I want to do continue the D&D a few more sessions before I go. Is everyone okay for mondays or fridays? Let's say around ~0100 GMT?
I've been thinking about this for a while now and I want to see about starting a D&D campaign here on the forums.
Campaign link (https://app.roll20.net/join/493940/6sJqgQ)All campaign-related notes are in the journal tab. Everyone should be able to see all the relevant information.
The campaign will be in 5! The Player Handbook PDF will be on google drive:
https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B5MqIixEnMlNYTZveDZHdDBwS0pkZlVtNXhoeHJGMWdPVlp3/edit?usp=sharing Do make sure to read through it.
For the character builder, sorry, you'll have to actually read the book and build a character. No builder out as far as I know.
Start your character at level 5.
Ability scores will be point buy (30, starting stat 8 )
Score you want | Point cost to achieve |
8 | 0 |
9 | 1 |
10 | 2 |
11 | 3 |
12 | 4 |
13 | 5 |
14 | 7 |
15 | 9 |
16 | 12 |
Languages will be standard unless you have a reason why you should get the uncommon ones.
Starting gold will be whatever's on the level 1 starting table x5
There will be house rules (of course)
Running into walls hurt. (I'm serious.)
You may choose feats instead of the stat advancements at level 4, 8, 12, 16, and 19.
Don't remember what else, so if it comes up, it comes up and I'll let people know.
Don't worry about trinkets. If you have a story and you want to get a trinket for it, we can work something out.
We'll continue the game as is from before.
I'll probably ask that we all meet using google hangout or something for our sessions as well as allowing like a forum "session" where you can do town stuff or do short combat sessions or something. Hangout is not a requirement, but would be encouraged. I'm not sure how to do a forum session, so we'll hold off on that.
(From a later post)
Roll20 tested, works pretty well.
I would like the people who are interested in this to think of some things for me:
- Backstory. Where do you come from? What did you use to do? Is there something that reminds you of the past? Is there something in your past that might come back into your life, for good or bad? Whatever comes to mind.
- Primary goal (or quest.) What is your purpose in life? See question 6 above for examples.
- Short-term goals. What are you trying to do right now? Again, see question 6 above.
- Town stuff. There are some small shops and a tavern/inn for travellers like yourselves. If you have something you might want (and can possibly afford), now would be a good time to acquire it. You may or may not end up acquiring possessions legally, but remember that actions will always have a reaction, even if the reaction's not necessarily equal and opposite.
D&D is primarily about your character's story, not about combat. (Again, why I don't really like combat being so long in 4e.) I will try my best not to force people into doing specific jobs or whatnot, though I can and will do it if it's necessary/important. (We'll probably come to a point where it'll be important)
The devil is in the details. More the merrier. You may tell me you are actually a sylph in disguise. OR you may tell me you're a sylph in disguise who wishes to take revenge on the humans who cut down her sacred grove whose locale used to be of the Dromar mountains in the north of the human kingdom.
Also a note on names: feel free to make your own. I'll simply use what you give me (leaving something of a legacy, I suppose) or I'll otherwise end up making one up myself.