
Offline Thalas

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Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas. https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=23431.msg299416#msg299416
« Reply #36 on: March 27, 2011, 07:25:05 pm »
Stage 4: Memento Scythe V2
The lower half of my staff contracts, and slides into the upper half. Then, the entire staff divides vertically (if the scythe is held perpendicular to the ground), along the middle, creating 2 halves. The contracted portions of the scythe are also split in half through this process. The contracted parts then rotate, and expand, causing both halves to become wholes. Both wholes are 1 meter long. Since Memento was divided in half already, both ends split, making Dual Wield Scythes.
Could you please draw its shape (even MS paint is good). My english isn't so good so I can't imagine them

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Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas. https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=23431.msg299433#msg299433
« Reply #37 on: March 27, 2011, 07:35:43 pm »
Stage 4: Memento Scythe V2
The lower half of my staff contracts, and slides into the upper half. Then, the entire staff divides vertically (if the scythe is held perpendicular to the ground), along the middle, creating 2 halves. The contracted portions of the scythe are also split in half through this process. The contracted parts then rotate, and expand, causing both halves to become wholes. Both wholes are 1 meter long. Since Memento was divided in half already, both ends split, making Dual Wield Scythes.
Could you please draw its shape (even MS paint is good). My english isn't so good so I can't imagine them
TT_TT I'm a terrible artist.

Rotate so the middle point of the 5 points is facing to the left. Now, cut off the lower half. Attach the remaining parts to a vertical pole. That is scythe V1. Now, cut the length of the pole (originally 2 meters) in half, and create a second copy of the image. That is Scythe V2, where I wield 2 miniature scythes.
Perception is the source of misunderstanding.

Why, yes. I do have a Mindgate necklace. It's how I ninja everyone.

Offline Wardead

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Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas. https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=23431.msg299438#msg299438
« Reply #38 on: March 27, 2011, 07:37:46 pm »
Thalas, can you add the ability to mutate other creatures for Xerxes?

Offline Thalas

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Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas. https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=23431.msg299459#msg299459
« Reply #39 on: March 27, 2011, 07:49:21 pm »
Thalas, can you add the ability to mutate other creatures for Xerxes?
okely dokely do!

Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas. https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=23431.msg299488#msg299488
« Reply #40 on: March 27, 2011, 08:18:51 pm »
It's not so bad you have got absolute defence against small and medium creatures and hard defence against big creatures.
Just read this, and that's fine.

Your understanding is a bit off though. Hunter's defence is far from absolute, as her wings are small (only 2 feet each, as they were originally too big), and an attack anywhere else is fatal.

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Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas. https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=23431.msg299495#msg299495
« Reply #41 on: March 27, 2011, 08:28:30 pm »
It's not so bad you have got absolute defence against small and medium creatures and hard defence against big creatures.
Just read this, and that's fine.

Your understanding is a bit off though. Hunter's defence is far from absolute, as her wings are small (only 2 feet each, as they were originally too big), and an attack anywhere else is fatal.
Okay I think it would be best for us. Wings can be long as body


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Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas. https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=23431.msg299502#msg299502
« Reply #42 on: March 27, 2011, 08:34:56 pm »
Updated my first post.

Five In One

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Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas. https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=23431.msg299532#msg299532
« Reply #43 on: March 27, 2011, 09:17:55 pm »
The Nosferatu Blade: A magic weapon that allows the user to siphon off a portion of the victim's life energy if stabbed into the heart. Very difficult to use, and in some cases may take decades to master. Appearance is that of a Vampire Dagger, but slightly larger and has mystical runes etched into it. The blade itself reflects no light whatsoever.
I think normal sharp blade is good enough
I know, but I think it fits well with my guy and I thought it would eventually tie into the story somehow (I have something planned out as we speak...). Plus, it ties into Lexuar's backstory and the rumors of how he created the void, even though he's only middle-aged. Besides, evil guys always have the coolest weapons.

Chain Cloak: A black cloak that gives some resistance to a few different types of attacks (mainly arrows and a few types of blades), yet is light and makes little sound when moving. Inscribed with a few mystic runes of lesser power than his weapon. Doesn't completely protect him, as he's vunerable when making an attack, but his natural agility often makes up for it.
I would change it to - resistance to arrows and backstab
Fair enough.

The Void Society: More of an asset, really. Promised with immunity to the Void itself, its members spread chaos throughout the world and even help the Void to grow, willingly or otherwise. Although it has strength in numbers, its members are often scattered too thinly, and are mostly incompetent or work poorly with their comrades. The Void Society often provides Lexuar with the materials he requests, though it usually takes a long time to do so.
Great idea. You can dial number 100 09 or write this number on a mirror to comunicate with Void Society.
I didn't even think of this, but that's an amazing idea. Thanks for the help!

Lexuar was a Crusader during the Third Great War, serving the King of Warivia
We are actually traveling to Linegard (where lies warivia) from here
Perhaps Lexuar wasn't born in the World of Elements...

By the way, seeing as I'm the only villain in this game at the moment, what are my responsibilities as far as storyline, combat, quests, etc. go?

Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas. https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=23431.msg299535#msg299535
« Reply #44 on: March 27, 2011, 09:21:03 pm »
The last character brief got a little messy, and probably unchecked for changes, so I'll delete it a post again. Make sure your happy with all the changes before we start.

Character Name: Hunter

Race: Android Angel

Element: :light

Appearance: 5ft 3, weighs 16kgs with a wing span of double her height. Due to the magic of her creator, she is made of a substance similar to light, making her almost invisible. She is light blue and covered in a rusty silver-ish scrap metal, and wears nothing.

Age: 3

Background: The world was falling apart, and life was running out. Among the dying was a young woman, a scientist of the light. With little fighting capabilities, she was forced to watch the horror unfold upon her planet, and she knew she must do something. Using forbidden magic, she managed to remove her own brain, and give it to one of the androids created to help protect the lab.

3 years on, Hunter works to help bring the last citizens to safety.

Hunter, as an android, is genderless, but due to the method of it's creation, believes it is a woman, and is referred to as such by others.


Wing Shield: Hunter's wings can protect from weak-medium attacks.
Flight: Hunter may use her wings to fly.

Can fly out of reach of enemies without flight and no form of ranged attack.
Her large, strong wings, and fast reactions make her one of the world's best defenders.

Has a fragile body container, so if damaged, will lose her form and die.
Has no ability to use magic
Can't fight with weapons, so her wings double as her only attack AND defence.

Five In One

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Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas. https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=23431.msg299788#msg299788
« Reply #45 on: March 28, 2011, 02:22:08 am »
Just so you know, I'm not going to be online for a few hours after the game starts. Everyone else can use this time to form connections with each other's characters (if any) and get some general things sorted out.

Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas. https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=23431.msg299865#msg299865
« Reply #46 on: March 28, 2011, 05:02:00 am »
Race: Armagio
Name: Argon
Apperance: 12 feet tall. Bulkier than most other Armagios.
Element: :gravity
Age: 48 (as mentioned, average Aramgio lifespan is 200 years.)
Background: Mysterious. One of the most feared Armagios in the world for his strength.
Belongings: Armour, Bronze Axe, Titan.
Abilities: battles with his Axe.
Graviton Slam: slams a random opponent for heavy damage.
Titanic Demolition: destroys an enemy's main weapon.
Graviton Bronze: increases Argon's potential damage.
Oh geez. No godmodding please. Godmodding = you pumping yourself up with too much power. It's narcissistic, and makes the game boring.
I wouldnt worry about him.
His abilities will most likely have high miss rate(big and clumsy axe fighter against smaller warriors with normal sized weapons) and he will most likely have lower ability to dodge(as it is big and slow) or block(an axe isnt the most defencive weapon out there) that the more balanced chars and less endurance than the defence oriented chars.

Graviton slam has aiming issues(as he could easily smash a harmless creature while the powerful enemy is undamaged, a big amount of creatures, or a good summoner enemy would make this skill useless).

Titanic demolition destroys weapons(and is a waste of time and energy if you have a backup, or fight with something that isnt actually a weapon and isnt used like one, or at least thats how i interpretate it).

Graviton bronze is the only one that gets to worry me as a powerful thing to fight against(a good self buff is good, but it wont be as big as say, my comrade guard or my charge command, as those come with hefty penaltys that can endanger my life in combat).

But thats just my opinion. Thalas has to say whats balanced and what isnt.
Correct. Graviton Slam should have a fairly high miss rate. Argon's attacks overall should deal a lot of damage, but they have about 30%-40% chance to miss each. Graviton Bronze pumps up Argon's damage, but it consumes a turn, as I believe RPGs are played in turns? Axe could be used as a slight blocking tool. Titanic Demolition is in my opinion OK. Decreases the opponent's damage, but can only be used once a battle. Armagios are generally strong but slow and clumsy.

Offline Thalas

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Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas. https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=23431.msg299869#msg299869
« Reply #47 on: March 28, 2011, 05:08:02 am »
I know, but I think it fits well with my guy and I thought it would eventually tie into the story somehow (I have something planned out as we speak...). Plus, it ties into Lexuar's backstory and the rumors of how he created the void, even though he's only middle-aged. Besides, evil guys always have the coolest weapons.
Okay you can have got the that blade just just don't overpower it

By the way, seeing as I'm the only villain in this game at the moment, what are my responsibilities as far as storyline, combat, quests, etc. go?
Do some evil things and play as any normal player. I think it's useless saying you what you should do and don't. More details later.

