I read too much quantum physics and it's hard do describe what I believe, but if I had to try, it would be something like this:
Really short version:sort of an agnosticShort version:1. Reality is above the grasp of the human intellect.
2. There is probably no "one single truth". I'm leaning towards to believe, that every single view of every single person can be true
at the same time.
3. People are taking eveything too seriously. "Life is too short to take it seriously."
"Things just happen, what the hell."I do like to entertain myself with the idea I read in Terry Pratchett's Discworld novels, said by Death:
When people die, whatever they believed in is what's going to happen to them. So, in the end, everyone will be right. (sucks for some people, great for others, probably unfair, but who said fairness has got anything to do with anything?)
Long version:I cba to try to into detailed explanations and people would probably be cba to read something that long.

My thoughts about atheists vs theists:
We are here. We are now. We are alive. We are going to die one day. Everything else beyond that is just a speculation.
I'm not an atheist, and generally I don't like atheists. Not because they are atheists but because they often have an unpleasant personality. They are arrogant and argue too much. And even often fail at logic and reasoning, even though they like to base their "arguments" on them. That's probably because too many common people tries too look smart on random forums and other places. Then again, I know some pleasant atheists too. :3
I'm also not a theist. I just don't see any reason for me to believe in anything supernatural. I'd like to believe that there is a god. I do not claim that one does not exist, but to my current knowledge, the non-existance seems more probable. Oh, probabilities. They are something I can believe in.

Atheists or theists, people are free to have their own beliefs/views, but they shouldn't try to shove them down on the throath of others.