If I could play Devil’s advocate for a moment (no joke intended), and take our friend BloodlinE213’s own faith, Catholicism, what is it that their God can offer? Absolute justice? The meaning of life? Eternity? Love?
Existential comfort. Social ties. Hierarchy. At one time, an explanatory framework, though religion has lost a lot of ground on that front.
Funny thing is, most dictatorships (take communism sovjet or Nazi germany) can say the exact same thing. (Do note that while it may seems so, I do not by any means think that Religion is equal to dictatorships, communism, nazism, etc. I'm just taking a description and showing that it can apply to more things)
Existential comfort: We are all equals and work to build a better society! (well that was the idea.. I think?) / We are the supreme race, hohohohoh!
Social ties: Didn't I already say we're all equal? Of course we're all social! / We are le best people, let's form a group and hand out!
Hierarchy: Oops, turns out we weren't equal..., go Lenin? Then his subordinates, then the rest. / Der Fürher. Need I say more?
An explanatory framework: Once upon a time, nations go through industrialism, then they fall, then communism and happily ever after. Oh and man was meant to work! / Jews are responsible for everything. Well, jews and blacks... and gays... and handicapped... and well, anyone who's not a Nazi party member pretty much.
Then again, to be fair, gardening can do the same. "Creating" life and caring for it (existential), sharing oyur garden with others (social) Hierarchy (good plants, weeds, who may enter the garden) and an explanatory framework: Nutrients plus water equals happy plants! (or more complicated, how plants grow, why, chemical stuff, biology, maintenace, etc. I'm stretching it a bit here

I had a point somewhere but it got lost... Or wait: Point being: By Belthus definition, (I think, aka this is my opinion)
Religion can be replaced. . But by other definitions of the benefits of religion (not sure Hierarchy is a benefit though) it may be more unique.
By the way, question to Catholics (or any other denomination which is particular about itself): Why is Catholicism(/other denomination) better than other denominations of Christianity?