Synopsis (1)
~Olive Lake Condominiums, 1600
After thinking for a while, you look through Haven's list again, and wonder why he mentions something as seemingly normal as a retirement home. Your curiosity leads you to leave your house again and check it out. Upon exiting your building, you notice a small cabriolet in a parking spot designated for your floor. It has a note on it:
For Anita. Be careful. ~Haven.
You've never had a chance to drive a vehicle, and you examine the car. It appears to be a very nice car for it's size, only having seats for two people and some extra storage room. You get in, and notice a sheet basic driving instructions between the seats. After a while, you give driving a try. At first you are shaky, but you manage to get out of the parking lot without hitting anything, and continue to the retirement home.
~Corizon Retirement Home, 1700
Soon, you arrive at the home, and enter. A receptionist is stationed at the door, and tells you that everywhere off-limits to unapproved visitors is marked in red. You nod and continue into a lobby. A few people are gathered around a table, playing some sort of board game, while a few others are scattered around the room. One elderly man looks up and motions to you. You walk over to him carefully.
What have you to do here, hm? he asks, but despise this, he seems friendly. Captain Haven suggested I come here, you explain, and his face lights up. Ah, Haven sent you? This is most interesting. Come with me. He shuffles slowly, but stably, to a smaller community room. Inside is a box with various stuff in it. He hands you a small, wrinkled purse.
You can have this. A friend owned it before she moved to the mainland, and gave me things when she moved. I have no use for this, so you can have it. Your pockets are full at this point, so you are grateful for the purse, and thank him. Go to the church. The church has things for young people. He leaves the room, and you decide to take his advice.
~Crystwe Church of Zanzarino, 1730
You arrive at the church after a short drive. It is a rather impressive building, with lots of stained glass and neatly carved marble. You entre, and the only person in the main room is someone who would appear to be the local priest. He waits for you to approach him, and once you do, he speaks.
Greetings. What brings you to our humble church? He speaks in a very calm voice, and you tell him a member of the retirement home directed you here. He nods wisely. Ambas directs many vistors here. He cares about his faith, but just as importantly, he cares about people. He can sense what is good for people.
He motions you into what appears to be his office, and hands you a small bag. Opening it, you find a reasonable amount of coins, which you calculate to be worth 40 electrum, and a scroll wrapped in leather.
Summon the power of this parchment only in your moment of greatest need. This advice is not needed, however, as you already know by the marking that this is a Miracle, an incredible and valuable scroll created only in the holiest of places. You thank him graciously, and leave, returning home.
| Synopsis (2)
~Olive Lake Condominiums, 1800
You enter your home once more, leaving your new car in the spot you found it in, and lock the door behind you, still not sure what dangers Crystwe has to offer. You open a book about the geography of Tartia and flip to a section about the Corizon Archipelago.
It briefly mentions the mine in Windholm as being home to a diamond mining community of over 400 people at it's peak, but the mine's entrances collapsed during the same earthquake that caused the Fissure Cavern just south of your current home to exist.
From what you hear, there's still a ton of diamond in there, and you speculate that the mine is possibly a reason for the Army's newfound control of Windholm. However, something like that would not require moving 12 people when there are abandoned villages nearby still suitable for worker housing. You wonder if something much darker is at stake.
You shudder at the thought, and continuing reading. After three hours, you decide to sleep and continue this new branch of life in the morning.
It is not a peaceful rest. You wake up a couple times before finally settling into a deep sleep. After a while, you open your eyes, and find yourself surrounded in a gray mist. You can't see anything, except for 12 beams of color rotating around the point you're standing. Kneeling down and feeling around your platform, you notice the beams of light are solid, and there is an obvious abyss between them.
By this time, your subconcious has realized this is a lucid dream, and you continue to sleep. But the mirror image of yourself in the dream thinks, and wants to try walking on one of the beams. The only question is which one.
Options Decision Phase:
Post any element. I'll take whichever one is selected the most.
Since this is a large, but still limited, number of options, I'm opening a poll as well, so hopefully people outside our current group will participate just by voting. This is how the original Adventure worked, but I wanted to encourage more discussion, so I scrapped it - the number of people we have it probably reason to bring that system back.