i don't identify myself with any religion, even if soon i will have the Pope at 20 miles from me in his summer residence (and his even easy to attack for isis, we are all a little bit scaried, specially after today for what happened in france); living in the most christian place in the world, make u think a lot on how much religion is wrong and contradictory.
rome is full of souvenir shops, full of bar that make u pay a bottle of water 5 euro, god only know how much houses are property of the vatican, giant terraced house and outside the gate of these there are homeless from other country that are here because they are escaped from war. There is not religion in this, the vatican is autonomous as a country.
i started religion as a school subject when i was 5 years old, i've made the holy communion and the chrismation, pretty much wasting 1 hour/week for 5 years hearing how much was wrong what i learned in religion class (i'm not kidding), but i'never believed in a single word; my dad is pretty much """christian""", my mom believe in God, without caring about christianity, and they never want me to go in church or other things, they pushed me to go chatechism because u can't marry without the chrismation.
i am 24 years old, and pretty much any my contemporary is like me, without a religion; if u are born after 1990 in italy, u aren't christian; nowadays a lot of newborns aren't christened, a lot of marriage are civil, from some years a lot of peoples ask for the deletion of baptism (we are at 50k, growing), with a dedicated site on this
but still, gay marriage is an utopia, but we don't stop fighting for this (even if i am not gay).
i read a little bit about every religion, if i was born in asia i will probably be buddhist, it's the only religion that makes some sense for me, not for the dalai lama or buddha, but is really a "relaxed religion", but at the same time is full of good teachings.
nice wot, feel free to ask me anything