This is a really cool tool! I can only imagine the possibilities...
I made my character from Thalas's Linegard RPG (,23431.0.html), Lexuar, and his mutual assistant, Gremio (who I finally decided what he looks like).

I have to say, I like the way they came out. This tool could really boost the quality of some forum RPGs, since everybody loves pictures.
LOL you are such a copy-cat! where is the originality? 
I actually broke into a cold sweat when I saw this. (There doesn't happen to be a smiley for pure terror, is there?) The last thing that I wanted to do is knowingly copy somebody else's work. If I have, I apologize.
If you were refering to Lexuar being similar to Nepycros' character, it's probably because they're both shades. In the Linegard RPG, each element had a specific species that made up the majority of the population. The first person to create a character of a certain element sets the standard for everyone else making characters of that element. Nepycros was the first, and for Darkness he chose shades, creating a character also called Nepycros. Since he set the standard for all Darkness characters, and I wanted to be a Darkness character too, I created Lexuar afterwards, based on the traits of the species set by Nepycros and adding a few of my own in the process.
As for why the pictures look similar, we probably had the same ideas in mind when creating them. Shades naturally want to stick to the shadows (especially when you're an assassin and a villain, such as Lexuar), and as such don't want to be seen. This accounts for their black attire, so that they can blend into the shadows with ease. Other than that, I tried to base his picture on my description of Lexuar (which was vague at best, I admit) while adding in things I either forgot to mention or things I thought looked cool.
As for Gremio, I don't think I even described him at all, but I like the Arabian feel I get off him.