murderousness of his attacks. His claws scratched Maulon on leg, reducing his speed.
Maulon was reallly in trouble, Dargill soared to the air and then dived towards the Maulon. He couldn't dodge this attack.

Maulon thought about dying when 2 corrupted ice dragons stumbled dragon in the air. Strong crack echoed from cliffs, ice dragons broke Dargill's bones, if not the spine. A third ice dragon joined that dragon massacre. They tore up whole Dargill's body.

"Golden is dead, let's celebrate.
Let's eat his bones, heart and brain.
Three  :water dragons killed the time
yeah water even grind time.
There's nothing to be afraid. "  sang 3 ice dragons and started devouring Dargill

"Maulon?" said Lexuar
Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: splejx on April 03, 2011, 09:05:43 am
"Green Slime" (Level 3) appears!  :o

Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: KingOfArmagio on April 03, 2011, 09:30:03 am
Voidian jabbed Maulon, this time piercing his armor.
Um... what? Maulon isn't there. Anyway...
I'm really sorry, I fixed that.

Your characters
(http://imageplay.net/img/m7Gbd167836/map1.png) (http://imageplay.net/)
And you have put Maulon on the North-west Entropy Island? He is in the Frozen North. And isn't that the wrong map for Argon.... MAN I AM SO CONFUSED! WHERE IS EVERYBODY! So let's get this straight. Maulon is currently running from Dargill in the Frozen North, and he has not gone through the portal yet, so he is not in the same world as Argon. Argon and 4th Division are in the Linegard Forest, except Xander is either missing or dead.
Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: KingOfArmagio on April 03, 2011, 09:32:49 am
"Green Slime" (Level 3) appears!  :o
??What?? This is one hell of a confusing game. ???

Continuing on...

Burnt In The Flames:

Maulon fell to the snow, exhausted. He could no longer run from Dargill.
Dargill grabbed Maulon and they both started to tumble down the hill. As they reached the bottom, Dargill lifted off and flew back to the Pyramid. Once they reached the Pyramid, though, Maulon looked up and fired a beam of energized Void at Dargill. Dargill started to do a spiral descent past the outer Entropic Islands... and both Maulon and Dargill fell through the Dimensional Gate.

Maulon sat up. Lying a few feet away was an unconscious Dargill, breathing heavily. Maulon tiptoed away. There was no way even he could beat a legendary Gold Dragon. Once he was far enough away, he looked around. He was at the bottom of a volcano, standing in front of a giant molten lake, with unfinished construction sites covered in lava nearby. At the top of the volcano, molten rocks burst out unexpectedly at anyone who dared go near, except there was one person who strangely had the ability to survive extreme heat there. Maulon did not know this. He started to climb the mountain, believing that high ground would let him see any incoming threats easier than in this ruined city-to-be. He was sure of it. He was right. But he wasn't alone.
And Dargill was waking up.
Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: Thalas on April 03, 2011, 10:37:55 am
??What?? This is one hell of a confusing game. ???
Okay, okay, he is in frozen north but how could he see Zarian that is 4000 miles away in the entropic Islands?

Maulon fell to the snow, exhausted. He could no longer run from Dargill.
Dargill grabbed Maulon and they both started to tumble down the hill. As they reached the bottom, Dargill lifted off and flew back to the Pyramid. Once they reached the Pyramid, though, Maulon looked up and fired a beam of energized Void at Dargill. Dargill started to do a spiral descent past the outer Entropic Islands... and both Maulon and Dargill fell through the Dimensional Gate.

Maulon sat up. Lying a few feet away was an unconscious Dargill, breathing heavily. Maulon tiptoed away. There was no way even he could beat a legendary Gold Dragon. Once he was far enough away, he looked around. He was at the bottom of a volcano, standing in front of a giant molten lake, with unfinished construction sites covered in lava nearby. At the top of the volcano, molten rocks burst out unexpectedly at anyone who dared go near, except there was one person who strangely had the ability to survive extreme heat there. Maulon did not know this. He started to climb the mountain, believing that high ground would let him see any incoming threats easier than in this ruined city-to-be. He was sure of it. He was right. But he wasn't alone.
And Dargill was waking up.
Looks we both made continuation of story. I think that my story is better but I'll wait what you think.

"Green Slime" (Level 3) appears!  :o
ignore him he isn't player. Please Splejx if you want to play, ask me.
Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: KingOfArmagio on April 03, 2011, 10:40:50 am
??What?? This is one hell of a confusing game. ???
Okay, okay, he is in frozen north but how could he see Zarian that is 4000 miles away in the entropic Islands?
Maulon and Zarian and the other elite Voidians have unbelievable sight capabilities and they even have 'Voidoculars' which enhace sight greatly. They can distinguish things from thousands of miles away. Oh, and oops. Didn't see your continuation of the Maulon tale, where the Ice Dragons, um... owned Dargill. I think we should go with mine. Oh, by the way, how does Maulon know Lexuar? Are they partners in crime or something?
Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: Thalas on April 03, 2011, 10:48:50 am
??What?? This is one hell of a confusing game. ???
Okay, okay, he is in frozen north but how could he see Zarian that is 4000 miles away in the entropic Islands?
Maulon and Zarian and the other elite Voidians have unbelievable sight capabilities and they even have 'Voidoculars' which enhace sight greatly. They can distinguish things from thousands of miles away. Oh, and oops. Didn't see your continuation of the Maulon tale, where the Ice Dragons, um... owned Dargill. I think we should go with mine. Oh, by the way, how does Maulon know Lexuar? Are they partners in crime or something?
I think that we should go with my story ( Let's choose first player who post decide)

They can't have Super eyes , let's say that Voidians can see each other. ( Not Void agents. Like Lexuar )

They owned him in the frozen north. They broke his spine.

Lexuar and Maulon both help Void so they might know each other from old times.

What is Better continuation of story ?
Dargill chased Maluon through craggy mountain. Even though Dargill was 11 times faster than his prey, however Maulon could hide in overhangs and rock crevices. But Maulon can't run forever.

"That's it!" poped up idea in Maulon's mind

Maulon speeded up his pace. He dodged all Dargill's attacks, dragon was angrier with each failed attack.
Snow was more and more colder, the place was near. Spiky rocks inclose cave from which blowed icy wind and something spiritless. Dargill increased murderousness of his attacks. His claws scratched Maulon on leg, reducing his speed.
Maulon was reallly in trouble, Dargill soared to the air and then dived towards the Maulon. He couldn't dodge this attack.

Maulon thought about dying when 2 corrupted ice dragons stumbled dragon in the air. Strong crack echoed from cliffs, ice dragons broke Dargill's bones, if not the spine. A third ice dragon joined that dragon massacre. They tore up whole Dargill's body.

"Golden is dead, let's celebrate.
Let's eat his bones, heart and brain.
Three  :water dragons killed the time
yeah water even grind time.
There's nothing to be afraid. "  sang 3 ice dragons and started devouring Dargill

"Maulon?" said Lexuar
Burnt In The Flames:

Maulon fell to the snow, exhausted. He could no longer run from Dargill.
Dargill grabbed Maulon and they both started to tumble down the hill. As they reached the bottom, Dargill lifted off and flew back to the Pyramid. Once they reached the Pyramid, though, Maulon looked up and fired a beam of energized Void at Dargill. Dargill started to do a spiral descent past the outer Entropic Islands... and both Maulon and Dargill fell through the Dimensional Gate.

Maulon sat up. Lying a few feet away was an unconscious Dargill, breathing heavily. Maulon tiptoed away. There was no way even he could beat a legendary Gold Dragon. Once he was far enough away, he looked around. He was at the bottom of a volcano, standing in front of a giant molten lake, with unfinished construction sites covered in lava nearby. At the top of the volcano, molten rocks burst out unexpectedly at anyone who dared go near, except there was one person who strangely had the ability to survive extreme heat there. Maulon did not know this. He started to climb the mountain, believing that high ground would let him see any incoming threats easier than in this ruined city-to-be. He was sure of it. He was right. But he wasn't alone.
And Dargill was waking up.
Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: KingOfArmagio on April 03, 2011, 10:54:39 am
??What?? This is one hell of a confusing game. ???
Okay, okay, he is in frozen north but how could he see Zarian that is 4000 miles away in the entropic Islands?
Maulon and Zarian and the other elite Voidians have unbelievable sight capabilities and they even have 'Voidoculars' which enhace sight greatly. They can distinguish things from thousands of miles away. Oh, and oops. Didn't see your continuation of the Maulon tale, where the Ice Dragons, um... owned Dargill. I think we should go with mine. Oh, by the way, how does Maulon know Lexuar? Are they partners in crime or something?
I think that we should go with my story ( Let's choose first player who post decide)

They owned him in the frozen north. They broke his spine.

Lexuar and Maulon both help Void so they might know each other from old times.
Okay, edited mine, to continue from yours:

Maulon spun around to see Lexuar standing in the snow.
"Lex? What are you doing here?"
"Reporting to the Emperor. Same as you, I guess."
"Right. I found this in the Pyramid," said Maulon, pulling out the Jewel Of Time.
A loud screech filled the sky. Dozens of Devonian Dragons were tearing through the air, and neither Lexuar nor Maulon could move.
"THERE! AVENGE DARGILL!" yelled one of the Dragons.

... and continuing on from what I wrote, except one of the dragons carries Maulon and one carries Lexuar, and they drop the two Voidians into the gate.

And now, Lexuar lies unconscious in the ruins, while Maulon scales the volcano.
Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: Thalas on April 03, 2011, 11:03:14 am
??What?? This is one hell of a confusing game. ???
Okay, okay, he is in frozen north but how could he see Zarian that is 4000 miles away in the entropic Islands?
Maulon and Zarian and the other elite Voidians have unbelievable sight capabilities and they even have 'Voidoculars' which enhace sight greatly. They can distinguish things from thousands of miles away. Oh, and oops. Didn't see your continuation of the Maulon tale, where the Ice Dragons, um... owned Dargill. I think we should go with mine. Oh, by the way, how does Maulon know Lexuar? Are they partners in crime or something?
I think that we should go with my story ( Let's choose first player who post decide)

They owned him in the frozen north. They broke his spine.

Lexuar and Maulon both help Void so they might know each other from old times.
Okay, edited mine, to continue from yours:

Maulon spun around to see Lexuar standing in the snow.
"Lex? What are you doing here?"
"Reporting to the Emperor. Same as you, I guess."
"Right. I found this in the Pyramid," said Maulon, pulling out the Jewel Of Time.
A loud screech filled the sky. Dozens of Devonian Dragons were tearing through the air, and neither Lexuar nor Maulon could move.
"THERE! AVENGE DARGILL!" yelled one of the Dragons.

... and continuing on from what I wrote, except one of the dragons carries Maulon and one carries Lexuar, and they drop the two Voidians into the gate.

And now, Lexuar lies unconscious in the ruins, while Maulon scales the volcano.
Why do you want so much to be in that volcano?
How could dragons travel from frozen north to Entropic Islands? Why didn't they kill them? why didn't ice dragons protect them?
How dragons knew that Dargill died?

Beside that
"Orokusaki you *******. You murdered my friends and even your family!" Sagittarius yelled.
"Ahh my son. Came back for blood. You will only receive your blood," Orokusaki stated.
"You ravaged my life you *******. I'm gonna ******' kill ya! Sagittarius yelled as he rushed to Orokusaki stabbing him.
"You have much to learn. So much a sword can't kill me!" Orokusaki yelled as he pushed back Sagittarius back.
"You monster! Don't you know you that you killed your mom and dad and my mom and dad. Even my baby brother died from you. You son of a ... How could you even do this!" Sagittarius said as he is now sobbing. He recovers and rushes to where his home was. He picked up a sword from the kitchen counter.
" A sword, better then two daggers" Sagittarius thought as he remembered the day his dad gave him his first sword. He can't daydream will a murderer is trying to kill him.
"pariunt inferni vi Iovis ais in captivitatem og Inferno!" (translation spawn of hell by the power of Jupiter i declare you a prisoner of Hell) Sagittarius yelled. Sagittarius though being an Elf believed in the Roman gods and his kingdom found Jupiter the most important. Orokusaki found  Sagittarius and struck him down. Orokusaki took out a katana and tried to chop Sagittarius's head clean off. Sagittarius resisted and he locked in combat with Orokusaki. Orokusaki tried to cut Sagittarius's legs off but failed. Orokusaki called a few shadows but were destroyed by Sagittarius's mom and dad. Sagittarius cut Orokusaki's legs off but Orokusaki slashed Sagittarius's torso. The Souls trapped by Orokusaki were freed it took a while to go from the soul world to the elements world.
      there were many hugs and kissess but Sagittarius is on the verge of death and all are sobbing. It starts to rain.
Sagittarius killed his arch-enemy. Nothing remained, his life goal disappeared, his family disappeared. Nothing remained, just Void.
Sagittarius was lying on the floor, pain shoot directly into his temples. Sagittarus looked at the mosaic piece of Saint Zayanar who flying on the cloud. His kind smile calmed him when someone whispered

"You defeated Orousaki, then it's your duty to replace him, You have got power and spirit too."

"shut up" blurted Sagittarius barely breathing.

"If you don't I'll kill you. You're on the verge of death, it should be easy to kill you." Whispered shadow "become one of us. Become Void agent. Become Void."

OOC: You have 3 options -  Become Void agent
                                            Run away
                                            Die if you don't want to keep playing
Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: KingOfArmagio on April 03, 2011, 12:16:49 pm
??What?? This is one hell of a confusing game. ???
Okay, okay, he is in frozen north but how could he see Zarian that is 4000 miles away in the entropic Islands?
Maulon and Zarian and the other elite Voidians have unbelievable sight capabilities and they even have 'Voidoculars' which enhace sight greatly. They can distinguish things from thousands of miles away. Oh, and oops. Didn't see your continuation of the Maulon tale, where the Ice Dragons, um... owned Dargill. I think we should go with mine. Oh, by the way, how does Maulon know Lexuar? Are they partners in crime or something?
I think that we should go with my story ( Let's choose first player who post decide)

They owned him in the frozen north. They broke his spine.

Lexuar and Maulon both help Void so they might know each other from old times.
Okay, edited mine, to continue from yours:

Maulon spun around to see Lexuar standing in the snow.
"Lex? What are you doing here?"
"Reporting to the Emperor. Same as you, I guess."
"Right. I found this in the Pyramid," said Maulon, pulling out the Jewel Of Time.
A loud screech filled the sky. Dozens of Devonian Dragons were tearing through the air, and neither Lexuar nor Maulon could move.
"THERE! AVENGE DARGILL!" yelled one of the Dragons.

... and continuing on from what I wrote, except one of the dragons carries Maulon and one carries Lexuar, and they drop the two Voidians into the gate.

And now, Lexuar lies unconscious in the ruins, while Maulon scales the volcano.
Why do you want so much to be in that volcano?
How could dragons travel from frozen north to Entropic Islands? Why didn't they kill them? why didn't ice dragons protect them?
How dragons knew that Dargill died?
I'll answer these out of order.
All Dragons have telepathic communication with others of the same species. I like volcanoes. Dragons fly incredibly fast. Ice Dragons were too full to care. And lastly, the Devonians use torture to avenge their comrades. They believed that the gate would lead to a distorted world of endless danger.
Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: Thalas on April 03, 2011, 12:34:00 pm
Okay but I have got 1 condition.

Dragons take only you and they don't throw to the dimensional gate just to the volcano.

End of the battle at the gate

The battle was tough but the one who won were the Divisions. They hoped to attack Void and save elementals or any other creature that survived, instead one third of their army was destroyed by void. Next time Division will be defeated

"Town council appointed you as our leaders - triumvirate of Argon, Maria and Moras." announced messenger

Argon who was currently in a  :life forest was contacted thanks to the some magic which uses Maria and could hear them.

Maria with Moras were in the tent, where battle raged 1 hour ago. As usually Maria sat on chair and smoked her cigarette, Moras was standing at the table, solving what strategy is best against Void. All three them of were surprised except Maria like usually.

"I hope you get here soon Argon." Said Maria "It seems that you are in the forest. Another failed transportation, I must scold these mages who prepared transportation through the gate, to be even calling themselves a magicians
Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: ShiningSword on April 03, 2011, 01:25:07 pm
How did we ended in the middle of the corrupted realm of life?(in elements world)
We went through the gate and found an outworldish forest, remember(into the second map). The creature was like an otyugh, my character would describe it as an otyugh(because he has seen otyughs, as a gravity soldier), but it isnt really one(it is a similar creature which evolved in lineguard).
I mean, whats the gate for if it wont send us to other dimension(why do we want to keep traveling to our own world when the objective was escaping to the other one, thats why we originally had 2 maps, but it seems like plans changed and now nobody is in the world we were all supposed to go when we got through the gate).
Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: Thalas on April 03, 2011, 03:17:43 pm
How did we ended in the middle of the corrupted realm of life?(in elements world)
We went through the gate and found an outworldish forest, remember(into the second map). The creature was like an otyugh, my character would describe it as an otyugh(because he has seen otyughs, as a gravity soldier), but it isnt really one(it is a similar creature which evolved in lineguard).
I mean, whats the gate for if it wont send us to other dimension(why do we want to keep traveling to our own world when the objective was escaping to the other one, thats why we originally had 2 maps, but it seems like plans changed and now nobody is in the world we were all supposed to go when we got through the gate).
That was my original idea but it seems that lot of people misunderstood me, so I changed and you and Xerxes ended up in  :life Forest

Current goal is to get all powerful artifacts
Aesir/Burai          In possesion of Lyra
Mercury's light    In possesion of Lord of Castle Oen
Staff of Extalis    Location unkown
Jewel of Time     In possesion of Maulon
Liquid Air            Location unkown
Dragon's Roar    Location unkown

Faction which gets these artifacts surely wins the war.

Linegard Forest, except Xander is either missing or dead.
Yeah he is dead, Hunter killed him because he was possesed by void.

Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: ShiningSword on April 03, 2011, 03:27:25 pm
How did we ended in the middle of the corrupted realm of life?(in elements world)
We went through the gate and found an outworldish forest, remember(into the second map). The creature was like an otyugh, my character would describe it as an otyugh(because he has seen otyughs, as a gravity soldier), but it isnt really one(it is a similar creature which evolved in lineguard).
I mean, whats the gate for if it wont send us to other dimension(why do we want to keep traveling to our own world when the objective was escaping to the other one, thats why we originally had 2 maps, but it seems like plans changed and now nobody is in the world we were all supposed to go when we got through the gate).
That was my original idea but it seems that lot of people misunderstood me, so I changed and you and Xerxes ended up in  :life Forest
I think i liked more the original idea. It made more sence.
After all, with the new idea, the gate is almost useless(why do we need the gate now).
And that wrecks the entire storyline(you will have to replace a whole lot of staff, like for example, why do we wanted to cross the gate in the first place if it isnt going to take us anywhere).
Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: Thalas on April 03, 2011, 03:33:50 pm
How did we ended in the middle of the corrupted realm of life?(in elements world)
We went through the gate and found an outworldish forest, remember(into the second map). The creature was like an otyugh, my character would describe it as an otyugh(because he has seen otyughs, as a gravity soldier), but it isnt really one(it is a similar creature which evolved in lineguard).
I mean, whats the gate for if it wont send us to other dimension(why do we want to keep traveling to our own world when the objective was escaping to the other one, thats why we originally had 2 maps, but it seems like plans changed and now nobody is in the world we were all supposed to go when we got through the gate).
OOC: That was my original idea but it seems that lot of people misunderstood me, so I changed and you and Xerxes ended up in  :life Forest
I think i liked more the original idea. It made more sence.
After all, with the new idea, the gate is almost useless(why do we need the gate now).
And that wrecks the entire storyline(you will have to replace a whole lot of staff, like for example, why do we wanted to cross the gate in the first place if it isnt going to take us anywhere).
OOC : I was happy with changing story as you, I had great ideas about new abilities and world, villains. But now it's too complicated to be changed.

I already thought of that - we crossed the gate because we wanted to attack Void and save people from Void zones. However magicians who prepared the gate made lot of mistakes and some people where send to totally different location.

The battle was tough but the one who won were the Divisions. They hoped to attack Void and save elementals or any other creature that survived, instead one third of their army was destroyed by void. Next time Division will be defeated

"Town council appointed you as our leaders - triumvirate of Argon, Maria and Moras." announced messenger

Argon who was currently in a  :life forest was contacted thanks to the some magic which uses Maria and could hear them.

Maria with Moras were in the tent, where battle raged 1 hour ago. As usually Maria sat on chair and smoked her cigarette, Moras was standing at the table, solving what strategy is best against Void. All three them of were surprised except Maria like usually.

"I hope you get here soon Argon." Said Maria "It seems that you are in the forest. Another failed transportation, I must scold these mages who prepared transportation through the gate, to be even calling themselves a magicians
Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: Wardead on April 03, 2011, 08:41:18 pm
OOC: I guess I'll continue with this story. Can you explain what is the Staff of Extalis? Or should I make it up?


Xerxes lay there, almost dead. He felt no pain, only misery. He saw nothing, except darkness. It was peaceful, yet terrifying. He had enhanced senses, but couldn't use them. "Is this what death felt like?" He thought. At least he could think in this state. Is he in a coma? A different world? He couldn't tell. He recounted his events, hiding from the Voidans before they corrupted this world, walking through the gate with someone he had no idea was, sleeping then getting ambushed by lycans. Then he saw a light...a glimmer of hope. Xerxes felt power rushing in his limbs. He tore the Darkness clouds away to see the light.

He was now standing, on a transparent plane of glass. Clean and smooth. There was light all over the place. A man suddenly appeared, a look-alike of Xerxes. "Who are you?" said Xerxes.

"I am you. You are in your own mind. Therefore I am your conscious."

"I had no idea my mind was bigger than me." Xerxes joked. But his conscious ignored it.

"The world is in a perilous state. Your friend is safe. You are too. But the villagers are evil. I need to tell you a secret, a secret you shouldn't tell anyone. Your mind has seen the Staff of Extalis before. But you don't recount it, since it was during your childhood, and you didn't understand. I have searched deep within this mind to find the location. You must not tell anyone of it's location. I can't even trust myself with it."

His conscious whispered into Xerxes's ear.

"I will find it. And I won't tell anyone of it."

"I hope so" said the conscious. "Now go back to the real world, and save this world."
Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: KingOfArmagio on April 03, 2011, 09:06:02 pm
The Endless Elixir:

Argon sauntered throughout the trees.
"Where's that bloody Endless Elixir? It should be here somewhere," he said. (The Endless Elixir is not one of the six artifacts)
Argon couldn't see anything but green darkness. Nothing made a sound except the occasional noise of him stepping on a twig... or a log. Both would snap if any Armagio stepped on them. But then a noise came that wasn't a twig... or a log for that matter. Argon looked up into the leaves of a tall tree nearby. They were rustling. (You can probably guess what the creature is just from that last word)
Argon stepped forward cautiously and hit the tree with his Titan. The tree shook violently and (what do you know) a Rustler fell out of the leaves and landed with a thud on a pile of branches.
Argon shrugged and walked away. The trees were beginning to part. Soon they opened up into a huge clearing, filled with ruins. In the very centre of those ruins, a small vial stood on a podium. That small vial contained the Endless Elixir.
Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: Blazing Moonwalker on April 03, 2011, 10:21:02 pm
OOC: Side story? Why not?

The Painful Truth:

"Hunter..." whispered a chilling echo of Lyra's voice.

"Lyra?" Hunter whispered back. She looked around her, but saw nothing. She didn't expect to, as she could still see Lyra travelling ahead of her.

"You've had doubts about your existence for a while know. I can feel it" Lyra's voices echoed in her ears again.


"You're thoughts are not wrong. They are using you Hunter. You are nothing more than a playing piece on the board, to be pushed where the commanders want you, easily expendable, and the only thing they care about is how many lives you save."

"No Lyra. We are servants of the light. We are supposed to help the people survive."

"Yes, help the people survive., but not to let them walk all over you. They disrespect you because you are an android. They see you as less than the rest of us, as little more than a shield to protect us. You see it too Hunter, do not deny it."

"It is irrelevant. Prejudice will not stop me from completing my duty."

"THIS IS NOTHING TO DO WITH THE WAR HUNTER!" Lyra's voice shocked Hunter. It was usually calm and gentle, but now it was filled with an uncharacteristic rage, and it was nothing to do with her alternate personality. "What about after? Huh? Do you think they will want to keep you after the war is over? You were created for this war, and you will be scrapped as soon as it is over.

"... Lyra?"

"It does not need to be this way Hunter" Lyra's voice stated, returning to normal. "You are a very powerful woman. You must stand up for your rights. The commanders would not dare ignore a threat from you. Internal wars with their most powerful members is probably the last thing they want to deal with."

"I understand. Tonight, I must prove myself as worthy of my life as anyone else here."

"I'm backing you all the way sister, and don't forget, even if they refuse to accept you, I always will"

Lyra's voice faded out, and Hunter focused her attention back to the figures heading towards the castle.
Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: Blazing Moonwalker on April 03, 2011, 10:35:15 pm
Wait, what? I met up with Hunter on the way to the castle? (Lyra was meant to go solo the last time I checked)
Also, what is Mercury's Light?

Please help me catch up.
We didn't meet up. I'm stalking you (to make sure your safe), and then you started talking to me in my head.
Mercury's Light is an artifact, one of the many that will help influence the war. As far as I can tell, it hasn't been given any specifics on appearance, or what it does.

If you want to fully understand you'll have to read from the point where you left, as there's too much to summarise here.
Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: ShiningSword on April 03, 2011, 10:44:42 pm
Thalos quickly closes a shield wall around him and Xerxes, who is still unconcious.Thalos tries to wake him up, but it is useless.

The lycans start surrounding them and strike the shield wall. Thalos knows he can get out of there, but without a diversion, it would be very dangerous for Xerxes.

Then, a pair of lycans came running, with the otyugh behind them.

Thalos had an idea and said: ''Otyugh, charge!'', and then he shot his energy towards the otyugh, which gained great power and started attacking the lycans with great speed.

In the confusion created by the otyugh's attack, Thalos took Xerxes out of danger, avoiding the few lycans that werent dead or running away yet.

While the otyugh covered them, Thalos was trying to help Xerxes. The basic rule of the graviton's field healing was:''patch them up, and wait for the best'', and so he did.
Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: ZephyrPhantom on April 03, 2011, 10:48:27 pm
I managed to skim through it so I'm caught up somewhat. Hopefully I don't make any inconsistencies.

Shaden twisted my bodies to one side as Vene suddenly shot fire at a bush.

I wasn't prepared to see Hunter roll out and swing her sword at Vene.

"Well, strange fellow, I'm glad I've kept my previous self's Mind Gem."

"Hmph." Vene simply scoffed. "You angels still doubt my motives?"

"They may not but I do." I felt as if I was being pulled out of my body, back to the recess of my mind's darkness.

Shaden had taken control, and did so with a swing at Vene's chestplate. Vene blocked Burai with ease and leapt back. Shaden snapped his fingers and a Void Ring surrounded us. No one could leave, no one could enter.

"Let's have a duel, shall we?"

Here's how the duel works - each "turn" a six-sided die is rolled. The next move made is dependent on the die role - the smaller the number the worse the charecter's turn went. You can roll for another chara (as well as write how the turn went) if you want - just please use the honor system and be honest with the roll.

Type of Duel - Practice - Nobody dies, duel ends after a set amount of turns. (Using this mode to test the system.)

:darkness Shaden/Lyra :darknessvs. :entropy Vene :entropy
Turns : 10

Turn 1
RNG Roll : 6

Shaden starts off rather well, using Null Jack and getting three slashes in.
Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: KingOfArmagio on April 04, 2011, 06:02:47 am
The Clash:

Maulon tumbled down the volcano.
"Damn jagged rocks,"
Maulon came to a halt at the bottom again.
"Oh good. I didn't think I'd have to face you for a while. It appears I was wrong," said a sturdy voice.
Zarian stepped out of the trees.
"How did you get here?" asked Maulon.
"Jumped through that gate to chase that stupid Armagio who calls himself Argon. Didn't think I'd find you."
"Well, then... at times like these, I believe it is custom to have a duel?"

Duel between Zarian and Maulon ensues.

Maulon wins in a tight battle that lasts eight rounds. Maulon steals Zarian's trident and runs off. Zarian barely survives.
Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: Thalas on April 04, 2011, 12:46:42 pm
:darkness Shaden/Lyra :darknessvs. :entropy Vene :entropy
Turns : 10

Turn 1
RNG Roll : 6

Shaden starts off rather well, using Null Jack and getting three slashes in.
Just a question, it's still turn 1 or turn 2?

RNG roll : 6 (both of us are lucky, I'm not kidding)

However Vene said "Fortuna".  Beautiful long silver sword materialized in his hand. The sword was very light, weighing two times less than a ordinary sword.

OOC: Don't you think that this method is too slow?
Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: Thalas on April 04, 2011, 01:32:18 pm
OOC: I guess I'll continue with this story. Can you explain what is the Staff of Extalis? Or should I make it up?


Xerxes lay there, almost dead. He felt no pain, only misery. He saw nothing, except darkness. It was peaceful, yet terrifying. He had enhanced senses, but couldn't use them. "Is this what death felt like?" He thought. At least he could think in this state. Is he in a coma? A different world? He couldn't tell. He recounted his events, hiding from the Voidans before they corrupted this world, walking through the gate with someone he had no idea was, sleeping then getting ambushed by lycans. Then he saw a light...a glimmer of hope. Xerxes felt power rushing in his limbs. He tore the Darkness clouds away to see the light.

He was now standing, on a transparent plane of glass. Clean and smooth. There was light all over the place. A man suddenly appeared, a look-alike of Xerxes. "Who are you?" said Xerxes.

"I am you. You are in your own mind. Therefore I am your conscious."

"I had no idea my mind was bigger than me." Xerxes joked. But his conscious ignored it.

"The world is in a perilous state. Your friend is safe. You are too. But the villagers are evil. I need to tell you a secret, a secret you shouldn't tell anyone. Your mind has seen the Staff of Extalis before. But you don't recount it, since it was during your childhood, and you didn't understand. I have searched deep within this mind to find the location. You must not tell anyone of it's location. I can't even trust myself with it."

His conscious whispered into Xerxes's ear.

"I will find it. And I won't tell anyone of it."

"I hope so" said the conscious. "Now go back to the real world, and save this world."

OOC: Staff of Extalis is  :death and   :life element (ex meaning death and vitalis meaning life).
This staff is made from the darkest ebony wood, encrusted with rare nephrite gems. It's long about 1,7 meter and perfectly straigth.

I thought about Staff of Extalis. I have got a crazy idea that your father inserted Staff of Extalis into your mind or soul.

Please PM me and tell me location of the staff it's really hard to write story without goal and I don't want to interfere with your ideas.

Argon sauntered throughout the trees.
"Where's that bloody Endless Elixir? It should be here somewhere," he said. (The Endless Elixir is not one of the six artifacts)
Argon couldn't see anything but green darkness. Nothing made a sound except the occasional noise of him stepping on a twig... or a log. Both would snap if any Armagio stepped on them. But then a noise came that wasn't a twig... or a log for that matter. Argon looked up into the leaves of a tall tree nearby. They were rustling. (You can probably guess what the creature is just from that last word)
Argon stepped forward cautiously and hit the tree with his Titan. The tree shook violently and (what do you know) a Rustler fell out of the leaves and landed with a thud on a pile of branches.
Argon shrugged and walked away. The trees were beginning to part. Soon they opened up into a huge clearing, filled with ruins. In the very centre of those ruins, a small vial stood on a podium. That small vial contained the Endless Elixir.
More information would be apreciated? What is Endless Elixir? Did Argon leaved his division?

Maulon wins in a tight battle that lasts eight rounds. Maulon steals Zarian's trident and runs off. Zarian barely survives.
 :-[Okay :-[ :-[, that was fast :-[

I'll write the battle for you but only 3/4 of it. The last 1/4 you must write yourself

Maulon charged his Void Drain. However Zarian was ready for that, he generated his famous Perfect Vacuum (Creates space without any particles like air, stone, water, gravity and even time).

Maulon shot his Void Drain, it was a bloody serpent shape ray. But when it hit the Perfect Vacuum it just shattered, leaving many red strings. Zarian charged towards the Maulon with trident aimed at his heart. Maulon promptly used his Void ray on the trident, unfortunately Zarian held it tightly so it deflected its angle just by few degrees. Trident stabbed Maulon's ribs.

Both Maulon and Zarian casted their magic simultaneously, Maulon created scarlet snake (Void Drain) and Zarian perfect Vaccum.
Perfect Vacuum touched Maulon's right arm. Maulon's arm imploded and earsplitting thunder outvoiced Maulon's painful scream.
However scarlet snake (Void Drain) found his victim, he bited Zarian into his neck, draining his health.

Maulon's arm started miraculously regenerating. At any rate Zarian was really mad and severed glowing red snake (Void drain).
Zarian jumped away from Maulon and prepared volley of Perfect Vacuums aimed at the Maulon

Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: ZephyrPhantom on April 04, 2011, 08:07:55 pm
:darkness Shaden/Lyra :darknessvs. :entropy Vene :entropy
Turns : 10

Turn 1
RNG Roll : 6

Shaden starts off rather well, using Null Jack and getting three slashes in.
Just a question, it's still turn 1 or turn 2?

RNG roll : 6 (both of us are lucky, I'm not kidding)

However Vene said "Fortuna".  Beautiful long silver sword materialized in his hand. The sword was very light, weighing two times less than a ordinary sword.

OOC: Don't you think that this method is too slow?
That was turn 2. Each charecter's "round" is a turn.  Also keep in mind that anyone can do the "turns" for any of the charecters as long as they post the RNG roll and a short little description.

Turn 3

RNG Roll : 4

Shaden and Vene clash and swing multiple times with their swords. Neither seems to gain an advantage, so Shaden uses Possess Queen and swaps back to Lyra.
Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: KingOfArmagio on April 04, 2011, 10:06:48 pm
Zarian launched another Perfect Vacuum, but it didn't do much damage this time, because Zarian was exhausted. Maulon's Void Ray bounced off Zarian's helmet as Zarian prepared his signature spell-Thief's Blade. Zarian's trident transformed into a light sword and slashed at Maulon, but Maulon dodged, and aimed Void Drain at Zarian's chest. Zarian couldn't block in time, and was defeated.

Maulon's Rewards: Zarian's Silver Trident

A bit of background on the Endless Elixir:

The Endless Elixir was formed in the same factory that launched the Solar Light into the sky. It has the strange power to either make someone immortal or the complete opposite, make someone much easier to kill.
Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: KingOfArmagio on April 04, 2011, 10:09:28 pm
:darkness Shaden/Lyra :darknessvs. :entropy Vene :entropy
Turns : 10

Turn 1
RNG Roll : 6

Shaden starts off rather well, using Null Jack and getting three slashes in.
Just a question, it's still turn 1 or turn 2?

RNG roll : 6 (both of us are lucky, I'm not kidding)

However Vene said "Fortuna".  Beautiful long silver sword materialized in his hand. The sword was very light, weighing two times less than a ordinary sword.

OOC: Don't you think that this method is too slow?
That was turn 2. Each charecter's "round" is a turn.  Also keep in mind that anyone can do the "turns" for any of the charecters as long as they post the RNG roll and a short little description.

Turn 3

RNG Roll : 4

Shaden and Vene clash and swing multiple times with their swords. Neither seems to gain an advantage, so Shaden uses Possess Queen and swaps back to Lyra.
If anyone can do it then...

Turn 4:

RNG Roll : 2

Vene gets unlucky this time, and Lyra parries his attack with one quick blow.
Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: Blazing Moonwalker on April 04, 2011, 10:55:52 pm
Turn 5:

Die roll:

Lyra : 5
Hunter : 1
Vene : 5

Hunter dives from above to stike Vene. Unfortunately, it was only an illusion, and Vene jumps on top of Hunter, pinning her down and bringing his sword to her throat.

"Stupid girl. It was unwise to challange me."

Lyra swung her leg and dealt a powerful blow to Vene, knocking him off balance, causing him to fall to the floor. Vene recovered uickly, and jumped back up to meet Lyra's blade with his own. They continued for some time, only to find that neither could pull of an advantageous situation.

"It seems we are evenly matched, old man. Normally we wouldn't be able to shift this battle any further, but I have an ally. You can't defeat us both at once."

Hunter jumped back in to join the battle, slightly wounded.
Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: Nepycros on April 04, 2011, 11:24:41 pm
"Yo, Vene?" Nepycros shouted. "Need a hand?"
Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: ZephyrPhantom on April 05, 2011, 12:58:03 am
Wait a sec, this was a 1vs1 duel! Shaden even put a freaking Void Barrier up!  Oh well, too late to change now.

Turn 6
Lyra : 6
Vene : 1
Nepy : 1
Hunter : 6

OOC : I really did get these results. Now, RNG, do this in the Elements game. =p

"Damnit, the barrier broke!" I cursed as Hunter and Nepycros joined the melee. We were trying to knock a little wind out of Vene, not cause a giant battle!

Hunter and I quickly knocked Nepycros back as he tried to help Vene and somehow managed to block two Fuego waves with a split second Fusion Jack.

"How am I not roast bird yet?" I question as Vene and Nepycros stand warily.
Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: Nepycros on April 05, 2011, 01:23:11 am
OOC: I didn't exactly hop in, I was just wondering if Vene wanted me to jump in.
Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: Five In One on April 05, 2011, 01:33:05 am
??What?? This is one hell of a confusing game. ???
Okay, okay, he is in frozen north but how could he see Zarian that is 4000 miles away in the entropic Islands?
Maulon and Zarian and the other elite Voidians have unbelievable sight capabilities and they even have 'Voidoculars' which enhace sight greatly. They can distinguish things from thousands of miles away. Oh, and oops. Didn't see your continuation of the Maulon tale, where the Ice Dragons, um... owned Dargill. I think we should go with mine. Oh, by the way, how does Maulon know Lexuar? Are they partners in crime or something?
I think that we should go with my story ( Let's choose first player who post decide)

They owned him in the frozen north. They broke his spine.

Lexuar and Maulon both help Void so they might know each other from old times.
Okay, edited mine, to continue from yours:

Maulon spun around to see Lexuar standing in the snow.
"Lex? What are you doing here?"
"Reporting to the Emperor. Same as you, I guess."
"Right. I found this in the Pyramid," said Maulon, pulling out the Jewel Of Time.
A loud screech filled the sky. Dozens of Devonian Dragons were tearing through the air, and neither Lexuar nor Maulon could move.
"THERE! AVENGE DARGILL!" yelled one of the Dragons.

... and continuing on from what I wrote, except one of the dragons carries Maulon and one carries Lexuar, and they drop the two Voidians into the gate.

And now, Lexuar lies unconscious in the ruins, while Maulon scales the volcano.
OOC: So I guess this is what happens when I miss a day. I have one question: What exactly happened here with Maulon and Lexuar? I need to get this cleared up so I can build off of it, and I can't quite write anything here until I know what's going on.

Although, I do like the notion of Maulon and Lexuar knowing each other from long ago...
Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: ZephyrPhantom on April 05, 2011, 01:39:10 am
OOC: I didn't exactly hop in, I was just wondering if Vene wanted me to jump in.
You're already in the fight now since you and Hunter broke the barrier. ;)
Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: Thalas on April 05, 2011, 05:19:34 am
OOC: So I guess this is what happens when I miss a day. I have one question: What exactly happened here with Maulon and Lexuar? I need to get this cleared up so I can build off of it, and I can't quite write anything here until I know what's going on.

Although, I do like the notion of Maulon and Lexuar knowing each other from long ago...
Maulon stole Jewel of Time (one of the 6 artifacts) from Pyramid but he was chased by the  :time dragon.
Maulon was looking for Void headquarters in the frozen north. (guarded by the corrupted Ice dragons). And you randomly met each other there. (but you can change it why you met there if it's better for your story.) You should hurry (but not too much) with completing The day of Gate.
Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: KingOfArmagio on April 05, 2011, 07:32:14 am
The Clash Part 2:

Maulon ran through the scrub and the bush. He knew Zarian would be able to track his trident. He didn't know it had already been found.
Zarian dropped from the trees and landed on Maulon.
"Never steal my trident again," he said.
Maulon got up after Zarian had lifted his weight off. Zarian was the first to speak.
"Did you know that the same spell that allows me to track this trident also makes Void Magic unable to kill me?" he asked.
Maulon shook his head.
"Didn't think so," said Zarian. "And because of that, you better run. Leave this forest, leave this world, leave this galaxy. Because if you don't..." Zarian leaned in closer and whispered. "You're dead."
Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: ShiningSword on April 05, 2011, 02:12:58 pm
A few hours after the battle:
''How is he?'', oty asked.
''He seems to be fine, but he hasnt woke up yet.''

''Oty, have you heard anything about my brigade, the 303 of armagios?''
''We were supposed to go to Dark Matter's temple-fortress, were we thought another soldiers of light and gravity would be, when i was with them.''

''Actually i did'', oty answered. ''I catched a corrupted phoenix a few months ago, i asked him about any gravity survivors, i was curious, i have relatives who were doing army service.''
''He said that there were lots of troopers, including great numbers of armagios, holding the fortress''.
''I was planning to go and see if any of my relatives were there, but the conflicts with the villagers started, and that prevented me from leaving, as they would have alerted the void forces if they suspected anything.''
Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: Thalas on April 05, 2011, 02:32:53 pm
Turn : 7

Dice roll:

Nepycros: 4
Vene: 6
Hunter: 3
Lyra: 2

The tables slightly turned. Vene used Illusio on itself creating  4 another illusory himselfs and attacked confused Lyra. However Lyra used her Reflect Diamond, although illusory Venes dissapeared it was too late. Real Vene knocked Aesir out of Lyra's hand.

Nepycros' battle with Hunter was more tougher. Nepycros transformed his Memento into spear and cloaked. But Hunter senses were sharp parrying all Nepycros' attacks from the shadows. Nepycros once again transformed his spear into long scythe. Wings and Scythe danced through the shadows, sparks just sputtered, They were even, but if Nepycros upgrades his Memento he might be stronger.
Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: Thalas on April 05, 2011, 02:41:38 pm
Why does Argon search for this endless elixir, how did he knew that endless elixir is there.

Maulon's Ace

"I didn't wanted to use this, but it seems it will be necessary." Said Maulon.

"You don't have nothing to use against me, your void magic is useless." hissed Zarian.

"Don't  be so sure" Maulon took out Jewel of Time

"You..." Zarian quickly created Perfect Vacuums

"I understand little how this thing works, but it will be enough to defeat you."

Golden egg (Jewel of Time) started pulsing and minor glow appeared. Carbuncle encrusted in the Jewel started shining, they were smaller and smaller. The egg phased out and in, Maulon was reshaping it. Egg changed into Golden dragon noticeably similiar to Dargill encrusted with small Carbuncles. Dragon wrapped around Maulon's finger.

The power was immense, he could feel power flowing towards him from all ages, times, places and dimensions. The jewel united all mana under his control. Maulon loved Jewel maybe he was even obsessed. However Jewel didn't showed any endearment to Maulon, ring was strangely cold.Maulon drained mana from Sunhir, how he named ring.
Zarian released his Perfect Vacuums, however they were annihilated by the golden snake floating around Maulon, which was summoned from the Sunhir.

"Kill him Sunhir" commanded Maulon

"Ass you wissh" hissed Sunhir the ring and snake.

Sunhir entwisted Zarian's neck and strangled him. Zarian really didn't wanted to gave up his life, he casted numberless Perfect Vacuums but everything was against Sunhir useless.

"Come back Sunhir." Sunhir obeyed his master and integrated back to the ring.

OOC: Jewel of Time is only Artifact that can change its form and the only one that can unite with another artifact.
Its ability is amplifying user abilities or artifacts or anything magical.
Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: Five In One on April 05, 2011, 07:10:27 pm
OOC: So I guess this is what happens when I miss a day. I have one question: What exactly happened here with Maulon and Lexuar? I need to get this cleared up so I can build off of it, and I can't quite write anything here until I know what's going on.

Although, I do like the notion of Maulon and Lexuar knowing each other from long ago...
Maulon stole Jewel of Time (one of the 6 artifacts) from Pyramid but he was chased by the  :time dragon.
Maulon was looking for Void headquarters in the frozen north. (guarded by the corrupted Ice dragons). And you randomly met each other there. (but you can change it why you met there if it's better for your story.) You should hurry (but not too much) with completing The day of Gate.
Alright. Thanks for clearing that up.

Hopefully, I should be able to tell what finally happens on the Day of the Gate today. I've been insanely busy recently, but I should hopefully be able to squeeze it in.

Oh, and don't worry. It'll be good... real good... well worth the wait...
Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: ZephyrPhantom on April 05, 2011, 08:36:21 pm
Turn : 8

Dice roll:

Nepycros: 3
Vene: 3
Hunter: 4
Lyra: 5

Lyra quickly kicked Vene in the stomach and rolled over to grab Aesir again.

"Nice try." She snapped, and pointed the sword at nearby vines , "but it's time to get serious."

The vines shriveled up and became thin whip-like appendages of :death that whipped quickly at Vene, who cast Illusio on himself and managed to creatre 3 copies of himself to hold off the vines. However due the vines he and Hunter were seperated from Lyra and Nepycros.

"Fuego!" He yelled, firing at Hunter, but Hunter simply shielded herself with her metal wings.

On the other side, Nepycros found himself fighting Lyra, holding Aesir covered with thorny vines. He was hit a few times but managed to keep fighting.
Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: ShiningSword on April 05, 2011, 09:45:11 pm
OoC: just curious, how many turns does your duel last?
Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: ZephyrPhantom on April 05, 2011, 09:59:39 pm
OoC: just curious, how many turns does your duel last?
10. We end the duel afterwards.
Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: KingOfArmagio on April 05, 2011, 10:35:48 pm
OOC: Sunhir's (Jewel Of Time) favourite form is now somewhat like this:

Sunhir, the Shape-Shifter:

Maulon gazed at the snake/ring coiled around his finger. Zarian lay, not breathing, a few feet away. Zarian had no chance. Void Incense started flowing out of his body. Maulon's last few commands had been based purely on instinct.
Maulon continued to stare. The snake slithered off his finger and transformed into (a thing somewhat like the image above).
"You can shape-shift?" asked Maulon.
"Of course," Sunhir replied. "Dargill didn't stand a chance against any warrior that could defeat him. And if you hadn't stolen me, I wouldn't have seen Dargill die. Oh, by the way, I prefer this form to any of my others."
Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: ZephyrPhantom on April 05, 2011, 11:32:00 pm
Use http://imageplay.net/ to upload pictures easily and show them on the forums please.
Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: Five In One on April 06, 2011, 02:04:04 am

"First, we'll need to gather some Voidian troops. I'll contact the Legion of Xander to do the work. We have strong... business connections that may prove useful."

The business went well. Nobody even had to be killed. The Legion of Xander was largely unknown, but still present in the world. After all, Lexuar did create it, with a false, and forced, head of operations leading the way for several years until its usefulness was needed.

"We'll use the Legion of Xander to provide a suitable distraction for us, and with its large forces, it should easily penetrate through at least some of the innocents' divisions. At least the Seventh Division will fall."

The death toll was staggering, and largely unexpected. Nobody knew who was attacking them, or why, but only one thing: that it was the Voidians doing so, under a corrupt leader. A leader who then proceeded to die, and with him the truth.

"Meanwhile, our musicians will control things from the sidelines, directing everyone's actions with the special devices we've learned to create. They can even stay at headquarters. As long as they've gotten the Legion's melody tuned, they have full control."

The Voidian army was nearly mindless, only with pure instincts and chaotic thoughts that outdid even those who worshipped Entropy. There seemed to be no pattern to their actions, and yet subtly, deep down, there was. And no one would know.

"As the troops are distracted, we'll use our gardeners to plant the seeds of destruction upon the Gate. They've already misdirected the magic that controls its destination, making it random at best, and nowhere near their original drop point. It won't be too hard to get the job done."

Nobody even saw the gardeners, swift, silent, and precise. They each planted a single grey seed into the ground, completely surrounding the Gate, and left only a few seconds later.

"Then? Then the real chaos starts."

The seeds were actually Mana Bombs, and when they went off, things got nasty. Really nasty. First, they opened all the Mendax Blocks in the surrounding area, starting with the Life Blocks. These made them grow in size, into enormous, maniacly thorned vines, while they proceeded to take in the Earth, Water, and Air Blocks, taking away the very soil, moisture, and oxygen away from the world. They continued on to Fire, stealing all heat, Gravity, removing the fundamental force that holds everything together, and Light, making the rest of their horrors unseen by all.

And horrors they were.

Consumed next were Aether, removing all electricity and interdimmensional magic, Time, sealing its fate by not allowing anything else to alter its course, and Darkness, consuming even that that was not there. Finally, it proceeded to absorb even Death itself, and as the vines shriveled to little more than dust, it concluded with the absorbtion of chaos, Entropy, and, using up all the magic in the area, they attempted to take the energy from each other. This lead to an implosion, and the creation of the majesty known as a Void.

"Of course, there will be some that get through, but not without being touched by the Void in some way. Who knows? They might work for me someday.

"Regardless, after that, I will begin my search for the Jewel of Time, though I have a suspicion an someone I met long ago may already have it. We already have the Liquid Air... or was it the Liquid Fire... either way, we have it, and that's one down. We'll then proceed to track down and gather the others."

And so it was.

"Gremio, I need you to stay back at HQ to look over things when I'm gone. It will be a while, but I'm sure you can run things while I'm gone.


"I'm sure everything will go according to plan this time."

And so it did.

OOC: No, really. Was it Liquid Fire, or Liquid Air? I think it changed partway through...

This marks the end of the whole "backstory" up to the Day of the Gate. The gaps can be filled in by anyone else who feels like it, and I'm excited to see what people come up with. Next up will be Lexuar's search for the other five artifacts, taking place in the present.
Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: KingOfArmagio on April 06, 2011, 06:00:41 am
Use http://imageplay.net/ to upload pictures easily and show them on the forums please.
imageplay doesn't seem to work on my computer. It says too many redirects. Anyway, this is the link:


EDIT: Even that doesn't work.

I'll keep trying.



First and third picture.
Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: Thalas on April 06, 2011, 11:46:29 am
I'll keep trying.



First and third picture.
Unfrotunately Sunhir can take only shape of the animal or animal from elements (no immortal, steel golem, fallen elf etc)

Liquid Fire, or Liquid Air?
Liquid Fire. Liquid fire is in the possesion of Void not Lexuar's. But it might appear later.

Turn : 9, 10

Dice roll:

Nepycros: 6,6
Vene: 1,2
Hunter: 4,5
Lyra: 6,1

Hunter X Hunter
Hunter quickly adapted to new opponent. Vene attacked hunter with his sword, but Hunter parried all his slashes.
"Fuego" Shouted Vene.
Small fire ignited in front of Hunter's eyes, however one swing of left wing and fire disappeared.
Power of Vene's magic decreased, he felt the burden of fatigue how it was swinging above his head. The sword was 3 times heavier than before.

Nepycros divided his scythe into two scythes, they were much more faster and deadlier, like butterflies on a thread..
Lyra fired vines, tiing scythes in mid air. Black matter accumulated around Nepycros' hand, he used tainting on Aesir.

Electricity sparkled around Aesir, something was wrong. Its shadow materialized and emited dazzling light, somewhat it was black and cold.
When light vanished, Nepycros could see Aesir in his hand, however Lyra was holding Burai, she looked very confused about this, even Nepycros couldn't understand it.

"Aesir and Burai one of the 6 artifacts" muttered Vene unable saying another word.

"Oh, sweetheart " sighed Nepycros
Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: KingOfArmagio on April 06, 2011, 12:22:03 pm
I'll keep trying.



First and third picture.
Unfrotunately Sunhir can take only shape of the animal or animal from elements (no immortal, steel golem, fallen elf etc)

Liquid Fire, or Liquid Air?
Liquid Fire. Liquid fire is in the possesion of Void not Lexuar's. But it might appear later.
Oh. Well then, let's just say it looks like a small raptor.
Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: Thalas on April 06, 2011, 01:42:28 pm
I'll keep trying.



First and third picture.
Unfrotunately Sunhir can take only shape of the animal or animal from elements (no immortal, steel golem, fallen elf etc)

Liquid Fire, or Liquid Air?
Liquid Fire. Liquid fire is in the possesion of Void not Lexuar's. But it might appear later.
Oh. Well then, let's just say it looks like a small raptor.
OOC: Okay, but most of time it's ring. Just some note - if for example Hunter get the Sunhir he would tranform into bird or any other animal representing Hunter

A few hours after the battle:
''How is he?'', oty asked.
''He seems to be fine, but he hasnt woke up yet.''

''Oty, have you heard anything about my brigade, the 303 of armagios?''
''We were supposed to go to Dark Matter's temple-fortress, were we thought another soldiers of light and gravity would be, when i was with them.''

''Actually i did'', oty answered. ''I catched a corrupted phoenix a few months ago, i asked him about any gravity survivors, i was curious, i have relatives who were doing army service.''
''He said that there were lots of troopers, including great numbers of armagios, holding the fortress''.
''I was planning to go and see if any of my relatives were there, but the conflicts with the villagers started, and that prevented me from leaving, as they would have alerted the void forces if they suspected anything.''
Wake up Xerxes, wake up."
"Who are you" Asked Xerxes, everywhere was mist.
"I'm you conscious"
"I don't remember you. But I must do, do .. something.  Yes, find staff of Ex- Extalis." said Xerxes
"Then..... WAKE UP!!!!"

"Wake up Xerxes" Xerxes still had closed eyes, but he could recognise Thalos' voice.

"How long have I been unconcious?" asked Xerxes, he was little dazed.

"4 days. Don't move, It was really hard healing you, I don't want to do it again." answered Thalos. "We're in  :life forest. I met the beast, but it wasn't beast just an otyugh, he helped rescuing you. His name is Mulgy."

"And where exactly are we?" muttered Xerxes

"Somewhere near border of Magma mountains" said for Xerxes unkown voice, it was Mulgy.

"That's good. We need to get going as soon as possible, can I ride on you Mulgy?" It wasn't crazy idea as you think, Otyughs were regularly used as steeds in Graviton armies

"Don't be crazy Xerxes, you need to rest." opposed Thalos

"We need to be fast or Void steals Staff of Extalis." said Xerxes.

"Okay, but hold me tightly." mumbled Mulgy
Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: Purity_Riot on April 06, 2011, 03:53:00 pm
OOC: Good use of my map
Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: ZephyrPhantom on April 06, 2011, 09:24:59 pm
OOC: Good use of my map
D'OH! Where'd you come from? ;)

The battle was originally supposed to stop at turn 10, but Thalas kind of left it at a cliffhanger there as well as compressing two turns into one so I'll do turns 11 and 12 and tie it up at that.

Turn : 11, 12

Dice roll:

Nepycros: 2,6
Vene: 4,3
Hunter: 2,3
Lyra: 4,6

Vene managed to get a few openings on Hunter, but eventually he wore down - he was a human and she was a robot. Eventually, he collapsed with Hunter staring coldy at his heaving body. His still standing illusions attempted to slash at Hunter but she easily knocked them away and they faded.

"Oh, sweetheart," Nepycros taunted, "You forgot I could taint any weapon I wanted too?" Nepycros ran at Lyra, who attempted to awkwardly slash at him a few times. Nepycros knocked her down, and tried to run back at her - however the raging vines Lyra animated now turned on him and held him back. Using his darkness powers, Nepycros was able to undo the vines but was now cut in multiple areas. He wasn't badly hurt in many areas and charged at Lyra again, turning into a shad-

"We've got him - move!"
Swinging much more deftly than before, Lyra slashed the ground at which Nepycros's shadow was fading. Nepycros cursed and blocked, while rolling away into a defensive stance.

Null Jack. Lyra commanded, and Burai glowed once again with it's Void energy. Both she and Nepycros leaped at each other with one last swing from both blades.

Tiebreaker Roll-
Lyra - 4
Nepycros - 3

Nepycros collapsed to the ground, panting. Lyra stood victorious for a second, but then flinched and almost dropped Burai, before changing it back to Aesir. She and Hunter helped Vene and Nepycros up before Shaden possesed Lyra again.

"Alright, old man, what exactly do you really want?"
Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: Nepycros on April 06, 2011, 09:27:50 pm
OOC: I just can't get lucky, can I?

"Of course... I held back..." >.>
Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: ZephyrPhantom on April 06, 2011, 09:33:41 pm
OOC: I just can't get lucky, can I?

"Of course... I held back..." >.>
Yeah, the tough luck will pass. Also why does the RNG always save me in things like these RPG's and yet she screws me over with every single draw in real games like Elements? >.>

"Silly Nepy. Of course you held back, with that suprised look on your face when I swung Burai like a pro."

"You're only getting there. I never said you had mastered Burai."

"Quiet, you."
Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: Thalas on April 07, 2011, 12:52:58 pm
OOC: Small Competition!!

Most of the chracters you created were really brief, so why don't we make competition about Characterization?
This is voluntary competition
Goal - Write description of your character's appearance or personality.

Time's up
After that there will be voting for best submision

Prize - You can choose one of these artifacts (http://imageplay.net/img/m7Gbd169428/180px_Noble_Collection_Nenya.png) (http://imageplay.net/)(http://imageplay.net/img/m7Gbd169436/octopus_necklace.png) (http://imageplay.net/)(http://imageplay.net/img/m7Gbd169636/Cards.png) (http://imageplay.net/)

"Alright, old man, what exactly do you really want?"

"Do you know anything about Mercury light?" asked Vene.

"It's really powerful." muttered Lyra, she glanced a quick look at Hunter.

"Mercury light is bow, it sa- *cough* " Vene coughed blood "It says it can penetrate anything, even Void."

"And your intention is......"

"Is not Mercury light."

"What? nothing is more important than one of the 6 artifacts."

"Well something is. Another one of the 6 artifacts - Dragon's roar. Mercury Light is secondary objective on my journey."

"What? Where is the Dragon's Roar"

"Do learned more than what? I don't tell you anything about Dragon's Roar it's too important to me."
"More important than your life?" Lyra kicked Vene in face, trickle of blood flowed from his nose.
Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: ShiningSword on April 07, 2011, 01:36:32 pm
 Thalos(entry for characterization, i want that ring):
 He was born in a city of gravity. From very young he wanted to carry on with the family's tradition of militar service.

 One of the things he wanted the most was the armour, the symbol of the honor of the warrior and the strength of the realm, a bionic, asisted movement piece of deadly art, passed on in his family for generations, but re equiped to to be as good as new while keeping in the outside those slight stings of blood, proof of the powerful and honorable bloodline of the soldier wearing it.
 The huge fists of steel, which became his prefered weapon. The wings that were so useful, once he learned for what they could be used for.The articulations conected by the bionic movement enhancers, so he would be able to move under the weight. The heavy feet, vital to keep balance while dodging or doing fast movements.
 He entered at the minimal age required(18), and got asigned to the brigade 303, squad 52.

 He learned the tricks of the job(everything from using the armor wings to build a tent, to commanding a 6 position syncronized attack), from the veterans of the brigade, old armagios of 2, maybe even 3 times his age who had been everywhere, from the frozen north to the entropic islands, from the sky island, to the uncharted shores of the east.

 Eventually, he got to be the leader of his own squad of recruits, the 81.
He trained them until they were the best. If they werent fighting for real, they were training.
 No sleep, just training until they learned to let the armour walk while they were sleeping, which took for the trainees over a week, and that was for the lucky ones, the ones who resisted less time without sleep.
 Yes, because while armagio are always powerful, common sence, not power, is what decides who dies and who lives in the battlefield. Such an unorthodox training was intensive, yet it showed to be effective, and they truly became the most resistent and diciplined soldiers in the brigade. And with this training, he also became more powerful, getting abilities that would proof their usefulness in his long trip to the entropic islands through void territory.
 At the end, the void came, and after a battle in which he lost his entire squad while covering the brigade's retreat, he managed to find his way to the entropian islands.
 While he was very depressed about his squad's death, he wouldnt waste a chance to avenge them, and he wanted to find out if his family was still alive. So he prepared for the day of the gate.
 He is always calm in the face of danger, friendly with everybody and generous and willing to sacrifice himself for others. However, he is reckless when fighting and vengeful against his enemies. In the bottom he is sad, but he will never show it, and he will definitely put the mission before everything.
Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: KingOfArmagio on April 07, 2011, 09:31:43 pm
Maulon wantz anutha artefact. :) (Sorry for bad spelling)

Maulon's life began in a remote area of the Frozen North. He soon found the Arctic Lair, one of Void's main bases, and the Emperor's current residence. Even before he got there, he had honed his skills, including his deadly Void Ray, and the powerful Void Drain. As soon as Maulon reached the base, Zarian, the newest member before Maulon, started sneering and brawling with Maulon. They became fast rivals.

Maulon found the location of the Vile Cave, deep in the heart of the forest. He traveled there and defeated a swarm of Leaf Dragons, and healed himself but knocking out one instead of killing it, and then used the Void Drain on it. He traveled deeper into the Cave and found many Life Villagers huddling in corners. He killed them all.

After this, Maulon left on the mission he just completed. Find the Jewel Of Time. He succeeded, and was going to report back, but Dargill attacked. Dargill was killed by a group of corrupted Ice Dragons, but a whole swarm of Devonian Dragons attacked and dropped Maulon at the base of a volcano. Maulon fought Zarian again twice, before returning to the volcano, and attempting another climb.
Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: ZephyrPhantom on April 10, 2011, 02:02:02 am
A brief glance into Lyra's past and her personality.

Before I decide the impossible, I look at what's in front of me.

Lyra stood at the gates of Sanctum Solaris. It was her first day back, and she was tired. Tired of all the contreversy, the fighting, and the trial where she saved her own life along with another students. Her blonde hair swished very slowly and her wings would barely materialize, safe for even trying to open.

And yet, she was somehow early.

You know, it's really peaceful. Shaden whispered. I never thought that Light could ever be like this...

"Yeah... it's kind of beautiful, sort of like watching one of the sunrises when you're sitting on top of a Light Pillar." Lyra murmured in response. She walked in, hoping to get organize a few more things before starting her first day of classes back, but her attention immediatly turned to a boy in one of the Tactics room sitting at a desk. He appeared to be setting up a chess board.

"He-" Lyra ducked to avoid the boy's red wings as he swung around in suprise. Seeing that it was just another student, he relaxed. From a glance, he was probably a transfer student - he had red wings and his eyes were a sky blue. His hair was brown, which mixed well with his pale face.

"Hey..." he fidgeted, "you're that student who got in trouble... Lyra, right?"

"Yeah." She sighed. "Are you the transfer student, Ankh, who came yesterday?" his eyebrows shot up.

"How'd you-"

"I read the records." Lyra smiled sadly as she looked around the large room, from the bookshelves to the marble walls to even the training ward downstairs. "I used to be the student who welcomed all the new students here - but I guess I'm not allowed that privilege anymore."

"Don't worry." Ankh grinned. "Your friends told me how nice you are - you've never gotten into trouble, always helped the others, and are the second best in the entire grade."

"How'd you know about the grade pa-"

"I read the records."

Wise guy, isn't he. Shaden snickered.

"Shut up" Lyra shot back. "If it wasn't for you I'd probably still be number one. Now it's a tossup again."

She focused her attention back on the new student. "So, what topics do to plan to take this year?"

"Tactics, Healing, and Advanced Mathematics." He replied. "You?"

"Tactics II, Arcane Lore/History, and Interactions with the Other Elements" She replied. "Tactics may start off tricky, but from what I saw in your records you have a good mind for chess, so you'll do fine. The math courses are rather dull but end up being important for everyone as we all know by now. Healing's one of the best classes ever - the teacher, Lumiel is a great mentor and will welcome former students with open arms when they visit. You'll love it, and you've made some great choices to start off your year."

"Thanks." He reddened slightly. "I've always wanted to learn how to heal others - too many get hurt from fighting, and I feel like I'm doing enough."

"You sound like you care a lot for the people around you. Where'd you come from?"

"I came from the Air city of Aggrath. I was originally a pure Air elemental, but the 3rd Master of Fire Krtisa blessed me and my father, being a rather enthustiastic with trying new things and working with other elements as the Lord of Air, approved of it. I didn't think the result would be so... horrendous." He looked at his red wings. "I've always had to dye my wings blue, and it always weighs me down. I hope I'll never need anymore elements in me."

"Don't worry, I think they make you look rather handsome." Lyra responded. "The other girls probably love you already." Ankh reddened even further at this compliment.

"Don't say that..."

"Oh don't worry, I'm just teasing." Lyra grinned, and looked at the board. "Want to play a quick game of chess? I think it's a little hard to play alone."

"Sure. It's hard to make up strategies myself - I like to adapt on the fly." Ankh replied.

5 turns later...
"Checkmate." Lyra's Queen stood victoriously over Ankh's king, blocking the last path of escape.

"How'd you do that so fast? Don't tell me you read the records." Ankh winked.

"Hah, no. I guess I also like to 'adapt on the fly' as you put it." Lyra replied. 'He's really nice.' She thought, 'Hopefully people will be a bit more accepting to me like I was to him...'

"So, will you be okay?" Ankh snapped her out of her thoughts, "I know you have Shaden and all... people might hate you for saving him you know..."

"I'll be fine - I already saw Lumiel yesterday, and he gave me a giant hug and said almost all of us were happy to see me back." The bell rang across the school, and the halls began to spring to life as students began to get up. "I have to go organize my things, but it was nice metting you Ankh."

"Thanks. I have to admit, I feel a lot less scared now, knowing someone else is nervous like me. Want to meet at the courtyard later? I'd like to meet Shaden if possible."

Heh, methinks I'll be popular and hated.

"You'll be fine as well." Lyra shot inward. "See you around, Ankh."

"And he let me begin school again with a smile on my face." Lyra murmured as she silently sipped her coffee.

You think he's still out there? Shaden asked with a bit of concern.

"Perhaps...." Lyra replied, and they were silent again.

OOC: This is a flashback that takes place when Lyra and Shaden are sitting at the cafe.
Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: Five In One on April 11, 2011, 01:01:58 am
OOC: With this forum bug happening, do you think it would be a good idea to extend this characterization competition? Some people wouldn't think to go onto the Wiki to get the alternate link for the forums, and would miss out on this completely. (What's ironic is that Thalas might be included in that group of people at the moment.)

...and, uh, no, it's not because I've been really busy and missed this thing completely...
Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: ShiningSword on April 11, 2011, 02:11:13 pm
OOC: With this forum bug happening, do you think it would be a good idea to extend this characterization competition? Some people wouldn't think to go onto the Wiki to get the alternate link for the forums, and would miss out on this completely. (What's ironic is that Thalas might be included in that group of people at the moment.)

...and, uh, no, it's not because I've been really busy and missed this thing completely...
Yes, thats right. If i havent been in chat, i would have never found out about the link.
Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: Thalas on April 11, 2011, 06:57:58 pm
(What's ironic is that Thalas might be included in that group of people at the moment.)
 :))  Yes, I was.

I was like "what the". For some unkown reason I couldn't browse through foreign webs, I was really scared about my RPG and card design war.
I tried game and chat but I totally forgot about wiki and Kongregate forum.

Beside that time limit of the competition is extended to 15th April
Do you want to know what cards are the prize? 2 will be from game randomly choosed and the third will be chosed by me from armory.
Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: 1world24 on April 12, 2011, 01:04:21 am
Posting story later

Character Name:Murdravox
Race: Human
Element: :life
Appearance:5ft healthy build
Background:A regular kid who has a wide knowledge of life and forests
Belongings:A drudic staff, an emerald gem,and a picture of his family (killed by the void)
Abilities: poison stab,heal,and purify

Sorry about the late entry but haven't had time to make 1 earlier.
Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: KingOfArmagio on April 12, 2011, 10:57:17 am
I was inactive because I didn't find the link on chat. I was trying the original forum link and it didn't work. Glad to be back.
Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: Thalas on April 15, 2011, 03:48:28 pm
Time's up

Now for the voting phase

VOTE HERE (http://micropoll.com/t/KEtOAZBzFE)


 He was born in a city of gravity. From very young he wanted to carry on with the family's tradition of militar service.

 One of the things he wanted the most was the armour, the symbol of the honor of the warrior and the strength of the realm, a bionic, asisted movement piece of deadly art, passed on in his family for generations, but re equiped to to be as good as new while keeping in the outside those slight stings of blood, proof of the powerful and honorable bloodline of the soldier wearing it.
 The huge fists of steel, which became his prefered weapon. The wings that were so useful, once he learned for what they could be used for.The articulations conected by the bionic movement enhancers, so he would be able to move under the weight. The heavy feet, vital to keep balance while dodging or doing fast movements.
 He entered at the minimal age required(18), and got asigned to the brigade 303, squad 52.

 He learned the tricks of the job(everything from using the armor wings to build a tent, to commanding a 6 position syncronized attack), from the veterans of the brigade, old armagios of 2, maybe even 3 times his age who had been everywhere, from the frozen north to the entropic islands, from the sky island, to the uncharted shores of the east.

 Eventually, he got to be the leader of his own squad of recruits, the 81.
He trained them until they were the best. If they werent fighting for real, they were training.
 No sleep, just training until they learned to let the armour walk while they were sleeping, which took for the trainees over a week, and that was for the lucky ones, the ones who resisted less time without sleep.
 Yes, because while armagio are always powerful, common sence, not power, is what decides who dies and who lives in the battlefield. Such an unorthodox training was intensive, yet it showed to be effective, and they truly became the most resistent and diciplined soldiers in the brigade. And with this training, he also became more powerful, getting abilities that would proof their usefulness in his long trip to the entropic islands through void territory.
 At the end, the void came, and after a battle in which he lost his entire squad while covering the brigade's retreat, he managed to find his way to the entropian islands.
 While he was very depressed about his squad's death, he wouldnt waste a chance to avenge them, and he wanted to find out if his family was still alive. So he prepared for the day of the gate.
 He is always calm in the face of danger, friendly with everybody and generous and willing to sacrifice himself for others. However, he is reckless when fighting and vengeful against his enemies. In the bottom he is sad, but he will never show it, and he will definitely put the mission before everything.


Maulon's life began in a remote area of the Frozen North. He soon found the Arctic Lair, one of Void's main bases, and the Emperor's current residence. Even before he got there, he had honed his skills, including his deadly Void Ray, and the powerful Void Drain. As soon as Maulon reached the base, Zarian, the newest member before Maulon, started sneering and brawling with Maulon. They became fast rivals.

Maulon found the location of the Vile Cave, deep in the heart of the forest. He traveled there and defeated a swarm of Leaf Dragons, and healed himself but knocking out one instead of killing it, and then used the Void Drain on it. He traveled deeper into the Cave and found many Life Villagers huddling in corners. He killed them all.

After this, Maulon left on the mission he just completed. Find the Jewel Of Time. He succeeded, and was going to report back, but Dargill attacked. Dargill was killed by a group of corrupted Ice Dragons, but a whole swarm of Devonian Dragons attacked and dropped Maulon at the base of a volcano. Maulon fought Zarian again twice, before returning to the volcano, and attempting another climb.

Before I decide the impossible, I look at what's in front of me.

Lyra stood at the gates of Sanctum Solaris. It was her first day back, and she was tired. Tired of all the contreversy, the fighting, and the trial where she saved her own life along with another students. Her blonde hair swished very slowly and her wings would barely materialize, safe for even trying to open.

And yet, she was somehow early.

You know, it's really peaceful. Shaden whispered. I never thought that Light could ever be like this...

"Yeah... it's kind of beautiful, sort of like watching one of the sunrises when you're sitting on top of a Light Pillar." Lyra murmured in response. She walked in, hoping to get organize a few more things before starting her first day of classes back, but her attention immediatly turned to a boy in one of the Tactics room sitting at a desk. He appeared to be setting up a chess board.

"He-" Lyra ducked to avoid the boy's red wings as he swung around in suprise. Seeing that it was just another student, he relaxed. From a glance, he was probably a transfer student - he had red wings and his eyes were a sky blue. His hair was brown, which mixed well with his pale face.

"Hey..." he fidgeted, "you're that student who got in trouble... Lyra, right?"

"Yeah." She sighed. "Are you the transfer student, Ankh, who came yesterday?" his eyebrows shot up.

"How'd you-"

"I read the records." Lyra smiled sadly as she looked around the large room, from the bookshelves to the marble walls to even the training ward downstairs. "I used to be the student who welcomed all the new students here - but I guess I'm not allowed that privilege anymore."

"Don't worry." Ankh grinned. "Your friends told me how nice you are - you've never gotten into trouble, always helped the others, and are the second best in the entire grade."

"How'd you know about the grade pa-"

"I read the records."

Wise guy, isn't he. Shaden snickered.

"Shut up" Lyra shot back. "If it wasn't for you I'd probably still be number one. Now it's a tossup again."

She focused her attention back on the new student. "So, what topics do to plan to take this year?"

"Tactics, Healing, and Advanced Mathematics." He replied. "You?"

"Tactics II, Arcane Lore/History, and Interactions with the Other Elements" She replied. "Tactics may start off tricky, but from what I saw in your records you have a good mind for chess, so you'll do fine. The math courses are rather dull but end up being important for everyone as we all know by now. Healing's one of the best classes ever - the teacher, Lumiel is a great mentor and will welcome former students with open arms when they visit. You'll love it, and you've made some great choices to start off your year."

"Thanks." He reddened slightly. "I've always wanted to learn how to heal others - too many get hurt from fighting, and I feel like I'm doing enough."

"You sound like you care a lot for the people around you. Where'd you come from?"

"I came from the Air city of Aggrath. I was originally a pure Air elemental, but the 3rd Master of Fire Krtisa blessed me and my father, being a rather enthustiastic with trying new things and working with other elements as the Lord of Air, approved of it. I didn't think the result would be so... horrendous." He looked at his red wings. "I've always had to dye my wings blue, and it always weighs me down. I hope I'll never need anymore elements in me."

"Don't worry, I think they make you look rather handsome." Lyra responded. "The other girls probably love you already." Ankh reddened even further at this compliment.

"Don't say that..."

"Oh don't worry, I'm just teasing." Lyra grinned, and looked at the board. "Want to play a quick game of chess? I think it's a little hard to play alone."

"Sure. It's hard to make up strategies myself - I like to adapt on the fly." Ankh replied.

5 turns later...
"Checkmate." Lyra's Queen stood victoriously over Ankh's king, blocking the last path of escape.

"How'd you do that so fast? Don't tell me you read the records." Ankh winked.

"Hah, no. I guess I also like to 'adapt on the fly' as you put it." Lyra replied. 'He's really nice.' She thought, 'Hopefully people will be a bit more accepting to me like I was to him...'

"So, will you be okay?" Ankh snapped her out of her thoughts, "I know you have Shaden and all... people might hate you for saving him you know..."

"I'll be fine - I already saw Lumiel yesterday, and he gave me a giant hug and said almost all of us were happy to see me back." The bell rang across the school, and the halls began to spring to life as students began to get up. "I have to go organize my things, but it was nice metting you Ankh."

"Thanks. I have to admit, I feel a lot less scared now, knowing someone else is nervous like me. Want to meet at the courtyard later? I'd like to meet Shaden if possible."

Heh, methinks I'll be popular and hated.

"You'll be fine as well." Lyra shot inward. "See you around, Ankh."

"And he let me begin school again with a smile on my face." Lyra murmured as she silently sipped her coffee.

You think he's still out there? Shaden asked with a bit of concern.

"Perhaps...." Lyra replied, and they were silent again.

Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: Thalas on April 15, 2011, 04:02:06 pm
Also it seems that Linegard stagnates, people write, write.

and also :air Sagittarius :air    Elf  Removed from game for his absence and Murdravox joined Linegard.

Murdravox's Introduction

Emerald gem was glowing with a weak hue of green sea colour, this glow was warm and Murdravox could feel it on his cheeks. Quaint spectrums of colors glistened around gem.   
Sweet aroma wafted from Emerald gem, sentimental memories swayed Murdravox's mind, this was scent of home, sweet home.

*Flash from the Past*

"Murdravox, please go with bucket for water" Said mother, her smile was very calming.
"Yes, mother " replied Murdravox, he was glad when he could please his mother.
He took wooden bucket from the corner and went to to the river. This was the last time he saw mother's scarlet skirt and their wicker house. Their house was small and divided into three rooms, walls were made from bamboo and roof from gigantic leaves. When you entered their house, first room was kitchen, in the left corner was frowned fireplace upon everyone who walked in, table was standing in the middle of kitchen and batik carpet complemented the kitchen. On the right of kitchen were two doors one heading to the living room where Murdravox slept and second to the parents bedroom. Both rooms almost looked same - wooden beds and some dream catchers, however Murdravox room was filled with rocks, leaves of various trees or shells he found on his strolls. This was Murdravox home.

Murdravox was walking on road when he sighted his father as he was gathering strange fruit from tree.
"Where are going? " asked father
"I'm going for water" replied Murdravox
"I saw flock of cockatrices around Valna's woods, we can hunt them someday" said father
"Okay" Murdravox continued

Murdravox came to the river, water was beautifully clear and sometimes sounded warbling of Climbers.
He wanted to bend down for the water when empty darkn-

*back to present*

Emerald gem flashed snapping Murdravox from his memories.
Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: ZephyrPhantom on April 15, 2011, 07:34:13 pm
Please quote my post and copy Lyra's story from it so that Shaden's lines appear properly.

EDIT: Sorry to be a bother, but Shaden's lines still aren't italicized....
Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: Five In One on April 15, 2011, 10:20:08 pm
OOC: Gah! I still missed it! At least you'll never know about my Lexuar's true past...

Also, sorry about the inactivity. It has been an insanely hectic week for me. The good news: Now I'm on vacation! I should get back to writing essays here in the next few days.

Also, have you considered turning this game into a less confusing story after this game has been completed? Of course, we would all be contributors, as it would basically be transposing what we've written down into a working format, but I think it would be cool to show the rest of the community the final product of our efforts.
Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: Ryli on April 15, 2011, 10:53:05 pm
Blazing Moonwalker has gone away for a while, but couldn't tell you himself because the forums didn't come back up until after he left.

Would it be possible for me to take over Hunter? I know about her personality and stuff, because I created her.
Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: Five In One on April 16, 2011, 12:36:55 am
OOC: I don't see any problem with it, but it's not up to me. Thalas has the final word here.
Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: 1world24 on April 16, 2011, 12:56:44 am
Murdravox's Introduction

Emerald gem was glowing with a weak hue of green sea colour, this glow was warm and Murdravox could feel it on his cheeks. Quaint spectrums of colors glistened around gem.   
Sweet aroma wafted from Emerald gem, sentimental memories swayed Murdravox's mind, this was scent of home, sweet home.

*Flash from the Past*

"Murdravox, please go with bucket for water" Said mother, her smile was very calming.
"Yes, mother " replied Murdravox, he was glad when he could please his mother.
He took wooden bucket from the corner and went to to the river. This was the last time he saw mother's scarlet skirt and their wicker house. Their house was small and divided into three rooms, walls were made from bamboo and roof from gigantic leaves. When you entered their house, first room was kitchen, in the left corner was frowned fireplace upon everyone who walked in, table was standing in the middle of kitchen and batik carpet complemented the kitchen. On the right of kitchen were two doors one heading to the living room where Murdravox slept and second to the parents bedroom. Both rooms almost looked same - wooden beds and some dream catchers, however Murdravox room was filled with rocks, leaves of various trees or shells he found on his strolls. This was Murdravox home.

Murdravox was walking on road when he sighted his father as he was gathering strange fruit from tree.
"Where are going? " asked father
"I'm going for water" replied Murdravox
"I saw flock of cockatrices around Valna's woods, we can hunt them someday" said father
"Okay" Murdravox continued

Murdravox came to the river, water was beautifully clear and sometimes sounded warbling of Climbers.
He wanted to bend down for the water when empty darkn-

*back to present*

Emerald gem flashed snapping Murdravox from his memories.Murdravox then got up from the lake and started to the west."I need to find out where all the divisions have gone. When i got  in the gate before it closed, 1 person found me and i quickly jabbed them and they died instantly.When i got to the other side i quickly ran from the group before being seen  by another person.After killing him i have a small map of this world and marked on it is where the  Staff of Extalis might be hidden.Just then a person from division 4 found me. "what do you want?""I know what happened to your parents."."how can you,they were killed in the void?" Asked Murdravox.Then in the blink of an eye he re veiled himself."why, why you?"

Just took what Thalas started and finished the chapter

Edit: is this better then before?
Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: Megaant on April 16, 2011, 05:28:27 am
If you would be so kind as to let me join, Thalas,

Character Name - Kryesh
Race - Immortal
Element: :aether
Appearance - 6'1, Partially Transparent
Age - 3857 Human Years (Immortals can, for all practical senses, live forever. They do die of old age, but it takes long enough that no one can tell.)
Background - A mysterious Immortal that came from a crack in space. Origins unknown.
Allegiance - Void - Disliked, Elementals - Friendly, Our "Heroes" - Neutral
Belongings - Vestigial Armor and Cloak (Barely any defensive capabilities, a reminder of the past), Iridium Braces (Blocks attacks), Shock Blade (Can launch bolts that get stronger as he weakens),
Abilities - Space Warp (Adds or deletes space to move people around), Immaterial/Materialization (Takes time to use),
Summon Aetherling (Summons a weak creature from a dimensional crack)

A crack in the dimension opens, the wind whistling out of it. The inside unclear. An Immortal walks out over the sands of Time, the crack closing shut with a final gasp. He bends down and grasps a handful of sand. The taint of the Void, troubling as it was, seemed fairly weak in the area. The space in front of him warped into a lens, and the observation startled him. The lands around were defiled. The Entropy Islands seemed to be the only place free from the taint. Yet, as of now, it was under siege. The Immortal heard the sands behind him shift. Suddenly, he whipped around, slicing a stray tendril that had leaked from the closed gap in space. A cloud of Aether swirled around him, as the Immortal tasted the air, the taint becoming more and more noticeable. He whispered slowly to himself, a trail of fate unfolding before him. The parched sands crunched under transparent greaves, as he began the long trudge to the Entropic Isles, a cloak of gases unfurling from his tall stature.

The intro is open to further addition.
Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: Thalas on April 16, 2011, 06:09:47 am
Blazing Moonwalker has gone away for a while, but couldn't tell you himself because the forums didn't come back up until after he left.

Would it be possible for me to take over Hunter? I know about her personality and stuff, because I created her.
Okay if Blazing Moonwalker doesn't come back by tomorrow you can take over his character, but if he comes back within 2 weeks you must give his character back.

Emerald gem flashed snapping Murdravox from his memories.Murdravox then got up from the lake and started to the west."I need to find out where all the divisions have gone when i snuck on after killing that last person named Xander to get in the gate before it closed.When i got to the other side i quickly ran from the group before being seen.After killing him i have found out where the Staff of Extalis might be hidden.Just then a person from division 4 found me.Murdravox said, "what do you want?"He then said,"I know what happened to your parents".Murdravox said,"how can you,they were killed in the void."Then in the blink of an eye he reveiled himself.Murdravox then said," why, why you."
Two things : 1. please write dialogues asunder as we do.
                    2. Xander was killed by Hunter, but it's possible that yopu met him in the battle of gate before Hunter killed him.

Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: Megaant on April 16, 2011, 09:32:56 am
A large swirling portal appears before the Immortal, covered in infinite edges and runes. Kryesh frowns, seeing a slight shimmer in the dimense. However, the area was seemingly centered upon this gate, a place in which to enter. The cracked ground shimmered as the portal beckoned to him, wind swirling from around his feet to enter it. The Immortal took three steps, and stood directly in front of the portal. The harsh wind began to drag him forwards. Suddenly, something pushed him forwards into the portal, it's paradoxicalities flowing out, and he fell in.
A shadow of a man behind him grinned evilly, as it revealed itself - one of the Fallen. It quickly morphed back to a human foot soldier, cackling maniacally with every step.
Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: 1world24 on April 16, 2011, 12:37:19 pm

Emerald gem flashed snapping Murdravox from his memories.Murdravox then got up from the lake and started to the west."I need to find out where all the divisions have gone when i snuck on after killing that last person named Xander to get in the gate before it closed.When i got to the other side i quickly ran from the group before being seen.After killing him i have found out where the Staff of Extalis might be hidden.Just then a person from division 4 found me.Murdravox said, "what do you want?"He then said,"I know what happened to your parents".Murdravox said,"how can you,they were killed in the void."Then in the blink of an eye he reveiled himself.Murdravox then said," why, why you."
Two things : 1. please write dialogues asunder as we do.
                    2. Xander was killed by Hunter, but it's possible that yopu met him in the battle of gate before Hunter killed him.

Sorry about that, going to fix the story
Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: Thalas on April 19, 2011, 03:17:03 pm
Voting ended and the winner is Lyra

You can choose between ring, octopus necklace or 3 element's cards

By the way do even want to continue this game?
Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: ZephyrPhantom on April 19, 2011, 03:21:12 pm
Voting ended and the winner is Lyra

You can choose between ring, octopus necklace or 3 element's cards

By the way do even want to continue this game?
Woah, thanks guys. :)
I'd like the ring (BTW can we use those images for card ideas?)

As much as I hate to say it Thalas, I think we may have to stop the game for the time being. War's a pressing issue these days and I haven't seen much activity from the other players.
Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: Thalas on April 19, 2011, 05:34:35 pm
Voting ended and the winner is Lyra

You can choose between ring, octopus necklace or 3 element's cards

By the way do even want to continue this game?
Woah, thanks guys. :)
I'd like the ring (BTW can we use those images for card ideas?)

As much as I hate to say it Thalas, I think we may have to stop the game for the time being. War's a pressing issue these days and I haven't seen much activity from the other players.

OOC : You obtained Ring of Ebisu. This old shiny ring seems to have 2 powers. It's insane but if put hand with ring into water you can talk with fishes, if there are any. Second power isn't so powerful as the first one, but it's handy. Glow emiting from ring seems to increase regeneration.

Unfortunately I found ring and octopus in google so no. however you can use the three cards if you want I drew them.
It seems that everyone is busy so frezzing this thread isn't a bad idea. Some people can still write if they want.
Just one question - should I ask cashman to not lock this thread
                               or lock this thread and made another one?
Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: ZephyrPhantom on April 19, 2011, 05:40:32 pm
Voting ended and the winner is Lyra

You can choose between ring, octopus necklace or 3 element's cards

By the way do even want to continue this game?
Woah, thanks guys. :)
I'd like the ring (BTW can we use those images for card ideas?)

As much as I hate to say it Thalas, I think we may have to stop the game for the time being. War's a pressing issue these days and I haven't seen much activity from the other players.

OOC : You obtained Ring of Ebisu. This old shiny ring seems to have 2 powers. It's insane but if put hand with ring into water you can talk with fishes, if there are any. Second power isn't so powerful as the first one, but it's handy. Glow emiting from ring seems to increase regeneration.

Unfortunately I found ring and octopus in google so no. however you can use the three cards if you want I drew them.
It seems that everyone is busy so frezzing this thread isn't a bad idea. Some people can still write if they want.
Just one question - should I ask cashman to not lock this thread
                               or lock this thread and made another one?
Probably ask him if he can lock the thread for the time being. Later on you could put up a "part 2" where we continue our adventures.
Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: Five In One on April 20, 2011, 01:00:59 am
Voting ended and the winner is Lyra

You can choose between ring, octopus necklace or 3 element's cards

By the way do even want to continue this game?
Woah, thanks guys. :)
I'd like the ring (BTW can we use those images for card ideas?)

As much as I hate to say it Thalas, I think we may have to stop the game for the time being. War's a pressing issue these days and I haven't seen much activity from the other players.

OOC : You obtained Ring of Ebisu. This old shiny ring seems to have 2 powers. It's insane but if put hand with ring into water you can talk with fishes, if there are any. Second power isn't so powerful as the first one, but it's handy. Glow emiting from ring seems to increase regeneration.

Unfortunately I found ring and octopus in google so no. however you can use the three cards if you want I drew them.
It seems that everyone is busy so frezzing this thread isn't a bad idea. Some people can still write if they want.
Just one question - should I ask cashman to not lock this thread
                               or lock this thread and made another one?
Probably ask him if he can lock the thread for the time being. Later on you could put up a "part 2" where we continue our adventures.
This might be a good idea. After War is over, and things get back to normal, then we can get this back up and running again. Whatever you decide, I'll go with it.

I'm still gonna be here, though, so don't think I'm giving up on this game! I'm just incredibly busy as of recently, and can't seem to squeeze the time in to write something here. Rest assured that if we freeze this game for a while, I'm gonna be back with everyone else.

Perhaps we could even make a summary of what happened for everyone if we put this off for a bit, to help everyone remember what they're doing.
Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: Cel on April 27, 2011, 09:05:57 pm
I would like to play, may I?
Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: ZephyrPhantom on April 27, 2011, 09:07:43 pm
I would like to play, may I?
Game is temporarily suspended due to War and not many of the players being active. We'll probably resume sometime after war.
Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: Cel on April 27, 2011, 09:15:27 pm
I would like to play, may I?
Game is temporarily suspended due to War and not many of the players being active. We'll probably resume sometime after war.
Okay, Thanks.
Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: 1world24 on July 14, 2011, 03:35:07 pm
Sorry for the necro but now since war is over now we can get back on track and continue from where we left off.
Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: zero2212 on July 15, 2011, 06:29:17 am
can i still join??
Race:souleater (absorbs the souls of the dieing to help them pass on to death peacefully)
Appearance:In human form a tall (5 foot 6) dark haired humanoid with human features black eyes, his canine teeth are larger than normal
In true for (souleater) a tall (7foot) tall shadowy form simmilar to a human wrapped in a cloak but with large claws and giant canines
with eyes of pure darkness and a hairlike (its not really hair cant describe it kindove like an ethernal wind) substance as black as the darkest night
Age: apears in human for to be about 30 (human years) in reality he is about 100 years old
Background:when he was still a human he was lived quite a normal life on a undiscoverd island untoched by the void
but then the void struck taking over almost all of the world forced to retreat to the entropic islands... but he was not able to make it he died on the way and became a souleater then drifted for about 100 years finaly coming to rest on the entropic islands
Belongings:a short sword, clothes, and food rations
Abilities: absorb mana (absorb the mana of a living creature (extra effective if target is almost dead)), slip into shadows (shift into the realm of shades), change form (change to shade from human or vice versa)
Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: Thalas on July 15, 2011, 06:17:42 pm
First off we need to find out who's still playing.

PMing all members in progress
Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: Thalas on August 06, 2011, 08:47:48 pm
Please lock this thread

Why I'm quitting? Well I still want to play but I can't, because killing half of characters in middle of the story isn't just possible.
Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: 1world24 on August 07, 2011, 07:48:00 pm
Please lock this thread

Why I'm quitting? Well I still want to play but I can't, because killing half of characters in middle of the story isn't just possible.
We could try making a large battle and half the players don't survive somehow.Its not immpossible but With a few seperate stories of them dyeing is easy.
Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: DrOctaganapus2 on August 08, 2011, 06:47:50 pm
Please lock this thread

Why I'm quitting? Well I still want to play but I can't, because killing half of characters in middle of the story isn't just possible.
You should see my story :)
Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: ZephyrPhantom on August 08, 2011, 06:54:27 pm
Please lock this thread

Why I'm quitting? Well I still want to play but I can't, because killing half of characters in middle of the story isn't just possible.
You should see my story :)
I've been reading that. It's a good read, but one of the problems with these RPGs like Thalas is that it requires all/most of the participants to keep playing to keep the game flowing smoothly (given that the forum crash and War happened at that time, activity dropped pretty quickly). 'Host' RPG's like Oct's story and An Elemental Adventure (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,25602.0.html) have a good chance of living longer since it only relies on one person to be active - the host itself - random people can fill in for the character descision making.

You might want to promote your story on a different thread, or start your own thread though.
Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: ddevans96 on August 08, 2011, 06:58:13 pm
Elemental Adventure isn't the best example for something that can live for very long (although it's not technically dead) ;)
Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: DrOctaganapus2 on August 10, 2011, 03:03:08 am
Elemental Adventure isn't the best example for something that can live for very long (although it's not technically dead) ;)
But "The Elemental Corruption (By DrOctaganapus2)" is  ^-^
Title: Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas.
Post by: KingOfArmagio on August 24, 2011, 07:59:07 am
Is this still going? I'm sorry for any inactivity, if it's partly my fault. It's been 14 days since the last post, so I'm not sure.