Name: haphazard
Cost: 1 , 1
Type: Spell
Text: Target creature gains random buff in ATK (n=1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5, 4 max: 4) for card placed and may not be attacked physically
Art: (Optional)
Strongarm Muggers resist the first 2 damage done to them each round.
In other words, first attack will be turn 3
initial ATK/HP 1/1
Atk|HP: 2 | 2 vs Atk|HP: 3 | cannot be attacked --->i've used 6 quantas
Atk|HP: 2 | 1.5 vs Atk|HP: 4 | cannot be attacked .... So, i ended up consuming 8 quantas 4 , 4
This is assuming random buff giving only 1 per card and i needed 4
Calculation on random buff part. Higher quanta cost creatures >8 have higher possibility of higher buff.
So, i might not end up using 8 quantas. (btw, it's 10 quantas given right?)
Flavor : Basically a dual quanta
Chaos Power + One-turn Quint. A simple and flavorful fusion of effects that a player would recognize easily.
The only thing I feel iffy on is the name - Haphazard is defined as 'Lacking any obvious principle of organization.' - perfect for
but with no
link. I would've liked to seen a name that was also reminiscent of the two 'base' cards, something like "Dimension Seed" or "Chaos Essence".
You also do make an interesting way to kill the muggers, though you waited a few turns. For future reference ; you're allowed to cast a spell as many times as you possibly can during a round, provided you have the quanta and no status effects are in place. 5/10
Balance : Seems appropriately toned down from Chaos Power and the slight
effect to justify the dual cost. As a low costed card, the dual quanta cost is easier to work with. 6/10
Meta : Unupped Entropy doesn't have an ATK/HP buff card, and I could certainly see this in an
unupped duo that uses Sparks. Assuming 'can't be attacked' would translate to 'not being affected by creatures' in the actual ETG, I think players would also value it for being able to slight CC protection. 5/10
Rating : 16/30
Difficulty : 12/30
Quanta Spent : 4
, 4
You gain +2+4+4+3 ATK, giving you 14 ATK | 1 (Can't be reached) HP.
Strongarm Muggers each resist 2 damage, so you deal 10 damage, which gets divided among them as 5 each.
You spend a lot of quanta, but you manage to destroy the muggers with several extremely strong psionic bursts. The Caravan rewards you with 3
, 3
and 50
Reward : 3
, 3
, 50
, 3 XP (Add these to your profile the next time you post.)