
Round 5: You are dreaming, surrounded by 12 beams of elemental power. Which one do you attempt to walk across?

3 (33.3%)
1 (11.1%)
0 (0%)
3 (33.3%)
1 (11.1%)
0 (0%)
0 (0%)
0 (0%)
0 (0%)
0 (0%)
1 (11.1%)
0 (0%)

Total Members Voted: 9


Offline TribalTrouble

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Re: Elemental Adventure III: Planet of Charm - Main Thread https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=49502.msg1075295#msg1075295
« Reply #12 on: May 29, 2013, 03:20:40 am »
Name: Salem
Gender: Male
 :aether 3
 :air 5
 :darkness 2
 :death 1
 :earth 4
 :entropy 5
 :fire 3
 :gravity 3
 :life 6
 :light 2
 :time 3
 :water 3
Skin Pigmentation: Pale
Hair Color: Blond
Eye Color: Green
Shirt Color: Green

Offline ddevans96Topic starter

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Re: Elemental Adventure III: Planet of Charm - Main Thread https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=49502.msg1075554#msg1075554
« Reply #13 on: May 30, 2013, 02:20:39 am »

Year: 6172
Day: 42 (early summer)
Time: 1900 (night)
Weather: Clear


Round: 1

Health: 78/78

Experience: 0, 0/10

50 :electrum

Inventory Space: 4/9

:darkness1KAR: 9
:death0STA: 7
:water1ADA: 9
:air0AGI: 9
:aether0WIS: 10
:life1EMP: 8
:time0INT: 8
:gravity0CON: 8
:earth0DEF: 8
:fire0STR: 8
:entropy0FOR: 9
:light0LEA: 7

Countdown: None this round - Approximately 3 Days

Recurring Items

1x Quantum Amulet
• Generate .4INT random Quanta every round.

House Key (E)
• Base 3, Modifier 2
• Allows access to your house in winter.



Vanishing Items

1x Supernova
• Cost 1 :entropy
Generate one Quanta of each elements, plus .6WIS random quanta.

1x Bottled Water
• Restore 1.4STA Health.


Key Items:

You drift in and out of sleep for four hours, until you hear a knock on your door. You get out of bed and open the door, trying to be alert as possible. To your surprise, it isn't a townsmate, but an officer with a robe emblazoned with the crest of Maydale - sprawling metropolis and de facto capital of the world.

Hello officer, what can I do for you tonight? You manage to speak coherently and politely, despite your fatigue, and he gives you a faint and glancing smile, understanding. It seems he has been up for most of the night as well.

Greetings, madam. I am an officer of the City and County of Maydale. Our high committee has found reason to use this island for it's natural resources, and commandeer the village of Windholm for worker housing. You're already in shock by this point, but he continues. You have one hour to gather your belongings and board a liner to Crystwe, free of charge, or else stay on this island and assist with the project until further accomodations can be made.

This completely floors you, and you stand there for what seems like an eternity, until realizing your jaw is wide open and you probably look really stupid. You close it, and point out there's several abandoned villages on the island that could be used. We do not have authority to comment on that truth, he tells you, and you assume the abandoned mine is to be refurnished for use, given this location.

The high committee of Maydale, as you know, is a shady group of individuals running the metropolis, which essentially connects all corners of the world, thus making most of Tartia an oligarchy. For them to sail this far into the ocean, though, is significantly odd.

Very well then. Could you assist me? I only have a few things. He nods, and you pack your few belongings into a set of matching, color coded boxes. Yours are accented in metallic gold. Upon finishing this, you leave your house to find the rest of the village also packing.

Moving through the city, you find most of the village already near the ocean, but Teodor is restless. He is an aging, though still physically active, man who spends much of his time in the forest on Windholm’s borders. He has taken special care of the Tree of Unity since he was a small child, according to older residents, and it has grown into the largest tree in the small forest. He is walking around, sharing a conversation with an officer.

Eventually, the village's 12 residents are all boarded onto a very nice cruise ship, made especially for small group voyages. There are only 10 rooms, so you choose to room with Vamoure, a chic young lady who recently inherited a seamstress' shop when the old manager left to work in Crystwe.

After the ship sails, she speaks to you. Hey Anita...I know now is definitely not the time, but I got some odd sheets of fabric a couple days ago, and I fashioned a few shirts out of it before the officers came. I have no use for this one, so would you like it? It's a pretty green color, with flowery accents below the breasts. You change quickly, and she hands you a mirror. I love it, I haven't worn a shirt this nice since I came here. Thank you. You share a brief hug, and separate into your own areas.

She is soon asleep, presumably having worked all day, and you quietly leave the room. On the deck, you are surprised to see Kaede and Teodor, both usually reserved, arguing with an officer. He is very bulky, with visible armor underneath a tattered uniform, and has a patch on his side saying [ENFORCER]. You assume he's here to force people into doing what you're wanted to do on this ship.

Angrily, he brandishes a dagger. You really think you can just come up here and do whatever you want, eh? That's not how this ship works. You follow our orders, and mine is to get back to your room. You realize that Kaede and Teodor are the other people sharing a room, and join them. The officer looks at you wide one eyebrow raised. Oh, a lady has joined us? It's bad enough you two are up here, let alone a lady. Always taught not to accept that kind of treatment, you instinctively kick him in the shin, before you realize how bad of an idea that is.

He grabs you and tosses you aside, but you put one hand on the ground and throw yourself over it, coming to a soft landing. Slightly impressed, but thoroughly inflamed, he takes a battle stance. Alright then. If you can take me on in a battle, I'll let you roam. But you won't last more than five minutes.

Expecting all of you to retreat, he shows immense surprise when Kaede grabs a large branch, probably tossed onto the boat by a lazy worker at the docks, and Teodor slips his hand to reveal a pocket full of magical Scrolls. Having nothing better, you grab a chair, and raise it high. Then battle we must, Teodor says.

Told some of you that you were going to be thrown into the action much earlier :3

Your leadership isn't high enough to have any influence over either Kaede or Teodor, which is intentional, so you only get to control Anita's actions in this battle. It's mainly a tutorial, because we haven't had a battle since the first Adventure, and it's constant posting, so we'll hopefully have more activity.

I had to thoroughly examine how Strength and Defense work to make this battle viable, and it’s now similar to Adventure.

House Key recieved a buff, Quantum Amulet and Supernova both recieved slight nerfs. I balanced them without the stat changes, so they turned out to be sort of unbalanced for this point. They'll still be very powerful later :3


Quickfire Battle:

For this battle, you gain a temporary Armor item:
• Base 5, Modifier 2
• Reduction 3, Modifier 2
• Unstable: 10% to lose 1 base damage each turn.

For this battle, you have two allies:
• 85/85 Health, 0 Quanta.
• Branch - Base 6, Modifier 2
STR=7, DEF=9, AGI=10
• 70/70 Health, 5 of each quanta.
• Walking Staff - Base 3, Modifier 1
• Assorted Scrolls
STR=6, DEF=8, AGI=8, WIS=12

For this battle, you have one opponent:
• 105/105 Health, 0 Quanta
• Dirk - Base 8, Modifier 1
• STR=11, DEF=9, AGI=9

Battle Actions:
Post a single action for Anita in your post. When an action is repeated by any two participants, it is chosen, and it is processed along with NPC actions. This is considered a turn. These follow each other until the battle is complete. You cannot post during three consecutive turns, to allow others to participate.

For this battle, actions will be processed as follows: Anita>Kaede>Teodor>Enforcer.

Your possible actions include:
Attack [Enforcer]
Use [Item][Character]

Here's the formulas that are relevant for this fight:

Spoiler for Formulas:
Damage and Reduction:
Human damage will be an integer between (STR/2+B)-M and (STR/2+B)+M.
Human damage reduction will be an integer between (DEF/4+B)-M and (DEF/4+B)+M.

A damage value will be calculated, then a reduction value will be subtracted from it.

Dodging and critical strikes percentages are calculated with (AGI/3), rounded up. Dodging avoids all damage from an attack, while critical strikes double damage for an attack.
« Last Edit: June 08, 2013, 06:33:01 am by ddevans96 »
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Re: Elemental Adventure III: Planet of Charm - Main Thread https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=49502.msg1075559#msg1075559
« Reply #14 on: May 30, 2013, 02:41:55 am »
This line is best if you assume Teodor sounds like Yoda. :3
Apparently, I can only imagine him as that now, too. =P

Spoiler for Head Stuff:
"Strength in numbers, girlfriend. We'll take him down in no time!" She turns away from reality… and deep into the realm of the mind – aka, where I live.
”What? When did I have an imaginary friend?” Anita snaps, clearly irritated by my intrusion into her head.
“I don’t know. You do now, though!” I cheerfully laugh, my blonde hair covering the view of my explorer’s garb and sheathed sword. “If things go well, you’ll get a lot of them.”
”…I don’t find that very comforting, miss…”
“Lyra.” I finish for her.
”Right. So suddenly, I have this magical power to call spirits in my head, which triggers out of nowhere as I’m about to fight this guard. Wouldn’t that creep you out a little?”
“Well… I suppose it would. But it’s your ‘power’. I suggest you make the most of it.”
”Okay…” She thinks for a second. ”Well, what would you do in this situation?”
“Me? Easy. I’d attack that guy, straight on. Might as well break that chair…” I shrug. “By the way, can I call you Evanita?”

Let's attack the guard. Not much else we can do at the moment. Erhem. USE “Chair” on Enforcer.
« Last Edit: May 30, 2013, 03:15:20 am by Zblader »

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Re: Elemental Adventure III: Planet of Charm - Main Thread https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=49502.msg1075564#msg1075564
« Reply #15 on: May 30, 2013, 02:51:41 am »
Agreed. Attacking the guard is the best course of action. Not to mention trouble ^.^

Offline Nepycros

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  • My creativity was OP, so I had to nerf it.
Re: Elemental Adventure III: Planet of Charm - Main Thread https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=49502.msg1075565#msg1075565
« Reply #16 on: May 30, 2013, 02:52:08 am »
(At what Agility can Anita dodge all attacks? :P)

<<Attack [Enforcer]>>
Perception is the source of misunderstanding.

Why, yes. I do have a Mindgate necklace. It's how I ninja everyone.

Offline ddevans96Topic starter

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Re: Elemental Adventure III: Planet of Charm - Main Thread https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=49502.msg1075568#msg1075568
« Reply #17 on: May 30, 2013, 02:54:34 am »
Spoiler for Response to Nepy:
(At what Agility can Anita dodge all attacks? :P)

<<Attack [Enforcer]>>

None. The highest percentage, without items, is 34%. Which is pretty powerful as is.

Action confirmed, processing incoming.

Anita rushes the enforcer, dealing 7 damage. Kaede follows up by swinging his branch, also dealing 7 damage. Teodor pulls out a Chaos Seed spell. It summons a bolt of fire, striking the enforcer and dealing 6 damage.

The enforcer lunges at Kaede with his dagger, dealing 10 damage.

Anita: 78/78
Kaede: 75/85
Teodor: 70/70, 4 :entropy, 5 of rest.

Enforcer: 85/105
« Last Edit: May 30, 2013, 03:17:43 am by ddevans96 »
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Re: Elemental Adventure III: Planet of Charm - Main Thread https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=49502.msg1075569#msg1075569
« Reply #18 on: May 30, 2013, 02:55:12 am »
Please spoil any unofficial characterizations, Z.
You're just as selfish as I am. You're just not as good at it yet.

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  • My creativity was OP, so I had to nerf it.
Re: Elemental Adventure III: Planet of Charm - Main Thread https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=49502.msg1075572#msg1075572
« Reply #19 on: May 30, 2013, 03:04:56 am »
I say we boost Intellect and Agility as much as possible, as well as Charisma and Karma.
:darkness, :air, :gravity, :time seem to be a good way to start off with heavy amounts of growth, while the physical stats can change later on. Plus, I assume better Charisma makes Anita cuter. :P
Perception is the source of misunderstanding.

Why, yes. I do have a Mindgate necklace. It's how I ninja everyone.

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Re: Elemental Adventure III: Planet of Charm - Main Thread https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=49502.msg1075576#msg1075576
« Reply #20 on: May 30, 2013, 03:17:57 am »
Action posted, ready for next action :3

For the record, Teodor's Scrolls consist of 2 of every spell that can have any negative effect on the enforcer, or that can have any positive effect on your group, excluding alchemy spells and Shards, and including Sundial.
« Last Edit: May 30, 2013, 03:25:06 am by ddevans96 »
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Re: Elemental Adventure III: Planet of Charm - Main Thread https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=49502.msg1075577#msg1075577
« Reply #21 on: May 30, 2013, 03:18:25 am »
Attack enforcer.
You're just as selfish as I am. You're just not as good at it yet.

Offline Nepycros

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  • My creativity was OP, so I had to nerf it.
Re: Elemental Adventure III: Planet of Charm - Main Thread https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=49502.msg1075579#msg1075579
« Reply #22 on: May 30, 2013, 03:24:14 am »
<<Attack [Enforcer]>>
Perception is the source of misunderstanding.

Why, yes. I do have a Mindgate necklace. It's how I ninja everyone.

Offline ddevans96Topic starter

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Re: Elemental Adventure III: Planet of Charm - Main Thread https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=49502.msg1075580#msg1075580
« Reply #23 on: May 30, 2013, 03:25:29 am »
Action confirmed, currently processing.

Anita strikes with her chair, dealing 6 damage. Kaede attacks again, dealing 8 damage. Teodor raises an Ice Lance scroll, and it crashes down around the enforcer, dealing 4 damage. He shivers, but the ice does not completely form around him, and he attacks Teodor, dealing 12 damage.

Anita: 78/78
Kaede: 75/85
Teodor: 58/70, 4 :entropy, 3 :water, 5 of rest.

Enforcer: 67/105
« Last Edit: May 30, 2013, 03:33:52 am by ddevans96 »
discord / twitter: palafrost - 2x master of water - false god enthusiast
twitch: palafrost - speedrunner, ex-celeste, currently hades
avatar: makoto [persona 5] by asukabaka

