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Other Topics => Off-Topic Discussions => Role-Playing => Topic started by: justaburd on August 14, 2014, 04:36:00 am

Title: D&D 5!
Post by: justaburd on August 14, 2014, 04:36:00 am
I want to do continue the D&D a few more sessions before I go. Is everyone okay for mondays or fridays? Let's say around ~0100 GMT?

I've been thinking about this for a while now and I want to see about starting a D&D campaign here on the forums.

Campaign link (https://app.roll20.net/join/493940/6sJqgQ) (https://app.roll20.net/join/493940/6sJqgQ)
All campaign-related notes are in the journal tab. Everyone should be able to see all the relevant information.

The campaign will be in 5! The Player Handbook PDF will be on google drive: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B5MqIixEnMlNYTZveDZHdDBwS0pkZlVtNXhoeHJGMWdPVlp3/edit?usp=sharing (https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B5MqIixEnMlNYTZveDZHdDBwS0pkZlVtNXhoeHJGMWdPVlp3/edit?usp=sharing) Do make sure to read through it.

For the character builder, sorry, you'll have to actually read the book and build a character. No builder out as far as I know.

Start your character at level 5.
Ability scores will be point buy (30, starting stat 8 )
Score you wantPoint cost to achieve
Languages will be standard unless you have a reason why you should get the uncommon ones.
Starting gold will be whatever's on the level 1 starting table x5

There will be house rules (of course)
Running into walls hurt. (I'm serious.)
You may choose feats instead of the stat advancements at level 4, 8, 12, 16, and 19.
Don't remember what else, so if it comes up, it comes up and I'll let people know.

Don't worry about trinkets. If you have a story and you want to get a trinket for it, we can work something out.

We'll continue the game as is from before. I'll probably ask that we all meet using google hangout or something for our sessions as well as allowing like a forum "session" where you can do town stuff or do short combat sessions or something. Hangout is not a requirement, but would be encouraged. I'm not sure how to do a forum session, so we'll hold off on that.

(From a later post)
Roll20 tested, works pretty well.

I would like the people who are interested in this to think of some things for me:

D&D is primarily about your character's story, not about combat. (Again, why I don't really like combat being so long in 4e.) I will try my best not to force people into doing specific jobs or whatnot, though I can and will do it if it's necessary/important. (We'll probably come to a point where it'll be important)

The devil is in the details. More the merrier. You may tell me you are actually a sylph in disguise. OR you may tell me you're a sylph in disguise who wishes to take revenge on the humans who cut down her sacred grove whose locale used to be of the Dromar mountains in the north of the human kingdom.

Also a note on names: feel free to make your own. I'll simply use what you give me (leaving something of a legacy, I suppose) or I'll otherwise end up making one up myself.
Title: Re: D&D 4e
Post by: justaburd on August 14, 2014, 04:36:11 am
I would like to ask a few questions and suggest a few stuff:

1)Chat (real-time) I'm thinking about letting people do stuff in town via the thread or they could do a quick session with me or something.
2)I'm allowing everything from the 4th edition (erratta'd of course. I'd rather not see a pun pun.) I already talked a little about the house rules that I'll use. I'm sure I've forgotten some so I'll apologize for not saying them earlier. If there's something in your build that's completely breaking the game I'll talk to the player about it. I'm not going to be shy about it.
3)I'm looking into roll20. I think I like it. I have to look a bit further though. The main concern is that I'm probably not going to have particularly guaranteed map sets since I'd like to run a sandboxxy campaign and I won't be particularly prepared and will be building things quickly.
4)I have run sessions where there is no such thing as a proper party and I can manage to scale difficulty to a level which is appropriately challenging. Therefore, if someone's not available, they just happen to "not be there" and it's not a big deal. They just won't get anything for that session. That's a primary reason for why I don't really assign exp for stuff. I'm more likely to give out interesting items for being in more sessions than anything else. Item power management is something I'm conscious of, however and I'll do my best to try to make sure everyone is on the same rough level for whatever they do.
5)While I have my own set of dice, I actually just use random.org. I let players use random.org, chat dice, or their own. This game will be honor code. As for math, I will assume everyone can add and subtract. :)
6)As I said earlier, I want to do more sandboxxy, but I'd preferrably like to get an idea of where people wish to go beforehand so I have some leads on where and how to set stuff up. For example, I would really like to know what everyone's character wishes to do as his or her long-term goal (as well as short term goals.) I already know what joey's is. Perhaps you wish to see (and possibly use) a legendary scroll of magic. Perhaps you want to become the prophet of your god. Perhaps, like my character in one of my campaigns, you wish to be a true dragon. Again, short-term goals: maybe help the wife of a kindly villager who once helped you a few years ago. Maybe you saw the duke's scepter and want it for yourself. Possibly you simply seek the approval of your god. It all depends on the players, but again, I'd like some direction.
That said, I'm okay with a limited sandbox campaign. I will almost always try to give players free reign of whatever town or village they're in, but of course their actions will have wider repercussions. One of my prepared sessions for my RL group allowed the players the choice of stealing gold from a dragon. It wouldn't necessarily have been the wisest decision, but obviously the tempation is there (10 bags!) and I want to encourage people to play their character how they would like to.
7)Minions are an interesting idea, though personally I don't like using them. It's nice for the aoe players, but not so much for the 1v1 players. As I said above, I'm investigating how to cut down on round time. The biggest problem is honestly not the monster hp. It's player inexperience. If you know your character and you know what you're doing. You declare an attack, you roll, you declare a move and minor. You're done. 30 seconds. Tops. I'm not blaming the players. But it's the way things are. Killing minions doesn't give the level of satisfaction that you get from a normal-elite enemy. That said, I do use minions. No worries :)

More questions are welcome.
Title: Re: D&D 4e
Post by: justaburd on August 14, 2014, 04:36:23 am
These things may be important, after all.
Title: Re: D&D 4e
Post by: Drake_XIV on August 14, 2014, 04:39:40 am
Interested in taking part in campaigns.
Title: Re: D&D 4e
Post by: dragonsdemesne on August 14, 2014, 04:42:13 am
I'd be interested in trying this.  I'm old school, so I'm not very familiar at all with 4th edition.  I started playing back before Hasbro/WotC bought TSR and... well... changed the direction of their marketing strategies :p  I did mostly 2nd edition back in the day, but I've done 1st and 3rd and the original D&D before it became AD&D.

edit: oh, and dibs on...

Title: Re: D&D 4e
Post by: MyNameIsJoey on August 14, 2014, 04:43:20 am
Interested in trying :D
Title: Re: D&D 4e
Post by: Torriku on August 14, 2014, 04:45:25 am
I'd be a noob, but I would love to play. I've always wanted to play D&D but I know no one who will!  :(

I would like to be a Ninja, or at least a  Rogue, Ranger, or Sorcerer

Title: Re: D&D 4e
Post by: Naesala on August 14, 2014, 04:45:52 am
4th edition is chunky salsa.

If I have time and you're fine with helping newbies with the rules (me), I'd be more than happy to sign up. Dibs on support class :D
Title: Re: D&D 4e
Post by: Rutarete on August 14, 2014, 05:26:22 am
Expressing interest, but not to take someone else's slot who hasn't played before.
Title: Re: D&D 4e
Post by: ddevans96 on August 14, 2014, 05:48:16 am
I would strongly consider joining this. Also, I can help greatly with mapping.
Title: Re: D&D 4e
Post by: ZephyrPhantom on August 14, 2014, 06:39:09 am
Interested, though not quite familiar with the rules. If someone could give me a general rundown of D&D 4e and the DM (which I assume to be burd) isn't too hard on mistakes/lack of knowledge with the setting (Likely to happen when getting used to a different ruleset) I'd be interested in trying.

EDIT: May have some trouble with my schedule, so me joining might not be as likely. Would it be possible to join in late? (Or assuming campaigns are short enough, in between campaigns?) If you've got a rough idea for when you plan to start, burd, that might also help.

EDIT 2 : If I do join, considering a Ranger/Sorcerer Multiclass, friendly heads up. (I'd go Ranger/Sorcerer/Rogue if I wanted to be 100% accurate to my character, but if you need to shave off  a class I'd be okay with just getting Rogue-ish skills over the campaign. Pretty sure Sorc's the one that doesn't have to prepare spells/have limited uses.)
Title: Re: D&D 4e
Post by: Espithel on August 14, 2014, 10:41:34 am
D&D is something I've always wanted to play, but can never find even a shred of clues as to how to find it.

So, uhm...
Are you happy with a complete newb with no idea how the game works?
My understanding of D&D is currently "You roleplay and throw dice and stuff." I want that to change so badly. ;-;

Edit: Dibs on warlock. I don't know. I just like warlocks.
Title: Re: D&D 4e
Post by: Higurashi on August 14, 2014, 10:59:07 am
I had fun in the two 4e campaigns I was in, short as they were. I can find some resources we used and whatnot (maps are important for the immersion) and should have time to join. I'm thinking either my classic Pala or a Chaos Sorc I've been wanting to make.

Sneak peek at the storyline?
And what books are we allowing? I don't think more than PHB2 is necessary, personally.

Level 1 Chaos Sorc made with the offline character builder:

====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&DI Character Builder ======
Mai'itae Sha'arlan, level 1
Halfling, Sorcerer
Build: Chaos Sorcerer
Spell Source: Wild Magic

Str 10, Con 13, Dex 17, Int 10, Wis 8, Cha 19.

Str 10, Con 13, Dex 15, Int 10, Wis 8, Cha 17.

AC: 13 Fort: 11 Reflex: 13 Will: 16
HP: 31 Surges: 7 Surge Value: 7

Arcana +5, Intimidate +9, Diplomacy +9, Bluff +9

Acrobatics +5, Dungeoneering -1, Endurance +1, Heal -1, History, Insight -1, Nature -1, Perception -1, Religion, Stealth +3, Streetwise +4, Thievery +5, Athletics

Level 1: Implement Expertise (staff)

Sorcerer at-will 1: Acid Orb
Sorcerer at-will 1: Chaos Bolt
Sorcerer encounter 1: Bedeviling Burst
Sorcerer daily 1: Dazzling Ray

Cloth Armor (Basic Clothing), Implement, Staff, Adventurer's Kit
====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&DI Character Builder ======
Background bonuses (Auspicious Birth, backstory coming), equipment and 22 point buy (I think justa was thinking of this when he said 20 point buy) should be confirmed by the DM.
Title: Re: D&D 4e
Post by: Naesala on August 14, 2014, 09:23:51 pm
Since burd is thinking about waiting for 5th edition to fully come out, and since people were talking about continuing to do oneshots to learn about roleplaying, I'm willing to host a Ironclaw oneshot sometime. Bug me in chat or pm if you're interested.
Title: Re: D&D 4e
Post by: ARTHANASIOS on August 16, 2014, 08:44:33 pm
I would like to ask a few questions and suggest a few stuff:

* Are you going to run sessions on chat (real-time) or have each player post his/her move in a daily/weekly basis (possibly with a countdown timer)? In the 1st case the session is going to run quite smoothly but people have to be of the same timezone and have the same amount of free time (which is quite impossible) while in the 2nd case the session is going to run at a snail's pace.

* How many 4th edition books/stuff/rules/errata do you accept? What kind of house rules are you going to implement? According to my experience, it is better to have every player know the rules since the beginning in order to avoid future quarells and misunderstandings.

* Are you going to use battle grid? If yes, you may use the elemental icons ( :chroma :entropy :death :gravity :earth :life :fire :water :light :air :time :darkness :aether :underworld :rainbow :electrum) to represent the tileset (1 icon= 5x5 ft. grid square) and facial expressions (  :) ;) :D ;D >:( :( :o 8) ?_? ::) :P :-[ :-X :-\ :-* :'( ) to represent characters, NPC and monsters. However, it is possible to run the game without battle grid, though it would be better to avoid a lot of tactical (pull/push/slide) Encounter Powers & Daily Powers.

* What is going to happen if a player doesn't show up in the chatroom or don't his/her character action at the appropriate topic within the turn's deadline? Are you going to run that character by yourself for this turn or for the whole encounter, using every single item and Encounter/Daily Power and Utility Power at your disposal? Are you going to drop him/her, though this may kill the rest of the party? After all, combat encounters are designed according to the level of the current party by taking into account every single party member and one member less may cause lots of problems, especially if one of the 4 roles remain unclaimed [4 roles= Defender, Leader, Striker, Controller]). Are you going to have this character act like being "Dominated" by the player's party (a.k.a. one basic attack at the nearest enemy but no any powers). Are you going to have the character take a "Full Defence" action or just staying idle? Finally, what if the character actually dies during the absence of his/her owner?

* Are you going to use an online Random Number Generator (e.g. Random.org) to calculate the dice results? Are you going to actually calculate everything by tossing around your d20 dice-set that sits near your monitor and informs us after that?

* What kind of freedom your players are going to have? Are you going to run a sandbox campaign (go everywhere you go, do whatever you wish, but you also take full responsibility of the consequences), a run-by-the-nose campaign (the king sends you there to do that, you are Lawful Good so you have to obey, you complete the mission, then the mayor sends you to another mission, once again you have to obey and go to the 2nd mission, you complete the 2nd mission, then the king sends you somewhere else, repeat, repeat, repeat...), anything between (a run-by-the-nose system where you have some serious choices to do or a sandbox where you can move around only a very small area, like a city or a village).

In order to have a faster running/more enjoyable experience, I suggest you should use plenty of Minions. Sure, when you gather with your pals around a table to roll some dice and having fun, minions go out too fast to be really enjoyable, but since we are going to play online and the faster a combat goes the less people become bored I think tons of Minions is a must-have. A Standard monster or max two (or an Elite monster in the rare case) with a fair number of minions of the same level is probably the best. Better leave Solos for the very rare occasion (I think they are going to need tons of time to go down during an online session) and better have them underleveled in order to go down faster than normal.
Title: Re: D&D 4e
Post by: Zawadx on August 17, 2014, 12:58:29 am
Really, really interested. I love DnD 4e and would love to be part of a full campaign. I've DMed for some cousins for a level 1-2 adventure, but they lost interest :/

I have 2.32 GB worth of PDFs of DnD 4e books, as a resource. This includes PHB 1-3, DMG 1-2, MM 1-3, the Arcane/Divine/Martial/Psionic/Primal Power supplements and the Rules Compendium. But I agree that PHB 3 is clunky. Maybe even exclude the Primal heroes?

There's also this website I found (http://roll20.net/) which can be used to organize tabletop games like this. I haven't really experienced it, so I can't say anything about how good it is. But worth checking out.

Also, dibs on Bard. We need a Leader in the group!
Title: Re: D&D 4e
Post by: MyNameIsJoey on August 17, 2014, 01:05:13 am
I really really loved the first session. I'm a rogue , got a huge 300 exp, and eager to play some more
Title: Re: D&D 4e
Post by: Drake_XIV on August 17, 2014, 02:04:52 am
Really, really interested. I love DnD 4e and would love to be part of a full campaign. I've DMed for some cousins for a level 1-2 adventure, but they lost interest :/

I have 2.32 GB worth of PDFs of DnD 4e books, as a resource. This includes PHB 1-3, DMG 1-2, MM 1-3, the Arcane/Divine/Martial/Psionic/Primal Power supplements and the Rules Compendium. But I agree that PHB 3 is clunky. Maybe even exclude the Primal heroes?

There's also this website I found (http://roll20.net/) which can be used to organize tabletop games like this. I haven't really experienced it, so I can't say anything about how good it is. But worth checking out.

Also, dibs on Bard. We need a Leader in the group!

I'm going to steal Roll20 to look at for some groups I know that are interested. It looks promising.
Title: Re: D&D 4e
Post by: Drake_XIV on August 17, 2014, 06:08:39 am
Time to come up with the most predictable backstory ever.
Title: Re: D&D 4e
Post by: Espithel on August 17, 2014, 02:38:55 pm
That first test run on Thursday was the first time I ever played D&D. It was just one battle, but between charging boomerangs and being a complete and utter asshole, with the most health and just teleporting around, it was so fun.
Yay, one of my childhood dreams is done (Even though I'm still a kid.)

Why haven't I said thank you yet!? Stupid ungrateful bastard I am, clearly. ;~;

Ah well, dibs on warlock. Espithel (Pronounced Es-Spy-Thel, not Es-Pee-Thel. YOU CAN PRONOUNCE IT >:U:<) is hungry for souls and revolution.
Title: Re: D&D 4e
Post by: justaburd on August 17, 2014, 08:37:31 pm
So I've had a chance to sort of get familiar with roll20, so we'll see how it works out.

And read my last post ya?

Also, here's the link for the campaign on roll20 (https://app.roll20.net/join/493940/6sJqgQ). It might be nice to read some of the handouts under journal.

Might be a good idea to be there a little early to get familiarized with stuff.
Title: Re: D&D 4e
Post by: Drake_XIV on August 17, 2014, 08:45:34 pm
I'm probably going to stream this attempt on Elements Radio just to work out some kinks on that end, too.

Also, do you want us to make new characters?
Title: Re: D&D 4e
Post by: justaburd on August 17, 2014, 09:28:19 pm
old is fine, but if you didn't like your old one, you can make a new one.
Title: Re: D&D 4e
Post by: justaburd on August 18, 2014, 01:44:44 am
Ended. Hope everyone had fun. I think I should host this earlier or something.
Title: Re: D&D 4e
Post by: DoubleCapitals on August 18, 2014, 11:12:45 am
Ah damn, I would have joined this if not for the awkward timing ><
Title: Re: D&D 4e
Post by: justaburd on August 18, 2014, 03:12:18 pm
Updated first two posts with info from later posts for easy reading, blah blah blah. Our next session will be earlier, I think. When's a good time for people this sunday?

Also, if you haven't played yet, I can do a quick "test" session with you and others to help understand rules and stuff.
Title: Re: D&D 4e
Post by: Espithel on August 18, 2014, 05:55:49 pm
0 AM to 23.9999999999999999999999 PM GMT is good for me.

The summer holidays are good.
Title: Re: D&D 4e
Post by: Zawadx on August 19, 2014, 03:50:09 pm
For sunday... from 1100 to 1700 GMT is a good time for me. Tho my schedule is quite busy now, so not sure if I'll make it :|

I'd also like a test run to get a feel of roll20 and stuff ^^
Title: Re: D&D 4e
Post by: justaburd on August 19, 2014, 10:43:04 pm
I'm really tired after being out since 5:30 today but I should be on (probably) ~1300 GMT-~400 GMT tomorrow for test runs of stuff. Zawadx, please pm me your character name and (preferrably) some character details. It's okay if you don't have much on your character. I just want to create a session that plays some role in your character's past or present. Failing that, you could always opt for one of the jobs the others didn't take in the village of the Holy Mackerel of Ahbkhazia.
Title: Re: D&D 4e
Post by: Espithel on August 20, 2014, 01:59:28 pm
And for help on the jobs taken:

We currently have a rogue that enjoys combat advantage.
We currently have a somewhat tanky water elemental.
And we have a psychotic teleporting warlock that deals incredibly huge amounts of damage.

And I think we also have a cleric somewhere. I think. Maybe.

Guess which one I am. :3
Title: Re: D&D 4e
Post by: justaburd on August 20, 2014, 02:00:55 pm
And for help on the jobs taken:

We currently have a rogue that enjoys combat advantage.
We currently have a somewhat tanky water elemental.
And we have a psychotic teleporting warlock that deals incredibly huge amounts of damage.

And I think we also have a cleric somewhere. I think. Maybe.

Guess which one I am. :3

I don't really care for team composition. Read the second post.
Title: Re: D&D 4e
Post by: Espithel on August 20, 2014, 03:21:42 pm
Failing that, you could always opt for one of the jobs the others didn't take in the village of the Holy Mackerel of Ahbkhazia.

Just saying. ;-;
Title: Re: D&D 4e
Post by: justaburd on August 22, 2014, 11:37:34 pm
It's almost sunday. When does everyone have time? (GMT-wise?)

By everyone, I mainly mean the people who have already played a bit, but there's always room for more people.
Title: Re: D&D 4e
Post by: Naesala on August 23, 2014, 02:03:43 am
I'm going to have to cop out. I got a second job and will have two real-life games, maybe three. Sorry
Title: Re: D&D 5!
Post by: justaburd on August 31, 2014, 02:42:54 am
We're moving to 5! I'll just go see about a hosting service for the 5 PHB and we can move there. My original post has been edited to reflect more recent occurences. You should read it!

You can use the character sheet that's on the wizards web site (http://dnd.wizards.com/articles/features/character_sheets (http://dnd.wizards.com/articles/features/character_sheets)) if you want. I personally use the alternative version.

Unfortunately, there's still some problems with scheduling since some of our players are on opposite sides of the world. Always a work in progress, this.
Title: Re: D&D 5!
Post by: justaburd on September 05, 2014, 03:47:51 am
Added a link to the 5e PHB.

Title: Re: D&D 5!
Post by: Drake_XIV on September 09, 2014, 04:20:20 pm
Title: Re: D&D 5!
Post by: justaburd on September 17, 2014, 03:24:41 am
On hold for several reasons.
Title: Re: D&D 5!
Post by: Nepycros on September 17, 2014, 04:14:02 am
Oh my, this looks peculiar! I'll follow this, and possibly try to get involved when it starts back up again.
Title: Re: D&D 5!
Post by: justaburd on October 26, 2014, 02:14:26 am
I want to do continue the D&D a few more sessions before I go. Is everyone okay for mondays or fridays? Let's say around ~0100 GMT?

Lemme know guys.
Title: Re: D&D 5!
Post by: Espithel on October 26, 2014, 02:17:55 pm
Fridays is probably a nono for me, between 8 AM - 8 PM GMT.
Although 1 AM should be fine.
Title: Re: D&D 5!
Post by: Nepycros on October 26, 2014, 11:53:42 pm
That's 7:00 PM in Central Standard Time, right?

Monday is my only option there (to join in.)
Title: Re: D&D 5!
Post by: justaburd on October 30, 2014, 04:02:03 pm
Okay, let's set our next session on Friday, 10/31/2014 at 0100 GMT. Feel free to come in late if that's too early for you. We might still be running. :)
Title: Re: D&D 5!
Post by: justaburd on November 12, 2014, 08:35:32 pm
So I'm not going to be coming on for a couple months.

If someone wants to do their own campaign or whatnot, go ahead :)

I'll leave the PDF up.
Title: Re: D&D 5!
Post by: Zawadx on November 13, 2014, 04:13:52 am
I had some ideas for a campaign, tho I'll be busy till DEC 10. By then DMG should be up as well, so tell me here if you're interested
Title: Re: D&D 5!
Post by: montrossen on November 13, 2014, 11:14:45 am
I like D&D, but my online-time is kind of limited.
Title: Re: D&D 5!
Post by: Zawadx on March 26, 2015, 06:05:38 am
Interested to restart this. Post here if you're interested.
Title: Re: D&D 5!
Post by: Terroking on March 26, 2015, 06:10:59 am
I'd be down.
Title: Re: D&D 5!
Post by: Linkcat on March 26, 2015, 07:37:15 am
Title: Re: D&D 5!
Post by: Espithel on March 26, 2015, 07:00:29 pm
Entertain me.
Title: Re: D&D 5!
Post by: MyNameIsJoey on March 27, 2015, 09:33:17 pm
as long as my own party doesnt try to kill me im in                             
Title: Re: D&D 5!
Post by: Zawadx on March 28, 2015, 12:16:59 pm
Ok, if you're interested, I'd like you to make a lvl 5 character (levels 1-4 are pretty lame imo, though we can try them out sometimes if we want). I'll go with the rules posted in OP. It also has the Players Handbook, which you guys should check out. My best time for playing would prolly be Saturday, starting 0300 or 0400 GMT (0500 GMT would be ideal). Tell me when you guys can play!

Campaign link: https://app.roll20.net/join/747376/Q389AA 
Title: Re: D&D 5!
Post by: MyNameIsJoey on March 28, 2015, 10:14:42 pm
I can play now.
not now? aww
what about now?
And now?
Title: Re: D&D 5!
Post by: Terroking on March 29, 2015, 06:22:26 am
Alright, I made my character sheet, and I'm generally able to play whenever on weekends, or any time not 1300-2200 on weekdays.
Title: Re: D&D 5!
Post by: Zawadx on March 29, 2015, 05:36:51 pm
One key thing in which I'll deviate from OP.

Starting gold is 500 + 1d10*25 for all characters. This is to ensure that you guys have good equipment to face the tough monsters, and it is official from the DMG.
Title: Re: D&D 5!
Post by: Nepycros on March 30, 2015, 08:43:54 pm
I have an interest in this, though my schedule's unforgiving. I'll keep working to make sure I can be a part of this.
Title: Re: D&D 5!
Post by: Zawadx on April 04, 2015, 03:55:07 am
Will hold a session in 1.5-2 hours from now. Sorry for the short notice, hope you guys can make it!
Title: Re: D&D 5!
Post by: Torriku on April 17, 2015, 12:28:50 am
can I play said the little tinkerer
Title: Re: D&D 5!
Post by: Zawadx on April 17, 2015, 12:53:49 am
I'll be away this week, so what about the sunday after this one? Sounds good?
Title: Re: D&D 5!
Post by: MyNameIsJoey on June 08, 2015, 07:00:18 pm
we ever gonna play again?
Title: Re: D&D 5!
Post by: Zawadx on June 08, 2015, 11:35:17 pm
I'm in the middle of exams right now; maybe we'll restart after 23rd this month?
Title: Re: D&D 5!
Post by: MyNameIsJoey on June 08, 2015, 11:48:52 pm
thats a while away from now but oh well.

Mind if I make a new character? I might not, but i might
Title: Re: D&D 5!
Post by: Zawadx on July 08, 2015, 12:32:24 pm
Restarting, maybe a session this saturday even!

If anyone wants to join, you can poke me in chat for help with characters.
Title: Re: D&D 5!
Post by: Treldon on July 08, 2015, 01:37:20 pm
I'm in, hoping there will be others as well
Title: Re: D&D 5!
Post by: Espithel on July 08, 2015, 07:47:17 pm
Coming soontm.
Title: Re: D&D 5!
Post by: manaboy100 on December 13, 2016, 11:01:16 am
Any DMs out there?  :silly: