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Linegard RPG by Thalas. https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=23431.msg298697#msg298697
« on: March 26, 2011, 06:27:58 pm »
Story - It's 9640 after Zanzarino, The Elements world is dying.
It started about 8200 after Zanzarino.Voids how they name them apppeared  across all empires. The Voids were
small places where wasn't any magic ( And as you know every living thing needs magic or it will die.)

Many elders warned people, but people just ignored them. After centuries the Voids grew and grew.
In 9200 A.Z Voids consumed half of the world. Many great mages, scientist and heroes tried to stop Void ,
but it was too late. Now in the year 9640 A.Z 92 % of the citiziens creatures and plants are dead. Only
refuge they have are the Entropic Islands. The only hope they have is a dimensional gate moved from a Etheria
to the Chaos Gate,they must travel into a another world and leave the dying world behind.
Character Name:
Race: (If first player chooses  :light race angels you must be angel too if you are  :light) Must be humanoid
Abilities (0-4, MAX skills you can learn is 8):

Rules :

Things which need my reply
Sell and Buy
If you for example loot something weak or moderate - rusty sword, some coins (Combat,Looting, Quest, Sell and Buy) it doesn't need my reply
It's your story not mine.

OOC and InC: use OOC (out of character) InC (In Character)

Etiquette: No 2 sentence posts ( Except OOC) I don't care if there are gramatical errors,
just write so that everyone can understand

You must read all new posts since your last post before posting, this is to avoid characters doing things that do not fit with the story, such as ignoring events and other players. EXCEPT NEW PLAYERS AFTER STARTING THE GAME, BUT NEW PLAYER MUST ASK ME IF THEY WANT TO PLAY.

If you want Want something (Random fight) just write it in the OOC.

Any questions and suggestions?

Offline Nepycros

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  • My creativity was OP, so I had to nerf it.
Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas. https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=23431.msg298702#msg298702
« Reply #1 on: March 26, 2011, 06:41:11 pm »
Race: Shade
Element: Darkness
Appearance: Dark. No ethnicity. Just dark. 5' 6". Skinny.
Age: 37 (young)
Background: I sleep... alot... and I'm somewhat a philosopher. I have scholarships, I don't like stereotypes, and I have a few good assassination skills. When the Void started taking over, I managed to emulate their behavior... to no avail. They saw right through me, so I ran away, but at least I got to examine their habits.
Belongings: Memento, a blade that attaches to my wrist. It's basically the Darkness symbol. :darkness <-- Put that on your wrist, and you've got a sweet-ass weapon. General traveling attire, all black. I carry a meter-long pole in a pouch on my back, and I'll reveal how it works later on.
Abilities: Tainting (means I can take someone's weapon and turn it into my weapon, changing its shape. It's how I made Memento)
Cloaking (invisibility)
Emulation (merging into the shadow of a person, and following their every move. You're completely hidden, and over time, you can eventually learn how they work, and why)
Perception is the source of misunderstanding.

Why, yes. I do have a Mindgate necklace. It's how I ninja everyone.

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Re: Void/Exile RPG by Thalas. https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=23431.msg298704#msg298704
« Reply #2 on: March 26, 2011, 06:47:06 pm »
MAP of Linegard


Story will be in Element's world (Linegard)
We are battling against Void.
Dimensional Gate can be used just traveling in the Element's World (Linegard)
There 6 Important Artifacts -   :time Jewel of Time  :aether
                                                :fire Liquid Fire  :water
                                                :earth Dragon's Roar  :air
                                                :darkness Mercury Light  :light
                                                :entropy Aesir/Burai  :gravity
                                                :death Staff of Extalis :life

Each artifact has got special powers
First Faction which gets these artifacts obtains unbelievable power and wins the war.
some information about magic


Magic the life energy. It's all around, you just need to use it.
There two kinds of magic energy : from this world the lower magic and from a mendax the higher magic

Higher Magic : Mendax
First I introduce you to Mendax. Mendax is illusory (yet existing) realm. This Mendax runs through all worlds and creates
them. Mendax is consists of magic blocks. These blocks which have possible and impossible shapes, continually
unpredictably move, shift, erase and compose themselves. You can open Blocks and drain mana from them or
or destroy them which causes mana explosion in the real world (fire explosion, 0 Kelvin temperature, air vacuum
or insane air pressure, black hole etc.) or even construct worlds

How do I open these blocks ?
The manakinesis( Most common way, trade opening block for some your energy.)
words or rituals can open the blocks which give magician new powers.  But firstly you must learn them
or discover them (really dangerous)

To put it simply Mendax is like candyshop, mana like candy
if you are smart you can take the sweetest candy (incredible power) and if you are agile you can even stole the candy
without even paying.
but if you are dumb you might take the sourest candy (die)

Lower Magic
Do know how worlds were born ? Mendax blocks exploded and some magic leaked from Mendax and
created world on the surface of the Mendax. So the rocks, water, air, lava, time etc, are just materialized
mana. And magicians can transform and use this magic
So how it works:
Magicians absorb mana from the enviroment, so you can sometimes see dead plants in a place where
magic was used. Then they gather it in some part of their bodies, the hands are perfect, but legs
and even nose or ears can be used too. Gathered magic can be combined with different magic
(for example: Fire and Earth) and form incredibly strong spells.
And then release the Mana      *BOOM*
(Or do something totally different)

examples of magic
No one from where this power came from maybe from god maybe from devil, who knows. But something is certain,
it's deadly. Exorcist use own lifetime and vitality to summon demigods, demons and many other spiritual
creatures which they defeated and enslaved. These beings are mindless once enslaved.

How it Works?
Exorcist defeats the Unicorn (example) and kills it. Then he transfers his own life time to the killed creature.
Possesed creatures can be then transfromed into small vanadium statues

Soul Echo
People who possess this skill can "generate" a Sound Waves. These waves can deafen or
vibrate air which changes Sound Waves into Pressure Waves or neutralize Neural system.

How it works?
Soul Echo magician is actually swordsman. He uses his magic imbued weapon to slash the the Mendax blocks.
From the cut in the Mendax block rapidly leaks mana and produces mana waves for a small amount of time


:darkness Nepycros :darkness    Shade
Tainting  (stealing and transforming weapon)
Cloaking (invisibility)
Emulation (becames someones shadow)
:underworld Maulon  :underworld    Voidian
Void Ray
Void Magic

:life Murdravox  :life    Human
Poison stab
:aether Kryesh  :aether   Immortal
Space warp (Adds or deletes space to move people around)
Immaterial/Materialization (Takes time to use)
Summon Aetherling (Summons a weak creature from a dimensional crack)
:time Xerxes :time  Wizard
Reverse time
Can Slow down time
Mutates into something
:entropy Vene :entropy Human
Fuego   Creates fire
Ïllusio    Creates illusion
Fortuna Creates random helpful thing
:light Hunter :light    angel
Wing Shield wings can protect from powerful attacks
Flight can fly
:light Lyra :light    angel
Fusion Jack Fuses her weapon or spells with other elements
Reflect Diamond Reflects any spell
Possess King Calls alternate persona  :darknessShaden :darkness to possess her
:gravity Thalos :gravity    Armagio
Shield wall Creates huge defensive barrier
Guard Command He gains huge defence bonus
Charge Command Shoots ball of energy to the target ally which gains attack
equal to the Thalos defence, Thalos defence is negated during ally having the energy shoot
:gravity Argon :gravity   Armagio
Graviton Slam slams opponent for heavy damage. (Effective against lot of enemies)
Titanic Demolition destroys an enemy's main weapon.
Graviton Bronze increases Argon's potential damage.
:darkness Lexuar :darkness
Cloaking (invisibility)
Emulation (becomes someones shadow)
Agility (dodges more)
Focus (becomes totally focused on the target increasing his chance of succes but stops paying attention to the surroundings)


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Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas. https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=23431.msg298705#msg298705
« Reply #3 on: March 26, 2011, 06:47:19 pm »
Character Name: Xander
Race: Assassin (Gargoyle)
Element: :earth
Appearance: Tall 6 ft'' 7. Completely black but you wouldn't know because of the robe he wears. Which hides his head as well as the rest of his body.
Age: 24
Background: None. Gargoyles can live up to 10k+ yrs, so the 24 yrs, that have passed were extremely uneventful
Belongings: His robe. 2 daggers. Throwing knives, and vials of poison.
Flight: Able to fly.
Charisma: Able to bargain easily, make friends easier, and rob people easiest :)
Adaption: Insane adaptability. If he is forced to fight with something other than his own weapons, he will be an expert at it.
Blend: Can dissapeer without a trace and can NOT be detected when in "Blend" state


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Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas. https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=23431.msg298711#msg298711
« Reply #4 on: March 26, 2011, 07:02:30 pm »
Right im gonna make a character

Character Name: Sagittarius Caeli
Race: Elf
Element: :air
Appearance: Elf-like pointy ears, light skin, dragonhide torso and cloth pants. green cap, 5 foot 6 inches
Age: 21
Background: From a town burned town. Sagittarius has come to avenge his mother, Maria and Father Jack from the Evil Orokusaki( kudos if you get the reference). Turned from a cute, nice child into a brutal killer filled with the fire of revenge in his eyes. Silent but his eyes and spirit tell much more then words could ever do.
Belongings: Steel bow, steel arrows,
Abilities: Fire arrow(basic an arrow head on fire being shot damage over time,) Multiarrow( shoot 3 arrows at a time)
Elf Agility(50% chance to dodge attacks, can be discussed)

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Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas. https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=23431.msg298713#msg298713
« Reply #5 on: March 26, 2011, 07:07:30 pm »
Character Name: Xerxes VII

Race: Wizard 

Element:  :time

Appearance: Standing at 8 feet, this tall man wears a blue-golden robe, has a long beard and carries the 'Book of Majick' with him. (NOTE: The Book's name is not a typo or a spelling mistake)

Age: 421

Background: After realizing the evil growing around the mana of the world, he fled for refuge in a distant land called the Entropic Islands. He took shelter there, and soon after, the Voids invaded the world. He learned some of the Entropic's ways, before they got corrupted too. Slowing down time and protected by an enchanted spell, he fell into a deep sleep inside a human-sized cocoon for 42 years at a ghost town in an Entropic Island. And he is also a Legerdemain.

Belongings: Staff of Eternity (Eternity.)
An Hourglass (Draws a random card from your sleeve. The card can produce either creature or spell. No Permanents though.)
Book of Majick
The Cape of Randomness (If a weapon or metal touches the cape, the person of ownership of the weapon or metal will have a random effect upon him/her).

Abilities (0-4, MAX skills you can learn is 8 ): Can Slow down time
Reverse time
Has the ability to mutate

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Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas. https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=23431.msg298727#msg298727
« Reply #6 on: March 26, 2011, 07:20:56 pm »
. . . So what are we doing?
We'll travel from the elements world to another unknown world named Linegard
We'll travel through the dimensional gate, first of I need to know who will play this game

Race: Shade
Element: Darkness
Appearance: Dark. No ethnicity. Just dark. Please could you say how tall are you at least
Age: (average lifespans? I can't pick an age without a life span) choose your life span I suggest 150 years
Background: I sleep... alot... and I'm somewhat a philosopher. I have scholarships, I don't like stereotypes, and I have a few good assassination skills.
Belongings: Memento, a blade that attaches to my wrist. It's basically the Darkness symbol. :darkness <-- Put that on your wrist, and you've got a sweet-ass weapon.
Abilities: Tainting (means I can take someone's weapon and turn it into my weapon, changing its shape)
Cloaking (invisibility)
2 more to come.
staff of eternity
An Hourglass Some information?
Book of Majick
Elf Agility(50% chance to dodge attacks, can be discussed) Okay approved I you will doge more than others, but do you have got originality? LEGOLAS???
Element: :darkness + :earth (if that's allowed, otherwise just the first) Please change your element to  :earth no duos
Abilities: Not sure what to put here. Could you please clarify? Type here if you have any special abilities for example
magic or natural abilities like harden
Character Name: Vene Dirus

Race: Human

Element :  :entropy

Appearance: Although Vene is 5 and half feet tall, because of his old age and stooping back he is now only 4 feet tall.
Vene is thick-set weighs about 100 kilograms. He wears azure shirt, brown robe with golden Sky Island ornaments
and black shoes. First thing you notice is a Vene's long gray hair which is crawling on his stooping back.
He has got sarcastic face and malevolent smile. Ordinary magician.

Age: 598 years

Background: Vene is great scientist and genius. He was one of the who tried to stop Void. Currently he is leader
of the explorers. Something from his past -  born in the Sky Island became teacher in the entropy islands.
He was a great adventurer. Rumors say that he was friend with Necromant Gerald the grandchild of the Zanzarino.

Belongings: Lingua scrolls (Fuego, Illusio, Fortuna) and wooden staff nothing special just a piece of wood.

Lingua Magic
Uses words to manipulate with blocks and mana(must have got the Scrolls). Must say the words.
Fuego - creates a small bright fire
Illusio - Generates illusion which affects only one person ( use on itself - disguise or someone else - deceive )
Fortuna - Creates random thing which helps Vene


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Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas. https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=23431.msg298753#msg298753
« Reply #7 on: March 26, 2011, 07:51:12 pm »

Elf Agility(50% chance to dodge attacks, can be discussed) Okay approved I you will doge more than others, but do you have got originality? LEGOLAS???

my name is now Sagittarius Caeli( it sounds better then Aera Magnum)

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Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas. https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=23431.msg298763#msg298763
« Reply #8 on: March 26, 2011, 08:01:04 pm »
Does anybody want to be a bad character?
Now we need only 1 or 2 ( I hope it'll woman) players to start but more the better, although max is 12 players 

If lot of people start playing I might hire another game master from USA because of the Time zones.

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  • My creativity was OP, so I had to nerf it.
Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas. https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=23431.msg298764#msg298764
« Reply #9 on: March 26, 2011, 08:03:00 pm »
By bad, you mean part of Void?
Perception is the source of misunderstanding.

Why, yes. I do have a Mindgate necklace. It's how I ninja everyone.

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Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas. https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=23431.msg298779#msg298779
« Reply #10 on: March 26, 2011, 08:11:12 pm »
By bad, you mean part of Void?
I'm not decided yet but bad character would be murderer who needs to kill and feed on the mana of the dead
Brainwashed guy who leads group of the elite assassin under the control of the Blood council (Entropy empire leaders)


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Re: Linegard RPG by Thalas. https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=23431.msg298786#msg298786
« Reply #11 on: March 26, 2011, 08:21:48 pm »
By bad, you mean part of Void?
I'm not decided yet but bad character would be murderer who needs to kill and feed on the mana of the dead
Brainwashed guy who leads group of the elite assassin under the control of the Blood council (Entropy empire leaders)
actually according to saggitarius's background he turned into a brutal killer so it'll fit  for at least part of it.

